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Journalists are frequently reporting about new and innovative products in news articles. Oftentimes, journalists use specific company and product information provided by enterprises that highlight a corporation’s social responsibility (CSR) activities. Based on framing theory and theory of reasoned action, an experiment was conducted to examine how types of CSR-framed news (either highlighting ethical, ecological, or philanthropic responsibilities of a company) affect news recipients’ product purchasing intentions. A mediation analysis showed that CSR-framed news indirectly and positively affected individuals’ purchasing intentions via company and product attitudes. No relevant differences could be detected for the specific type of CSR frame. Implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

Although increasing numbers of employees working in public organizations are using social media for work purposes and numerous studies exist on how social media affect organizational outcomes, we have very limited knowledge of how using social media for work purposes affects employees' work motivation. This paper fills this important gap by using self-determination theory (SDT) to analyze how the use of social media for work purposes is associated with government employees' need satisfaction and intrinsic work motivation. According to regression results, employees' use of social media is positively related to employees' need satisfaction (autonomy, relatedness, and competence) and, accordingly, intrinsic work motivation. However, further analysis shows that too much use of social media has an averse effect. Theoretically, this study is one of the pioneer attempts to integrate e-governance with SDT. Practically, we encourage managers to use caution in promoting the use of social media for work purposes. Using social media two to three days a week may be the ideal range.  相似文献   

论文概述了信息共享空间的国内外研究现状与实践进展,阐释了图书馆与信息共享空间的关系与政策问题,从信息开放存取与共享的角度,初步探讨了图书馆在公共文化服务中的定位与对策措施。  相似文献   

中国文科论文与一般科技论文之间存在差异已是共识,而具体差异何在却并未明确,本文旨在探讨文科论文的结构性量化特征。以2013—2018年我国人文社科发表的论文为基础,采用统计方法,以《新华文摘》《中国社会科学文摘》《高等学校文科学术文摘》所转载的论文作为第一层级,《复印报刊资料》所转载的论文作为第二层级,《中文社会科学引文索引》(CSSCI)所索引的论文作为第三层级,CNKI入库所有人文社科论文作为第四层级,概括中国人文社科论文的层级结构;其中,第一层级论文仅占总入库量的0.21%,第二层级占0.66%,第三层级占4.9%,说明这种层级结构对于全部论文有着较高的凝练荟萃效用;进而分析这种层级结构对学术热点的关注特征,并探讨其在学科、机构、期刊评价中的潜在应用前景。研究发现:各机构被转载论文情况符合幂律,具有高度不平衡性;CSSCI收录的期刊论文占高层级转载论文的七成左右,非C刊在层级结构中也有一定贡献;高层级文摘类期刊转载论文学科偏好不尽相同,各校各学科被转载论文比例存在差异性;三大文科文摘能够很好地把握热点前沿,各文摘类在理论性、实践性和可读性方面也有不同特点。本文结果可望为洞悉和评价...  相似文献   

试论我国建立公共借阅权制度的前提和原则   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
维护公共利益是建立公共借阅权制度的前提,生产力发展水平是公共借阅权制度建立的基础。与欧盟建立公共借阅权制度国家的比较,根据我国的实际情况,各省、市、自治区可依本地区国内国民生产总值,本着保障公共利益和可操作性原则,决定是否建立和如何建立公共借阅权制度。  相似文献   

Humans exhibit a fundamental reliance on interpersonal relations for the acquisition of information. Gatekeepers, who help link people with unknown information, are the “humans” in this human information-seeking process. The gatekeeping phenomenon has been studied in diverse disciplines and this article examines these research literatures to reveal that gatekeepers arise in discourse communities by different means, including cultural certification, informal nomination, or by virtue of their social positions. This multidisciplinary analysis of gatekeeping reveals that information practices are immensely contextual and contingent on the social environment. It enables and substantiates a collectivist perspective of library and information science (LIS). Moreover, this theoretical orientation also prompts us to apply social network analysis (SNA) to LIS in order to study and determine how the characteristics of social relationships and structures affect access to information resources.  相似文献   

美国图书馆社会责任之争的缘起、发展及其职业遗产   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪60年代末,美国图书馆界开始了一场以图书馆职业是否应当参与解决战争、种族或性别歧视、环境污染等社会问题的激烈争论,争论围绕承担社会责任是否偏离职业使命、是否颠覆职业客观中立立场、是否违背信息自由原则等方面展开。这场争论引导图书馆职业重新思考职业的传统价值观,它与社会责任圆桌会议开展的活动一起为世界图书馆职业积累了宝贵的职业遗产。  相似文献   

This article explores the determinants of local governments' use of social networking sites. It does so by analysing the relative impact of institutional, political and social determinants, while controlling for the impact of mayors' traits and social characteristics of municipalities on local governments levels of activity on Facebook. Empirically, this article presents a within-case analysis of Portuguese municipalities' activity on social media, aiming to shed light on the strategic use of social media by local governments. A coherent picture associated with politically pro-active local governments emerges from the results: higher levels of social media activity appear in municipalities with more competitive local elections and higher commitment to transparency. Moreover, findings suggest that local governments tend to be concerned with the low levels of voter turnout, potentially resorting to social media as a powerful tool to increase civic engagement and (offline) political participation. Levels of Facebook activity are significantly higher in larger and wealthier municipalities. The results indicate that Facebook official pages of municipalities are part of a larger arsenal of tools to promote political engagement and activity levels signal a propensity to involve citizens pro-actively.  相似文献   

This article compares the current states of science and practice regarding spatiotemporal (space + time) crime analysis within intermediate- to large-size law enforcement agencies in the Northeastern United States. The contributions of the presented research are two-fold. First, a comprehensive literature review was completed spanning the domains of Criminology/Crime Analysis and GIScience/Cartography to establish the current state of science on spatiotemporal crime analysis. This background review then was complemented with a set of interviews with personnel from seven intermediate- to large-size law enforcement agencies in the United States in order to establish the current state of practice of spatiotemporal crime analysis. The comparison of science and practice revealed a variety of insights into the current practice of spatiotemporal crime analysis as well as identified four broad, currently unmet needs: (1) improve access to externally maintained government datasets and allow for flexible and dynamic combination of these datasets; (2) place an emphasis on user interface design in order to improve the usability of crime mapping and analysis tools, (3) integrate geographic and temporal representations and analyses methods to better unlock insight into spatiotemporal criminal activity, and (4) improve support for strategic crime analysis and, ultimately, public safety policymaking and administration. The results of the interview study ultimately were used to inform the design and development of a spatiotemporal crime mapping application called GeoVISTA CrimeViz.  相似文献   

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