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课堂活动作为各种新型教学法的必要手段越来越受到重视,但在现有的课堂活动教学中,经常会出现重过程、轻总结的情况。通过学生反馈表明,课堂活动总结的不足或缺失会使得学生对于课堂活动的安排认识不足,甚至只记住了活动而不知道教师要传达什么意思,因此本文对于课堂活动总结缺失的情况进行了具体分析,并提出了相应的解决方案。  相似文献   

在幼儿园教育改革过程中,许多幼儿园疲于追赶时代潮流,从学科活动到单元主题活动,再到热极一时的方案教学,变到最后却发现教育质量并没有得到多少提高.其中的症结是什么?本文在分析了学科活动、单元主题活动和方案教学的基础上,指出三者之间不再是泾渭分明,而是处于一种边缘状态,正在逐渐走向融合.幼儿园教育改革的核心不是表面的教育活动形式选择,而是教师教育观念的深层变革.  相似文献   

This study is an examination of audience activity in reality television. This genre was chosen because the program producers encourage activity with Web-based video footage, photos, program summaries and speculations, online discussions, and voting. Hypotheses predicted that audience viewing motives would be significant predictors of identification, online post-exposure activity, and satisfaction. In general, the study's hypotheses were supported. Identification was predicted by watching for social learning and cognitive and emotional involvement. Engaging in online activity after watching was predicted by elaboration and feeling negative emotion. Viewing satisfaction was predicted by viewing motive; cognitive and emotional involvement; and, surprisingly, less online activity after watching.  相似文献   

教学反思是校本教研中不可缺少的一部分,还是教师专业成长的一个重要环节。但是从现实中了解到很多老师尤其是数学老师们对教学反思依然存在许多的困惑:教学反思非要写下来吗?教学反思写什么呢?怎样才能写好一篇教学反思呢?  相似文献   

写这篇小文的时候,我们学校的田径运动会正在举行。在应试的高压下,初三的校运会资格经历了一波三折后才得以保留。但令人遗憾的是,“全班乘以300百米”(班级每一个学生跑300米)等集体项目还是被取消了。这让我班上的孩子们特别难过。为了打破多年前由高二的学长们创下的校学纪录,孩子们认真地锻炼了3年。三年磨一剑,锋刃未曾试啊!最后,全班决定向学校总裁判组提出申请:参加高二年级的“全班乘以300米”比赛。不为名次,不要积分,只为全班团结起来奋力一搏,享受体育,实践真正的体育精神。  相似文献   

Pseodotransactionality—writing that Is patently designed by a student to meet teacher expectations rather than to perform the “real” function the teacher has suggested—is a problem that has frequently troubled writing teachers, especially professional writing teachers. This article attempts to analyze the problem from a sociohistorical perspective by using two Russian theoretical exports: (1) M. M. Bakhtin's concept of genre and (2) Vygotsklan activity theory. The article concludes by suggesting how a sociohistorical perspective mlght help to counteract pseudotransactionality In the professional writing classroom.  相似文献   

Pseodotransactionality—writing that Is patently designed by a student to meet teacher expectations rather than to perform the "real" function the teacher has suggested—is a problem that has frequently troubled writing teachers, especially professional writing teachers. This article attempts to analyze the problem from a sociohistorical perspective by using two Russian theoretical exports: (1) M. M. Bakhtin's concept of genre and (2) Vygotsklan activity theory. The article concludes by suggesting how a sociohistorical perspective mlght help to counteract pseudotransactionality In the professional writing classroom.  相似文献   

Already in childhood, (a) high general and visceral fatness and poor cardiovascular (CV) fitness are linked with dyslipidemia, elevated blood pressure, and insulin resistance; (b) higher fatness is associated with low amounts of vigorous physical activity (PA) and relatively low energy intake; (c) higher CV fitness is more clearly associated with vigorous PA than with moderate PA; (d) higher levels of PA are associated with higher bone density only in youths with relatively high calcium intakes. Physical training in youths has favorable effects on total body and visceral adiposity, bone density, CV fitness, and some risk factors for CV disease and type 2 diabetes. Thus, vigorous PA during childhood may help to prevent some major “adult” health problems.  相似文献   

讨论了体力运动、膳食营养对血浆脂蛋白的影响.  相似文献   

About half the states are currently conducting, piloting, developing, or examining performance assessments, according to CRESST's State Survey on Alternative Assessment (Aschbacher, 1991a). Many state assessment directors are enthusiastic about alternative assessments as a potent tool to improve education, but they cited several obstacles to statewide use of performance assessments: costs, logistics, technical concerns, and poor support for implementation. State assessment directors discussed potential solutions and called for continued research on technical and practical issues along with greater collaboration and documentation of efforts around the country. The new Student Assessment Exchange is intended to facilitate widespread sharing of research and development initiatives in performance assessment.  相似文献   

Using the stereotype content model as a guiding framework, this study explored whether the stigma that able‐bodied adults have towards children with a physical disability is reduced when the child is portrayed as being active. In a 2 (physical activity status) x 2 (ability status) study design, 178 university students rated a child described in one of four vignettes on 12 dimensions of perceived warmth and competence. Results revealed a main effect of ability status on warmth (p < 0.001) such that children with a physical disability were rated significantly higher in perceived warmth than able‐bodied children, regardless of activity status (d = 0.86). Also, there was a significant interaction (p = 0.02) of ability and activity status on perceived competence, indicating that ratings of perceived competence were significantly higher for active children with a physical disability than for all other children (d = 0.54–0.64). Results suggest that physical activity should be explored as a way to mitigate the stigmatisation of children with a physical disability.  相似文献   

在语文教学中针对新课程的特点开展阅读实践活动:读一读,体会一个“美”字;讲一讲,注重一个“活”字;问一问,力求一个“精”字;练一练,突出一个“趣”字。  相似文献   

修辞活动和阐释活动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
修辞活动同阐释活动是逆向同构的两种不同性质的现象,表达效果和接受效果虽然有一定的联系,但却是两种不同现象,是不应当混淆的。它们分别是修辞学和阐释学的研究对象。  相似文献   

教育改革的根本目的是提高民族素质,在数学教学过程中,开展数学活动课有利于提高学生的综合能力,开展数活动课是全面提高学生素质的途径之一。  相似文献   

Research Findings: The present study investigated whether active play during recess was associated with self-regulation and academic achievement in a prekindergarten sample. A total of 51 children in classes containing approximately half Head Start children were assessed on self-regulation, active play, and early academic achievement. Path analyses indicated that higher active play was associated with better self-regulation, which in turn was associated with higher scores on early reading and math assessments. Practice or Policy: Results point to the benefits of active play for promoting self-regulation and offer insight into possible interventions designed to promote self-regulation and academic achievement.  相似文献   

本文讨论了活度、活度系数及有关问题,并从亨利定律出发导出了用不同方法表示的活度和活度系数之间的相互关系。  相似文献   

英语情景教学,学生乐于参与学习活动与角色扮演,更乐于体验小游戏带来的快乐。  相似文献   

目前小学英语教学中的课前学习活动,问题主要集中在目标不明,形式单一,教师常用的方法是听录音机跟读词句、课文,将听读的遍数作为预习效果的评价标准,忽视了成功实施课前学习活动必须关注的一些问题,如内容设计、方法掌握、学习反馈、激励评价等等。对此,笔者在多年的课堂教学中进行了积极的实践与初步的反思。一、内容设计:以课堂教学知识点为载体课前的活动设计必须以课堂学习的语言知  相似文献   

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