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Judi Mesman 《Child development》2018,89(5):1929-1931
This reply to the commentary by Keller et al. (2018) on the article “Universality Without Uniformity: A Culturally Inclusive Approach to Sensitive Responsiveness in Infant Caregiving” (Mesman et al., 2017 ) highlights key points of agreement emphasizing the sense of investing in synergies across research traditions. These include the importance of distinguishing between different parenting constructs, the need for more studies to test the presented theoretical assumptions, and the value of examining multiple caregiver sensitivity in relation to infants’ developing membership of a community. The only point of disagreement reflects the rigidity versus flexibility of the sensitivity construct. This reply argues that it is exactly the versatility of the sensitivity construct that makes it a valuable building block for bridges between fields.  相似文献   

It is argued that, contrary to much contemporary opinion, ‘conceptual analysis’ is not to be seen as a particular ‘school’ of philosophical thought beyond which we have now passed. It is, rather, a practice: an inter‐personal engagement which seeks to clarify meaning without making any ‘assumptions’ and without the benefit of ‘theory’. The necessity of this practice for educational research, indeed for any sharing of minds between people, is obvious: the difficulty lies rather in our own impatience and reluctance to engage in it.  相似文献   

Cartesian mind‐body dualism, while often explicitly denied, has left a legacy of conceptions that remain highly influential in education. I argue that trends in both analytic and continental philosophy of language point towards a post‐Cartesian settlement in which the distinction between ‘signs’ and ‘signals’ is collapsed, and which thus construes all living (and learning) as semiotic engagement. I begin to explore the implications of such a view for learning theory, teaching and the curriculum, educational and social research, and broader social policy.  相似文献   

《纽约三部曲》是奥斯特对后现代人的身份展开的一次探寻之旅。通过戏仿传统侦探小说,奥斯特揭示了小说人物身份的迷失:他们的身份或是存在于一种虚无缥缈的自我想象,或是被延推到一堆达不到终极的文字,或是迷失于寻求他者的认同中,从而反映出后现代语境中人的身份的不确定性和模糊性。  相似文献   

The policy package proposed by Psacharopoulos et al. in Financing Education in Developing Countries: An Exploration of Policy Options regarding how developing countries should finance education is briefly examined. It is found wanting. By seeking to provide a solution applicable to all developing countries the authors ignore the specific national requirements to which policies have to respond. Cost-recovery and decentralization may not in every case lead to greater efficiency and equality. Also, cost-recovery and greater efficiency have the potential of entrenching inequality.  相似文献   

This commentary is a critical appraisal of Gil-Pérez et al.'s (2002) conceptualization of constructivism. It is argued that the following aspects of their presentation are problematic: (a) Although the role of controversy is recognized, the authors implicitly subscribe to a Kuhnian perspective of `normal' science; (b) Authors fail to recognize the importance of von Glasersfeld's contribution to the understanding of constructivism in science education; (c) The fact that it is not possible to implement a constructivist pedagogy without a constructivist epistemology has been ignored; and (d) Failure to recognize that the metaphor of the `student as a developing scientist' facilitates teaching strategies as students are confronted with alternative/rival/conflicting ideas. Finally, we have shown that constructivism in science education is going through a process of continual critical appraisals.  相似文献   

拔尖创新人才自主培养是新时代教育强国、科技强国和人才强国建设的关键衔接点,具有重大时代意义和引领效应。在高等学校分类发展体系下,拔尖创新人才也应积极构建分类培养体系。拔尖创新人才的基本命题是人才培养,在世界一流大学创新人才培养实践中,高质量教学是贯穿其中的核心。在我国的拔尖创新人才培养中,促使教学与科研良性互动,匡正科研崇拜与补救教学缺失,需要在理论与实践上不断地反思与探索。宁波大学阳明创新班基于交叉融合探索的“六融合”拔尖创新人才培养模式,对构建与优化具有中国特色精英本科人才培养模式有积极的实践价值与启示意义。在当前国家明确职业教育类型定位后,高等职业教育也应确立拔尖创新人才培养理念,以深化中高职协同发展为突破、以产业学院为抓手、以职业本科教育为引领,推进技术技能型拔尖创新人才培养。  相似文献   

Attention to addressing child and youth disparities associated with race, gender, and class has significantly increased the demand for guidance on how to help local systems and organizations that already serve low‐income youth and youth of color sharpen program components and improve program practices in ways that address the broader and often more complex needs of these populations. In this commentary, the author reflects on how the research findings and themes in the articles included in the special section (a) advance our ability to answer specific questions such as how to improve social skill growth among trauma‐exposed children and (b) reinforce the importance of continuing to link positive youth development to the tenets of program quality and self‐transformation.  相似文献   

本文以定语为立足点,在书面语范围内,用静态分析和同步性动态分析的方法,分强制性和非强制性两种情况,初步揭示了名词性短语作定语时,定语和中心语之间结构助词“的”隐现的制约机制。  相似文献   

资源与环境经济补偿机制探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
建立和完善资源与环境的经济补偿机制,是解决资源与环境问题的有效方法之一。对资源与环境科学计价并制定合理的价格政策,是建立经济补偿机制的基础。总结借鉴国内外成功经验,采取有效的补偿手段和政策,是经济补偿机制的重心。通过会计核算反映和监督企业在保护资源与环境方面的贡献,可以促进资源与环境补偿机制的完善。  相似文献   

经教育部批准,2000年以来,教育部教育发展研究中心与经济合作与发展组织(OECD)教育委员会,以及英格兰高等教育拨款委员会(HEFCE),一直就有关高等教育发展政策问题进行着卓有成效的项目合作。目前,中心与OECD组织的23个成员国共同开展着“经济全球化背景下的第三级教育”项目研究,与HEFCE共同开展着“高等教育管理国家政策”项目研究。“高等学校财务管理与治理项目”亦曾邀请教育部教育发展研究中心代表中国方面参加,项目成果报告文本即是在合作中由OECD和HEFCE提供给中心项目组的,并授权中心项目组组织翻译出版。报告题目为《On the Edge:Securing a Sustainable Future forHigher Education》。“高等学校财务管理与治理项目”共有8个国家参与,分别为澳大利亚、爱尔兰、荷兰、瑞典、英国、德国、日本和美国,由于教育部教育发展研究中心其他事务繁忙没有参加此项目。该项目主要是在高等教育规模膨胀和政府拨款有限的前提下,探讨高等学校的财务可持续能力建设问题。项目成果报告认为,扩大高等学校自主权是高等教育经费来源多样化在高等学校治理问题上的必然反映,是确保高等学校财务可持续能力的必然要求。与此同时,政府和高等学校的关系需要重新定位,以确保高等学校的可持续发展和确保高等教育满足公共利益需求的挑战。项目成果报告从国家政策和高等学校管理两方面,审视了实现财务可持续性发展的条件,探讨了市场因素对高等教育发展的作用。项目成果报告所涉及问题与中国高等教育发展面临情况非常相似,有很强的借鉴作用,值得中国高等教育管理部门和高等学校参考。本项目成果报告由教育部发展研究中心副主任范文曜研究员组译和审改,由教育发展研究中心高教室申玉彪(国际合作司干部)翻译,马陆亭研究员校改。  相似文献   

经教育部批准,2000年以来,教育部教育发展研究中心与经济合作与发展组织(OECD)教育委员会,以及英格兰高等教育拨款委员会(HEFCE),一直就有关高等教育发展政策问题进行着卓有成效的项目合作。目前,中心与OECD组织的23个成员国共同开展着“经济全球化背景下的第三级教育”项目研究,与HEFCE共同开展着“高等教育管理国家政策”项目研究。“高等学校财务管理与治理项目”亦曾邀请教育部教育发展研究中心代表中国方面参加,项目成果报告文本即是在合作中由OECD和HEFCE提供给中心项目组的,并授权中心项目组组织翻译出版。报告题目为《Onthe Edge:Securinga Sustainable Futurefor Higher Edu-cation》。“高等学校财务管理与治理项目”共有8个国家参与,分别为澳大利亚、爱尔兰、荷兰、瑞典、英国、德国、日本和美国,由于教育部教育发展研究中心其他事务繁忙没有参加此项目。该项目主要是在高等教育规模膨胀和政府拨款有限的前提下,探讨高等学校的财务可持续能力建设问题。项目成果报告认为,扩大高等学校自主权是高等教育经费来源多样化在高等学校治理问题上的必然反映,是确保高等学校财务可持续能力的必然要求。与此同时,政府和高等学校的关系需要重新定位,以确保高等学校的可持续发展和确保高等教育满足公共利益需求的挑战。项目成果报告从国家政策和高等学校管理两方面,审视了实现财务可持续性发展的条件,探讨了市场因素对高等教育发展的作用。项目成果报告所涉及的问题与中国高等教育发展面临的情况非常相似,有很强的借鉴作用,值得中国高等教育管理部门和高等学校参考。  相似文献   

In the film, Please Vote for Me (2007), director Weijun Chen illustrates how leadership ambitions allowed ‘undemocratic’ means of competition during a democratic election among primary school children. Parents encouraged and teachers allowed unscrupulous competition among preselected eight-year-old candidates. The competition led to classmates being manipulated and disappointed and a ‘dictatorship’ similar to that of previous years. This film shows that a ‘democratic election’ in a primary school in Wuhan was guided by native Chinese values of ‘good leadership’ in reformed China. However, the newly introduced discussions on democratic leadership could also be seen as initial steps towards reflection on democracy. The documentary has won prestigious international awards, including the Sterling Feature Award (2007) and the Adolf Grimme Award (2008).  相似文献   

语言起源于“逻各斯”(logos),古希腊人对“逻各斯”的惊异成就了古希腊的早期哲学,成为整个西方哲学的开端,而自柏拉图以降,哲学 走上“存在遗忘”之歧路,作为存在显现的语言沦为技术时代计算的工具,失去原有的魅力,返回“逻各斯”,再现语言的原始意蕴与特质,重新焕发语言的生机与活力,让语言之花再度开放于人类生存的家园,此乃我们的当务之急。  相似文献   

大学文化建设是构建和谐校园的一项基础工程。大学文化中学术文化和行政文化是精神文化的重要组成部分,它们之间的和谐共存对大学文化建设和发展至关重要。我国大学组织内部亚文化的差异主要是由两种文化主体之间的权力格局、个人发展、价值取向等方面的差别而引发。因此,要从大学的文化特性、文化管理、行政管理机制改革创新、不同群体利益关系调节等方面入手,积极协调,以培育和发展和谐大学新文化。  相似文献   

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