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As a response to the shortage of credentialed teachers in California, a four-year major called Urban Learning (ULRN), combining both the undergraduate and a teaching credential program was developed by professors at the Charter College of Education at California State University, Los Angeles. The assessment results of the program after its first two-year pilot period showed that ULRN students (N=153) exhibited higher motivation to learn and tended to take fuller course loads as compared to other undergraduate students at the university. This was attributed to faculty collaboration and cohort modeling of the program. Compared to students in the regular credential programs, ULRN students were more likely to remain enrolled in their program and more likely to complete the program and graduate sooner. This blended program as a whole including the assessment course appeared to have help pre-service teachers become competent as teachers. This blended program with its structure emphasizing efficiency and effectiveness was comparatively successful.  相似文献   

高校教师岗前培训再论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
岗前培训是新补充的高校教师任教前的职前培训,是高校教师有组织地获取教育专业知识的重要途径,实践证明它是提高教师队伍整体素质的一个重要方面。但岗前培训还有诸多认识上和政策上的不完善之处,如培训目的和定位问题、师范院校毕业生免修问题、与教师资格制度的关系问题、与教师专业化的问题等,需要进一步提高认识,也期待教育行政部门的推进。  相似文献   

教师专业发展由职前培养、资格任用和在职培训三个阶段组成。职前培养是教师专业发展的起始阶段,对其今后的专业成长有着至关重要的影响。针对当前我国教师职前培养存在的问题,借鉴国外成功经验,提出相应的对策和建议。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to determine how well the Turkish pre-service history teachers in a state university's teacher certification program for history majors create the historiographical papers. By doing so, the aim is to elicit the present state which can be drawn on by future research. Document analysis method, which is one of the qualitative research methodologies, has been used to analyze the data. Historical texts of seven pre-service history teachers were analyzed according to some historical essays check-list developed by the researchers. At the end of the study, it was concluded that pre-service history teachers do not thoroughly follow the criteria used to write a historiographical paper. Suggestions have been offered to improve writing skills of the pre-service history teachers.  相似文献   

This research study explored pre-service teachers' (PST) reflections of their student teaching experiences through AHA moments. Participants included 37 pre-service teachers enrolled in mathematics and science student teaching seminars. Qualitative methods were used to analyze PSTs' written and verbal responses to questions regarding AHA experiences. Four themes emerged related to PSTs' AHA moments: a greater awareness of PSTs' identity as teachers, the importance of knowing their students, the realization of inconsistencies in their own and their students' beliefs, and the importance of anticipating students' misconceptions. The potential for using an AHA moment assignment, as presented here, appears to support reflection among PSTs; however, it is not clear these PSTs used judgments and analysis, both integral elements of the reflective process.  相似文献   

教育实习是提升师范生教师技能的重要手段,教育实习的模式可以多种多样,顶岗实习、就近实习、培训学习、自主实习都是教育实习的有效模式。师范生应结合自身特点、职业规划,选择能够切实提升自身实践能力的实习方式。  相似文献   

根据大学教师职前培养现状以及大学教师职业特性,可以将大学教师的职前培养体制分成三种模式:纯粹的学科专业型、学科专业主导型、学科专业与教学专业并重型。学科专业主导型模式既遵循了大学教师的成长规律,也兼顾了大学教师培养与成长的实际,是当前大学教师职前培养体制的理想选择。  相似文献   

This paper presents some results of an investigation on the number sense of a group of pre-service secondary teachers from Spain. The objective of this research was to analyze students’ use of strategies associated to number sense and compare them with those obtained in a previous study with pre-service primary teachers in Taiwan, (Yang, Reys & Reys, International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 7, 383–403, 2009). Pre-service secondary teachers showed lower success than pre-service primary teachers in a number sense test. Nevertheless, these last based their reasoning mainly on rules and algorithms, while pre-service secondary teachers used more strategies of number sense. In an attempt to delve into the low success shown by of Spanish pre-service secondary teachers, some students were interviewed. Those interviews showed that a deeper work on number sense in the training of these students is needed.  相似文献   

This study reports on the algebraic generalization strategies used by elementary and middle/high school pre-service mathematics teachers in Kuwait. They were presented with 9 tasks that involved linear, exponential, and quadratic situations. The results showed that these pre-service teachers had difficulty in generalizing algebraic rules in all 3 types of tasks. The most difficult problems were those involving exponents; they seemed to confuse exponential growth with the multiplication of n. Although they used several strategies such as explicit, recursive, and chunking, they tended to rely on explicit reasoning. They saw the explicit rule as a quick and easy rule to be used. In order to improve students’ understanding of algebraic reasoning, we must improve the understating of generalization. Teachers’ programs should put more emphasis on the type of content that teachers need to learn rather than on how much mathematics credits teachers need.  相似文献   

教师职前培养是教师教育的核心组成部分,其发展状况直接影响着教师教育质量和教师专业化发展水平。在对当今世界发达国家教师职前培养入学条件、教师标准、课程体系、教育实践方式和教师资格制度等各方面特点进行总结和概括的基础上,结合中国教师职前培养现状,从中剥离出有益于中国教师教育改革的诸多经验,提出对教师教育的入学条件进行限制、确立专业化的教师标准体系、完善教师教育课程体系、加重实习的力度和完善教师资格制度等方面的改善措施,旨在借此启示中国教师职前培养的发展与完善。  相似文献   

从学科教学知识概念入手,分析体育学科教学知识的含义、特征,追溯发展来源,提出在职前教育阶实施教学理论课、实践课模块式教学、课后总结纳入学分管理、延长教育实习时间并丰富教育实习形式、合理整合体育教师队伍结构等策略,发展职前体育教师的学科教学知识.  相似文献   

反思型教师的职前培养是新课程改革和发展的要求。我国反思型教师职前培养应采取如下对策:强化职前教师自主发展意识和反思意识;合理设计职前教师教育类课程;加强职前教师实践知识的积累与获得;注重职前教师反思人格的塑造与培养。  相似文献   

综合实践活动课程在当前实施过程中的关键问题是缺乏合格的师资,但这一问题还没有引起人们足够的重视。作为一门课程,它应该配备能够从总体上把握其内在联系性和系统性的专职教师。高师院校应在通盘考虑本课程要求和毕业生就业出路等实际情况的基础上,设立综合实践活动教育专业,进行培养模式和课程设置的改革与创新,培养出既能胜任该课程专职指导,又能胜任传统分科课程教学工作的复合型教师。  相似文献   

本世纪以来德国教师职前培养进行了全面改革,提高了职前教师培养质量,呈现出资格认证制度严格、职前培养专业化、实践方式多样化的特点。针对我国数学教师职前培养存在的课程设置不合理、实践环节薄弱、与职后培训脱节等问题,借鉴德国改革的成功经验,我们应从规范资格认证体系入手,完善数学教育课程标准,推进教育实习改革,建立大学内部评价体系,从而有效提高数学教师职前培养质量。  相似文献   

This paper describes a module provided to first year elementary participants in a two-year after-degree Bachelor of Education program. The module was specifically designed to address the fact that pre-service teachers can enter the B.Ed. degree with little or no science knowledge. Science experiences were explicitly incorporated into the B.Ed. module described here linking science content knowledge to specific science pedagogic content knowledge. The pre-service teachers were surveyed and interviewed during and after completion of the module. It was found that the inquiry based approach increased the pre-service teachers' level of science knowledge, their confidence with regard to teaching elementary science, and improved their attitude toward science teaching and learning.  相似文献   

教育实习是教师职前培养的重要环节,它对职前教师的成长起着关键作用.澳大利亚的大学特别重视职前教师的教育实习,创新教育实习模式:强调大学与中小学合作,阶段性的教育实习方式,多样化的教育实习内容与标准,多元化的教育实习评价主体.借鉴澳大利亚经验,我国大学应加快教育实习基地建设,采取阶段性和连续性相结合的教育实习方式,丰富教育实习内容,形成多元化的教育实习评价主体.  相似文献   

为了确保教师职前培养的质量,澳大利亚近年来在教师教育专业认证中引入教学表现性评价.这种评价观认为,教师职前教育的质量主要体现在毕业生的学习成果上,尤其是教学实践能力发展水平.在实践中,教学表现性评价形成了一套完整的运作机制:在评价主体上,它是由多主体协调来完成的;在评价标准设计上,它具有多维度、相对统一的特点;在评价内容上要求对职前教师的备课、教学、评估和反馈等教学全过程进行评价.澳大利亚教学表现性评价有其突出特点:聚焦职前教师的实践能力发展;在真实教学环境中进行评价;评价主体多元化;评价内容涉及教学全过程;评价方式多样化;评价结果的使用高利害.  相似文献   

幼儿教师职前语言能力建构是职前培养的重要内容,目前存在着诸多不尽如人意的地方,水平参差不齐。本文根据现状调查,从语言自觉意识和语言表达能力两个方面总结现状,并从教学时空限制、教学重心设置以及教学团队建设等几方面分析成因,从科学准确进行课程定位、修改人才培养方案、完善课程标准、改变教学方式等七个方面提出了幼儿教师职前语言能力建构策略,希望借此改变现状。  相似文献   

随着我国综合国力的不断提高,我国在国际上的影响力也得到提升,而作为一个具有五千年文明历史的泱泱大国,我国独有的汉语也受到众多国家的广泛关注。截至2016年,我国在国外开设汉语学院的数量已经突破历史新高,对外汉语教学得到有效的发展。但是在这种大环境下,我国的对外汉语教师的教学水平却一直得不到有效的提升,所以为了对外汉语教育的发展,必须要对对外汉语教师进行职前培训,提升对外汉语教师的教学水平,推动我国对外汉语教学的发展进程。  相似文献   

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