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近年来,愈来愈多的北美高校图书馆参与学习分析项目或计划。《SPEC Kit 360:学习分析》是美国研究图书馆协会在对其成员馆参与学习分析项目或计划调查的基础上发布的报告,内容涉及成员馆参与学习分析项目或计划涵盖的数据收集、数据存储、数据共享、数据保护、隐私政策、日常程序及培训、参与学习分析合作等方面,分析此报告,能够深入了解北美高校图书馆参与学习分析的现状,对我国高校图书馆参与学习分析实践具有研究价值和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

文章对我国211高校图书馆机构设置进行调查,并按照图书馆所设置部门的性质与功能,将所设部门分为条件支持部门、文献信息支持部门、技术支持部门和读者服务部门等四类,以此为据进行综合分析,指出了当前高校图书馆机构设置模式和部门设置的变化与存在问题。认为网络环境下图书馆机构整合是长期的,也是一个不断调整的过程,图书馆必须要有长远整合战略规划,以保障整合的有序性,并提出建设性策略。  相似文献   

机构知识库与图书馆信息资源整合问题探讨   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
文章首先分析了在开放获取背景下的机构知识库的定义、内容、功能及发展概况,结合机构知识库的实例及图书馆的信息资源整合工作,从表现层次和应用层次探讨了对机构知识库资源的整合,提出应用SOA理念,改善信息资源整合机制,推进图书馆在e-science背景下构建新的机构信息环境和学术交流环境。  相似文献   

科研评估对科研产出统计分析及科研信息管理系统的依赖不断加强,这为图书馆强化文献计量工作和机构库建设带来了机遇。文章在分析当前科研评估基本模式、图书馆参与科研评估的可行性,以及在研信息系统(CRIS)与机构库整合方法的基础上,从数据、系统、机构定位等方面对图书馆利用文献计量与机构库开展科研评估服务提出了建议。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]研究美国高校图书馆数字徽章认证学习的服务状况,为国内高校图书馆的相关服务提供启示、参考和借鉴。[方法/过程]通过搜索引擎调研美国高校图书馆的官方网站中数字徽章栏目,同时通过专业外文数据库对外文相关文献进行检索调研,对数字徽章认证学习的服务的基本状况进行考察,分析美国图书馆的数字徽章认证学习服务的方式及内容。[结果/结论]美国高校图书馆注重设计"游戏式"的分级数字徽章机制,激励学生学习,选择并完善与数字徽章相匹配的平台,寻找合作机构赋予数字徽章更多价值,并将数字徽章用于图书馆员业务培训,提高图书馆员的业务素质和服务水平。数字徽章能够促进高校图书馆信息素养教育效果的提升,其应用和推广是高校图书馆提升自身地位的机会。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]参与机构科研信息管理是图书馆潜在的服务模式,梳理科研信息管理相关内涵与外延,分析图书馆参与科研信息管理的相关理论,旨在为图书馆参与机构科研信息管理提供借鉴。[方法/过程]利用文献调研法、比较分析法及典型案例分析法进行研究,分析科研信息管理的意义、应用,分析图书馆参与科研信息管理的优势以及对图书馆的意义,解读图书馆在科研信息管理中的角色,以部分国外图书馆为例,介绍其参与所属机构科研信息管理的实践。[结果/结论]机构科研信息管理系统建设需要高效整合分散分布于科研机构内外不同部门、不同系统的科研信息,是一项需要跨部门协同合作的系统工程,国内高校图书馆在参与机构科研信息管理系统建设时,应利用自身的信息管理专长,向各利益相关方传递科研信息管理的本质及理念,构建基于科研信息管理系统的多元化数据应用及服务体系。  相似文献   

引言 MIRACLE项目(Making Institutional Repositories a Collaborative Learning Environment project,“构建机构知识库的协作学习环境”项目)是美国博物馆及图书馆服务事业局的研究项目,项目组设在密歇根大学。《MIRA-CLE项目的研究发现》描述了2007年2月美国图书馆和信息资源委员会进行的美国全国范围的机构知识库普查情况,报告全文共181页。  相似文献   

基于知识服务的图书馆机构设置与优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章分析了图书馆知识服务的概念、性质和特点,指出加强资源的整合和提高系统的交互性是实现知识服务的关键,并提出进行机构重组和优化是促进图书馆知识服务的行之有效的方案之一.  相似文献   

于迎娣 《图书馆杂志》2007,26(10):61-62
分析了美国图书馆2005年度状况报告,认为公共图书馆的发展不但需要上级机构的支持和领导,更需要调动公众的参与激情,公众才是图书馆发展的动力.  相似文献   

随着游戏与学习理论的发展,游戏正被应用到图书馆服务之中,在图书馆拓展新用户、提高资源利用率、改善图书馆形象等方面发挥着积极的作用。图书馆开展游戏服务是图书馆顺应变化、容纳新事物、充满活力的重要体现。本文采用文献研究、网络调研和数据分析相结合的方法,详细分析了支持图书馆开展游戏服务的重要力量———美国图书馆协会(ALA)在图书馆游戏服务中扮演的三重角色类型:图书馆游戏价值的倡导者、游戏资源的整合者及游戏活动的引领者。并就每类角色下ALA所做的实践探索进行了展示与分析,以期为我国图书馆界探索游戏服务提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Predictive analytics and machine learning are burgeoning areas of professional practice for large corporations especially businesses that offer products and services to customers. The power to better understand the movement of large amounts of data in a company and the capability to deploy that data to meet a customer's needs is invaluable from a services standpoint. Some in libraries have theorized that this type of data usage could possibly be used in a library service environment as well. In this article, we demonstrate how you can develop and use machine learning algorithms and predictive analytics to proactively understand library behavior. Although libraries are good at data collection, we often rely on statics or old data for assessment. Utilizing a machine learning system, called the Automated Library Information Exchange Network (ALIEN), we can better understand the movement of the items in the collection and better serve the needs of our customers the library patrons.  相似文献   

Libraries, along with other information service institutions, have entered a digital era in which resources are presented electronically through various digital platforms. The library Web site functions as the main source of information to patrons as well as a community outreach tool. Many library services now either succeed or fail based on how well users interact with the institution's Web site. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of library services, it thus becomes important for libraries to measure the performance of library Web sites. Web analytics is the ideal tool to answer questions regarding the evaluation of Web site performance. However, Web analytics can be hard to understand for those who do not have the time to familiarize themselves with all the terms and data. Writing a thorough Web analytics report can help make Web analytics easier to digest for administrators or Web site stakeholders.

This tutorial provides step-by-step instructions on how to craft a Web analytics report. It provides suggestions on visualizing statistics, interpreting data, and customizing the report based on a real experience. The tutorial is facilitated with customized figures, charts, and tables from a real Web analytics report on the Texas Tech University Libraries Web site and concludes with recommendations on presenting the report to the administration and stakeholders.  相似文献   

As the demand for library assessment grows, academic libraries are becoming more interested in Web analytics. Data are automatically gathered and provide information about a wide variety of online interactions. Libraries have long used simple counts such as visits and page views, but have more recently begun to choose strategic benchmarks, also known as key performance indicators (KPIs). Many common KPIs were created for commercial websites and are challenging to adapt for libraries. However, the underlying concepts are sufficiently valuable that libraries should explore their use. By evaluating the validity of web metrics, libraries can further the development of standards and benchmarks to support future investigations. This article discusses how commercial web metrics might be adapted for use in academic libraries. First, the limitations of web analytics are presented. Major key performance indicators used in the commercial sector are reviewed in the academic library context. Finally, the article discusses how the various indicators might support specific library website goals and decisions and uses local data to illustrate one example case. As libraries choose web analytic methods, they should deliberately evaluate their validity. Over time, this will slowly build the profession's ability to use web analytics more effectively for library assessment.  相似文献   

Like many other libraries, Cornell University Library uses Google Analytics (GA) to track website usage. GA, designed to support Google’s primary revenue stream, advertising, has many strengths, including cost (free). Given our tradition in libraries to protect reader privacy, a compelling argument can be made that Google Analytics is inappropriate for libraries. After a review of alternatives to GA following Edward Snowden's revelations, we selected Piwik (piwik.org) as a replacement for GA. Piwik is a free, open source, and most importantly, supports local data collection. We summarize what some of the library literature says about web analytics tools, explain why we selected Piwik, and describe what is involved when migrating from GA to Piwik.  相似文献   

公共图书馆在创建学习型城市中应发挥积极作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孙淑新  刘晓武 《图书馆杂志》2004,23(5):32-33,47
本文阐述了青岛市图书馆通过开展知识讲座、图书流动服务、广场送书活动、举办社区科普讲座、开设社区公益课堂、建立社区图书馆等活动,充分发挥了公共图书馆在创建学习型城市中的积极作用。  相似文献   

李娜 《图书情报工作》2013,57(20):52-57
比对美国《新时代的新角色:研究图书馆为研究生服务》报告和国内相关文献,辅以图书馆网站调研,发现中美图书馆都是以学科馆员与学科化服务、教育培训、宣传推广和学习共享空间为主向研究生提供服务的。北美研究型图书馆在面向研究生提供图书馆指南、进行需求调研和反馈以及针对研究生服务进行岗位设置三个方面值得我国图书馆学习和借鉴。同时我国图书馆应该将自身视为研究生教育中的核心成员,针对研究生的需求探索服务对策。  相似文献   

Academic libraries are participating in the collection and analysis of student data. Under the umbrella of learning analytics, these practices are directed toward developing an understanding of how libraries contribute to student learning, the educational experience, and efficient operations of academic institutions. Learning analytics, however, is loaded with ethical issues, which are made more complex by the high ethical bar library practitioners espouse as part of their professional values. This article discusses findings from a survey of academic library practitioners. The survey identifies what ethical issues practitioners associate with learning analytics and the degree to which they are prepared to address such issues. The discussion suggests pathways forward for filling knowledge and practice gaps.  相似文献   


This case study explores the concept of the design cycle as a guiding principle for choosing usability methods. It discusses the stages of the design cycle alongside the strengths and weaknesses of usability methods commonly used in libraries. Hollins University applied the design cycle principles to the redesign of the library’s website, which involved various methods (e.g. analytics, card sorting, content audit, surveys, and usability testing). This article argues that using the design cycle encourages an effective practice of mixing different usability methods, which leads to a more informed approach to improving usability. It concludes with recommendations for application of the design cycle to library projects.  相似文献   

Librarians are committed to supporting teaching, learning, and research. They are equally committed to supporting student success and retention. Demonstrating the impact that learning management system (LMS) embedded librarians make on student learning has been difficult to correlate, however. Studies that assess this connection, using qualitative and quantitative data have been undertaken in recent years. In a university regional campus library study conducted in 2016–2017, LMS embedded librarians explored the relationship between student learning and information literacy instruction, relying primarily on a customized LMS embedded librarian page of library resources and learning objects. They used a rubric to assess student research papers and bibliographies, LMS course analytics, instructors’ grades, and student feedback. This article reviews the literature and their methodology, challenges, and findings. They wish to guide colleagues, committed to assessing how librarians contribute to student learning, in selecting assessment approaches and validate their instructional role.  相似文献   

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