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一、着图片,填写对话:扣—are thesirls?_B:andA:between lwo girls?B一;oh,_MrLi.A;Who,s nLiB:1 knowbeside_Ann?Tao.二、看图,完成答语:1 .Wll。。an youinthePieture? Ieansee2.Whatcanandyouseeinthewoman,5 hand?It,s3 .HoW see?Icallmally Oranges can you 一厂一‘气鲜蒸…?瞬(晓丹)蘸潍黝馨.臼ee翻黝翼夔麟髓mall,he’球he/山a[,物y,he、!3一se。。ix ~_一4刀n竹玲t找扮e 二_二、IMroL礼51 th讯kL计渔Tao 2.an网orange…/l!l!‘铸淤汾滩粉军锻蚁(洲势熟鹅邸淤娜酬拱辐洲肖钾屯弩策恐黔妙粼谬冲黝粼加裸寒辱教溜郑黔粉等…  相似文献   

Lord Kelvin, the famous 19th century scientist after whom the Kelvin scale in modern physics is named , stated in 1895 that "Heavier-than-air flying machines are impossible" -just less than 20 years before the Wright brothers took off in the world's first airplane.  相似文献   

The early birds catch the worms(虫子).Who is still sleeping now? Let’s sing a song to wake him up!Are you sleeping,Are you sleeping,Brother Bear, Brother Bear?Morning bells* are ringing*,Morning bells are ringing.Ding, dang, dong.Ding, dang, dong.Are you sleeping,Are you sleeping,Little John, Little John?  相似文献   

大家应该还没有忘记喜剧明星潘长江饰演的小品《过河》吧?我们除了对他的那句经典台词“浓缩的都是精品”记忆深刻之外,“七大姑、八大姨”应该也是挂在嘴边上的笑谈了吧!中国是一个非常注重人情的国家,即使是远亲,也经常来往,以致使表亲关系变得复杂化。那么,在英语国家,这种复杂的表亲关系是怎样表达的呢?本文会给你一个清楚的答案。  相似文献   

ⅠPolly:Hello,everyone!Today we have two new friends.They’re cats.Their names are Mimi and Cici.This is Mimi and this is Cici.Mimi:I’m not Cici.I’m Mimi.She’s Cici.Cici:I’m not Mimi.I’m  相似文献   

没有人可以讨好全世界,何况你我他都不是完美的人,总会有些缺点,有些地方特别讨人厌。究竟在同学、朋友、同事的眼中,你是个讨厌的家伙么?看看你身上是否有下面这10个小征兆,便可知道了!  相似文献   

粼慕器德Oeliber日te.Del呼均倒帅叮目ng匆呼卯已_~和rti户外帅eb帕砂叩ndb孵‘钾月妙娜黯们巾旦一。n归而如如in.劝v哈姆叫户论认呼匆n0,钾时0fIi的,嚓娜,吟恤。。m!n月红n少D它n活i,d,黑撇撰︸品和药黑mez八一Bu“丫洲一而。一an眯h断‘种州)即工舀杯牌言默M己j〔ing梦巾cr叭一洲川片叶叫湘廷俪i心东{溯镌群粼淤酗戴姗蝶拍kingtheirji化肆蓄架絮黯撇seeingthem,q日ir巾\晰卜扮扮呵加间iat叭。马ed.薰buabChi了dabuse、Whe吟isclAZ你怎能安睡?(英文)@Jo…  相似文献   

简历,是找工作时的好"门面"。一份措辞得体、个性十足的简历会令你从千万份简历中脱颖而出。简历常常要表达出你的各种信息,但是究竟哪一种才更有效呢?请看专家给出的建议。  相似文献   

工作机会越来越少,找工作的人越来越多,薪资呈现两极化趋势,职场竞争如此激烈,究竟适合你的是什么?下面介绍的这个小测试供你参考,也许从中你能找到自己的影子,帮你了解自己适合什么样的工作。  相似文献   

1 .You failed in the exams.How did it eome ?2 .Han Mei was阴tehing,r甘汕en the light Weflt3 .Whieh provinee 15 Hangzhou一?4,What subjeet 15 Lue夕good_?5 .M夕father told me there湘5 a truck eolleeting rubbish_.6 .How man夕Students 15 Vour elass made up_?7 .What 15 this Plaee famous_?8,IwillshowthephotostoVouassoonas theV eome_.9,The doetor kept me waiting for an hour before he looked me_10.It 15 wrong to make others be laugh- ed1 1 .The two bo夕5 stopped talking when the teaeher eame—th…  相似文献   

(1)产生的原因:浮力起因于液体(气体)的压强.物体上下两面受到液体(气体)的压强不同,受到液体(气体)的压力也就不同.浮力即为液体(气体)对物体向上和向下的压力之差. (2)大小和方向:浮力的方向总是竖直向上的.根据阿基米德原理知道,浮力的大小等于被物体排开的液体(气体)的重力.当物体漂浮或悬浮时,浮力的大小也等于物体的重力.  相似文献   

本文针对数、式、方程的概念提出了几个问题,给出了似是而非的答案,并作了分析.  相似文献   

Cory Baxter( 柯瑞·巴斯特) 是迪士尼公司《天才魔女》以及《柯瑞当家》两部美国儿童电视剧中的一个虚构角色。他仅有 13岁, 但却是理财能手, 有着很强的音乐才能。  相似文献   

欧姆定律是研究电流、电压、电阻三个物理量间的变化关系.课本中的研究步骤是: 1.保持电阻不变,通过改变电压,观察电流的变化; 2.保持电压不变,通过变换电阻,观察电流的变化,从而得出了它们之间的关系. 研究过程用了控制变量法.步骤是: (1)、明确研究的问题中有多少个物理量,研究的对象是哪个物理量;  相似文献   

McDonald's and Cokc are not as globalized as they seem, argues economist Alan Rugman of Indiana University. Globalization was not killed by the seattle riots of 1999 or the Asian finacial crisis, he says.  相似文献   

Can men and women be "just friends"-or will one person always feel more romantically inclined2 toward the other, making interaction awkward for both parties?  相似文献   

Spielberg and Hanks glorify WW Ⅱheroes in the 10-hour Band of Brothers, but Ken Tucker wonders if you'll do a full tour of duty. There are a couple of things that make it difficult to clearly assess Band of Brothers, the 10-hour World War Ⅱminiseries based on Stephen E. Ambrose's best-selling nonfiction book. First, it arrives at a time when a unique combination of  相似文献   

情人节又到了,你想好送给爱人什么样的礼物了吗?玫瑰花、巧克力是情人节的永恒话题。想知道如何陪心爱的他/她过个最健康的情人节吗?认真读完此文,你自然知晓。  相似文献   

Astronomers said that they are keeping close watch on a newly discovered 1. 2 mile-wide asteroid (小行星) to determine whether it will collide with Earth in 2019. There is a slight chance that the asteroid, dubbed 2002 NT7, could smack the Earth on Feb. 1, 2019, causing a global catastrophe. Astronomers said the odds were one in 250, 000 and further calculation would probably show it will miss the planet entirely.It now heads the list of asteroids and comets monitored by NASA but as scientists learn more it isn't expected to stay there.Astronomers with the Lincoln Near Earth Asteroid Research Project used a New Mexico telescope to discover the space rock, when it was about 84 million miles from Earth. It is in orbit (轨道) around the sun.  相似文献   

林磺病乡赫赫赫曦磷粼林…赫琳!卜华啤外户呼势吟卿沙字州观公娜户钟吟朗冬…啤佃侮奋丫。口9“n习一u尸pn3鲜!月m卜ra命自示琦桑益i拓)苏rUn办w月y.群竺成右i;笋币鞋峨咖如‘骂粉…粉群命厂态晰;瞬踢踩锣留拙孵粼餐尽临龋省甸刃_件嘀续摘i妙报如迫而成亏却如咖草啼恤愈i、鬓默嚣妙种冬吟幸咖i份妙臭){)经分)翻i呼i种呼呼沙吟妙宁域你为什么那么恨我?(英文)@James Walker  相似文献   

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