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图书馆和读者存在于相融的利益共同体中,相互之间是互动的战略联盟关系.因此,图书馆有必要从组织行为学的角度去研究图书馆与读者的关系,追求读者满意、甚至是超过读者预期的服务价值的高度满意与图书馆组织获利的正合博弈均衡,构建稳固的图书馆的心理契约关系.实现图书馆与读者双赢的终极目标.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(2):231-256
Using a multiple goals perspective on interpersonal communication as a theoretical framework, this study examined the circumstances under which topic avoidance might predict lower relationship satisfaction among women coping with breast cancer. Results gathered from questionnaire responses of women who had recently undergone treatment for breast cancer (N=140) indicated that the association between topic avoidance and relationship satisfaction was moderated by patients' own reasons for avoidance, and by perceptions of partners' reasons for avoidance. The findings of this study contribute to recent scholarship suggesting the importance of considering the motivations for and interpretations of topic avoidance in order to better understand how patterns of topic avoidance predict relational wellbeing.  相似文献   

Using a cross-sectional survey design (N = 338), we measured the impact of viewer perceptions of media personae and viewer characteristics on the strength, enjoyment, and satisfaction of parasocial relationships. Strength, enjoyment, and satisfaction of parasocial relationships were strongest with characters that viewers like that are perceived to be similar to the viewer or someone they know in real life. However, the strength and enjoyment of parasocial relationships decreased when the persona was perceived to be similar to either the viewer or someone they know in real life and the viewer was high on attachment anxiety, attachment avoidance, or loneliness. Limitations and implications are discussed.  相似文献   

陈雅沙 《晋图学刊》2009,(1):14-17,20
文章主要探讨隐性知识在图书馆服务工作的地位和作用,从信息传递来研讨隐性知识的传递和再生功能,在服务内容、层次、形式上来进行多方位的评价。  相似文献   

王敏 《档案学研究》2014,28(5):50-54
档案工作者的权力是一个长时间以来被人们忽视的问题,本文从档案工作者的权力谈起,阐述了档案工作者权力的本质,以及对其认识的发展,并分析了这种权力在档案管理各个环节的具体表现,指出这种权力应该由隐性走向显性。接着指出档案工作者的权力与责任是相互转化、不可分割的,最后对于档案工作者在行使权力的同时应该承担怎样的责任提出了自己看法。  相似文献   

参与式档案管理逐渐受到档案界的关注。虚拟空间、关系网络和数字技术成为社会力量参与档案管理的权力来源,但社会力量参与权力的实现受权力主体权利意识淡薄、权利保障缺乏、权利行使途径有限等的限制。档案专业权力主体应与社会公众权力主体协同努力,开展主体培育,完善制度保障,丰富参与途径。  相似文献   

加拿大免费华文报刊生存现状和未来发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在加拿大林林总总的华文报刊中 ,近年来活跃着一批免费华报。它们因应大陆移民潮和加国多元文化政策而生 ,在狭小的华人市场中前仆后继 ,顽强拼争。本文对免费华报的依托背景、办刊动因、报纸类型、发行方式、现实困境进行了全方位解读 ,并对其未来走向作了前瞻性分析  相似文献   

吴星 《出版科学》2011,19(3):48-52
在当前报刊退出机制环境下,以57家河北省高校学报为研究对象,从类别分布、区域分布、创刊时期、出版周期、传播途径、影响因子和特色建设等方面对河北省高校学报的出版状况进行统计分析,指出只有增强高校的科研实力,借助积极的市场元素,向专业性方向发展,才能提高高校学报的影响力。  相似文献   

苏婧  张品纯 《编辑学报》2009,21(3):271-273
调查显示,中国科协科技期刊2006-2007年度的学术地位稳步提升,国际影响继续扩大,出版发行势头良好,人员队伍建设加强,精品科技期刊工程进展顺利.  相似文献   

This study explores user perception, the use of an academic library, and the correlation between user perception and library use. The findings indicate that the academic library is a preferred place to study and spend time during non-class times on campus. The frequent user activities in the library included individual study, reading, computer use, finding information, group study, using reference and information services, and meeting and socializing. The correlation between library use and each of the user activities was examined. The findings suggest that users perceive the academic library primarily as a place for learning and information seeking. The study shows how users perceive and use the academic library, and provides insights into how libraries can strengthen their place and advance their role in the academic community.  相似文献   

高校人文社科英文图书缺藏分析与补缺策略   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
针对我国建国以来高校人文社科英文图书资源缺乏问题,将代表我国高校图书馆总体馆藏状况的CAHSL联合馆藏数据与哈佛、牛津与耶鲁三所国际知名  相似文献   


The objective of the study presented here was to determine the socio-cultural factors that enhanced the use and transfer of scientific information among agricultural scientists in south eastern Nigeria. The implications of some of these factors for agricultural development are highlighted.

Structured questionnaires were distributed to a stratified random sample of 300 scientists. Two hundred and ten (210) questionnaires were mailed while 90 were self-administered. Two hundred and forty-five (81·6%) usable responses were received and analysed. Data were also generated from interviews with selected members of the stratified random sample. Analyses focused on social and cultural factors of (1) motivation, (2) computer appreciation, (3) choice of media for research communication, (4) recipients of research communications, and (5) scientists' activities considered for assessment and reward. Frequency counts were the presentation techniques used to elucidate results.

Results showed that scientists were motivated more in the use and transfer of scientific information by social factors of self-development (53·3%) and job security (12·9%) than by social factors of scientific problem solution (19·6%) and intellectual contribution (12·6%).

Cultural factors of development in information technology (36·8%), adequate and relevant information resources (12·6%) and previous information attitudes (24·5%) also influenced scientists. Although five types of recipient groups of research communications were identified, the study noted that there was a disproportionately inadequate diffusion of research communications to two important groups of “national planners” and “external aid bodies”, who plan and finance agricultural development. Only 5% of scientists sent research communications to national planners and only 3·7% of scientists sent research communications to external aid bodies.

Strategies for assessing other quantifiable elements of productivity by scientists outside journal publications and for diffusing adequate scientific information to national planners and external aid bodies are deemed necessary.  相似文献   

采用论文特征项的共现分析方法,以中科院国家科学图书馆为研究样本,从单个论文特征项、两个特征项的共现到三个特征项的共现进行了分析研究。结果发现,基于论文特征项的共现分析方法可以较好地揭示科研机构的科研状况,如研究的主题领域、研究团体、所发表论文的期刊类型,以及科研人员、研究主题、发文期刊之间的关系等。  相似文献   

文章介绍了国外电子出版商发展现状及主要商业模式,从图书馆角度分析了各商业模式的利弊,指出图书馆应根据自身及销售模式特点采取相应的采购对策,同时不断加强电子资源集成揭示与版权使用管理,以提升图书馆电子资源建设的合理性和完整性。  相似文献   

The institutional creation of the Bureau of Motion Pictures and Exhibits, a division of the Industrial Department of the International Committee of the YMCA, is examined to assess why the YMCA turned to film as a mode of public address in its social welfare programs. The archival history supports the claim that the “attraction effect” of film transformed it into a cultural technology for shaping the conduct of industrial workers. The essay concludes by arguing how film contributed to liberalism's modernization of pastoral power by coupling immigrant workers with the pedagogical voice of the YMCA secretary.  相似文献   

论我国政府信息公开制度建设的现状与发展趋势   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
立足于以《政府信息公开条例》为核心的我国政府信息公开制度建设体系的实际,以政府信息公开制度建设指导思想的发展趋势为研究的入口;选取政府信息公开的主体、客体、对象的发展趋势为研究的技术路径;探讨我国政府信息公开制度建设的现状与发展趋势。  相似文献   

我国网上文献传递服务系统发展现状及存在的问题与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍和分析了我国网上文献传递服务系统的发展现状和特点,并就我国网上文献传递服务系统存在的问题及相应对策进行了讨论.  相似文献   

Inspectors of nuclear power plants manage information to make plants safer and to monitor and evaluate adherence to regulatory requirements. Integrating grounded practical theory and communication as design (CAD), we investigated the collective design of and practice of status meetings—a pair of daily meetings meant to manage information about the day-to-day safety oversight of nuclear power plants. Our analysis focused on (1) the problems these status meetings were meant to address, (2) the techniques participants used or proposed to address them, and (3) the situated ideals reflected in the designs for and practice of these meetings. Clustering the techniques illuminated designable features of status meetings (e.g., what, how much, and how to communicate, turn-taking, timing, pacing, and audience). We extend work on CAD by conceptualizing and investigating collective design work, focusing on the fit, function, and fragmentation of approaches to status meetings. We also contribute to the theory and practice of organizing for safety and reliability by making recommendations for coping when communication processes informed by best practices nonetheless produce persistent, irresolvable tensions that complicate the enactment of safety.  相似文献   

A case study was conducted within two Faculties in the University of Ulster during academic year 2010–11. Its aims were: to assess levels of undergraduate ebook use; how, why, and for what purpose undergraduate students chose to use or not use e-books; assess barriers to use; and consider promotional strategies.

Data were collected by means of a desk-based usage comparison and self-completion online questionnaire. Findings were considered using Diffusion of Innovation theory and Roesnita and Zainab's Ebook Use Model.

Ebooks are used thirty times more than print counterparts. Users expressed a definite preference for print books; format choice is dependent upon study need. Usage has not yet reached self-sustaining take-off. Ebooks cannot be considered interchangeable with books; promotion should take account of how ebooks are considered “different” from print.  相似文献   

数字参考咨询服务发展现状与趋势   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文章通过对国内外数字参考咨询发展历史的回顾,从宏观角度分析了数字参考咨询在利用率、服务理念、标准规范、协作共享等方面存在的问题,并指出数字参考咨询未来发展的几大主要趋势。  相似文献   

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