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This article describes a principled approach to the design of computer-based tools for use in collaborative instruction. We argue that a project should progress through four steps: (a) making explicit the instructional requirements that serve as design goals for the project; (b) performing a detailed study of current educational practice with regard to these goals; (c) developing a specification based on the identified requirements/limitations of the instructional setting and the known capabilities of the technology; and (d) producing an implementation that allows for local adaptation to instructional practice. We propose six principles of effective learning and instruction, which we view to be the critical features of learning in complex and ill-structured fields. Next, a detailed case study is presented based on the preclinical training given to medical students in the first 2 years of medical school. The problems of providing adequate instruction in the preclinical years are described, as is an instructional method known as problem-based learning (PBL) that has been introduced to redress some of these problems. The product of this design process is a set of specifications for technical augmentations that we believe will serve not only the needs of PBL but also those of other methods of instruction that depend on collaborative, case-based, or student-centered learning.  相似文献   

This paper presents an experimental approach for devising training measures to help small and medium enterprises (SMEs) avail themselves of the new opportunities offered by teleconferencing tools.
The approach includes 1) an analysis of training needs, carried out by means of interviews, so as to propose methodologies and tools that will encourage SMEs to create the conditions under which they can make the most of the opportunities that tele-cooperation offers for raising productivity; and 2) a controlled experiment that seeks to analyse the conditions under which the experimental use of teleconferencing systems may become a valuable vehicle for helping SMEs to construct active awareness about the potential of these tools.  相似文献   

高职院校,尤其是企业承办的高职院校除了承担培养学历教育学生的任务外,另一个重要的角色是为企业承担相关的培训任务,它可以利用自身教育资源优势针对企业发展需求开展提高员工专业技能、职业竞争、工作绩效和其他的一些特殊能力而进行的有计划、有系统的培养和训练。目标就在于不仅使企业符合整个社会可持续发展的需求,而且也可以使高职院校的教育资源最大化的发挥作用。  相似文献   

Rapid socio-economic changes and other emergent needs have combined to make educational systems in small states more complex and difficult to manage. Despite generous spending on educational services and a recognition of the need for training in educational management, these countries find it difficult to provide for adequate training of head teachers since they are forced to spend most of their funds to meet expansion needs of elementary and secondary level and, to a lesser extent, to train elementary teachers. This paper describes and analyses a collaborative venture with the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), The Commonwealth of Learning (COL), The University of the West Indies (UWI) and Lakehead University, Ontario (LU). It particularly focuses on the collaboration, teamwork and planning aspects of the project and demonstrates how such a process can be used to meet crucial needs in small states.  相似文献   

Abstract: This research describes the outcome of a needs assessment to determine whether the Univ. of Guyana should introduce a Food Science program. The research design utilized interviews and questionnaires to large manufacturing organizations and agroprocessors to determine if the required skills are available for the manufacturing process. Results revealed that the lack of skills, particularly in food processing, is one factor that has negatively impacted value‐added production in large manufacturing companies; as well as in the micro, small and medium enterprises, limiting the range of products produced by these entities. Based on this, it was established that the university should introduce a program in food science and be the focus for formal training to satisfy the demands of the food manufacturing industry.  相似文献   

主要运用世界银行——公司数据库和罗兰.贝格国际管理咨询2005中国项目数据,分析了中国大陆对外直接投资(简称外投)的动机和发展趋势,并运用案例对其加以说明。文章得出,中国大型或中小型跨国企业为拓展海外市场份额进行大量的外投,大型跨国企业偏向投资于欧洲和美洲,便于技术转移,加快进入其市场,而中小型跨国企业的跨国度赶超大型跨国企业,其外投区域集中在亚洲市场。  相似文献   

Student perceptions of their IEP targets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The 2001 Code of Practice for Special Educational Needs ( DfES, 2001 ) explicitly states that students with IEPs should have an active role in the writing and implementing of them. A research project was conducted in which 19 Year 8 students in three schools were interviewed, with the findings cross‐referenced against an examination of their individual education plans (IEPs) and interviews with the SENCos. Very few students were able to communicate a clear understanding of IEPs. Students' stated targets mostly reflected mainstream target‐setting: very few stated targets matched with those in their IEPs. Consistent with these findings is literature which argues that meaningfully involving students in the IEP process takes considerable time and effort, which would appear to imply that the number of students with IEPs in any one school must be limited. Against this are pressures, particularly from OFSTED but also from examination boards, to have IEPs available as evidence that students' needs are being met. The article concludes by suggesting that SENCos look to limit the number of IEPs issued, alongside a robust defence of the school's special educational needs policy within the school evaluation form to ensure that students' needs are met and also are seen to be met.  相似文献   

Small‐ and medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs) play an important role in creating a dynamic and successful European economy. Time‐poor managers in these organisations generally have fewer opportunities for training and development than their counterparts in larger organisations. As a result, different requirements are placed on training. The aim of this study was to test the principles of action learning in a virtual environment. The action‐learning programme was based on virtual working but did also involve face‐to‐face workshops, thus providing a blended approach. The project was designed to be “evaluation‐led”, with evaluation progressing alongside the project from design to finalisation. The focus of this paper is on how the evaluation‐led approach unfolded. To this end, we start by explaining our research approach, we then move on to an analysis of the project to conclude with a discussion of the findings and of the lessons learnt. We conclude by highlighting some further research needs.  相似文献   

教育技术能力是高校教师开展教育教学必需具有的一种能力.对某一工科为主、多学科协调发展的高校新进教师教育技术能力进行调研,采用问卷调查法、访谈法和课堂观察法,从责任与意识、知识与技能、设计与实施、教学评价、科研与创新和学习需求等方面收集数据,总结了新进教师的培训需求,并提出了开展教育技术培训的建议,以期为新进教师这一群体制定更加科学合理的教育技术培训方案,促进教师专业发展.  相似文献   

As part of Myanmar's current educational reforms, the EfECT project aimed to improve the competence of pre-service teacher educators in Education Colleges across the country. Drawing on baseline and exit measures collected through questionnaires, tests, observations, interviews and written reflections, this paper examines the impact of the two-year project on 1647 teacher educators' propositional knowledge of teaching methodology, practical teaching skills, reflective abilities and professional confidence. Overall, but not exclusively, the outcomes of the project in relation to these issues were positive, and these results are analysed critically with particular attention to the tools used to measure project impact.  相似文献   

为了适应酒店业的迅猛发展,我国各类高职院校酒店管理专业在人才培养方面做了很多有益的探索和实践,虽然取得了一定的成果,但仍存在着诸如培养目标定位不准确、课程体系陈旧、教学方法单一、师资力量缺乏、办学模式不灵活等诸多问题。树立能力本位的教育理念;根据岗位职业能力的要求,重新构建专业课程体系;创新教学模式,推行项目教学;构建结构合理的双师教学团队和建立校企深度合作的办学模式是解决问题的有效途径。  相似文献   

In this article we describe and illustrate an analytical perspective in which educational policies are viewed as designs for supporting learning. From the learning design perspective, a policy comprises 3 components that we term the what, how, and why of policy: the goals for the learning of members of the group targeted by the policy, the supports for their learning, and an often implicit rationale for why these supports might be effective. We unpack the how of policy by describing 4 types of support for learning: new positions, learning events, new organizational routines, and new tools. Based on our discussion of the rationale for each type of support we conjecture that policies that are effective in supporting consequential professional learning will involve some combination of new positions that provide expert guidance, ongoing intentional learning events in which tools are used to bridge to practice, carefully designed organizational routines carried out with a more knowledgeable other, and the use of new tools whose incorporation into practice is supported. We present an analysis of a policy that was central to an urban district's efforts to support middle school mathematics teachers' development of ambitious instructional practices. The data that we analyzed included audio-recorded interviews conducted with teachers, mathematics coaches, school leaders, and district leaders. The sample analysis illustrates that the learning design perspective is useful both when designing policies and when revising policies after implementation to make them more effective.  相似文献   

对西北农村中小学校长的主要描述性特征的调查,采取问卷调查与个别访谈等方式得出如下结论:(1)西北农村中小学校长以男性、汉族、中级职称、大专和本科学历为主;(2)大部分校长都有担任中层管理者或副校长的工作经历,校长主要是通过教育系统内竞聘后任命,几乎所有的校长都从事教学工作且工作负担沉重;(3)大部分校长都认为校长培训非常必要和有效,但是校长接受职前或在职培训的机会较少,时间较短,培训内容并没有面向校长面临的现实问题。文章针对西北农村中小学校长的主要描述性特征的调查结果,对未来西北农村校长问题的研究做出了展望。  相似文献   

A National Science Foundation grant to the Biological Sciences Curriculum Study (BSCS) at The Colorado College supported the design and production of training materials to encourage literacy of science teachers in the use of microcomputers. ENLIST Micros is based on results of a national needs assessment that identified 22 compentencies needed by K–12 science teachers to use microcomputers for instruction. A writing team developed the 16-hour training program in the summer of 1985, and field-test coordinators tested it with 18 preservice or in-service groups during the 1985–86 academic year at 15 sites within the United States. The training materials consist of video programs, interactive computer disks for the Apple II series microcomputer, a training manual for participants, and a guide for the group leader. The experimental materials address major areas of educational computing: awareness, applications, implementation, evaluation, and resources. Each chapter contains activities developed for this program, such as viewing video segments of science teachers who are using computers effectively and running commercial science and training courseware. Role playing and small-group interaction help the teachers overcome their reluctance to use computers and plan for effective implementation of microcomputers in the school. This study examines the implementation of educational computing among 47 science teachers who completed the ENLIST Micros training at a southern university. We present results of formative evaluation for that site. Results indicate that both elementary and secondary teachers benefit from the training program and demonstrate gains in attitudes toward computer use. Participating teachers said that the program met its stated objectives and helped them obtain needed skills. Only 33 percent of these teachers, however, reported using computers one year after the training. In June 1986, the BSCS initiated a follow up to the ENLIST Micros curriculum to develop, evaluate, and disseminate a complete model of teacher enhancement for educational computing in the sciences. In that project, we use the ENLIST Micros curriculum as the first step in a training process. The project includes seminars that introduce additional skills: It contains provisions for sharing among participants, monitors use of computers in participants' classrooms, provides structured coaching of participants' use of computers in their classrooms, and offers planned observations of peers using computers in their science teaching.  相似文献   

This article is an account of a pilot project designed to help art & design teachers in training use their particular strengths to report on classroom observation through visual art. The project is underpinned by the notion that the arts provide a particular way of knowing and that teaching should be student‐centred. I argue that if the arts can be seen to be a particular way through which we can understand the world then they can be used as both a pedagogical tool and possibly a vehicle for collecting data and reporting research. A group of 19 student teachers of art & design were given tasks which involved reporting on their school placement experience via a visual art form rather than through a text‐based form such as writing. The resulting images were discussed in a seminar and a sub‐group of three students was purposely selected for interviews. It was found overall, the students valued the approach taken and that they gained valuable insights into their professional placements through adopting an art‐based approach to educational research. As a result, I advocate in this article a greater use of arts‐based approaches to research which explores educational experience, not only in the arts, but in all areas of teaching and learning.  相似文献   

现代学徒制试点是我国深化产教融合、健全职业技能培训体系,推动职业教育高质量发展的重要形式。现代学徒制试点的实施路径是否合理,是关系到我国现代学徒制试点专业教育能否顺利开展的前提。基于此,文章在对现代学徒制试点的提出背景、实施主体的认识误区、实施原则及实施路径设计思路作全面分析基础上,进而重点对现代学徒制试点的实施路径进行了深入探索,即如何选择合作企业、选拔导师团队、制定学徒培养方案、校企联合培养以及教育教学资源建设,并对实践个案作简要概述,同时提出了相关建议与思考。  相似文献   

徐娟  宋继华 《现代教育技术》2006,16(6):58-62,68
教育部各高等院校的教育技术培训中心已经成为各高校教师教育技术水平及应用能力提升的有生力量,但随着教育技术发展的日新月异,原有的培训体系和内容已经无法满足现实的需求,而各院校零散的认识又不能促进这一事业的整体发展。本文试图梳理当前较为成熟的理论、方法及工具,据此设计新型的培训课程,以便教师能够用更新的教育思想、教学理念以及教学模式指导教学。  相似文献   

To examine interface issues in an educational software program, we recruited twenty-two users in health sciences departments for a usability study. Using the GramStain-Tutor™ (GST) CD-ROM, these users performed tasks in navigating the program and using various interactive features. Their actions and comments were recorded with a digital video recorder and an audio recorder. The main results of our study are: (a) the majority of the users did not use the multiple navigational options available in the program; (b) navigational patterns differed based on the training background and content knowledge of the users; (c) several visual cues critical to program use were not discovered by the majority of the users; and (d) icons representing specific functions were not intuitive from users' perspectives. We demonstrated how a usability study of a relatively small number of users can identify specific problems in interface design. We recommend these interface problems be addressed before conducting educational studies that examine how educational software programs affect student learning.  相似文献   


This article argues that because of the practice in the 1960s of placing black children in so-called ‘educational subnormal’ units there is now a reluctance to look at the speci?c needs of African Caribbean children. The post-Warnock politics of integration/inclusion following this period point to the ‘institutional racism’ of schools and white teachers to explain poor exam results. This article argues that in the current political climate which prioritizes ‘inclusion’ we should not patronize the black child. There is a need to position the factors of oppression equally with other factors of underachievement; to re-employ psychological, behavioural and educational tools as well as to deconstruct school processes and teacher attitudes; and to consider psychosocial factors related to underachievement without forgetting the reality of institutional racism. The article illustrates a research project that looks at the pastoral needs of African Caribbean children. It points to these needs as the key variable in unlocking their underachievement at school.  相似文献   

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