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词汇是英语学习的主要内容,在二语习得中词汇起着重要的作用。本文是对英语词汇学习策略研究的综述。本文将介绍国内外相关研究的现状,并对学习策略的定义以及英语词汇学习策略的影响因素加以分析,最后展望了英语词汇学习策略的发展方向。  相似文献   

This study explores the influence of self-assessment of vocabulary competence on a group of students’ oral fluency. Twenty-four young adult learners participated in a learning process that promoted their oral skills and vocabulary development. Self-assessment was mainly examined through the analysis of students’ learning logs, field notes and artefacts in the form of audio recordings. By contrasting and analysing data sources, and the results obtained from pre- and post-speaking tasks, through a mixed method design approach, it was found that when students self-assess, they are able to acknowledge their learning strengths and drawbacks. This practice enabled students to set learning commitments, use learning strategies that also allow them to raise awareness and take further actions, while self-monitoring them. Consequently, initial improvements in students’ oral fluency development were evinced through the implementation of a systematic cycle that applies self-assessment as a formative assessment source. Thus, the students entered a process in which they gradually become more able to self-monitor, judge and react towards their own gains in language and learning. Findings highlighted the value of goal setting as an essential component in self-assessment. Further longitudinal studies may well support the long-lasting effects of this strategy in similar educational contexts.  相似文献   

词汇是构成语言的三要素之一,是人类用于表达思想的基础,是英语学习过程中的一个重要组成部分。如果不能掌握足够的词汇,那么听、说、读、写、译等能力的提高也就无法实现。本文从英语词汇学习中存在的问题及解决问题的基本策略论证大学英语词汇的学习方法。  相似文献   

介绍了虚拟现实与增强现实技术在实验室安全教育领域的开发和应用情况。在实验室的安全教育领域,虚拟现实技术和增强现实技术的应用方兴未艾。通过虚拟现实与增强现实技术可以进行实验室安全设备使用方法、化学撒漏处理、危险源识别等安全教育训练,不仅学生学习兴趣高,且显著提升了实验室安全教育效果。  相似文献   

英国著名的语言学家D.A Wilkins曾经说过:"没有语法,人们不能表达很多东西;而没有了词汇,人们则无法表达任何东西。"由此可见,英语词汇教学在英语教学中的作用举足轻重。本文就词汇在语言能力中的重要地位以及学生词汇学习中的主要问题,探讨词汇教学在英语学习中的重要性。  相似文献   

本文旨在探讨中国学生对于英语母语变体的态度和偏好,研究者用问卷调查和采访的方式对来自高中和大学的四十名学生进行了数据收集。结果发现,高中生更加偏好英式英语;大学生对于英式和美式两种母语变体的偏好基本持平。在偏好英式英语的学生当中,教师影响因素占有较大比重;而偏好美式英语的学生多受到美国文化的影响。  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between psychiatric and language disorders in a sample of youth who were hospitalized at a private psychiatric hospital. Ninety six participants were given a test battery that consisted of tests measuring phonology, syntax, and semantics. The resulting sample scored in the average range on IQ measures and in the low-average to below-average range on written language abilities tests. Over 33% of the participants qualified for the diagnosis of a language learning disability (LLD); however, only 44% of those participants who qualified as LLD were receiving special education services upon admission. The participants who had both a psychiatric and LLD exhibited significant deficits in both phonology and syntax. General implications for identification and treatment are presented.  相似文献   

There is an increase use of wireless technologies in education all over the world. In fact, wireless technologies such as laptop computers, palmtop computers and mobile phones are revolutionising education and transforming the traditional classroom-based learning and teaching into anytime and anywhere education. This paper investigates the use of wireless technologies in education with particular reference to the potential of learning new technical English language words using Short Message Service (SMS) text messaging. The system, developed by the authors, called mobile learning tool (MOLT), has been tested with 45 1st-year undergraduate students. The knowledge of students before and after the experiment has been measured. Our results show that students enjoyed and learned new words with the help of their mobile phones. We believe that using the MOLT system as an educational tool will contribute to the success of students.  相似文献   

增强现实技术及其教学应用探索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
增强现实技术通过计算机的计算,将虚拟物体渲染到真实环境中,实现了虚拟物体与现实环境的结合.介绍了增强现实技术的基本原理,分析了其在教育上的研究和应用进展,探讨了其在教育中的应用方式和条件需求.以物理教学中一个实例的开发和操作演示过程作为示例,展现了增强现实技术在教学中的应用优势,为增强现实进入教学领域提供了借鉴.随着计算机技术的发展和研究的不断深入,日益成熟的增强现实技术在学术领域中必将获得广泛应用.  相似文献   

中国加入世贸组织,与世界经济往来日益密切,英语的学习越来越重要。因此我国儿童很早就进入英语培训学校学习。因而对于影响儿童二语习得因素的研究就至关重要。而克拉申的二语习得理论对少儿英语的学习起着重大作用。这里我们用克拉申的假说谈谈如何促进儿童快速有效的记忆单词。  相似文献   

Vocabulary is one of the major obstacles to attaining reading fluency in a second language. The major European literary languages have vocabularies of many tens of thousands of items. For efficient learning, the vocabulary systems must be structured in terms of frequency groupings so that the more frequent items are mastered before the less frequent ones. The learner, however, has no way of determining the relative frequency of the words in his text. The solution involves: 1) the establishment of various word frequency groups and 2) marking the words in the reading text so that the learner has a clear set of rational priorities. Statistical studies suggest that approximately the most frequent 5,000 words constitute a minimum vocabulary for liberated reading and account for about 90% of the different words in an average text. The learning of the less frequent items should be deferred until these are mastered. Further, the presentation of the higher frequency words within the 1,000–5,000 range should be sequenced by groups in terms of their relative frequencies. Each group might correspond to a particular level of language proficiency. This goal can be attained by means of a system in which the frequency category of each text word is marked so that the learner knows its relative importance and can structure his vocabulary acquisition accordingly. A marking procedure by frequency is integrated with a marginal translation or glossing routine. The article proposes a set of frequency groups and describes an algorithm for the implementation of a frequency identification and marking procedure on an IBM 360 computer. A sample page of a Russian text book utilizing the technique is given and several other potential utilizations are described.  相似文献   

随着信息与网络技术的发展,如何将网络技术应用于高校英语教学,是高校面临的一个新课题。本文对高校英语网络教学的特点进行分析,阐述了网络英语教学模式和网络在英语教学中的优越性,总结了网络在外语教学中的地位和作用,并对英语网络教学的发展作了展望。  相似文献   

Many children learning English as an additional language (EAL) show reading comprehension difficulties despite adequate decoding. However, the relationship between early language and reading comprehension in this group is not fully understood. The language and literacy skills of 80 children learning English from diverse language backgrounds and 80 monolingual English-speaking peers with language weaknesses were assessed at school entry (mean age = 4 years, 7 months) and after 2 years of schooling in the UK (mean age = 6 years, 3 months). The EAL group showed weaker language skills and stronger word reading than the monolingual group but no difference in reading comprehension. Individual differences in reading comprehension were predicted by variations in decoding and language comprehension in both groups to a similar degree.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of MagAR, an instructional material for teaching magnetism using augmented reality and sensing technology, on students’ academic achievement and learning process, and to identify students’ views about augmented reality. An embedded mixed-method approach was employed in this study. The study’s results suggest that AR learning environments are effective in teaching physics, and facilitate learning by adding visual and textual components to the learning process. In learning activities integrated with AR, the students were observed to participate more, appeared more comfortable, were able to answer questions related to the subject more easily, had increased self-confidence and exhibited higher academic achievement levels in physics. The results suggest that AR should not be considered as an independent learning environment for the teaching of physics, but would be more effective as supplementary to the laboratory environment.  相似文献   

词汇学习是英语学习的重要组成部分,词汇量贫乏会影响英语的表达.本文详细剖析了高职新生词汇学习中存在的误区,并提出了相应的对策,以期提高学生们的词汇学习的效率和改善英语老师的词汇授课方法.  相似文献   

本文旨在对成人教育英语学习中,词汇的学习是成人学习中一个需要花费大量时间来学的一门基础课,特别是学习方法不正确给了他们的学习造成了极大的心理压力,但是好的学习方法却可以让成人英语词汇的学习变得简单而又轻松,现就成人英语词汇学习的心理特点及方法进行探讨,并给出一些对策。  相似文献   

在大学英语教学中,教师要提高词汇教学首先要从研究学生如何学习词汇入手,而学生要学好词汇需从其词汇知识和词汇习得入手。习得词汇知识不只是熟悉词形,还包括熟悉各种意义、概念和已知词的意义关系。此外,教师还应了解学生词汇习得的个体差异以及学生在学习过程中出现的造词现象等。把词汇教学的侧重点放在学生的学方面,研究学生学习词汇的规律和个体差异,以学促教,反之用教进一步引导学,使词汇的教和学相辅相成,互相促进。  相似文献   

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