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美国风险沟通研究:学术沿革、核心命题及其关键因素   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
美国风险沟通研究兴起于20世纪80年代中期。本文探讨了它产生的现实社会文化背景及其学术沿革,试图厘清风险沟通研究与风险管理研究、危机传播研究、公共关系研究的关系。风险沟通的功能定位经历了由单向告知到公共参与的转变。风险沟通的核心命题是风险=危害+愤怒,该研究非常关注公众的风险感知。风险沟通的关键因素是建立信任,该研究在理论探讨和操作指南两个层面上对信任问题进行了开掘。  相似文献   

During natural disasters, mass media facilitate the timely provision of accurate information about health risks to the public. This study informs our understanding of such public health discourse, utilizing a content-analysis of 235 newspaper articles in four major metropolitan newspapers published in the five weeks after Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast in August 2005. These data reveal that a small and diminishing number of articles included public health information over time, detailed the hurricane impact on affected communities, and used reliable health sources. The implications for future research from a public health and media relations perspective are discussed.  相似文献   

新冠疫情早期的媒介使用、风险感知与个体行为   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
闫岩  温婧 《新闻界》2020,(6):50-61
暴发于2019年末并迅速发展的新冠肺炎疫情已成为全球性的公共卫生事件。本研究开展于大众媒体信息尚且不充裕的疫情早期,通过对全国32省(自治区、直辖市)243市1265名受访者的在线调查,考察疫情初期人们在媒体使用、疫情感知和个体行为等方面的总体情况。研究显示,人们对新媒体(微信公众号和微博)的使用频率明显高于传统媒体,而对其可信度评价却显著低于传统媒体。个体风险感知和社会风险感知构成了公众对疫情风险感知的总体估量,且人们对疫情的认知和行动彼此关联。受社交媒体使用和参与的影响,个人层面风险感知指向更积极的人际传播;受大众化媒体使用和信息获取的影响,社会层面的风险感知则更多的导向抽象的疾病知识和符合社会利益期待的个体行为。  相似文献   

Recent theorizing in hostile media perception (HMP) has focused on the impact of news content on perceptions of media bias. Using a 2 (an outcome frame versus a value frame) × 2 (a societal frame versus an individual frame) experimental design (N = 114), this study examined the differential effects of news frames on perceptions of media bias. The results showed that an outcome frame induced relatively less HMP than a value frame. Further, a societal frame was more likely to elicit HMP than an individual frame when the medical abortion controversy was framed in term of values (vs. outcomes). Directions for future research on the potential impact of news framing on HMP were discussed.  相似文献   

Local television news remains a primary news source for Americans and is a key source of consumer health information. This study explores why local television health journalists cover particular topics and assesses why health journalism newsgathering practices often differ from the normative newsgathering practices of general assignment reporters. Fifteen in-depth telephone interviews were conducted with health journalists from varying geographical regions and media markets. Influence from local hospitals and personal interest in a health topic often determined the health content the journalists produced. Journalists said it was difficult to cover health issues in addition to other newsroom responsibilities.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the sampling methods and sample populations used in all U.S.-based survey and experimental mass communication studies published between 2000 and 2014 in six major journals (N = 1,173). Most studies used nonprobability samples, and more than half used student samples. Experiments used more nonprobability and student samples than surveys. Funded studies used more probability and nonstudent samples than nonfunded studies. Implications of results pertaining to population validity and interpretations of findings for mass communication research are discussed.  相似文献   

This study presents the IDEA (internalization, distribution, explanation, action) model as an easy-to-use and situationally generalizable framework for quickly developing effective messages instructing people on how to protect themselves before and during high-risk events, crises, disasters, and other emergencies. The model consists of four elements: helping message recipients internalize the potential impact of the risk or crisis event, identifying appropriate channels and strategies for distributing the risk or crisis event messages, offering a brief and intelligible explanation of the nature of the risk or crisis, and providing specific self-protective action steps for people to take. The model may be used to design messages in any risk, crisis, or emergency context. Through a posttest-only quasi-experimental cross-sectional research experiment, this study measured the perceived message effectiveness, cognitive understanding, and behavioral intentions of those viewing a television news story about a crisis situation employing the IDEA model compared to those viewing a similar story replicating typical crisis event news stories delivered to general publics. This comparative examination revealed that the message designed according to the IDEA model was significantly more effective than the status quo message and resulted in greater behavioral intentions to engage in appropriate self-protective actions in the event of an acute risk or crisis situation. Strategies for implementing the model are also provided.  相似文献   

论“风险社会”危机的跨文化传播   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
世界已经进入“风险社会,”风险并非自然的风险,乃是“人造风险”。风险具有全球性、知识依赖性和“不确定性”等特征,对危机的跨文化传播研究显得尤为必要和紧迫。传媒具有风险认知和沟通功能,预测、凸现隐形的风险并对现实危机进行“定义”、“冠名,”以提高不同文化背景下的人们对同一危机的“在场感”以及经验、认知的相互交流。大众传媒要尽量减少传播的悖论和破除话语中心论,同时,对危机的跨文化传播研究应该从研究“误传”、“误读”转向研究如何协调合作与建构意义。  相似文献   

This study examines the news diffusion process during the 2003 Columbia shuttle tragedy. Participants in two locations were surveyed during the week following the tragedy to directly compare the diffusion process for a distant and local location. An initial difference was the prevalence of telephone use for the local group in first hearing about the breakup versus face-to-face and television for the distant group. Internet usage appeared more prevalent than in previous studies and was particularly evident for the distant group during the initial stages of the news event. Television was the primary choice for follow-up information for both groups. While mass media usage seemed comparable throughout, the use of interpersonal sources declined more for the distant group during the diffusion process.  相似文献   

Third- and first-person perceptions (TPPs/FPPs) are considered to be biased judgments of media influence on self and others. Research suggests that perspective taking, i.e., thinking from another person’s position, decreases perceptual gaps between self and others via assimilation. In a two-factorial experiment (n = 431), we test whether this effect of perspective taking (Factor 1) holds true for the presumed influence of desirable and undesirable messages (Factor 2). Results indicate that perspective taking significantly reduces TPPs in the case of an undesirable message but not FPPs that are provoked by the desirable message. The observable effect traces back to a change in presumed message influence on the self. Presumed influence on others was independent of both factors, desirability of message influence and perspective taking. These findings are discussed in the light of cognitive and motivational explanations for FPPs/TPPs.  相似文献   

风险与决策相伴,科学的决策离不开媒体的风险沟通。怒江水电工程遭遇政府、民间与媒体的不同声音,具有重要的新闻价值和符号意义,工程的搁置更是凸现了风险决策的民主。风险传播从侧重教育宣传式的单向传播,走向注重公众参与的双向传播,促进风险决策的民主。  相似文献   

Swearing is a frequent language form in a number of contexts, including the work setting. This investigation extends research on expectancy violations theory as an explanation for how people perceive swearing by examining violation valence. Study 1 concludes that violation valence is positively related to perceptions of message appropriateness and effectiveness and to perceptions of the speaker. Study 2 replicates these findings using a national sample. These results provide support for the role of expectancy violations in swearing and show that swearing is not always perceived as negative in work settings.  相似文献   

Communication theory is ideally suited to advance systematic forms of knowledge about workplace safety. The focus of this research is to examine workplace safety using health communication theory and research. A field study using a random sample of production workers (n=645) in a manufacturing organization was conducted, to investigate individuals’ risk perception and efficacy beliefs and to validate the predictions of the risk perception attitude framework. Results were consistent with the theory, as risk and efficacy jointly predicted safety behavior, behavioral intentions, and safety information-seeking intentions. Given a particular level of risk, those with greater efficacy beliefs displayed more positive safety outcomes than those with lower efficacy beliefs. The responsive group (high risk, high efficacy) reported safer outcomes than the avoidant group (high risk, low efficacy) and the proactive group (low risk, high efficacy) reported safer outcomes than the indifferent group (low risk, low efficacy). This theoretical frame provides practical directions as to what shapes the safety behaviors and communication patterns of workers in dangerous jobs and offers insights for safety information-seeking and workplace safety.  相似文献   

This study examines the function of communication and humor in the older adult parent-adult child dyad when the parent has been diagnosed with cancer. Qualitative data of open-ended data from 46 adult children of a parent recently diagnosed with cancer revealed that discussing diagnosis and treatment procedures was perceived to be a satisfying conversation, whereas withholding information had an adverse affect. The discussion of the parents' feelings during the cancer period was a difficult and complex communicative experience. The Meta-Humorous Interaction Theory (MetaHIT) was used as a conceptual framework to understand the function of appropriate and inappropriate uses of humor in terms of cognitive, affective, and behavioral elements of humor. Humor was often used as a coping or relief function for discussing side effects of cancer treatment. This investigation underscores the importance of understanding how adult children use humorous communication to cope with the unknown conversational territory of a parent's cancer diagnosis.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):518-539
Female college students (N=104) in friendship dyads were exposed to radio advertisements promoting the HPV vaccine—narrative or advocacy in format—after which they completed a questionnaire. Half the dyads were instructed to engage in a conversation about the advertisement prior to completing the questionnaire. Analyses showed that interpersonal discussion was related to normative perceptions, attitudes and intentions regarding the vaccine, but only under certain conditions. Conversation partner, conversation valence and positive opinion sharing were related to those outcomes. In a follow-up questionnaire, participants who discussed the ad in the days after exposure reported more positive intention change. Participants with stronger emotional reactions to the ads were more likely to discuss them during this period.  相似文献   

日本在中国出版的俄文报刊虽然数量不多,却是日本对相关人群施行舆论控制的有效工具。日系俄文报刊集中出现在九一八事变之后。为向居住在我国东北的俄国侨民灌输法西斯思想,日本直接创办或通过其他组织间接出版了一系列俄文报刊,同时,为保证日系俄文报刊的影响力,日本还严格地限制俄国侨民在华的办报活动。  相似文献   

The study reported here examined the influence of anonymous sources on health websites on the perceptions and attitudes of information seekers. It was hypothesized that, despite the warnings and guidelines established by health organizations, anonymous sources would be perceived to be as credible and influential as sources that were identified. The anonymity effect, drawn from the similarity principle in attribution theory, was forwarded as a theoretical mechanism to explain responses to anonymous sources. The results indicated that anonymous sources were generally perceived by participants to be as credible and influential as identified sources, although the anonymity effect explanation was not supported. The implications of these findings for information seekers and health practitioners are considered.  相似文献   

The study reported here examined the influence of anonymous sources on health websites on the perceptions and attitudes of information seekers. It was hypothesized that, despite the warnings and guidelines established by health organizations, anonymous sources would be perceived to be as credible and influential as sources that were identified. The anonymity effect, drawn from the similarity principle in attribution theory, was forwarded as a theoretical mechanism to explain responses to anonymous sources. The results indicated that anonymous sources were generally perceived by participants to be as credible and influential as identified sources, although the anonymity effect explanation was not supported. The implications of these findings for information seekers and health practitioners are considered.  相似文献   

This four-year participant observation study of a “good neighbor” campaign aimed at chemical releases from a plastics plant in southwest Ohio investigates the role that health discourses play in environmental health disputes. Environmental health activists defined health, attributed illness causation, and narrated risk in ways that resisted dominant approaches to health, science, and corporate issues management. Those constructions were contested in everyday interactions with neighbors, corporate management, and regulators. The research found that neighbors’ biographical health narratives politicized risk in ways that aided the negotiation of emissions reductions, but individualized, passive, and technocratic approaches to health risks presented barriers to fully understanding the health effects of chemical emissions. The study demonstrates the need for campaign practitioners to raise critical public awareness of taken-for-granted health beliefs, and for greater involvement of academics in promoting democratic scientific methods.  相似文献   

Using framing and issue attention cycle as theoretical frameworks, this study examined how print media frame public health epidemics, such as mad cow disease, West Nile virus, and avian flu. We found that “action” and “consequence” were the two frames journalists employed consistently to construct stories about epidemics in the New York Times, the newspaper used for this case study. The prominence of other frames varied with diseases. We also found different attention cycle patterns for each disease. Coverage of public health epidemics was highly event based, with increased news coverage corresponding to important events such as newly identified cases and governmental actions. We found that media concerns and journalists' narrative considerations regarding epidemics did change across different phases of development and across diseases. This suggests that journalists emphasize different narrative considerations at different stages of the issue development cycle, based on the specificity of each disease.  相似文献   

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