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For non-negative integers k, n, let P k (n) denote the sum {fx27-1}. We show by two different means that if k ≥ 3 and odd, then n 2(n+1)2 iss a factor of the polynomial P k (n); and if k ≥ 2 and even, then n (n+1) (2n+1) is a factor of the polynomial P k (n). We also derive a relatively unknown result first obtained by Johann Faulhaber in the 17th century. Shailesh Shirali has been at Rishi Valley School, Andhra Pradesh (Krishnamurti Foundation India) since the 1980’s. He has a deep interest in teaching and writing about mathematics at the high school/post school levels, with particular emphasis on problem solving and on historical aspects of the subject. He has been involved in the Mathematics Olympiad movement at the national and international level for the past two decades. He is the author of several expository books and articles aimed at interested high school students.  相似文献   

The present study attempts to shed light on the perceptions of business educators regarding the effectiveness of six methodologies in achieving Gagné's five learning outcomes. Results of this study empirically confirm the oft-stated contention that no one method is globally effective for the attainment of all objectives. Specifically, business games, traditional lecture, and case study methods are perceived to be most effective for the learning of application, knowledge acquisition, and analysis and application, respectively.
Zusammenfassung Die vorliegende Studie versucht, Erkenntnisse vonbusiness schools-Lehrern aufzuhellen hinsichtlich der Effektivität von sechs Methodologien, um Gagnés fünf Lernergebnisse zu erzielen. Resultate dieser Studie bestätigen empirisch die oft aufgestellte Behauptung, daß nicht nur eine Methode zur Erreichung aller Ziele global wirksam sei. Insbesondere Unternehmensplanspiele, traditionelle Vorlesung und Fallstudienmethoden werden als höchst effektiv empfunden zum Lernen der Nutzanwendung, zum Wissenserwerb, zur Analyse beziehungsweise Nutzanwendung.

Résumé Cette étude cherche à éclairer la perception des formateurs en matière de commerce de l'efficacité des six méthodologies à réaliser les cinq objectifs d'apprentissage identifiés par Gagné. Les résultats de cette étude confirment empiriquement la controverse soulevée bien souvent qu'aucune méthode n'est globalement efficace pour la réalisation de tous les objectifs. En particulier, les jeux professionnels, le cours traditionnel et les méthodes d'étude de cas sont perçus comme étant des plus efficaces pour l'apprentissage de l'application, l'acquisition des connaissances, l'analyse et l'application, respectivement.

This article presents ongoing research in Science Education, whose main aim is to design hypermedia software dedicated to science teaching on the basis of learning hypotheses relating to how the nature of the knowledge to be learned. As described in this text, these learning hypotheses underlie both the design of the hypermedia "Labdoc Son et Vibration" [Sound and Vibration] and the analysis of students' activity in a classroom situation. First, we describe the theoretical framework that introduces the learning hypotheses relating to knowledge that is to be taught. Then design principles are presented and one example of activities and resources are given to illustrate the application such a theoretical framework. Finally, we analyse students' activity whilst using the hypermedia in order to answer one of our research questions: the role of informational resources during realisation of an activity. One of the results presented here shows that using of resources could be related to a awareness of students lacking of information and/or their knowledge that are not the expected ones. Conception d'un hypermédia en physique: Importance des ressources du point de vue de l'apprentissage. Ce texte présente une recherche en cours réalisée en didactique des sciences dont l'une des finalités est de concevoir un hypermédia dédié À l'enseignement des sciences À partir d'hypothèses d'apprentissage liées au fonctionnement du savoir. Comme nous le décrivons, l'avantage de telles hypothèses est de permettre À la fois de concevoir l'hypermédia "Labdoc Son et Vibrations" et d'analyser l'activité des élèves en situation de classe. Nous décrivons d'abord le cadre théorique de référence qui introduit les hypothèses d'apprentissage liées au savoir À enseigner. Les bases de la conception sont ensuite présentées ainsi qu'un exemple de tÂche. Enfin, nous analysons l'activité des élèves lors de l'utilisation de l'hypermédia dans le but de répondre À l'une de nos questions de recherche qui porte sur le rÔle des ressources informationnelles lors de la réalisation d'une tÂche. L'un des premiers résultats indique que l'utilisation de ces ressources semble résulter d'une prise de conscience par les élèves "d'un manque d'information" et/ou que leur connaissance qu'ils mettent en m uvre n'est pas celle qui est attendue. Konzepte von Hypermedia in der Physik: Der Wert von Ressourcen für das Lernen Arnauld Séjourné, Frankreich. Dieser Text gibt einen Einblick in die laufende Forschungsarbeit im Bereich der Didaktik des naturwissenschaftlichen Unterrichts, deren Hauptziel im Entwurf von Hypermedia-Software für das Lehren der Naturwissenschaften auf der Basis von Lernhypothesen über das spezifiúsche Lernen in der Naturlehre besteht. Es wird gezeigt, dass diese Lernhypothesen sowohl dem Entwurf des Hypermedia "Labúdoc Ton und Schwingungen 3 Le terme "niveau" utilisé ici n'introduit pas de hiérarchie dans le savoir: ce qui relève de la théorie ou du modèle n'est ni supérieur ni inférieur À ce qui relève du champ expérimental. als auch der Analyse der Lerneraktivität im Klassenraum zu Grunde liegen. Zuerst wird der theoretische Rahmen beschrieben, der die Lernhypothesen in Abhängigkeit zum Lerngegenstand darstellt. Entwurfs-Grundsätze folgen und an einem Beiúspiel von Aktivitäten und Ressourcen wird der theoretische Rahmen veranschaulicht. Zuletzt wird die Aktivität der Lerner während der Nutzung der Hypermedia analysiert, um eine unseúrer Fragen zu klären: die Rolle, die informationelle Ressourcen während der Realisierung eiúner Handlung spielen. Als ein Resultat, das wir hier präsentieren können, Knn gelten, dass der Gebrauch von Ressourcen vom Bewusstsein der Lerner und ihrem Wissen abhängt, dass Informationen fehlen, bzw. dass die Resultate nicht den Erwartungen entsprechen.  相似文献   

《About Campus》2003,8(3):1-32
  • The Responsible Plagiarist—Understanding Students Who Misuse Sources
    • By Abigail Lipson and Sheila M. Reindl
    • Even students who are taking care not to plagiarize can misuse sources. The problem, argue the authors, isn't dishonesty or even carelessness, but students' understanding of what it means to participate in a community of scholars.
  • Our Incoming Students—What Are They Like?
    • By Linda J. Sax
    • For thirty‐seven years the Cooperative Institutional Research Program has, among other things, conducted an annual survey of the students entering our colleges and universities. What do recent surveys tell us about the newest students?
  • Studying How College Affects Students—A Personal History of the CIRP
    • By Alexander W. Astin
    • “Why in the world would anyone ever undertake such a project?” asks the author. He answers this and more in his autobiographical account of th origins and development of one of higher education's longest‐running research efforts.
  • Letters—How Many Latinos and Non‐Latino Whites Are There in the United States?
    • Gary Malaney clarifies; we respond.
  • Word for Word—The Age of White Guilt and the Disappearance of the Black Individual
    • By Shelby Steele
    • In a recent article in Harper's magazine, the author of the book The Content of Our Character continues his examination of being black in today's world. Here is some of what he has to say.
  • Campus Commons—Class Ring
    • By Scott C. Brown
    • All traditions had to get their start somewhere. But why this one? Why now?
  • What They're Reading—Another Look at “Making the Most of College”
    • By Deborah J. Taub
    • For people who work with students, Richard J. Light's book may not be full of surprises, but, says our reviewer, there are many other good reasons to read it.

In educational research, characteristics of the learning environment are generally assessed by asking students to evaluate features of their lessons. The student ratings produced by this simple and efficient research strategy can be analysed from two different perspectives. At the individual level, they represent the individual student’s perception of the learning environment. Scores aggregated to the classroom level reflect perceptions of the shared learning environment, corrected for individual idiosyncrasies. This second approach is often pursued in studies on teaching quality and effectiveness, where student-level ratings are aggregated to the class level to obtain general information about the learning environment. Although this strategy is widely applied in educational research, neither the reliability of aggregated student ratings nor the within-group agreement between the students in a class has been subject to much investigation. The present study introduces and discusses different procedures that have been proposed in the field of organisational psychology to assess the reliability and agreement of students’ ratings of their instruction. The application of the proposed indexes is demonstrated by a reanalysis of student ratings of mathematics instruction obtained in the Third International Mathematics and Science Study (N = 2,064 students in 100 classes).
Jürgen BaumertEmail:

In this essay, Hans-Christoph Koller presents a concept of transformational processes of Bildung in an attempt to redefine the German notion of Bildung referring to actual social conditions of educational processes. According to this conception, Bildung is a transformation of world- and self-relations that can come about when subjects are confronted with problems for which they have no established routines of engagement. With reference to theories of Pierre Bourdieu, Bernhard Waldenfels, and Ulrich Oevermann, Koller looks for answers to three questions: (1) Which concepts and theories are able to adequately grasp the world- and self-relations of subjects going through processes of Bildung? (2) How can the problems that trigger processes of Bildung and that challenge subjects to transform be determined more precisely? (3) How exactly does the emergence of new figures of world- and self-relations take place when we “successfully” complete a process of Bildung? Finally, the essay concludes with an attempt to clarify the normative implications of this theory.  相似文献   

Many approaches to the transfer problem argue that transfer depends on the recognition of the same or similar abstract structure in 2 different situations. However, mainstream cognitive perspectives and contrasting Piagetian constructivist accounts differ in their conceptualizations of structure. These differences, not clearly articulated in the literature, have significant implications for accounts of transfer. Using interview data involving undergraduates learning elementary principles of probability and statistics, and Wagner's (2006) transfer-in-pieces perspective, I extend existing constructivist accounts of transfer in at least 2 ways. First, I show how the notion of a concept projection (diSessa & Wagner, 2005; Wagner, 2006 Wagner, J. F. 2006. Transfer in pieces. Cognition and Instruction, 24: 171. [Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) reveals fine-grained mechanisms of transfer that demonstrate how people structure situations and that elaborate on the Piagetian processes of assimilation and accommodation. Second, I examine how what experts consider a single mathematical concept or principle may come to be recognized through a variety of assimilatory cognitive resources whose usefulness is influenced by contextual factors. That is, an individual might structure 2 contextually dissimilar situations differently while perceiving the same mathematical principle at work in both. Similarly, 2 or more individuals may agree on the relevance of a particular mathematical concept in a situation, even though each structures the situation differently.  相似文献   

BackgroundChild maltreatment has been associated with the development of various mental health problems, including the development of personality disorders.ObjectiveThis study investigated the association between child maltreatment and personality disorder symptoms in 125 women who transitioned out of residential care.MethodThe Child Trauma Questionnaire was used for the measurement of child maltreatment, and Personality disorder symptoms were measured using the Personality Diagnostic Questionnaire 4 + . The Psychological Distress Index was used to control for symptoms of distress.ResultsA Stepwise regression analysis showed that the majority of the associations were found between self-reported emotional abuse, neglect and personality disorder symptoms. Emotional abuse was significantly related to the Paranoid (β = .42, p<0.001), Schizoid (β = .18, p <0.05), Schizotypal (β = .18, p<0.05), Histrionic (β = .22, p<0.05), Avoidant (β = .31, p < .001), Dependent (β = 0.31, p < .001), Obsessive Compulsive (β = 0.29, p = .001), Passive Aggressive (β = 0.23, p<0.01) and the Depressive personality disorder (β = .38, p < .001). Emotional neglect was significantly associated to the Borderline Personality Disorder (β = .32, p<0.001) and the Paranoid Personality Disorder (β =-0.22, p<0.05).ConclusionsThe current study underlines the detrimental effects of childhood maltreatment, and in particular the effects of emotional abuse and neglect.  相似文献   

Antibacterial potency of methanol extracts of three green lower plants, Pneumatopteris afra, Platycerium bifurcatum and Nephrolepsis bisserata was determined using agar dilution method on clinical strains of Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella spp. and Salmomelia typhi. Antibacterial activities were observed at concentrations of 12.5, 25.0, 50.0 and 100.0 μg/ml. Their minimum inhibitory concentrations ranged from 12.5~100 μg/ml. Extracts of P. afra and P. bifurcatum were most active. Antibacterial activities observed with N. bisserata were less pronounced with no detectable activity at extract con-centrations of 12.5 and 25.0 μg/ml. E. coli, together with S. aureus appeared to be the most susceptible of the test bacteria while Klebsiella spp. was least sensitive. The significance of our findings is discussed.  相似文献   

Florida International University, a new upper level public university established in 1972, implemented a philosophical and programmatic objective of service to the community and fostering international understanding through the education of students. The University's primary clientele is composed of adult graduates of community colleges and older continuing education adults who are self-supporting. The changing student population demanded non-traditional methods for the delivery of the educational services. An External Degree mechanism was developed to deliver the educational services to the adult learner. The impact of this community of learners determined the values and assumptions of the External Degree Program. The adult role became a key factor in the development of the University. This role was manifested in programs as well as in administration of the University and it caused changes in the roles of the learners and the scholars in putting major emphasis on processes related to assessment of prior learning and development of an educational contract. The community of students helped define new roles for the community of scholars, especially the faculty adviser, content consultants, and adjunct professors. The major educational process that developed from this linking of the community of learners and a community of scholars was the educational contract. The challenge that faces this linkage is the development of and the support for quality standards that determine the learning outcome and are embodied in the learning contract process.
Zusammenfassung Die Internationale Universität von Florida, eine neuere Universität, die 1972 gegründet wurde, hat die philosophische und programmatische Absicht in die Tat umgesetzt, den Dienst an der Gemeinschaft und die internationale Verständigung durch die Erziehung von Studenten zu fördern. Die hauptsächliche Zielgruppe der Universität sind erwachsene Absolventen von community-colleges und ältre, Erwachsene, die sich weiterbilden und das Studium selbst bezahlen. Die sich verändernde Studentenschaft verlangte auch nach untraditioneller Darbietung der Bildungsdienste. Ein Mechanismus wurde geschaffen, der über einen Externen Grad die Bildungsdienste an den erwachsenen Lernenden weitergeben sollte. Der Einfluss dieser Gemeinschaft von Lernenden bestimmte auch das Wertsystem und die allgemeinen Grundlagen des Externen Grad-Programms. Die Erwachsenenrolle wurde zum Schlüsselfaktor in der Entwicklung der Universität. Dies zeigte sich sowohl in den Programmen als auch in der Verwaltung der Universität, und führte zu Veränderungen sowohl in der der Lernenden als auch der Lehrenden durch die Betonung von Prozessen, die sich auf die Beurteilung bereits vorhandenen Wissens und die Entwicklung eines Bildungsvertrages. Die Gemeinschaft der Studenten half mit in der Definition neuer Rollen für die Gemeinschaft der Forschenden und Lehrenden, insbesondere für die Berater der Studenten, die Curriculumberater, und Professoren. Der hauptsächliche Bildungsprozess, der sich aus dieser Gemeinschaft von Lernenden und Lehrenden entwickelte, war der Bildungsvertrag. Der Test, den diese Verbindung noch bestehen muss, ist die Entwicklung und Unterstützung von Qualitätsansprüchen, die ihrerseits die Resultate bestimmen, und in den Bildungsvertrag mit eingeschlossen sind.

Résumé L'Université Internationale de la Floride, une nouvelle université publique d'un niveau supérieur établie en 1972, a mis en oeuvre un objectif philosophique et programmatique de service vis-à-vis de la communauté et encourageant la compréhension internationale par l'éducation des étudiants. La clientèle principale de l'Université se compose d'adultes diplômés dans les collèges de la communauté et d'adultes plus âgés poursuivant leur éducation à leurs propres frais. Le changement dans la population qui étudie a exigé des méthodes non-traditionnelles pour la mise à disposition de services pédagogiques. Un mécanisme de Grade Externe a été élaboré pour mettre les services pédagogiques à la disposition de l'adulte qui apprend. L'influence de cette communauté de ceux qui apprennent a déterminé les valeurs et les présomptions du programme du Grade Externe. Le rôle de l'adulte est devenu un facteur clé dans le développement de l'Université. Ce rôle s'est manifesté dans des programmes ainsi que dans l'administration de l'Université et a causé des changements dans les rôles de ceux qui apprennent et des écoliers, en posant une accentuation majeure sur les processus ayant trait à l'évaluation de l'apprentissage précédent et du développement d'un contrat éducatif. La communauté des étudiants a aidé à définir les nouveaux rôles pour la communauté des écoliers, en particulier pour le conseiller de la faculté, les conseillers concernant le contenu et les professeurs adjoints. Le processus principal éducatif qui s'est développé à la suite de cette liaison de la communauté de ceux qui apprennent et d'une communauté d'écoliers a été le contrat prédagogique. Le défi, auquel fait face cette liaison, est le développement de et le soutien de degrés de qualité qui déterminent le résultat de l'apprentissage et qui sont incorporés dans le processus de contrat d'apprentissage.

研究目的:探索不同肝功能指数对镇静药咪达唑仑的敏感性以及脑电双频谱指数(BIS)的预测意识消失的影响。创新要点:明确不同肝功能状态的患者对中枢抑制药的敏感性以及BIS预测意识消失概率发生的敏感性。指导临床医生根据患者的肝功能状态合理使用中枢抑制药以及正确利用BIS预测镇定深度。研究方法:选择意识消失作为研究终点,以50%患者意识消失时的咪唑安定的浓度以及BIS值作为观察指标。重要结论:终末期肝病患者对中枢镇静药咪唑安定更敏感,该类患者在BIS预测意识消失概率发生的敏感性存在差异。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to investigate how a community of practice focused on becoming a teacher of secondary school mathematics emerged during a pre-service teacher education programme and was sustained after students graduated and began their first year of full-time teaching in schools. Bulletin board discussions of one pre-service cohort are analysed in terms of Wenger’s (1998) three defining features of a community of practice: mutual engagement of participants, negotiation of a joint enterprise, and development of a shared repertoire for creating meaning. Emergence of the online community was associated with our own role in facilitating professional dialogue, the voluntary and unstructured nature of participation, initial face-to-face interaction that created familiarity and trust, and the convenience of using email rather than logging on to a website. The study shows that the emergent design of the community contributed to its sustainability in allowing the pre-service and beginning teachers to define their own professional goals and values.
Merrilyn E. GoosEmail:

Extensive research conducted in developed countries has established classroom learning environment as a thriving field of study. The present investigation makes a contribution to classroom environment research in that it involved the translation into Indonesian of scales previously available only in English, and the subsequent validation and use of these translated scales among Indonesian students. The new Indonesian instrument consists of nine seven-item scales based upon the Individualized Classroom Environment Questionnaire and the Classroom Environment Scale. Analyses of data collected from a sample of 373 Indonesian students from nine schools supported the new instrument's internal consistency, discriminant validity, ability to differentiate between classrooms, and predictive validity (i.e. ability to predict student outcomes). Potential applications of the new instruments in Indonesian classrooms are suggested.
Zusammenfassung Die in entwickelten Ländern durchgeführte umfassende Untersuchung beweist, daß die Klassenumwelt ein emporkommendes Untersuchungsfeld ist. Die jetztige Nachforschung trägt zur Klassenumweltsuntersuchung bei, insofern als Tabellen bis jetzt nur auf Englisch erhältlich waren und sie durch ihre Übersetzung ins Indonesische auf ihre nachfolgende Gültigkeit und Anwendung bei indonesischen Schülern untersucht wurden. Das neue indonesische Instrument besteht aus neun sieben-Punkte-Tabellen, die sich auf den Fragebogen bezüglich individualisierter Klassenumwelt (Individualized Classroom Environment Questionnaire) und auf die Klassenumweltstabelle (Classroom Environment Scale) stützen. Analysen von gesammelten Daten einer repräsentativen Auswahl von 373 indonesischen Schülern aus neun Schulen bestätigen die inhärente Folgerichtigkeit des neuen Instruments, seine Unterscheidungsgültigkeit, seine Fähigkeit zwischen Klassen zu differenzieren und seine Genauigkeit in der Vorhersage (d.h. die Fähigkeit, die Resultate der Schüler vorherzusagen). Die Untersuchung schlägt potentielle Anwendungen der neuen Instrumente in indonesischen Klassen vor.

Résumé La recherche approfondie qui a été menée dans les pays développés sur le milieu d'apprentissage qu'est la classe en a fait un champ d'étude florissant. La présente enquête apporte une contribution à la recherche sur le milieu scolaire en ce qu'elle introduit la traduction en indonésien d'échelles d'évaluation qui n'existaient jusqu'alors qu'en anglais, et qu'elle examine la validation ultérieure et l'application de ces échelles, une fois traduites, par les étudiants indonésiens. Le nouvel instrument indonésien consiste en neuf échelles de sept items basées sur le Questionnaire portant sur le milieu scolaire tel qu'il est vécu par chaque individu et sur l'Echelle du Milieu Scolaire. Les analyses des données recueillies auprès d'un échantillon représentatif de 373 étudiants indonésiens appartenant à neuf écoles différentes ont confirmé la valeur intrinsèque du nouvel instrument d'évaluation, sa justesse de discernement, sa capacité à différencier entre les classes, et l'exactitude de ses pronostics (c'est-à-dire la capacité à prédire les résultats des étudiants). Cette étude suggère différentes applications potentielles de ces nouveaux moyens d'évaluation dans les classes indonésiennes.

Neither of the “Three Industry” Theory nor the “General Agreement of Trading Service” (GATS) of the World Trade Organization (WTO) can be the essential criteria to analyze the property of education. The property of education can be defined from consumers’ perspective. The direct consumers of education are students; but the ultimate consumers of education include parents, employers, society and governments as well. From the perspective of consumers, education is both a service and a productive institution. Translated from Beijing Shifan Daxue Xuebao (Shehui Kexue Ban) 北京师范大学学报 (社会科学版) (Journal of Beijing Normal University (Social Sciences)), 2006, (2): 5–10  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of the first study of aspects of the reliability and validity of judgements of teaching quality made by independent inspectors in the classrooms of primary and secondary schools in England. The study shows, in particular, that two trained inspectors, independently observing the same lesson, are likely to identify the same strengths and weaknesses in the teaching and to arrive at similar conclusions about its overall quality. The strengths and weaknesses identified reflect appropriate application of the evaluation criteria specified by the Office for Standards in Education (OFSTED), and the better the teaching is judged to be, the more the strengths outweigh the weaknesses. The agreement between inspectors reported here is comparable with that found by the Dutch Inspectorate in similar studies. Résumé Cet article présente les résultats d’une première étude anglaise sur la fiabilité et la validité des jugements émis sur la qualité de l’enseignement par des inspecteurs indépendants dans des classes d’école primaire et secondaire en Angleterre. Cette étude montre notamment que deux inspecteurs, formés à cette tâche, qui observent de façon indépendante la même leçon, vont probablement identifier les mêmes points forts et faibles de l’enseignement et parviendront à des conclusions semblables sur sa qualité d’ensemble. Les points forts et faibles qui sont identifiés reflètent l’application appropriée des critères d’évaluation définis par le Bureau pour les standards de l’enseignement (OFSTED). Plus l’enseignement est considéré comme bon, plus les points forts l’emportent sur les faibles. Le degré d’accord entre les inspecteurs décrit ici est comparable à celui qui a été mis en évidence dans des études du même type par des inspecteurs néerlandais. (Traduction: Liliane Jeanneret Clerc, IRDP, Neuchâtel / Suisse)  相似文献   

The whole Marxist theory centers on the emancipation and freedom of human beings, the naming of his highest ideal as ‘association of free individuals’ being the clear proof. However, it would be superficial to announce Marxism as humanism of individualism according to Marx’s pursuit of ‘free development of each’. The ‘free development of each’ put forward by Marx when describing the ‘association of free individuals’ refers to individuals’ re-subjecting their social relations that have been changed into material powers owing to private ownership and alienation. In this sense, the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all. In this very sense, too, the foundation of the real community is required as the presupposition so as to relate his theory of freedom to the theory on the elimination of private ownership and the alienation and elimination of class and state finally. Project supported by National Social Science Foundation of China(No. 00BZZ001) and the Excellent Young Teachers Program of Ministry of Education, China.  相似文献   

In two studies, we investigated whether a recently developed psychometric instrument can differentiate intrinsic, extraneous, and germane cognitive load. Study I revealed a similar three-factor solution for language learning (n = 108) and a statistics lecture (n = 174), and statistics exam scores correlated negatively with the factors assumed to represent intrinsic and extraneous cognitive load during the lecture. In Study II, university freshmen who studied applications of Bayes' theorem in example–example (n = 18) or example–problem (n = 18) condition demonstrated better posttest performance than their peers who studied the applications in problem–example (n = 18) or problem–problem (n = 20) condition, and a slightly modified version of the aforementioned psychometric instrument could help researchers to differentiate intrinsic and extraneous cognitive load. The findings provide support for a recent reconceptualization of germane cognitive load as referring to the actual working memory resources devoted to dealing with intrinsic cognitive load.  相似文献   

The metabolic activity of organisms can be measured by recording the heat output using microcalorimetry. In this paper, the total alkaloids in the traditional Chinese medicine Radix Aconiti Lateralis were extracted and applied to Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. The effect of alkaloids on bacteria growth was studied by microcalorimetry. The power-time curves were plotted with a thermal activity monitor (TAM) air isothermal microcalorimeter and parameters such as growth rate constant (μ), peak-time (Tm), inhibitory ratio (I), and enhancement ratio (E) were calculated. The relationships between the concentration of Aconitum alkaloids and μ of E. coli or S. aureus were discussed. The results showed that Aconitum alkaloids had little effect on E. coli and had a potentially inhibitory effect on the growth of S. aureus.  相似文献   

A major issue in the utilization of covariance structure analysis is model fit evaluation. Recent years have witnessed increasing interest in various test statistics and so-called fit indexes, most of which are actually based on or closely related to F 0, a measure of model fit in the population. This study aims to provide a systematic investigation about the performance of 4 available estimators of F 0. [Fcirc]01 is the conventional estimator and is based on noncentral chi-square approximation. [Fcirc]02 is newly proposed and does not assume noncentral chi-square approximation. [Fcirc]03 and [Fcirc]04 are variations of [Fcirc]02. A Monte Carlo simulation study is conducted to examine how these four estimators of F 0 perform across varying model misspecifications, data distributions, model sizes, and sample sizes. The results show that under normality all 4 quantities estimate F 0 equally well, and under nonnormality [Fcirc]02, [Fcirc]03, and [Fcirc]04 outperform [Fcirc]01. Issues related to these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

In order to comply with the requirements for a drug listed in China, the study was developed to compare the pharmacokinetics and relative bioavailability of two different enteric formulations of omeprazole (OPZ) in healthy Chinese subjects. A total of 32 volunteers participated in the study. Plasma concentrations were analyzed by nonstereospecific liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometric (LC-MS/MS) method. After administration of a single 40-mg dose of the two OPZ formulations, the comparative bioavailability was assessed by calculating individual AUC0−t (the area under the concentration-time curve from time zero to the last measurable concentration), AUC0−∞ (the area under the concentration-time curve extrapolated to infinity), C max (the maximum observed concentration), and T peak (the time to C max) values of OPZ, 5-hydroxyomeprazole (OH-OPZ), and omeprazole sulfone (OPZ-SFN), respectively. The 90% confidence intervals (CIs) of AUC0−t , AUC0−∞, and C max were 85.4%–99.0%/88.8%–98.6%/87.6%–99.4%, 85.5%–99.2%/89.0%–98.6%/88.5%–101.3%, and 72.3%–87.6%/79.6%–91.1%/88.4%–99.1% for OPZ/OH-OPZ/OPZ-SFN, respectively, and T peak values did not differ significantly. In this study, the test formulation of OPZ in fasting healthy Chinese male volunteers met the Chinese bioequivalance standard to the reference formulation based on AUC, C max, and T peak.  相似文献   

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