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The purpose of this study was to assess the relationship between temporal and structural components of organizational life (i.e., job tenure, employment history, and organizational history) and employee dissent. This was accomplished by comparing respondents’ reports about their tendencies to use varying strategies for dissent to their reports about present job tenure, number of full‐time employers, total years work experience, and organizational status. Structural equation models were used to examine the association between temporal measures (job tenure, number of full‐time employers, total years work experience), structural measures (organizational status) and dissent constructs. Findings indicated that articulated dissent use was associated with management status, whereas latent dissent use was associated with nonmanagement status, increases in present job tenure and decreases in number of full‐time employers and total years work experience.  相似文献   

Most hospital medical libraries are supported by private, corporate funds and thus fall under the corporation's policies in regard to discrimination, harassment, and sexual harassment. With the free flow of information available on the Internet and through e-mail, it is mandatory to create a corporate policy for appropriate use and review of materials. Access to "questionable" or inappropriate Internet sites is not a freedom of speech issue in a private corporation; it is a potential liability for the corporation, the library, and the librarian. It is also a misuse of company resources.  相似文献   

Civil libertarian doctrine which was dominant during the twentieth century argued that the main goal of freedom of speech was to ensure that the public would be well-informed and actively engage in public deliberation. A literal extension of this claim to the Internet age often justifies the regulation of online speech under the assumption that harmful communication undermines the public interest. This study challenges civil libertarianism and proposes a new thesis of freedom of online speech, which posits that online speech should be understood in terms of a democratic culture where every individual participates freely and without restraints in the process of meaning making that constitute her/him as an autonomous individual. Based on such a theoretical concept, this study identifies three important aspects of online speech freedom – unfettered speech, anonymous speech, and participatory speech – and then compares the status of online speech between South Korea and the United States. This research suggests that a society should understand the unique nature of online speech and then arrange the legal system to fit into it.  相似文献   

自由与法律的关系是档案法治的基本关系之一。自由具有双重性 ,即自由是一种由若干权利组成的客观实体 ;自由又是一种由若干主观因素构成的抽象形态。法治意义上的档案自由实际就是法律尺度下的自由。档案法律对档案自由的限制必须遵循一定的原则 ,这些原则包括 :客观化原则、限制自由的非目的性原则、最低限度的自由原则、正当限制原则、法律自由的优先原则等。  相似文献   

Drawing from qualitative data gathered at two correctional facilities, this paper empirically illustrates employee reactions to organizational contradictions in a total institution and advances a theoretical model positing that organizational tensions may be framed as complementary dialectics, simple contradictions, or pragmatic paradoxes—each accompanied by attendant organizational and personal ramifications. The analysis suggests that organizations can create structures in which employees are more likely to make sense of organizational contradictions in healthy ways and avoid the debilitating reactions associated with double binds. Specifically, through metacommunication about organizational tensions (for instance, manifest in role play enactment of contradictory occupational goals), employees are better able to understand the paradoxes that mark work life and make sense of them in emotionally healthy ways.  相似文献   

Library employees hold perceptions about the fairness of the outcomes, processes, and interpersonal treatment in their workplaces. When employees feel the workplace is fair they are more likely to feel commitment to the organization, perform in-role and extra-role tasks, and experience job satisfaction. When employees perceive injustice in the workplace, research points to negative outcomes such as withholding work or even sabotage. To understand the antecedents of organizational justice, researchers carried out a national survey of librarians to compare the predictive power of perceived organizational support, job autonomy, job feedback, and job stress. Results indicate that increasing librarians' perceptions of organizational support and their autonomy, and providing meaningful and timely job feedback can increase overall perceptions of justice. Managers can enhance a climate of justice in their workplaces by developing strategies that target organization support, autonomy, and feedback to reduce a sense of injustice between and among employees.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):342-362
The primary aim of this study was to analyze and interpret some aspects of the process of organizational identification in a corporate field setting. Specifically, the study focused on how an individual's identification (or identifying) with an employing organization influences on‐the‐job decision making. Past research efforts have been limited by their treatment of organizational identification as a product or state, rather than as a process. The wider perspective on identification is well represented by Herbert A. Simon and Kenneth Burke, whose writings were integrated to provide a theoretical framework for this study. While this study neither examined the phenomenon of identification over time nor placed it in a clearly‐defined causal chain, it explicitly recognized identification as a continuing development involving many changes. The study employed two methodologies for the examination of identification in a corporate field setting: moderately‐scheduled interviews that produced largely qualitative data and a questionnaire instrument that yielded quantitative data. The methods were “triangulated” so as to provide a more detailed “snapshot” of the identification process than either would offer alone; moreover, the “accounts” elicited in employee interviews yielded retrospectives on individual‐organization relationships. The results suggest the soundness of the theoretical framework advanced at the outset. Most employees who were interviewed saw organizational interests as directly relevant to work‐related decisions. Their comments as well as their questionnaire responses indicated that they also identified with the organization, thus offering support for the link between organizational identification and decision making.  相似文献   

The field of public relations historically has been charged with managing relationships between organizations and publics. Those who build relationships with key constituents, however, struggle with determining whether relationship building activities influence key constituent behavior. The current investigation tracked college students in an attempt to better understand the role that relationship attitudes play in retention. The results showed that those respondents who identify themselves as in relationship with the university were much more likely to return. The investigation then sought to determine which university‐student relationship attitudes best differentiate those students who say they are in relationship with the university from those who say they are not or are uncertain. Those results showed that community relationships were strongly related, while the personal and professional relationships were substantially related to respondent self‐identification of being in relationship with the institution. The ramifications for relationship building, directions for future research, and limitations to the current investigation were presented.  相似文献   

Post-cold war theories of the press and foreign policy have noted a new, less consistent relationship between political and media elites. Political communication scholars have developed three general models in response, but these do not seem to map well to press coverage of the anti-globalization movement that has emerged in recent years. This paper argues for a new theory of the press and oppositional politics in an environment that has altered the equilibrium between media, political elites, and interest groups. The new political environment results from three principal causes: the erosion of state sovereignty over the political economy, the elimination of the Soviet system as a rhetorical resource for movement critics, and new information technologies that alter movement structure and thus increase its resilience. Analysis of two streams of media content, news and editorial, on the protests at the 1999 meetings of the World Trade Organization reveals an anomalous reversal for received theories of media and elite power in the way the mainstream press covers movement politics.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):385-404
Current managerial practices such as downsizing and the use of temporary labor require scholars to reconsider the organizational desirability of member identification. Maintaining an identified workforce takes time, energy, and resources that organizations may not always be willing to provide. This study examines the temporary help industry in order to analyze the ways in which contemporary labor strategies might complicate our existing theories of organizational identification. Drawing upon interview data from 39 temps and their supervisors, this study highlights communicative strategies that prevent rather than promote member identification with organizations.  相似文献   

苗金娥 《档案》2011,(2):50-52
促进社会上最大的两个文献信息机构——档案馆和图书馆的共建共享并不是一个新的话题。然而,在数字时代,档案馆与图书馆的合作取得了实质性进展。比如,2008年7月,美国国家档案馆和美国国会图书馆结成数字化建设伙伴关系。  相似文献   

论新闻图像与受众的对话   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文论述新闻图像与受众之间的互动:首先认为新闻图像的迅猛发展使受众越来越处于“超现实”世界,且越来越“靠拟像生活”;其次认为由于新闻图像只能把事件定格于瞬间,因此需要受众积极参与,而成为“可写文本”;最后认为无论是“超现实”世界,还是“可写文本”,受众都会在消费新闻图像时获得满足和享受。  相似文献   

On May 19, 1998, the Israeli Knesset voted unanimously to pass a proposed “Freedom of Information Law.” Israel has been slow to adopt the concept of freedom of information, and although it has been acknowledged in various court rulings, it has not been embodied in legislation. The purpose of this study is to examine the Israeli Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) and to analyze it in respect to the U.S. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). More specifically, this article looks closely at the purpose of the law, the circumstances that permit exemptions to be exercised, the provisions made within FOIL that will enable its execution, and court cases dealing with freedom of information.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(2):221-226
The Fishbein‐Ajzen behavioral‐intentions model separates attitudinal and normative influences on behavioral intent. However, some investigations employing this model have obtained strong correlations between the attitudinal and normative components of that model, whereas others have reported no such result. The issue of the relatedness of attitudinal and normative determinants of intent is important to theorists of social behavior and the many researchers who employ the Fishbein‐Ajzen model, as well as to scholars of persuasion. Relying on constructivist theory and research, this investigation hypothesized that an individual difference variable, construct differentiation, mediates the degree of association persons are likely to exhibit between attitudinal and normative beliefs. Investigating the domain of politics and voting behavior, this study found support for that general hypothesis: persons with relatively undifferentiated political construct systems exhibited substantial collinearity between attitudinal and normative components of the Fishbein‐Ajzen behavioral‐intentions model; persons with relatively developed political construct systems did not.  相似文献   

由于共享服务和服务环境,读者之间会通过语言交流、身体接触和其他方式而产生相互联系及影响.读者之间的关系主要表现为互助、合作、竞争与干扰.读者间关系管理具有重要意义.文章指出读者间关系管理需要系统地在服务能力平衡、服务定位、读者教育、服务设计等方面采取措施.  相似文献   

People communicate differently based on their willingness to communicate, along with their feelings of solidarity with the receivers (McCroskey & Richmond, 1987). People who are high in their willingness to communicate and feel close to their receivers would seemingly communicate more frequently and intimately. This study investigated this proposition by considering the late adolescent sibling relationship. College students were asked to complete a questionnaire focusing on the frequency, breadth, and depth of their communication with their siblings. Participants also completed measures of their trait willingness to communicate, their willingness to communicate with their siblings, and their solidarity with their siblings. People's willingness to communicate and willingness to communicate with their siblings was positively related to their frequency, breadth, and depth of communication with their siblings. Solidarity was also found to be positively related to frequency, breadth, and depth of communication.  相似文献   

Research on trust in organizations shows that it facilitates relationships, cooperation between individuals and organizations, organizational commitment, and employees’ motivation to innovate. Organizational justice, which refers to perceptions of the fairness of workplace outcomes or processes, is often considered an antecedent to managerial and organizational trust. The current research sought to determine whether different types of justice relate to managerial and organizational trust in unique ways. Participants from numerous organizations representing two geographic regions were surveyed regarding their last performance appraisal. Results indicate that procedural justice was the strongest predictor of both organizational and managerial trust, distributive justice only predicted managerial trust, and interactional justice did not predict either type of trust.  相似文献   

This essay examines the organizational rhetoric of the Land Institute in order to address the ways place-making contributes to the inducement of organizational identification (OI). In addition to defining place-making as a practice of cultivating arrangements, the essay unpacks two ways in which a strategically arranged place facilitates OI: (a) materializing the places and times imagined in textual materials, and (b) generating encounters with OI targets. By analyzing the Land Institute’s Prairie Festival alongside discursive materials, the essay also demonstrates how organizations take control of place’s inherently inventive character and thoroughly distributed rhetoricity in order to achieve organizational ends. In order to make these arguments, the essay employs a critical method that operates through both field immersion and textual criticism.  相似文献   

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