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The uses and gratifications framework was applied to the question of choice of face‐to‐face, written and electronic channels in organizations for production, maintenance, and innovation communication. Choice was based on differences in production and innovation gratifications, but choice of traditional channels was marked by receiving more gratifications in low‐need situations.  相似文献   

The use of shared experiences and an accurate representation of real life situations is critical to effective speech education. This essay examines the use of role playing and principles of learning applied to the modern speech classroom.  相似文献   

The present study expands on prior work on the use of narratives in persuasive communication by examining students’ (N = 201) reactions to six organ donation public service announcements (PSAs). Reactions to the type of appeal, donor-focused or recipient-focused, were also explored. Results indicated that being immersed in the PSA was positively associated with message reactions and negatively associated with threats to overall freedom of choice when deciding whether or not to become an organ donor. Those perceived threats partially mediated the relationship between immersion into the story of the PSA and message reactions, such that increased threats were associated with reduced message reactions. Individuals exposed to the recipient-focused appeals were more interested in the narrative of the PSAs than those exposed to donor-focused appeals. Results are discussed in the context of future message and campaign development.  相似文献   

Organizations sometimes create policies that restrict the decision freedom of their members. When doing so, they might create psychological reactance and dissent. This study examines whether providing voice into a decision can reduce the likelihood that those affected by the decision perceive it as imposing on their rights, can have negative emotional reactions to its adoption, and can want to engage in organizational dissent. Undergraduate students were randomly assigned to read scenarios in which a university committee decided to recommend that a university-wide, mandatory, comprehensive exit examination requirement be adopted after a student group either supported the requirement or opposed it. The results confirmed an indirect path between voice and dissent that flowed through perceived imposition on students’ rights and negative emotional reactions to the adoption of the requirement. The limitations of the study and implications of the results for theory and research are discussed.  相似文献   

The current study advances the literature on psychological reactance theory by examining the moderating role of message elaboration on the reactance process. Participants (N = 512) were randomly assigned to a message condition (freedom-threatening vs. non-freedom-threatening language) in a between-subjects quasi-experimental design. Message elaboration was not manipulated but rather varied naturally. Two topics were examined (energy conservation and organ donation). Results demonstrated that freedom-threatening language was positively associated with perceived freedom threat for both topics. No interaction effect of message elaboration and freedom-threatening language on perceived freedom threat was observed for either topic. Findings are discussed in terms of the theoretical and practical contributions of the current study.  相似文献   

This investigation compares whether an intertwined or a separate process model better explains message failure incurred by threat to freedom. The current project extends the intertwined model proposed by Dillard and Shen (2005 Dillard , J. P. , & Shen , L. ( 2005 ). On the nature of reactance and its role in persuasive health communication . Communication Monographs , 72 , 144168 . doi: 10.1080/03637750500111815 [Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) by considering the additional persuasive message elements of weak argument and insult. Results indicate that the intertwined model provides not only a better fit but also a more general model of message resistance than previously considered.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between different media agendas and public agendas in the agenda‐setting process. The local and regional media agendas for environmental news in the Lansing, Michigan, area were exactly the same. It was also found that respondents could accurately assess media issue emphasis when they were asked to do so.  相似文献   

Two field experiments were performed assessing the effectiveness of the dump-and-chase, a compliance-gaining technique employing strategic persistence. These two experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the dump-and-chase relative to other known compliance-gaining techniques. Experiment 1 found the dump-and-chase more effective than pooled data from the door-in-the-face and placebic information technique. Experiment 2 found the dump-and-chase more effective than the door-in-the-face, placebic information, and foot-in-the-door. The dump-and-chase produced consistently higher compliance-gaining proportions across experiments. Moreover, because the contextual features of two experiments differed substantially, the effect was robust to important contextual differences.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(3):377-397

According to the cognitive perspective, the generation of counterarguments is a key obstacle to persuasion. Following the metacognitive view, however, the experience of difficulty that accompanies increased counterarguing may benefit persuasion. These two contrasting predictions were evaluated in two experiments (N1?=?392; N2?=?210) by manipulating the instructions of thought-listing tasks following exposure to a testimonial that advocated for Physician-Assisted Suicide. Results for participants low-in-NfC supported the cognitive prediction, whereby generating many counterarguments (7) led to less favorable attitudes toward PAS, whereas fewer counterarguments (2) engendered more positive attitudes. In contrast, among participants high in NfC, increased counterarguing (7) resulted in more favorable attitudes toward PAS, while fewer counterarguments (2) were translated into greater opposition.  相似文献   

Binge-watching—the intensive, consecutive viewing of televised series—has become a prevalent usage pattern of entertainment media, which may influence users’ psychological well-being both positively and negatively: On the one hand, binge-watching could increase viewers’ enjoyment, recovery experiences, and vitality through an increase in perceived autonomy. On the other hand, binge-watching can trigger goal conflicts and feelings of guilt, which may reduce well-being. Drawing on an online survey (N = 499), the present study examines the tension between these two mechanisms and their effects on users’ well-being. The data largely support the hypotheses: Binge-watching is perceived as recreational as long as goal conflicts and feelings of guilt can be avoided. Well-being, on the other hand, is positively affected by binge-watching-induced increases in perceived autonomy. These results corroborate the central role of self-determination as a link between media reception, media enjoyment, and psychological well-being.  相似文献   

刘鹏 《北京档案》2008,(11):54-55
婚姻是人的终身大事。在封建社会里,婚姻凭的是“父母之命,媒妁之言”,基本上不考虑青年男女双方的感情和意愿。许多家庭讲究“门当户对”。在旧社会,人们还奉行早婚早育,子女十四五岁就开始托亲友或媒人保亲了,一般家庭在子女二十岁以前就为儿女张罗婚事,社会上也有一些以说媒为职业的媒婆。  相似文献   

James C. McCroskey passed away on December 27, 2012. He contributed immensely to the study of human communication. He led the field in in-field publications and citations. Perhaps his most lasting contribution is naming and measuring communication constructs. James C. McCroskey contributed substantially to Communication Research Reports as a past editor, editorial board member, and contributing author. This essay is a personal and professional remembrance of James C. McCroskey.  相似文献   

与美国相比,我国新闻诽谤诉讼中媒体败诉率居高不下,其关键原因是:我国实行证明责任倒置,由媒体对报道真实性和过错负证明责任;美国由原告对此负证明责任。然而,深层次原因是:混淆证明责任与举证责任的区别,滥用证明责任倒置。  相似文献   

介绍了中国图书馆学诞生之前,即"前图书馆学"中有关藏书的分类、编目、访求、庋藏、保管、建筑、设备以及应用等方面的一些知识和理论。分别介绍了《汉书.艺文志》序、《隋书.经籍志》、《通志.校雠略》、《通志.艺文略》、《麟台故事》、《南宋馆阁录》、《澹生堂藏书约》、《藏书记要》、《流通古书约》、《儒藏说》等文献的内容及其在我国藏书事业发展中的作用。  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(3):316-343
A random-effects meta-analysis was undertaken to examine the effectiveness of the Door-in-the-Face (DITF) persuasive message strategy on compliance. Results indicate an overall significant effect of the DITF strategy on verbal compliance (k=78, r=.126), but an insignificant effect for behavioral compliance (k=39, r=.052). In terms of verbal compliance, the DITF strategy works significantly better than controls for different samples, across varied communication media, and for prosocial causes. Additionally, the DITF technique is more successful than controls for volunteering/research than other target behaviors (e.g., monetary donation). For both verbal and behavioral compliance outcomes, the toughness (measured as amount of baseline compliance) of the donation context negatively predicted the magnitude of the DITF effect. It is argued social responsibility theory best accounts for observed moderator factors.  相似文献   

This study predicted that variations in the content of a narrative organ donor appeal (i.e., the age of the donor, the age of the person whose life was saved, the donor's cause of death, and the number of people whose lives were saved) would have a differential impact on a person's affective and cognitive reactions to that message, which would in turn influence a person's attitude toward signing an organ donor card. Two hundred sixty-eight individuals who had not signed an organ donor card previously read one of several narratives and then answered a series of questions designed to measure their attitudes toward signing an organ donor card. These data revealed that how a person dies (accident vs natural causes) and the number of people who are saved through organ donation indirectly influence a person's attitude toward signing an organ donor card with vividness, sympathy, and happiness acting as mediating variables. These findings and their implications are discussed.  相似文献   

高校心理档案研究工作中存在的问题与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立大学生心理档案是高校加强心理健康教育的重要内容。目前绝大多数高校已相继为入学新生建立了心理档案。但在心理档案工作中还存在一些问题:心理档案工作专业水平低,心理档案制度不健全,心理档案建立手段单一,工作范围狭窄等等。文章针对以上问题进行了深入探讨分析,提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

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