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张之洞家庭教育思想是在中国半殖民地半封建社会的历史大背景下形成的,张之洞的成长经历、学习过程、职业生涯在其家庭教育思想形成过程中起了关键作用,他的性格因素和学识素养是这一思想形成的内因.张之洞家庭教育思想形成的过程,体现出了他开展家庭教育活动的创造性,以及解决家庭教育与社会现实之间矛盾的创新性,这对当今的教育具有一定的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

曾国藩是中国近代地主阶级儒家士大夫的典型代表人物。他的家庭教育思想继承了儒家传统家庭教育中的孝悌、立志、重教、勤俭等许多精华思想,但也存在浓厚的封建宗法意识。由于曾国藩的个人经历和所处封建末世的时代特点,他在家庭教育中“匡时救世”和“持盈保泰”、“明哲保家”的思想是并存的。实事求是地评析其家庭教育思想,对于现代社会家庭教育仍具有积极意义。  相似文献   

苏霍姆林斯基是苏联教育思想的集大成者,他的教育思想至今仍发挥着光芒,给我们的教育者提供了很多有益的启发。他不仅致力于学校教育,而且也十分重视家庭教育。当前民工子女家庭教育存在的问题日益突出,成为不可忽视的一个方面。苏霍姆林斯基家庭教育思想对此有很大的启发。  相似文献   

颜之推是南北朝隋初时代著名的文学家、思想家和教育家,他的教育思想都体现在他的《颜氏家训》这一著作当中,他的家庭教育思想对我国当前的家庭教育仍然具有着重要的影响。  相似文献   

陈鹤琴是我国现代教育史上著名的教育家、儿童心理学家和儿童教育专家,他的家庭教育思想与古代家庭教育思想比较,在家庭教育的目的、内容、方式、方法等方面都有很大的差异,这些差异体现了陈鹤琴的家庭教育思想具有科学性、民主性、艺术性和游戏性,对现今我国家庭教育仍有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

《颜氏家训》一书,是颜之推家庭教育思想的集中体现。他从当时的社会现实出发,提出了许多有关家庭教育的思想,初步建立了较完整的家庭教育理论体系,使之成为漫长的封建社会中的家教典范,尤其是他在教育内容及教育方法上的独特论述,对解决现代家庭教育中的问题有很好借鉴意义。  相似文献   

颜之推关于子女的早期教育、适宜教育、严慈教育、榜样教育等家庭教育思想是他对子女家庭教育问题的总结与概括。这些思想不光丰富了我国古代家庭教育的内容,还为现代家庭教育的科学诠释和发展起着重要的作用。  相似文献   

刘萍 《教师》2013,(20):7-7
铃木镇一的早期才能教育中强调了家庭教育的重要性,在他的著作中,他用鲜活的例子向世人揭示了他的家庭教育观。本文主要从家庭环境对幼儿的影响介绍铃木镇一的家庭教育思想。  相似文献   

颜之推是6世纪后期我国著名的教育思想家。他的《颜氏家训》是我国历史上第一部家庭教育专著,其中包含的丰富的儿童早期家庭教育思想,在今天看来,仍有其重要价值。一、提倡早教颜之推继承了孔子以来重视“早谕教”的思想,主张对孩子进行早期教育。他对实施早期家庭教育的重要性有独到的见解,他注意到了早期家庭教育对儿童智育发展的作用。他说:“人生小幼,精神专利,长成以后,思虑散逸,固须早教,勿其机也。”他认为幼儿思想单纯、专一,而长大后思虑往往因各种原因而分散,难以专心治学;而且幼儿记忆力好,有利于掌  相似文献   

作为杰出的教育家,吴玉章的教育思想博大而精深。家庭教育思想作为他教育思想的一个组成部分,虽不及其德育思想系统丰实,但同样对现在和今后的家庭教育有着积极的借鉴和指导意义。  相似文献   

This study investigated the contributions of maternal education and ethnicity to three dimensions of home‐based parental involvement in young children’s education and development: parental expectations about educational attainment, children’s activities at home and outside the home, and family routines. Controlling for family background variables such as family size and structure, household income, and neighbourhood safety, we examined these relations in a nationally representative U.S. sample of 9,864 Asian American, African American, Latino American, and European American five‐year‐old children. Multiple regression models suggested that maternal education explained small to moderate amounts of variation in parental home‐based involvement, and was more strongly associated with these outcome variables than was income. Ethnicity significantly predicted additional variation in only two outcome variables: parental educational expectations and family discussions. Maternal education plays a unique role in explaining U.S. ethnic group variations in parental involvement in young children’s education.  相似文献   

Elective home education and special educational needs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper reviews the literature on home education with reference to special educational needs (SEN). A rapid expansion in home educating families is noted. Parents present a variety of reasons for this, including those with concerns about the provision for their child's SEN.
In one Local Education Authority (LEA), data were obtained through questionnaires from 65 families when they first registered their children for home education. In addition, 12 families, who had been home educating their children for more than 2 years, were interviewed about their experiences. Many of the children involved had SEN, but most of the parents and children expressed satisfaction with their present arrangements. However, there was often a feeling expressed that they would have preferred their children to have attended school, if their special needs could have been met. Implications for education services policy and schools' practice are discussed.  相似文献   

试论我国高校创业教育模式的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
创业教育的提出是经济、社会发展的必然要求,它的根本目的在于培养学生的创业素质,以造就事业的开拓者。根据创业教育的根本目的,文章在总结国内外经验的基础上提出了构建我国高校创业教育模式的基本思路,即合理的创业教育课程体系、充足的创业实战演习场所、精干的创业教育师资队伍、流畅的创业成果转化途径和科学的创业成效评估机制。  相似文献   

The present paper explores middle‐class fathers’ educational work by studying how they and their partners are involved in their children’s education at home, in school, and how they investigate school options and make decisions about educational issues. Drawing on data from an ethnographic study of 30 dual‐earner couples in the Greater Los Angeles area, this article analyses how fathers position themselves in relation to discourses on parental involvement in education. In order to demonstrate the variety of ways fathers are involved three case studies are presented. It is illustrated how the men, by drawing on a discourse on involved fatherhood, position themselves in line with an ideal of parental involvement in education. Fathers who are doing less educational work than their spouses offer accounts for not taking a greater educational responsibility by drawing on a breadwinner discourse or by depicting mothers as gatekeepers of father involvement.  相似文献   

The recently fashionable theories of positive psychology have educational ramifications at virtually every level of engagement, culminating in the model of positive education. In this critical review, I scrutinize positive education as a potential theory in educational psychology. Special attention is given to conceptual controversies and suggested educational interventions. Positive psychologists have yet to explore in detail the school as a positive institution. They have written at length, however, about such positive personal traits as moral virtue and resiliency, and about positive emotions both as embodied in experiences of classroom “flow” and as facilitators of students’ personal resources. Because the empirical evidence concerning these positive factors remains partly mixed or tentative, and because most of them had a home in other theoretical frameworks before the advent of positive psychology, searching questions remain about the effectiveness and originality of positive education. This article addresses some of those questions.  相似文献   

The distinguished US philosopher Elizabeth Anderson, who teaches at the University of Michigan, answers questions put to her by John White about educational aspects of her work in moral and political philosophy. She begins by describing her indebtedness to Dewey in his views on developing students’ capacities for intelligent enquiry and as citizens in a democracy. She elaborates on this in her emphasis on children learning fraternally together with others of diverse class, racial and ethnic backgrounds. She also discusses the control of education, looking at the role of the state and other political authorities in education, the charter school movement and home schooling. Well‐known for her views on democratic equality (as distinct from equality of fortune) and on an adequacy criterion of fairness, she shows how these ideas apply to education for a democratic society. This takes her into critical discussions of equality of educational opportunity, education as a positional good, and the rich variety of educational aims fitting a democracy of equals. Anderson has also written about the errors of theistic religion as well as two award‐winning recent books on the imperative of social integration and on the authoritarian powers of employers. Developing these thoughts in an educational direction, she writes here about religious and moral education, problems with assimilationist and multicultural approaches to schooling, and preparation for work as an educational aim.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the literature on home education with reference to issues that may concern educational psychologists. It notes the fast growing number of families (at present, 1% of the UK school population) who have chosen to educate their school-aged children at home. The great majority of home-educated children are reported to be well adjusted and to be achieving highly. However, samples used to study home education have been self-selected and may not accurately reflect all home education practice. Possible reasons for home education are discussed, as well as the approaches to teaching and learning reported in the literature. Implications are outlined for the work of educational psychologists.  相似文献   

家庭教育权,不仅指家长对其子女施加教育的权利,还应当包括家长接受提升其教育素养之教育的权利。在终身教育、终身学习和学习化社会三大理念的指导下,成人教育应当在家庭教育方面有所为,开设家庭教育培训课程,以此提升家长的教育素养,从而提高家庭教育的质量。  相似文献   

中华传统文化是中华民族的精神支撑。如何弘扬好中华文化,建设好中华民族共有的这一精神家园,是当今教育改革面临的一个重大课题。加强传统文化教育,有利于中国社会的和谐和社会经济的长远发展,对维护祖国统一和民族团结具有重要作用。传统文化的传承不是简单地复古,要与现代文明协调对接,既要保持民族性,又要体现时代性。只有在教育改革工作中坚持不懈地实施传统文化教育,才能实现"建设中华民族共同精神家园"的伟大目标。  相似文献   

Home education, or home schooling, is a rapidly growing global educational phenomenon. Given the emphasis that educators, policy makers and researchers have placed upon the arts as an important element in a holistic education, the ways in which the growing home education community are facilitating arts learning warrants consideration. Facilitating quality arts learning has been found to be extremely challenging, especially for generalist classroom teachers who may not possess background learning across the range of arts subjects represented in most arts curricula. Revelations from this study on Australian home educating parents identifies a similar dilemma with the facilitation of arts learning in home contexts, and a significant proportion of the home educating participants acknowledged little to no educational or artistic training. In this project, an online survey was conducted to develop insights into the ways Australian home educators (n = 193) approach arts education, the challenges associated with facilitating arts learning and the strategies they employ in light of these challenges. The research highlights that, while home education is pedagogically unique and distinct from traditional classroom education, the challenges participants expressed regarding teaching in the arts aligned closely with those expressed by classroom teachers in wider research; however, the uniqueness of home education contexts means that support structures for classroom teachers are less helpful for home educators. Implications arising from the research are thus beneficial in understanding the nature of support that might be tailored for arts learning in home education.  相似文献   

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