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Combinations of Conventional Studio and Virtual Design Studio (VDS) have created valuable learning environments that take advantage of different instruments of communication and interaction. However, past experiences have reported limitations in regards to student engagement and motivation, especially when the studio projects encourage abstraction or are detached from context or reality. This study proposes a hybrid approach that overcomes these limitations by blending conventional studio, VDS and live projects. This blend aims to foster opportunities from within a real design situation, while promoting different levels of motivation and engagement. Two case studies comprising academic projects between the University of Los Andes, Colombia and the University of Nottingham, UK were used to validate the approach. In these, students interacted with peers, teachers, people from industry and the community to build 1:1 scale projects, with budgets and timeframe constraints. The study proved that students could successfully work collaboratively and build confidence in their own abilities when placed in a real setting, which enabled interactions face‐to‐face and at a distance to solve a challenge and achieve a common goal. The article reports on lessons learnt from these collaborative learning experiences, which reflect on contemporary cross‐cultural design practiced today.  相似文献   

在网络教学平台WebCourse Studio的开发过程中,应用基于Castor的JAVA-XML数据绑定技术,开发了SCORM-XML接口库,使用JAVA对象直接访问共享内容对象参照模型(SCORM)的元数据XML文件,克服了传统XML接口的复杂性,有利于SCORM规范在网络教学平台中的实现。  相似文献   

虚拟演播室技术是目前电视领域里应用的比较广泛而且比较成熟的技术。它的应用大大减少了制作节目的成本和制作的周期,更重要的是为节目制作场景提供了更广阔的想象空间。同时也克服了传统布景不宜随便搬动,灵活性差,场地不能重复利用的缺点。  相似文献   

Kansas State University converted its introductory biology course, previously taught as an audio-tutorial (A-T), to a studio format in 1997. We share with others information about the process involved and present assessment data for the studio format course that address 1) student exam performance in A-T and studio; 2) student course grades in A-T and studio; 3) student and instructor perceptions and attitudes for A-T and studio; 4) student performance in subsequent biology courses for A-T and studio; and 5) gains in student learning for the studio course and other traditional lecture/lab courses. Collectively, these measures demonstrate that the studio format is as effective as or more effective (for some measures) than the A-T approach and traditional approaches in providing an effective learning environment. We discuss the issues involved in comparing course formats.  相似文献   

Based on two years of ethnographic engagement in a school-based digital design studio in a high school on the West Side of Chicago, Illinois, this paper conceptualizes the development and maintenance of an ethos of care in teaching and learning through sustaining affective resonance. Adopting musical metaphors as a vocabulary for affective movements, we operationalize practical and practiced methods for sustaining (actively extending) affective (care-giving and care-taking intensities) resonance (shared meaning making and cultural production). Sharing examples across years, we show the specific ways that mentors and students in the digital design studio built and nurtured care-full practices. The purpose of the paper is to explicate the development and enactment of mentoring practices that we observed in the design studio and then to consider how these practices might be shared, spread, and adapted across contexts of teaching and learning.  相似文献   

基于工作室模式的创新教育研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
发展人的创造力的创新教育 ,必须摒弃传统的教育观念 ,必须恪守创新教育伦理 ,必须注意克服传统文化的负面影响。只有在这一基础上 ,才能够真正尊重大学生在教学活动中的主体地位 ,才能够有针对性地培育学生的主体意识 ,才能自觉地营造和谐的教育生态环境 ,培育创新型人才。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on a built environment project with a mixed ability group of learners from year seven attending Deacon's School in Peterborough, England. The School caters for students aged between eleven and eighteen, from a wide range of ethnic and cultural backgrounds (including a substantial minority from the Indian Sub‐Continent); it is an active participant within the University of Cambridge Post Graduate Certificate in Education partnership and is a ‘beacon school’. In practical studio terms, the project was concerned with school students making ‘pop‐up cards’ based on first hand observation of local architecture under the guidance of the Head of Art. [1] The focus for students' learning was on their critical responses to their built environment, in and around the City of Peterborough. In particular, students were encouraged to make full use of their sketchbooks and to engage in active oral work. The approach taken builds upon that advocated by Wolff and Geahigan [2] by emphasising the relationship between students' personal engagement with art and design and their personal response to it through their own art; students were encouraged to learn about art and design objects through the process of reacting, researching, responding and reflecting. [3]  相似文献   

校企合作背景下的设计工作室创业教育模式,有利于艺术设计人才实践能力培养和岗位需求零距离目标的实现,有利于毕业生的顺利就业和自主创业。文章论述如何通过模式设计、师资配置、教学管理等方面,构建设计工作室创业教育模式教学。  相似文献   

本文提出了一种网络远程教育流媒体视频课件专用录制演播室的改进方案,它既保留了普通教室的功能,又增加了专用演播室的功能,对于当前网络教育大批量流媒体视频课件的质量提升有极大的实践意义。  相似文献   

吉卜力动画工作室是宫崎峻与他的伙伴高田勋共同创建的,在三十多年的发展历程中,打造出了许多传世经典的动画作品。宫崎骏的作品有他自己独特的风格,在美学角度也有着与众不同的特征。他们的团队特殊性不仅体现在其动画制作的形式上,其作品的美学特征也是具有相当的特殊性的。本文首先对吉卜力动画工作室的成立背景论述,然后针对其美学特征进行了实例性分析和说明,最后提出了其美学视域下的发展方向及对我国动画产业的发展的思考。  相似文献   

以天津企业管理培训中心的小型演播室为模型,开发了虚拟演播室照明实验系统,并就该系统的建模、优化和交互设计作了简单介绍.该系统可以提高学习者学习影视照明课程的主动性和持久性,同时在一定程度上也解决了照明实验课程实验室建设成本高、照明设备损耗率高等问题.  相似文献   

虚拟体育是体育现实与模拟交互的产物,以电子环绕投影幕布、摄像机同步跟踪、计算机合成渲染为基础的虚拟体育演播室在高等体育院校高新技术科研成果转化和数字体育媒体创新中发挥着重要作用。本文分析了虚拟体育的特点以及虚拟体育演播室的应用现状,结合高等体育院校实验室建设实际情况,从硬件配置、流程安排和软件设计3个方面阐述了虚拟体育演播室的应用方案,提出了高等体育院校体育实验室创新和发展的新思路。  相似文献   

The paper presents the story of an experimental learning studio in a teacher education programme at a college in Israel. The study investigates what students found significant in the studio and more specifically, the meanings students attributed to the experiences in the studio and how it constituted a site for learning. Open ended questionnaires distributed to 171 students were used and analysed qualitatively. The analysis indicates that the studio provided students with opportunities to see elements of ‘a lesson’ from creative ways of looking at teaching and learning. Students revealed capabilities of making inferences and implications to wider phenomena based on theoretical and practical knowledge. Thus transgressing boundaries of segregated disciplines can lead to meaningful learning and more motivated students.  相似文献   

将虚拟演播室软件用于教学电视片的制作可以有效的提高教学电视片的制作效果,探讨了ultra软件应用于教学的一些问题。  相似文献   


A good working relationship between an architect and a client is crucial to the success of any architectural project. However, client engagement is often absent or difficult to replicate within the classroom teaching of architecture students. In order to address some of these gaps and also to attempt to inculcate a sense of a client–architect relationship within an architectural design studio, the author turned to literary texts. Reading and writing have powerful abilities to affect change, and immersion in reading and writing can propel students to new levels of awareness and enhance their critical reflection. The focus of this article is a consideration of the role of fictocriticism and prose fiction within the design studio context. Reading and writing were harnessed for their transformative potential, enabling students to better envision, develop and communicate their designs. Students were instructed in a method for designing which focused on employing fictocriticism and prose fiction, to foster students’ abilities to critically engage, produce and reflect. This article discusses the design activities employed and provides examples of studio work to illustrate the transdisciplinary learning development and outcomes. The significance of fictocriticism and prose fiction in the design process is also outlined, concluding with implications for the client–architect working relationship, outcomes impacting the students’ future professional practice, and implications for teaching in the twenty-first century tertiary classroom.  相似文献   


Sector-wide research has shown the benefits of student-staff partnerships in course design whilst highlighting the complexity of this work, and the difficulties in gaining traction to create sustained ways of working. Reflections by academic developers on the roles and partnerships in course design at one Australian university reveal the critical three-way partnership among academic developers, students, and academics. The benefits brought by a Course Design Studio model in providing a liminal space to sustain positive three-way collaborations are outlined. This paper offers a conceptual argument that addresses areas of concern often encountered in traditional course design student-staff partnership relationships.  相似文献   

《广播剧创作》的工作室化设计主要体现在理论知识与实践知识的结合,综合职业技能与职业态度。实现工作室化的关键在于课程载体的具体化,课程载体来自于职业岗位的具体工作内容,如编写广播剧剧本、选择演员、音乐音响的设计、录音合成等,从而使课程载体由抽象的概念转变为具体的项目任务,融理论与实践一体,融技能和情感一体。  相似文献   

牛拥 《化学教学》2001,(11):27-28
1 前言原子概念及其模型是中学化学内容的重点与难点 ,不少同学在学习的时候感到这部分内容比较抽象 ,难以理解。在多媒体辅助教学的制作软件中 ,3DStudioMax是制作原子模型的优秀软件。由 3DStudioMax制作的原子模型具有直观、动态、立体感和可操作性强的特点。它能使学生在栩栩如生的三维动态环境中感受到微观世界的魅力。同时也激发了学生的学习兴趣 ,启发学生进行科学思维 ,有利于培养学生的空间想象能力 ,加深他们对抽象概念的理解。在演示 3D原子模型时分别使用了VRML(虚拟现实模型语言 )和AVI视频演示 …  相似文献   

本文以国家对高职教育的政策为出发点,分析当前高职景观设计教学与市场接轨中存在的问题,初步探索了"工作室制"教学模式在景观设计教学中的可行性,有效的解决了教师和学生理论化、书面化等存在的问题,是景观设计教学改革的重要途径。  相似文献   

荷兰绘画艺术的繁荣既得益于新教卡尔文教派反对偶像崇拜的教义主张,受益于荷兰经济的推动,又加上继承了尼德兰的民族文化传统,使绘画艺术在荷兰完全摆脱了天主教会、宫廷和贵族的垄断,真正融入荷兰人的日常生活。本文以维米尔代表作《画室》为出发点,以此辐射出17世纪荷兰的宗教、经济、民族文化传统。  相似文献   

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