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As teacher educators who have had extensive experience working in the field‐based secondary programs of two universities, the authors recognize the benefits, as well as the challenges, of forming partnerships with secondary educators to design and deliver collaboratively the teacher preparation program. In this article, experiences are shared and some of the major issues related to secondary teacher preparation that have been identified and contemplated are discussed.  相似文献   

Conclusion There are strong indications that the courses developed under the Teacher Preparation Project at Utah State University are providing new dimensions to the education of prospective science teachers and liberal art students who select a science emphasis at the undergraduate level. To date, the courses have institutional support in both staffing and funding that should keep them in place in the coming years. Clearly, the project made adjustments along the way, learning from early mistakes, and building team rapport and commitment required to bring about the completion of the project. Certain issues have been raised and resolved to some extent. Mixing liberal arts majors with secondary science teaching majors appears to be good for the integrative course, bringing diversity of background and viewpoint into the class. The kinds of teaching behaviors in evidence in these classes require high expectations for student performance but also a willingness on the part of the professor to stand back and let the student explore or to allow a discussion to run. This is clearly a more facilitative and less directive teaching role than is expected for most undergraduate courses. Finally, one can expect to get mixed reactions from students, positive about their newfound independence but, for some at least, a lack of tolerance for ambiguity and some discomfort at having a new (and sometimes threatening) set of grading procedures thrust upon them. In the USU Teacher Preparation Project, these decisions have charted a course of action for the future-a course derived from cognitive psychology principles requiring growth on the part of both faculty and students. This material is based upon work supported in part by a grant from the National Science Foundation (Grant No. TPE-8850642). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations exprtessed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Whatever cognitive processes are involved in understanding mathematics, it is clear that one of them is learning. No one is born with an understanding of measure theory, abstract algebra or general topology; the very name mathematics means that which is to be learned (Boyer, 1968). One of the outcomes of learning is remembered knowledge. Indeed it is our contention that memory plays an essential role in the understanding of mathematics, However, what it is that is remembered by students who understand mathematics in contrast to those who do not is by no means a trivial question. In fact, we would like to suggest that there is a gap in this connection between recent developments in memory research and the theory and practice of mathematics education. A second purpose of the present article is to survey briefly the orgins of this gap.  相似文献   

This article describes the programmatic ways in which the Children’s Defense Fund Freedom Schools® program develops culturally responsive teaching practices?amongst its summer interns, particularly in the area of developing sociopolitical consciousness.?This paper places specific focus on the role that historical knowledge, the acknowledgement of a ‘we’ discourse and instilling a lifelong commitment to service plays in cultivating teacher sociopolitical consciousness. The research reported here aims to serve as a case for lessons to be learned by traditional, university-based teacher education programs committed to preparing teachers to teach in culturally responsive ways.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代,美国中小学教师工作绩效评价观念与制度发生了一场革命--由于单一的终结性评价遭到了强烈地反对而被以发展性评价为主的评价方式所替代.美国中小学教师发展性评价观念与制度的主要特点如下:把课程标准作为教学评价的关键指标;以发展为终极价值;构建科学系统的评价模式并多元化;教师个体发展目标与学校发展目标相融合;综合利用学生的学业成绩与行为表现进行评价;最后恰当解释与反馈评价结果.  相似文献   

Partnership with teachers for professional development has been considered beneficial because of the potential of collaborative work in the teacher’s own classroom to be relevant to practice. From this perspective, both teachers and researchers can draw on their own expertise and work as authentic partners. In this study, we address the need for such collaboration and focus on how a teacher and a researcher performed their roles when collaboratively implementing mathematical modeling tasks within a context of in situ professional development. Using multi-tier design-based research, as a framework, a researcher worked in a teacher’s classroom to implement a series of research-based mathematical modeling activities. A broad corpus of data from this interaction was analyzed, including audio recordings of interviews with the teacher, video recordings of three mathematical modeling lessons, researcher field notes and journal reflections, instructional materials, and students’ written work using the principles for designing activities for teachers. The emerging roles and relationships between the teacher and the researcher were documented, as (1) the researcher implemented the professional development, (2) the teacher shared her concerns, (3) the researcher responded to the teacher’s challenges, and (3) the teacher reflected on student development. As a case study of collaboration, the participants’ roles and strategies to overcome challenges and achieve shared objectives can benefit teachers and researchers who plan to collaboratively implement modeling in the classroom. The study supports the value and viability of this form of in situ professional development, indicating that significant changes in teachers’ thinking about their students’ mathematical model development can occur in relatively short periods of time.  相似文献   

Mathematical discussion and mathematical understanding   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A longitudinal study is being undertaken into the question of whether or not discussion in the mathematical classroom is an aid to understanding. Preliminary analysis shows that, while the hypothesis that discussion aids understanding is very attractive, evidence to support the hypothesis has been limited. Classroom observations during the first year of the study have led to a method of classification of mathematical talk in the classroom which we expect will prove useful in investigating links between mathematical discussion and mathematical understanding.The ability to say what you mean and mean what you say should be one of the outcomes of good mathematics teaching .... Pupils need the explicit help, which can only be given by extended discussion, to establish these relationships (between different mathematical topics); even pupils whose mathematics attainment is high do not easily do this themselves. (Cockcroft, 1982, England)In all other topics, we saw teachers there (Kitamaeno School in Tokyo) using peer group dialogues ... (they) justified their use of group dialogue because of their large classes (35–43) and the unusually independent spirit of many of the 600 pupils. Mathematics achievement was very high by American standards. (Easley, 1984, on a Japanese project)We need to recognise the importance of verbalisation. Putting thoughts into words requires students to organise their thinking and to confront their incomplete understanding. Listening to others affords them the opportunities to contemplate the thinking of others and to consider the implications for their own understanding. (California State Department of Education, 1987)This article is based on the first year of a longitudinal study intended to shed light on the question of whether or not discussion in the mathematics classroom is an aid to mathematical understanding. Before looking further at the research context in which this project is set, we wish to offer our definitions of the two notions in the title.  相似文献   

Researchers have argued that narrative provides insight into teachers' thinking and a model for the storage of knowledge about teaching. Concurrently, however, there are numerous cautions about using narratives as data sources. The present study addresses two problems: the limits of narrative as a data source and the feasibility of productively analyzing narratives. It also addresses the question of whether teachers actually store information as narratives. For the study, 23 deaf or hearing teachers of the Deaf participating in a project on integrating technology into teaching were interviewed about their experiences as teachers in general and in using technology in the classroom in particular. They rarely generated stories spontaneously. Rather, responses were related to the nature of the stimulus question. For example, when asked about their "worst class," teachers did not provide complete narratives but instead gave responses containing problems without resolutions. The study results suggest that teachers do not store information about teaching as narratives, but nonetheless can expertly construct narratives when given the right opportunity.  相似文献   

Teacher education programs have been slow in responding to the increasing diversity in education systems and tertiary institutions. In this paper, we focus on the development of teacher education programs for immigrant teachers, drawing on interview and other data from a study of 110 teachers in programs at the Faculty of Education, University of Sydney, Australia. We argue that for teacher education programs to respond to the growing diversity they need four components: (i) ways to increase access for students from minority backgrounds; (ii) appropriate delivery modes and structures; (iii) inclusive curriculum along with a range of support programs for students; and (iv) incorporation of equity provisions into institutional structures.

Les programmes de formation des maîtres ont été lents à s'adapter à la diversité croissante des systèmes éducatifs et des institutions d'enseignement supérieur. Cette présentation est focalisée sur le développement des programmes de formation des maîtres ciblant les professeurs immigrés; elle est basée sur des interviews et autres données provenant d'une enquête effectuée auprès de 110 professeurs inscrits dans les programmes de la Faculté d'Education, à l'université de Sydney, en Australie. Notre argument est que si l'on veut que les programmes de formation des maîtres reflètent cette diversité croissante, quatre éléments sont nécessaires : (i) que l'accès à ces programmes soit facilité pour les étudiants appartenant à des minorités; (ii) que des structures et stratégies appropriées soient utilisées; (iii) que les cursus eux‐mêmes soient modifiés pour convenir à ces minorités et incluent une panoplie de programmes de soutien; et (iv) que des mesures égalitaires soient introduites dans les institutions au niveau des structures.

Los programas de educación para profesores han sido lentos para responder a la creciente diversidad en sistemas educacionales e instituciones terciarias. En este trabajo, nosotros enfocamos la atención en el desarrollo de programas educacionales para profesores inmigrantes, obtenidos de entrevistas y otros datos de un estudio de 110 profesores en programas en la Facultad de Educación de la Universidad de Sydney, Australia. Nosotros planteamos que para que los programas de educación para profesores respondan al aumento de la diversidad ellos requieren cuatro componentes: (i) se necesitan maneras de incrementar el acceso para estudiantes de origen de grupos minoritarios; (ii) se necesitan modos apropiados de distribución y estructuras; (iii) inclusive un currículo junto con un rango de programas de apoyo para estudiantes y, (iv) la incorporación de provisiones equitativas en las estructuras institucionales.

Ausbildungsprogramme für Lehrer haben nur langsam auf die wachsende ethnische Diversität in Ausbildungssystemen und pädagogischen Hochschulen reagiert. In diesem Referat konzentrieren wir uns auf die Entwicklung von Ausbildungsprogrammen für ausländische Lehrer und verwerten dabei Material aus Interviews sowie Angaben aus einer Studie von 110 Lehrern in Ausbildungsprogrammen an der pädagogischen Fakultät der Universität in Sydney, Australien. Wir argumentieren, dass vier Faktoren notwendig sind, damit diese Ausbildungsprogramme auf die wachsende ethnische Diversität eingehen: (i) benötigen wir Wege zu Erleichterung des Zugangs für Studenten, die einer ethnische Minorität angehören; (ii) angemessene Lehrmethoden und‐strukturen; (iii) ferner einen umfassenden Studien‐ und Lehrplan mit verschiedenen Hilfsprogrammen für Studenten, und (iv) die Eingliederung von Gleichheitsmaßnahmen in institutionelle Strukturen.  相似文献   

Over recent decades language teaching and learning has undergone a redefinition of the subject and a rapid change in its methodology. Language programmes can now be delivered in technology‐based environments and communication at an international level can be a daily occurrence. This paper on the one hand analyses how these developments have extended and challenged the traditional roles and responsibilities of language teachers. On the other, it examines to what extent established models of language teacher education acknowledge and address the needs of language teachers today, in particular in relation to the integration of the intercultural dimension into language teaching and learning.

Au cours des récentes décennies l'enseignement–apprentissage des langues s'est vu redéfini et a connu une rapide évolution en matière de méthodologie. On peut aujourd'hui délivrer les cursus de langue par le moyen d'environnements technologiques, et il est devenu banal de communiquer internationalement de cette façon. Dans la présente étude nous cherchons d'une part à cerner les défis que présente cette évolution pour les rôles et responsabilités traditionnels des enseignants de langue. D'autre part nous demandons dans quelle mesure les modèles en vigueur en matière de formation des enseignants reconnaissent les nouveaux besoins de ceux‐ci, notamment en ce qui concerne l'intégration de la dimension interculturelle dans leur pratique.

Im Bereich Sprachenlehren und lernen haben sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten grundlegende Veränderungen ergeben, vor allem im Hinblick auf Methodologie. Sprachkurse können jetzt per Computer zu den Adressaten gebracht werden und Kommunikation über Grenzen hinweg wird potentiell zum alltäglichen Ereignis. Hier soll untersucht werden inwieweit diese Entwicklungen die traditionelle Rolle und den Verantwortungsbereich von Sprachenlehrer/innen erweitert und verändert haben. Darüberhinaus wird überprüft inwieweit die herkömmliche Ausbildung der Sprachenlehrer/innen den heutigen Anforderungen gerecht wird, vor allem im Hinblick auf die interkulturelle Dimension des Lehren und Lernens von Fremd‐ und Zweitsprachen.

En las últimas décadas la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de las lenguas ha pasado por una redefinición de su contenido y un rápido cambio en su metodología. Los programas de estudios se pueden realizar en entornos basados en las nuevas tecnologías y la comunicación a nivel internacional puede darse a diario. Este artículo de una parte analiza de qué manera estos cambios han ampliado y desafiado los papeles y las responsabilidades que los profesores de lenguas han tenido tradicionalmente. De otra parte, examina hasta qué punto los modelos que se han venido utilizando para la formación de profesores de idiomas reconocen y suplen sus necesidades en la actualidad, en particular en lo que se refiere a la integración de la dimensión intercultural en la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de las lenguas.  相似文献   

This paper reports how metaphor theory was used to explore pre-service mathematics teachers’ beliefs about mathematics and the learning and teaching thereof. Furthermore, it outlines how this theory was mobilised to engender self-critique and professional development with these teachers. The core of the paper reports findings from an analysis of the metaphoric content of early course assignments and considers possible pedagogic consequences of the various metaphoric frames. Then I outline, and consider the usefulness of, the process through which these findings were used to provoke critical reflection and discussion around the implications for their work as new teachers of mathematics.  相似文献   

The dominant trend today, in all countries, is to integrate the training of teachers into higher education. Turkey completed this integration in 1982. The transfer of the whole teacher education system into the university sector was not difficult since the Turkish educational system is centrally controlled. Turkey has two sources of mathematics teachers, namely Education and Science Faculties. Science Faculty graduates obtain their teaching certificate from Education Faculties. At present, Turkey needs to apply a new model for student assessment, and selection to detect and attract more capable and committed individuals into teaching.  相似文献   

Recent shifts in focus on academic interventions for students diagnosed with emotional and behavioural disorders (EBD) create a need to evaluate existing interventional research in content areas such as mathematics. Literature reviews in the area of mathematics interventions for students with EBD have mostly focused on the outcomes and the rigour of existing studies with limited attention to the quality of the pedagogical methods used in those studies. The purpose of this conceptual review was to use a teaching-for-understanding lens to examine existing research interventions in mathematics for students with EBD. Teaching-mathematics-for-understanding requires pedagogical methods that aim to activate and capture students’ mathematical reasoning and thinking. An iterative electronic and hand search of the literature found 30 studies covering three decades (1985–2015) that met the criteria for inclusion in this review. Results of the analysis include: (1) mathematics assessments utilised ranged from very basic to comprehensive, with most studies applying basic assessments; (2) a majority of the studies focused on intervention strategies targeting procedural and rote knowledge; (3) most studies utilised quantitative inquiry methods; and (4) in more recent years, studies have increasingly examined conceptual mathematical understanding and incorporated qualitative inquiry methods.  相似文献   

This paper uses a sociocultural theoretical lens, incorporating mediated agency [Wertsch et al. (1993). A sociocultural approach to agency. In A. Forman, N. Minick, & A. Stone (Eds.), Contexts for learning sociocultural dynamics in children's development (pp. 336–357). New York: Oxford University Press] to examine the dynamic interplay among teacher identity, agency, and context as these affect how secondary teachers report experiencing professional vulnerability, particularly in terms of their abilities to achieve their primary purposes in teaching students. Two mediational systems that shape teacher agency and their professional vulnerability are addressed. These are: (a) the early influences on teacher identity; and (b) the current reform context. Interview data revealed that the political and social context along with early teacher development shaped teachers’ sense of identity and sense of purpose as a teacher. Survey and interview data indicate that there was a disjuncture between teacher identity and expectations of the new reform mandates. Teacher agency was clearly constrained in the new reform context. Teachers struggled to remain openly vulnerable with their students, and to create trusting learning environments in what they described as a more managerial profession with increased accountability pressures. Directions for future research are also discussed.  相似文献   

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