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布卢姆掌握学习理论评析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
自1986年布卢姆来华讲学之后,我国的基础教育便掀起了“掌握学习”教改实验的热潮。“掌握学习”一度成为影响较大、流行较快、曾产生过轰动效应的教改模式。布卢姆及其合作者对传统教学进行了长期的考察,做了大量的群体与个别教学效果的对比实验,发现在个别教学组...  相似文献   

布卢姆“掌握学习”教学理论解读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
布卢姆的"掌握学习"教学理论有着极为丰富的内涵,对教师的教学具有重要的指导意义.它在彰显其强大生命力的同时,也存在一些不容忽视的局限.因此,教师在教学中应合理运用这一理论,在充分发挥指导意义的同时也要注意避免其局限性.  相似文献   

布卢姆“掌握学习”教学理论解读   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
布卢姆的"掌握学习"教学理论有着极为丰富的内涵,对教师的教学具有重要的指导意义。它在彰显其强大生命力的同时,也存在一些不容忽视的局限。因此,教师在教学中应合理运用这一理论,在充分发挥指导意义的同时也要注意避免其局限性。  相似文献   

掌握学习运用中的误区   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简要地介绍了掌握学习,指出掌握学习运用中的误区及解决策略:学生观的真正改变;反馈──矫正程序的科学实施;创造性的学习问题;差生的转化策略问题;优异学生的教学问题;教育目标的零散问题。  相似文献   

布卢姆掌握学习以集体教学为基础,通过目标界定、形成性测试与评价、矫正学习、最终评价等应用模式让绝大部分学生达到既定学习目标,真正掌握学习材料,可使学生的成绩有大幅度的提高,能大面积提高教学成果,对英语教学有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

布卢姆的“掌握学习”理论,主要是研究大面积提高劳动者的科学文化素质等问题,通过对“学习的时间”、“学习的毅力”、“教学的质量”、“理解教学的能力”和“能力倾向”等方面的分析,强调大面积地提高学校教育质量的可行性。布卢姆的这种观点对于我国的素质教育具有一定的启发作用。  相似文献   

美国心理学家布鲁姆提出的掌握学习,既是一种学习理论,又是一种可操作的教学模式。该理论所倡导的学生成绩观、学习能力观,对于学业不良的转化工作具有观念上的启迪作用;其教学评价方法、单元教学、反馈机制等教学设计,对传统教学模式改革、转变和预防学生学业不良具有方法上的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

针对当前中专英语教学面临的困境,本文试用布卢姆"掌握学习"理论提出改变困境的对策转变教学观、学生观,重新定位教学目标,采用反馈-矫正教学法等。  相似文献   

作者首先介绍了掌握学习理论的基本思想:即通过一系列的反馈矫正程序,使至少80%的学生都达到传统教学情境下20%优等生所能达到的水平.在此基础上讨论了掌握学习策略的时间变量及其实施过程中两个关键的要素:反馈矫正程序,备系统组成部分的内在一致性.最后针对后进生教育问题,从掌握学习角度呼吁人们不要放弃后进生,给予他们足够的时间与帮助,让他们得到良好教育的均等机会.  相似文献   

美国心理学家和教育学家布卢姆(B.S.BLOOM)在20世纪50年代提出的著名的掌握学习法理论。80年代被介绍到我国以来,对我国的英语学科的教学产生了重大的影响,尤其对改善高职高专英语教学具有十分重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

Two studies were conducted to examine the relationship between motivational variables and satisfaction and success in online learning. College students enrolled in face-to-face psychology classes and who had taken at least one online course were surveyed. In Study 1, two hypotheses were tested: (1) that high need-for-affiliation students would be less, and (2) that high need-for-autonomy students would be more likely to want to take another online course. Hypothesis 1 was supported (f(4, 53)?=?2.56, p?相似文献   

高等教育中“数学差生”的形成因素有内、外之分,内部因素有:生理、人格、学习迁移、动机、学习策略等,外部因素有:校长教育观、教师教学观、学校机制、教材等.徐向洋“择差教育”的成功给高师数学教育很多启示:要正确认识数学差生和转差工作、转差教育必须坚持正确的教育理念、转差工作要采取正确的方法.  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(4):696-712

Student network is a teaching strategy introduced as cooperative learning to all educational levels above the upper primary schools (grade 5 and above) in Ethiopia. The study was, therefore, aimed at investigating to what extent the student network in Ethiopia is actually practiced in line with the principles of cooperative learning. Consequently, data collected from 156 secondary and 315 upper primary school teachers revealed that the student network is rarely practiced in line with the principles of cooperative learning. And this was found with statistically significant differences between the upper primary and secondary schools. The upper primary schools seem better in practicing the student network in line with the principles of cooperative learning than the secondary school. Accordingly, the study concluded that, albeit the student network remained a canon strategy to improve students’ learning in Ethiopia and its practices are supposedly recommended to be in line the principles of cooperative learning, challenges related to parents, students, school administration and teachers seem to cripple its smooth practice in line with the cooperative learning principles.  相似文献   

The Mastery Learning Program was initiated in the City Colleges of Chicago to improve student achievement levels and reduce course attrition rates. During the first year, 37 instructors implemented these new instructional techniques in introductory courses in nine subject areas. Data were gathered from 77 classes involving 2,249 students. Results indicate that in most of the subject areas, students in mastery classes scored higher on final examinations, attained higher course grades, and were less likely to withdraw than students taught by more traditional methods.  相似文献   

This study compared the effectiveness of teaching a distance education statistics course using a computer-aided personalized system of instruction (CAPSI) in comparison to a distance education course that used video lectures. Data were collected between 2017 and 2022. Two-hundred and sixty-eight students were included in the sample. Results supported that students enrolled in the CAPSI statistics course were less likely to drop out of the course and mastered significantly more material than students enrolled in the lecture-based distance education course. It is recommended that instructors teaching statistics in distance education settings consider using CAPSI to improve student outcomes.  相似文献   

动机对于外语学习者来说,是决定学习者成功实现目标的重要原因之一,而课程教学模式是保证人才培养质量和教学质量的重要手段。在基础日语教学中,建构激发学生的课堂学习动机的教学模式对促进学习者的学习和提高教学质量是有利的。TARGET模式是一个有关课堂动机激发的教学模式,它从六个层面阐述了课堂结构对学生目标定向的作用,提出了有利于掌握目标定向的课堂结构和相应的教学策略。将TARGET教学模式应用于基础日语教学中,建构激发课堂学习动机的基础日语教学模式,可以激发学生的学习动机,提高课堂学习效果。  相似文献   

College students operated under different contingencies in the same classroom. The Programmed Achievement (PA) condition required students to evidence criterion performance (100% mastery) on 12 Chapter quizzes. Failure to evidence mastery performance on any of the quizzes resulted in the loss of a letter grade off the final course grade. The control condition involved a more traditional college classroom structure where students took chapter quizzes with no requirement to evidence mastery. A third group of low achievement students, identified at midterm, operated under control conditions the first half of the semester and were subsequently shifted to the PA contingency the second half of the semester. The results revealed only a slight superiority for PA students over controls and both PA and Control students demonstrated significantly better performance when compared to that of low achievement students prior to midterm. However, following the PA shift these subjects evidenced performance equivalent to that of the other two groups. Procedural and theoretical implications of these data were discussed.  相似文献   

通达翻转学习以认知灵活性理论和通达学习理论为指导,着眼于学生的学习过程,充分发挥教师和学生的主体性,利用现代教育技术,以教学诊断与自我诊断为手段,以促进师生共同发展为目的,是慕课时代翻转课堂和通达翻转课堂中国化的产物,体现出鲜明的自主性、情境性、诊断性、发展性和体验性等特征。通达翻转学习本质上是慕课时代翻转课堂依据自身发展规律而必然出现的新生事物,采行主体协同与自主选择、情境预设与目标导向、诊断学习与问题解决、体验成功与自我激励等实施策略,构建动态平衡发展的通达翻转学习运行质态,对于促进学生健康成长、提升教师专业学力、推动学校特色发展具有较强的现实意义。  相似文献   

随着人类迈向知识经济时代步伐的加快,人们对知识的重要性的理解和认识也在逐步深入,甚至有些观念发生了根本的改变,这就要求人们及时调整学习理念,以适应这一知识观的变化,尤其是那些正在求知的道路上跋涉的大学生更应如此。  相似文献   

Visual instruction complementing verbal lectures is known to promote learning among students. In this study, the role of visual instruction in engaging learners effectively via the simplification of technical concepts was examined. Different aspects of visualisation, such as order of presenting and dimensionality, were tested to observe their effect on students’ approach to learning and learning outcomes. In this mixed‐method quasi‐non‐experimental explanatory study, visual instruction was applied in one of the undergraduate architecture modules that teaches fundamentals of building systems, which students often find difficult to comprehend. Three key variables, including spatial cognitive ability, approach to learning and learning outcomes, were measured using statistically valid instruments along with students’ feedback and interviews. These factors were also measured for the control group that did not receive visual instruction (n = 32), to assess the effect of the intervention. When taught with visualisation, students (n = 69), showed a significant increase in deep approach to learning (e.g., deep motive: t = 2.584, p = 0.011). In interviews, students expressed a deeper interest in the subject and reported that the topic was engaging in class. Visualisation favours students with a higher spatial ability and, thus, is useful for design students who receive spatial ability training in the course. Two‐dimensional visuals must be followed and preceded by three‐dimensional visuals to provide advanced organisation and the connection of new knowledge with known organisational models to be made.  相似文献   

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