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《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):657-684
Power and dominance are widely recognized as fundamental concepts in the study of human relationships. A theory of power, Dunbar's dyadic power theory (DPT), was tested experimentally by manipulating power in interactions with confederate strangers. Participants' verbal and nonverbal dominance behaviors were coded from videotapes of their interactions. DPT proposes that individuals will display more dominance in equal power relationships than in unequal relationships and increasing an individual's relative power will increase that individual's satisfaction with the encounter. The results revealed that the equal-power and unequal high-power conditions displayed more dominance and were more satisfied than those in the unequal low-power conditions but those in the unequal-high power condition were the least affected by their partners and maintained the most control over the partnership's decisions. Implications for DPT and the relationship between microlevel dominance behaviors and the macrolevel impressions of dominant interactants are discussed.  相似文献   

政治心态是分析清末政论报刊资本来源的视角之一。维新报刊与其所代表的阶级主体的游离,革命报刊与国内阶级主体的脱节,海外革命报刊资本募捐中的阶级错位,这些特征并不是对历史唯物主义的违背,它所突出的是政治心态在历史发展中的重要作用。社会群体的政治心态变化所形成的资本效应,展现出新闻事业阶级性历史生成的复杂过程。  相似文献   

群体政治心态为晚清政论报刊市场的产生、发展和分化整合提供了一条分析思路。甲午战后,社会各阶层政治情绪的激变成为晚清政论报刊时代形成的心理基础。阅读主体心态从求新求变到激进化、进而革命化,成为晚清政论报刊市场变化的心理机制。  相似文献   

Loyalty to program types is recognized as a significant characteristic of television viewing behavior. Few studies have investigated preferences for rerun program types. This study examines the content preferences of favorite programs for differences of rerun programs and first‐run programs among 489 respondents.  相似文献   

Mistakes are common in business and can lead to negative repercussions for organizations. However, through the use of explanations, firms can diminish the negative consequences of their errors. The current study used a field stimulation to examine organizational explanations (excuses, justifications, and excuses) and their components (believable, appropriate, considerate, and responsible) to determine which factors make a difference in consumer satisfaction following organizational failures. Results, interpreted through the lens of expectancy violations theory, suggest that various components of explanations and the form of explanations used in remedial responses influence people's perceptions of organizations and organizational responses following complaints about failures.  相似文献   

Money is critical for financial and relational well-being, yet financial communication is often considered taboo, and most Americans receive little financial guidance. Not surprisingly, romantic couples experience financial uncertainty, which has been negatively correlated with satisfaction and trust. Through in-depth, semi-structured interviews of 40 individuals in married or cohabitating relationships and the lens of Uncertainty Management Theory (UMT), this investigation examines how people are (un)able to manage financial uncertainty. The study uncovers tangible ways individuals can negotiate financial uncertainty via uncertainty reduction, maintenance, and adaption, as well as information, communication, time-management, and/or sociocultural barriers that can impede uncertainty management. The investigation suggests the extension of UMT to consider the role of the dyad and offers practical implications for financial literacy and communication efforts.  相似文献   

考察印象形成效果是探索网络媒介如何改变人的感知的关键。实验采用单因素组间设计及t检验比较了网络与面对面两种条件下印象形成效果的差异。结果表明,网络传播条件下所形成的印象在鲜明度、好感度和失真度上均要高于面对面传播,这种差异性可称之为网络正向晕轮效应。  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of program-induced moods on subsequent processing of an antismoking ad. Participants were induced to experience a happy/sad mood by watching a 5-minute segment of a sitcom/crime drama. They were then shown an antismoking ad and asked about their processing of the ad and attitude toward the ad. Results found those who watched the sitcom report greater heuristic and less cognitive processing of the ad than those who watched the crime drama. All participants reported a positive attitude toward the ad. Findings were consistent with previous research and highlight the importance of appropriate ad placement.  相似文献   

This study seeks initial evidence for the patterns of nonverbal adaptation predictive of emotional improvement after a troubles talk conversation. A total of 128 dyads composed of two unacquainted individuals engaged in a 5-minute conversation about a stressful event, and the nonverbal behaviors of both the supportive listener and discloser were coded for immediacy. We detected a general pattern of matching between interlocutors, which was positively associated with disclosers’ reported emotional improvement above and beyond listener immediacy. Importantly, we found primary support for a discloser-matching model whereby emotional improvement is a function of disclosers matching highly immediate listeners but no support for a listener-matching model whereby emotional improvement is a function of listeners matching disclosers to signal empathy.  相似文献   

This study analyzes Boston Mayor Thomas Menino’s rhetoric via Twitter following the Boston Marathon Bombing, exploring how a leader engaged in crisis communication using social media. Guided by restorative rhetoric, we examine how Menino included strategic communication (alleviate risk and restore public safety) and humanistic communication (focusing on the more substantive issues of crisis leadership) in his tweets. Our analysis is grounded in the five tenets of restorative rhetoric as a theoretical lens: initial reaction; assessment of the crisis; issues of blame; healing and forgiveness; and corrective action and rebuilding through a rhetorical vision. The findings demonstrate the utility of social media in aiding leaders as they provide critical information and guidance amid high uncertainty while also initiating the healing process, including fostering resilience.  相似文献   

In line with the social meaning orientation to nonverbal behavior, the current study conceptualized handholding as a multidimensional nonverbal cue with the potential to signal relational meaning to outside observers. Results support the hypotheses that individuals attribute varied levels of intimacy to a cross-sex couple based on the mutual engagement of handholding type and the distance between elbows. In addition, the results corroborate observational studies claiming that hand dominance serves to signal relational power distribution. The results are discussed in terms of their implications for our knowledge of handholding as a form of nonverbal communication as well as their implications for the broader theoretical question of how relational meaning is signaled by nonverbal behavior.  相似文献   

本文就出版一词的起源、流布过程、相关概念的形成时期以及其对近现中国出版文化所产生的影响进行了探讨,并就出版社名称的缘起等问题进行了追溯性研究。  相似文献   

In the open marketplace of visuals where the most valued photographs “rise to the top” via tweets, likes, and retweets rather than being dictated by professionals, the study of what makes an image go really social is merited. One occurrence during which professional photojournalism and nonprofessional photography truly coexist, intermingle, and blur is that of a natural disaster. A body of research exists that has examined the visual framing of disasters, but none has addressed how these differently framed photos go social online or by whom. In this study, 1,078 Twitter photos shared by professional media outlets and nonprofessional tweeters were examined to see what portrayals of photos are elevated in the network. Established frames and new frames were examined: depictions of people, emotional hierarchy, novelty, victims, ordinary people, uniforms, emergency professionals, valence, pragmatic, human interest, and political. The results add empirical evidence to the different ways that professional members of media and other visual sharers understand, visually communicate, and react to disaster and add to the visual framing literature an element of really social visual framing.  相似文献   

采用问卷调查、访谈及社会网络分析法对在外经商农民的信息交流情况进行考察,结果显示,强连带关系是在外经商农民获取信息的主要社会资本,非正式交流渠道是农民最经常使用的信息传播工具,农民的信息需求愿望受内外因素影响而无法得到较好的满足。最后,本文对改善农民信息相关获益提出三点建议。  相似文献   

参与式档案管理逐渐受到档案界的关注。虚拟空间、关系网络和数字技术成为社会力量参与档案管理的权力来源,但社会力量参与权力的实现受权力主体权利意识淡薄、权利保障缺乏、权利行使途径有限等的限制。档案专业权力主体应与社会公众权力主体协同努力,开展主体培育,完善制度保障,丰富参与途径。  相似文献   

Although neuroscientifically informed mothering advice manuals published in the past 15 years speak in the languages of liberation, empowerment, and self-realization, I argue that they ultimately imbricate women in ever-more-dense networks of authority, expertise, and government, and contribute to the proliferation of entrepreneurial models of self-conduct that comprises the defining feature of American neoliberalism. This rhetoric situates motherhood as a practice of freedom, both drawing from and contributing to affective forces that suture freedom to economic models of conduct. Through these discourses, emotion-centric, self-interested mothering practices become a key site for the production and reproduction of entrepreneurial selves.  相似文献   


HOW TO MAKE BETTER SPEECHES. By William G. Hoffman. New York: Funk and Wagnalls Co., 1948; pp. 266. $3.00.

YOU AND YOUR SPEECHES. By E. C. Buehler. (Revised edition) . Lawrence, Kansas: Allen Press, 1949; pp. 266. $3.00.

ESSENTIALS OF COMMUNICATIVE SPEECH. By Robert T. Oliver, Dallas C. Dickey, and Harold P. Zelko. New York: The Dryden Press, 1949.

FUNDAMENTALS OF SPEECH. A Text‐Handbook of Principles and Methods. By Roy C. McCall. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1949; pp. 240. $12.50.

PRACTICAL DEBATING. By Luther W. Courtney and Glenn R. Capp. New York: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1949; pp. xii: 308.

THE ART OF ACTING. By John Dolman, Jr. New York: Harper &; Brothers, 1949; pp. xx + 313. $3.50.

LIVING LITERATURE FOR ORAL INTERPRETATION. By Moiree Compere. New York: Appleton‐Century‐Crofts, Inc., 1949; pp. xii + 451. $3.00.

HANDBOOK OF RADIO PRODUCTION. By Erik Barnouw. Boston: D. C. Heath and Co., 1949; pp. xii + 324. $3.25.

VOICE AND DICTION. By Victor A. Fields and James F. Bender. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1949; pp. ix + 368. $4.00.

SPEECH METHODS IN THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. By Carrie Rasmussen. New York: The Ronald Press, 1949; pp. 340. $3.50.

SPEECH IN THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. By Lorna Shogren Werner. Evanston, Illinois: Row, Peterson and Co., 1947; pp. 222. $2.00.  相似文献   

"传播"一直"构连"在文化研究发生、发展的过程中。这种"构连"既体现为"传播"在文化研究生成语境中的结构性影响,也反映在文化研究不同阶段代表人物的研究主题和研究方式中。通过运用人物图片式扫描的方法,经过对"传播"与文化研究学术渊源、文化研究经典阶段以及后续发展阶段"构连"方式的详细分析,实现对"传播"在文化研究发生发展史中历史地位的考察。  相似文献   

Inspectors of nuclear power plants manage information to make plants safer and to monitor and evaluate adherence to regulatory requirements. Integrating grounded practical theory and communication as design (CAD), we investigated the collective design of and practice of status meetings—a pair of daily meetings meant to manage information about the day-to-day safety oversight of nuclear power plants. Our analysis focused on (1) the problems these status meetings were meant to address, (2) the techniques participants used or proposed to address them, and (3) the situated ideals reflected in the designs for and practice of these meetings. Clustering the techniques illuminated designable features of status meetings (e.g., what, how much, and how to communicate, turn-taking, timing, pacing, and audience). We extend work on CAD by conceptualizing and investigating collective design work, focusing on the fit, function, and fragmentation of approaches to status meetings. We also contribute to the theory and practice of organizing for safety and reliability by making recommendations for coping when communication processes informed by best practices nonetheless produce persistent, irresolvable tensions that complicate the enactment of safety.  相似文献   

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