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“勤俭”是一种心理品质,也是一种道德品质,又是一种生活方式。“勤俭教育”是经济教育的一项内容,是传统课题,也是现代课题,即使到21世纪仍然是必要的。 一、“勤俭”的现代诠释 “勤俭”作为“中国和东方传统伦理道德思想的源泉”;作为“中华和东方民族伦理中的精华的首要的和本质的品格”,反映了我们民族艰苦奋斗,自立自强的精神。当前我们正在进行现代化建设,仍然应依据现代社会、经济、科技发展的现实来把握现时代“勤俭”的内涵。 1.勤劳与效率的统一。传统的勤主要是勤劳、耐劳、苦干、拚命干、硬干。而现在我们讲“勤…  相似文献   

勤工助学与大学生职业指导   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高校勤工助学作为一项社会实践活动,在大学生职业指导中有着重要的促进作用。应从人职匹配、发展综合素质、推进创业教育三个方面发挥勤工助学在大学生职业指导中的作用,并结合高校勤工助学工作实践探讨发挥勤工助学职业指导作用的具体措施。  相似文献   

岗位体验教育:高校育人职能空间的拓展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在反思岗位育人空间狭隘、处境尴尬的基础上,寻求“爱”为基点、“助”为手段、“育”为目的的育人原则.拓展心理健康关怀、就业创业体验、思想品德锤炼的育人空间。按照实践育人的要求,以体验教育为基本途径.引领勤工助学岗位体验教育,既是创新大学生德育工作的重要平台,又为进一步加强和改进大学生思想政治教育提供新的价值早向新时期高校的勤工助学工作,不应只是为了解决贫困学生一时的生活问题.而应把帮助大学生了解社会、增长才干、磨炼意志、培育品格、提高素质作为组织开展勤工助学活动的重要内容.  相似文献   

勤工助学为高职大学生学习知识和拓展能力提供了社会实践的良好平台,勤工助学作为思想政治教育载体的重要组成部分,具有自强教育、创业教育、素质教育、心理教育等功能,进一步探索借助勤工助学开展思想政治教育的有效途径,把高职大学生培养成高素质的应用型技能人才意义重大而深远.  相似文献   

大胆开辟高职院校创业教育的"试验田"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在当前金融危机对高校毕业生就业造成严重冲击的形势下,高校特别是高职高专院校必须迅速走出对创业教育认识的误区,从创业教育与专业学习相结合、创业教育与勤工助学相结合、创业教育与专业社会实践学期和假期社会实践相结合、创业教育与学生就业指导相结合入手,大胆开辟高职院校创业教育的“试验田”。  相似文献   

在知识和经济全球化的今天,创业教育在现代社会的地位越来越重要,各国的专家们也将对创业教育的研究提到了前所未有的高度。如何将勤工助学和创业教育融合起来,提升大学生素质教育,突破高校勤工助学的瓶颈,是本文研究的主要意义。本文尝试从创建勤工助学创业教育功能、转换对待勤工助学的观念、加强相关政策与硬件设施的建设等几个途径对创新创业教育背景下高校勤工助学进行探讨。  相似文献   

朱华 《闽江学院学报》2014,35(6):134-138
高校勤工助学工作对促进大学生综合素质的提升具有重要的意义.我国高校勤工助学工作自1992年推行以来,有了很大的变化与发展,但也存在着对思想政治教育重视不够、对心理健康教育认识不足、创新教育意识缺乏等问题.面对勤工助学工作的现状及时代需求,认真思考有利于勤工助学工作发展方案,寻求更好的途径,积极推进高校勤工助学工作势在必行.高校应从思想政治教育、心理健康教育、创新观念教育等方面着手,坚守勤工助学以“助”促“学”的本质,最大限度地发挥勤工助学资助、育人的功能.  相似文献   

浅谈勤工助学对大学生就业与创业能力的培养   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
勤工助学是高校的一项社会实践活动,它不仅能帮助大学生经济助学,更重要的是它能培养大学生的就业与创业能力。而要培养这种能力就要转变教育观念,完善勤工助学政策,拓展勤工助学渠道,为大学生步入社会就业与创业搭建“演练”平台。  相似文献   

高职院校勤工助学过程中贯穿创业教育的理论与实践探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
穆丽娜 《时代教育》2014,(9):207-208
高职院校中的勤工助学是一项特殊的社会实践活动,它有利于促进学生的素质全面发展与提升,并切实受到了高职院校的高度重视。从实质上来讲,勤工助学也是一种创业教育活动中的重要组成部分,因此,高职院校应该在勤工助学的过程中适当贯穿创业教育的理论,让勤工助学体现出创业教育的实践性作用,培养并提升高职院校的学生创业意识与开拓进取的精神,促进他们形成更为健康的创业观,真正激发出他们的创业兴趣与激情,成为新时期的知识型、高层次的创业人才。  相似文献   

勤工助学作为我国教育资助的重要组成部分,是提高学生综合素质和帮助家庭经济困难的学生自助能力提升的有效途径。本文以实践为基础,分析了勤工助学的现状以及其在教育资助中的地位,并初步探讨了勤工助学在高等教育成才教育中的作用等。  相似文献   

Professional development becomes relevant and effective when teachers are actively involved, collaborate, and when it is linked to teachers’ daily school practice (Hunzicker in Prof Dev Educ 37:177–179, 2011). Preparation of teachers for a curriculum implementation such as the new subject Nature, Life, and Technology can be done by a professional development programme where teachers are actively involved (Visser et al. 2010). This study evaluates the designed and implemented professional development programme with respect to its effectiveness in terms of degree of teacher learning and development. Effects are evaluated for five learning areas: Instructional strategies, differences in students’ prior knowledge, adjustments to the module, assessment methods and instruments, and field trips and guest lectures. Eleven teachers from four different schools participated in two professional development programmes, six teachers in the first professional development programme and five teachers in the programme for the subsequent module. Questionnaires and interviews were used to assess the effects in the different learning areas. The findings show that the professional development programme is a useful venture for teachers’ professional growth in different learning areas.  相似文献   

就业导向的"工学结合"项目探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
就业导向的办学理念要求高职学院在办学思想、办学模式和办学机制上要不断创新,以培养具有专业技能、职业素养和创新意识的高等技能型人才."工学结合"人才培养模式正是适应时代发展要求,由学校、企业和学生三方共同参与,在教学方案、培养目标、教学资源、教育环境等方面进行有益地探索和尝试,以最终达到共赢.  相似文献   

This article considers the ways in which distributed forms of leadership can positively influence school development and change. The article focuses on the findings from an initial evaluation and impact assessment of a leadership programme provided by the ‘Specialist Schools and Academies Trust’ for teachers in their first five years of teaching. This programme is intended to develop leadership potential and to build lateral leadership capacity in schools. The article provides an assessment of the impact of the ‘Developing Leaders’ programme on school and student development. The evidence suggests that this form of lateral leadership can make a positive difference to school performance and can contribute significantly to building leadership capacity within the system.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to report outcomes of a school-based programme aiming to promote achievement, attendance and positive perceptions towards the school climate and social-emotional adaptation among students with disabilities (SWD). The programme included a series of training and social activities for school staff, parents and children followed by implementation of the knowledge gained through these activities. The programme lasted one school year and data were collected through quantitative and qualitative methods. Results of the study indicated enhanced student attendance and achievement, social-emotional development, and positive perceptions about the school climate. In addition, parents and teachers were mostly content with development of students and the attempts of their schools to prompt student learning. Findings of this research indicate the significance of the holistic approach in educating SWD in mainstream schools and confirm that schools can make progress relying on their internal structures and planned action.  相似文献   

During 1988 and 1989 a university lecturer in education in New Zealand organised and ran a 2 year professional development programme for 67 secondary school heads, deputy heads and assistant heads. The nature and types of leadership challenges facing these practitioners were revealed. The organisation, content and delivery of the programme initially facilitated the professional development of the school leaders, but the restructuring of school administration throughout 1989 reduced their effectiveness considerably.  相似文献   

In the Irish education system, there is little continuity between the primary and secondary education systems. The transfer between these systems is particularly problematic in the area of science. In order to alleviate some of these problems, as well as to enhance the cognitive development of students, the Cognitive Acceleration through Science Education programme was adapted for use and implemented across the primary–secondary school transition in Ireland. The programme was delivered in a variety of ways across the two levels, including the teacher and researcher teaching the programmes individually and team-teaching arrangements. The results on cognitive development measures showed that the students who were taught the programme in primary and secondary school made significant gains, when compared to the non-intervention group. There were also gains evident for students who only received one part of the programme (i.e. in either primary or secondary school). The greater gains, in terms of effect size, were evident at secondary school. The rationale, methodology and results are detailed in this paper.  相似文献   

This article describes the results of a second school improvement study directed at schools with mixed‐age classes, and compares the results of this second study with the first study. The second improvement study examines the effects of a staff development programme which introduced selected findings from teaching effectiveness research into ongoing school settings with mixed‐age classes. In addition to the staff development programme the effects of coaching are also evaluated. In contrast to the first improvement study the staff development programme was implemented by teacher educators and school counsellors in the regular educational support context (in‐service teacher education). A quasi‐experimental, treatment‐control group investigation was designed to test the effects of the staff development programme ‘Dealing with mixed‐age classes’, and the effects of coaching. Based on pre‐ and post‐training classroom observations, the second improvement study‐‐like the first one‐‐revealed a significant treatment effect for pupils’ time‐on‐task levels in mixed‐age classrooms, and for teachers’ instructional and classroom management skills. Only two coaching effects were found: for organising effective instruction and for dealing with disturbances. Time‐on‐task levels improved more strongly in classes of coached teachers. In the second improvement study the effects on teacher instructional and classroom management skills, and pupil behaviour are smaller than in the first study. The staff development programme as conducted in regular in‐service settings by teacher educators and school counsellors was less effective than the staff development programme as conducted in an evaluation setting by the designers of the programme.  相似文献   

From an ecological perspective, this paper presents selective findings based on practitioner action research which is deliberately written in the first person. The focus is the transition from nursery playground to the school playground of 13 nursery children, all 4-years-old. The paper outlines the first 4-week cycle of action of a 13-week intervention programme. The programme aimed at promoting social and emotional development so that the children became more adaptive to challenges in the new context of the school playground. The findings reveal that process and connectivity of the programme promoted a sense of belonging in which the children reciprocally nurtured each other, acknowledged and recognised feelings and formed friendships so that when they started school they became more resilient within the school playground. The findings also highlight areas of vulnerability which need to be addressed concerning school routines and very young children.  相似文献   

Previous research has documented a need for the development of a sex education programme in Turkish schools in terms of adolescence readiness and the presence of misconceptions regarding critical aspects of sexual issues. Currently no school‐based sex education is available for Turkish adolescents. This paper presents the development of a contemporary sex education programme for 12‐year‐old to 14‐year‐old adolescents, entitled ‘The Human Development Program for 12–14 Year Old Adolescents’. A five‐step programme development model was used including reviewing internationally recognised sex education programmes for this age group. Sexuality Information and Education Council of United States guidelines were chosen as an educational framework, and Turkish cultural values were integrated into the curriculum. The sex curriculum consists of an eight‐session interactive programme in which parental permission and involvement is required. Five units are presented: human development, relationships, sexual behaviour, sexual health, and society/culture. The programme and a related knowledge assessment tool were reviewed by a group of Turkish professionals and the validity of the educational content was received. The programme was piloted with a group of Turkish adolescents with positive results. Future recommendations include school counsellors implementing this sex educational programme into Turkish schools.  相似文献   

Developments and consequences of school profiling in general-education schools in selected European countries and perspectives for implementation in Germany – The development of a school programme, e.g. by way of forming a profile in the field of music or sports, is part of everyday school life in many European state and private schools today and even statutory in some countries and states. This paper focuses on the background and the significance of this development in school politics but also on the potential and the challenges which come with the profile formation of schools on an individual as well as systemic basis. Furthermore, the author introduces and discusses examples for the profile formation of schools and classes by looking at concrete projects. After that, recommendations are given for school programme work in individual schools. The focus is especially on German-speaking countries such as Germany, Austria and Switzerland.  相似文献   

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