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生活体验研究是范梅南教育现象学研究方法,这种研究方法是在现象学基础上,受教育科学研究范式转型的影响下提出和发展起来的。生活体验研究是一种强调“人”的研究方法,有实践性、反思性、敏感性和人文性的特点;同时生活体验研究作为人文科学视野中教育学的一种研究方法,在使教育研究由理论走向实践的过程中,也有其本身的实践路径。  相似文献   

我国教育研究的时代境域、理论图景和日常实践正在发生深刻变化。我国现象学教育学研究呈现由引介到初步的独立探索再到平稳发展的脉络,这个中国化的过程需要深入省思。我国现象学教育学研究包含众多次级范畴,具有四个属性:相关研究涵括了引进与评介西方的现象学教育学理论;现象学教育学对我国教育研究具有价值和影响;我国学者应用相关理论与方法独立进行了研究;我国学者对此进行了批判与反思。未来我国现象学教育学研究应当强化中国特色,基于现象学的哲学理论,运用现象学的方法论开展原创性教育研究。  相似文献   

本文在探究现象学的实证性的基础上论述了教育现象学在行动研究中的适用性、可能性、价值与意义,并对深入到教育现象学的应用中的教育现象学写作与研究的方法、特征与意义做出了区分与描述。现象学不仅以其独特的价值与使命,为多学科、跨学科的研究方法提供汲养,其实证的科学之光亦照亮了真实的人的生活之路,为教育学研究真实的人做出了重要的方法论引导。教育现象学以生活体验作为研究的出发点和归宿,扎根于教育情境、面向实事本身、关注教育现象的意义等等方面,为教育行动研究的实践性做出了重要贡献;本文在此基础上,对于进入到实践层面的教育现象学的反思以及教师自身发展中的反思性文本的写作进行了详细描述。  相似文献   

研究方法单一是当前教育技术研究领域面临的一个不容回避的事实。现象学教育研究作为质的研究中的一种重要的研究方法,以“体验——表达——理解”作为其方法论基础,力图在概念抽象的把握方式之外,寻找一种对教育现象本质直观的把握方式,为当前教育技术研究开启了一种“面向教育实践本身”研究态度。  相似文献   

教育现象学是立足于现象学精神的教育追问。通达现象学精神的教育现象学有理论教育现象学和实践教育现象学两种范式。理论教育现象学旨在教育现象学理论与知识的建构,它在汲取、吸纳现象学丰富资源的基础上,形成了超验现象学、存在现象学、解释现象学和伦理现象学四种取向。实践教育现象学则直面现实生活世界提出的问题,它并非现象学方法在教育研究中的简单运用,而是一个相对独立的研究范式,有其独特的认识论、方法论、意义来源、研究方法与程序。理论教育现象学与实践教育现象学共同构成了教育现象学的整体取向。  相似文献   

技术现象学视野下的教育技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现象学不仅是一种哲学思潮,更是一种研究方法,技术现象学则是面向技术实事的现象学研究。教育技术是教育领域的技术实事,运用技术现象学的方法考察教育技术成为必然。技术现象学视野下的教育技术也表现出体现、解释、他者、背景四种不同的人、技术与世界的关系,教育技术的应用其实质是在这四种关系之间发生现象学迁移,这给教育技术的理论与实践研究带来了新的启示。  相似文献   

在现象学教育研究领域里,范梅南的学术思想宏阔,其研究的主题内容新颖、方法独特,堪称质性方法学研究的典范.主题内容可归结为三个方面:理论与实践的关系;教育实践性智慧;教育研究中儿童的价值及定位.其研究的特征为:1.寻求对儿童真实生活的体验;2.现象学教育研究中的"现象"指事物本身的真实存在;3.重视对生活经验的意义进行描述;4.范梅南现象学教育研究是一种反思性的实践.  相似文献   

透视教育现象学——论教育现象学研究中的三个基本问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现象学及其运动给当代社会科学特别是教育学研究带来的变革,主要体现在它所开拓的研究领域以及它带来的看待事物的态度和方法的变化。教育现象学是受现象学运动影响而发展起来的教育研究新取向,它在本体论、认识论和方法论方面都有别于传统教育研究。教育现象学以具体情境中的生活体验为研究起点,赋予生命体验以本体论地位;它努力克服传统理论与实践分离的客观认识论,突出一种实践的认识论,即强调教育及其研究不可脱离情感意向、他人意识以及对践行的追求;在方法论上,它强调在反思生活体验的基础上,通过本质直观直接把握现象的本质。教育现象学理论的新颖性给教育研究带来了新气象。  相似文献   

当前教育现象学研究主要围绕以下三个方面展开:(1)理论建构.从本体论出发,探讨如何从现象学的思想“看”教育学,旨在建构一门新型的教育学;从方法论出发,探讨如何用现象学的方法“做”教育研究,推动教育研究范式的转型.(2)意义探讨.教育现象学对于教师专业发展、课程教学有何启示.(3)方法应用.国外研究注重将现象学方法运用于实际的教育研究领域,具有鲜明的实践特性和应用取向.在此基础上,文章对当前教育现象学研究的主要特征进行了归纳和反思.  相似文献   

作为一种质性研究方法的教育现象学,以对教育现象的反思为根本目的,在反思的过程中获得在教育实践中行动的机智。该研究以一个教育现象学文本为个案,经过文本写作、反思效力研究及对反思的反思三个研究阶段,展示出文本能够有效地把读者拉入到对某一教育现象的关注之中,继而催动读者对该教育现象进行反思,以期在教育实践中获得实际经验和机智的增长。  相似文献   

在系统分析教育技术常用的两种研究范式的基础上,结合哲学史的梳理,从方法论、研究方式和具体研究方法三个层面对现象学进行了分析,指出现象学是教育技术研究的第三种范式。在方法论层面,现象学范式的创新性突破在于穿透了“一般”和“个别”的割裂;在研究方式层面,现象学范式遵循质性研究的模式,擅长对微观体验的揭示;在具体研究方法层面,现象学范式综合运用访谈、体验报告等手段,使研究结论具有建构性。在此基础上,根据对教育技术研究特征的分析,明确了现象学之于教育技术研究的方法论价值在于贯通融合,即有利于教育技术研究的定位融合、视域融合和研究取向融合。  相似文献   

受现象学哲学思想以及北美教育现象学的影响,自上世纪九十年代以来,采取现象学态度和方法面对教育生活逐渐成为我国教育研究的一种重要取向。现象学为教育学提供了思想资源与思维方式。为了在教育现象学的道路上走得更远,我们首先需要考察我国教育现象学的发展,然后回到现象学哲学的思想资源中,从现象学的基本问题和致思路径中获得启示,进一步明确教育现象学的基本问题,规范教育现象学的致思路径,提升教育现象学的理论追求。  相似文献   

现象学是现代西方哲学中重要而影响深远的哲学思潮之一。现象学首先是一种方法,一种观看现象、描述现象、让现象自我显现的方法;其次,现象学还是一种精神,一种对待现象的态度、风格乃至审美趣味的精神。“面向事物本身”的宗旨和原则是现象学方法和精神的集中体现。现象学的这种开放性和普适性为不同语言和文化背景的思想提供了一个彼此互动交流的广阔空间。《庄子》是中国古代一部颇有自由、开放思想和审美情趣的著作,其中很多章节都蕴涵着现象学的基本精神和风格,比如,庄之梦蝶、濠梁之辩、庖丁解牛等都极富现象学意蕴,这就使得运用现象学方法来解读《庄子》成为一种积极和有益的尝试。  相似文献   


The use of phenomenology and phenomenography as a method in the educational research literature has risen in popularity, particularly by researchers who are interested in understanding and generating knowledge about first-person events, or the lived experiences of students in certain educational contexts. With the rise of phenomenology and phenomenography as a method, some conceptual mistakes and associated confusion have also arisen; however, accounts examining both are limited. As a result, this paper will be concerned with the discussion of two issues: (1) for the sake of conceptual clarity, I provide a brief outline of phenomenology and phenomenography; and, (2) I then turn my attention to a critical discussion of phenomenography. In the latter case, I argue that when phenomenography departs from phenomenology it actually weakens its legitimacy as an approach to research. In order to overcome this problem, I argue that it makes sense to consolidate phenomenography within the broader research agenda of phenomenology which extends on the work of Husserl. Of course, the caveat to this idea is contingent upon a significant shift within phenomenography so it closely aligns itself with phenomenological principles and methods. As a way forward, I offer research direction to those who may be interested in the study of human experience by opening-up interdisciplinary dialogue about phenomenology, and at the same time I explore core methods used in phenomenology that extend on the continental tradition of phenomenology.  相似文献   

教师反思是教师为了提升教育教学实践合理性而进行的自我检查、自我评价和自我修正。反思使教师成为自觉的开放的存在,是教师自我成长之道。职前教师教育应转变培养范式,为反思型教师奠定素质基础:涵养德性,发展反思的动力;提升理性,发展反思的能力。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to clarify the philosophical and methodological variations of phenomenological research methods and their role in the field of educational communication and technology (ECT). Phenomenology is a qualitative research methodology concerned with investigating phenomena as they manifest through lived-experiences. The unit of analysis resides in the intentional meanings of phenomena. Analysis of those intentionalities, however, has evolved over the past century; phenomenologists have viewed intentionality as something that is: described (transcendental phenomenology), interpreted (hermeneutic phenomenology), or resists centering and embraces contexts, situations, and the partial (post-intentional phenomenology) (Vagle 2014, 2018). To conduct phenomenological research, then, one must be able to articulate the specific philosophical underpinnings associated with each approach and the suitability of each approach. To support researchers and practitioners in the field, this paper explicates philosophical and methodological variations of more prominent phenomenological research approaches as well as related issues and affordances. In doing so, this paper offers scholars in the field various perspectives in which to ground future phenomenological research.  相似文献   

The notion of reflection has become an object of attention in education, but the research on this topic is often reduced to mere reflective practice. A relevant part of educational literature portrays reflection as a wholly beneficial practice for practitioners, but also for researchers. In the nursing field, in particular, reflection is largely practised and deeply examined. Reflection is specifically encouraged in teacher education, where ‘how-to’ manuals are widely used to explain strategies for turning teachers into reflective practitioners. In some cases, a specific kind of reflective approach is proposed, such as critical reflection. From the analysis of this technical literature, I observe that a wide range of approaches for fostering reflection have been applied, but little research evidence shows how effective these approaches are. Taking this problem into account, this article presents a research study on reflection. It first introduces a specific and unusual concept of reflection – that of phenomenological conception – and then goes on to develop an empirical investigation that enacts a phenomenological method of inquiry and is aimed at exploring the potential of the use of journal writing as a tool for enhancing reflection, and documents the data that emerged. The research was developed in a university context where the student teachers were asked to ‘reflect on the life of the mind’, in order to learn how to take a reflective stance. The student teachers wrote entries in a reflective journal in which they were requested to describe the lived experiences of the mind as they came to their reflective attention. The data emerging from the experience were made sense of through a qualitative method of analysis. The findings of the research are useful for designing an effective method for enhancing reflective practice.


现象学有两层含义:一是作为哲学理论的现象学;二是作为研究方法的现象学。作为方法的现象学表达的是一种研究的"思维态度"或"思维方式"。现象学作为方法首先被应用于教育研究领域。20世纪70年代后,现象学方法被引入比较教育研究领域,打破了比较教育研究一直以来实证论独占鳌头的局面,为比较教育研究范式走向多元融合的开放道路做出了贡献。  相似文献   

In this paper I conceptualize experiences with technology as an object of study for educational technology research and propose phenomenology as a highly suitable method for studying this construct. I begin by reviewing existing research focusing on the construct of experiences with technology and the approaches utilized for its study. To augment this literature, I explain the phenomenological concept of experience and describe its utility for understanding experiences with technology. I propose the theoretical and methodological approach of phenomenology as a framework for developing a research agenda on experiences with technology and for unifying existing lines of research in this area. To illustrate the promise of this approach and to facilitate its application, I describe a research design consistent with the theoretical underpinnings of phenomenology, including methods for collecting and analyzing data as well as ethical and validity considerations specific to this research design. I conclude by identifying several possible research directions utilizing a phenomenological approach in educational technology to incite further research in this area.  相似文献   

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