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乡镇医院是基层医疗机构,其图书馆的文献信息资源对于医学知识的普及、疾病的预防、患者的治疗具有非常重要的作用.所以,乡镇医院图书馆要转变观念,采取建立读者信息需求服务档案,建立符合医务人员需求的文献信息资源体系,积极开展信息导航服务等措施为医务人员及患者服务.  相似文献   

中国经济发展已经进入新常态,促进和服务于经济新常态,是中央对审计工作的新要求。审计有了新的更高的定位,是国家重要而独立的监督手段之一;内审是加快推进基层治理体系和治理能力现代化的支撑保障。结合案例进行研究,提出贯彻绩效审计理念、强化内审战略思维、全过程跟踪审计、推广信息化内审技术等针对性思路和举措。  相似文献   

随着现代信息技术的迅速发展、产业结构调整和转型升级步伐的加快,劳动力市场结构性矛盾突出,高职教育与培训在稳就业、保民生、促发展中的重要地位和作用日益凸显。面临类似的问题和挑战,从国际视野来看,美国、德国和新加坡等发达国家逐步构建了较为完善的高职教育与培训体系,并先行试点新举措为多样化生源搭建多元优质高职教育平台,开发覆盖不同人群尤其是就业失意成年人的高质量职业培训项目,充分发挥数字技术的引领作用,为提高高职教育与培训质量,提振高职教育与培训竞争力,促进学习者长技能、好就业提供了有力的保障。通过对发达国家高职教育与培训新举措的深入探究,将为我国高职教育与培训事业的发展提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   

作为一门重要的专业基础课,《工程热力学》的教学效果,直接影响到学生"三基"能力的培养,以及后续课程的学习。作为传统教学模式的有益补充,本文提出了如下几点新举措:实物模型进课堂、本科生也要做科研、热力学史愉快地读起来。教学实践表明,这些措施在激发学生学习兴趣、克服畏难情绪、提升全面能力等方面均取得了不错的教学效果。  相似文献   

大学生的性格品质与创新精神   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
林金辉 《高教探索》2002,4(1):81-83
大学生的性格品质是心理品质的重要组成部分;性格品质的培养,是高等学校实施素质教育的重要一环,本分析了大学生的性格品质结构,进而探讨了他们的性格品质在其创新精神形成过程中的作用,由此,提出几个在素质教育中容易被忽视的带根本性的问题及个人对这些问题的思考。  相似文献   

This article examines the forces which have constrained student mobility and educational co-operation within the Commonwealth and the new developments which are seeking to improve the situation. Economic imperatives and political pressures in both receiving and sending countries are seen as the major causes of the decline in mobility. The new developments dandified are preparatory courses, split-site courses and distance education. The paper argues the need for a coherent constituent approach to increase student mobility in place of the rhetoric which has characterized policy to date.  相似文献   

The impetus for this study grew from assumptions about teacher participation in the implementation of comprehensive school reform initiatives and teacher buy-in. It is commonly believed that teachers who participate in reform implementation decisions will have increased buy-in, be more motivated to take action, and thus have greater impact on school reform. The purpose of this study was to explore these assumptions. Using Hierarchical Linear Modeling (HLM), a series of teacher participation variables were identified as possible predictors of buy-in. The model was run on three independent and longitudinal samples of teachers involved in New Jersey's whole school reform initiative over a two-year period (n = 671, n = 390, n = 454). Results indicated that teacher participation in program selection was not a strong predictor either of immediate or long-term buy-in. Training, support from program developers, support from staff members, administrator buy-in, and control over classroom implementation were stronger and more constant predictors of teacher buy-in to a school reform program. The findings of this study have implications for the implementation of comprehensive school reform initiatives. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The research presented in this article concerns la Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional (Spanish Agency for International Cooperation—AECI) and its growing presence in Latin America since the late 1990s. The aim is to evaluate the transformative potential that bilateral funding can have on educational reform in the region. The article starts with a brief history of Spain’s past and present strategies for educational initiatives in Latin America, and then it focuses on three of AECI’s successful projects: basic and adult literacy; gender mainstreaming in development projects; and multicultural and bilingual education. The article explains the effectiveness of Spanish-sponsored projects in Latin America and compares their strategies with those of other bilateral and multilateral donors, such as PREAL. The article concludes by analysing multi-sectoral development efforts that are the foundation of educational strategies sponsored with Spanish funds, based on the grounds that elimination of poverty will not result from projects that focus exclusively on the individual or the family, but rather from those at the community level. AECI’s efforts are directed at cultivating internal capacities already present in the communities through training human resources and deploying financial resources.  相似文献   

进入21世纪,日本在资金有限的情况下,为了提升国家的科技竞争力、培养科技后备人才,于2011年推出了"普及与确立终身教职制计划"。该计划通过向高校提供经费支持,鼓励与推动高校实施终身教职制,为优秀的年轻研究者提供稳定的工作岗位和优厚待遇,以及利于其开展研究工作的支持。该计划在高校的积极参与下,招揽了优秀的年轻研究者,年轻研究者也在该制度的激励下以及政府和高校的扶持下,取得了出色的科研成果。但随着计划的推行,也出现了急功近利、重理轻文等问题。  相似文献   

21世纪以来,美国加强绩效责任制的应用来推进中小学的均衡发展,进一步引入灵活性和差异性元素,建立更加符合学校改进实际的差异化绩效责任制。通过这种灵活的新模式,联邦教育部希望对落后学校、学区进行有针对性、实质性的干预和介入,从而改善这些学校或学区的绩效状况,提升其教育教学质量,促进学区之间、学校之间在更高水平上的均衡发展。  相似文献   

In 1989, there were 10 English-speaking African countries, plus Mozambique, with on-going population education programs within the school system. 7 other countries had programs in the planning stages. School programs were preceded after out-of-school and informal programs of the 1970s. Countries have designed population education in their own terms. The generalized goals of population education for the region were to expand awareness of population-related issues and problems; to develop skills, values, and attitudes which will enable people to make rational and timely decisions; and to behave in meaningful and socially desirable ways and improve the quality of human life. Population education has been accepted in most education curriculum in African countries, but fertility regulation in an action program is limited to a few countries. Although attention has been directed to mortality, teen pregnancy, drug use, and AIDS, there has been little discussion of the status of women, child labor, and female circumcision. Family-life education and population have been linked because of the acceptability of the term and the reality that the family is the basic unit of society. Anglophone African strategies have encompassed a central location for the population program within government, a pilot phase, an integration into other subjects, a life-long approach, and community participation; each of the aforementioned topics is discussed. Constraints in program design and implementation were identified as the lack of political support; the absence of a firm and consistent policy; the perceived conflict between population education and cultural values; the limited, sporadic financial support; the shortage of resources; poor attention to the importance of horizontal and vertical information transmission; and lack of coordination between agencies with population education programs. Future needs are for program expansion and a focus on groups at-risk, prominent policy support at the decision-making level, and teacher-training. Curriculum must be renewed periodically with a focus on its appropriateness for adolescents. Adolescent sexuality, contraception, and the spread of AIDS must be addressed, both formally and informally for those who are illiterate. Sustainability requires institutionalizing population education within the ministry of education with a stable budget and staff.  相似文献   

随着我国民办高校教育的深入发展,学生管理也出现了许多新情况和新问题,这就要求学生管理工作在理念、模式与方式方法上必须与之相适应。尤其是随着社会法治化进程的加快和学生法律意识的增强,学生对学校管理过程中认为侵犯自己权利的行为明显增多,从而引起人们不得不对目前民办高校学生管理制度的思考。因此,笔者认为,只有根据目前民办高校的发展趋势和特点,认真解决好高校在对学生管理过程中存在的认识误区,解放思想,开拓创新高校学生管理制度. 才能保证民办高等教育持续健康的发展。  相似文献   

把握历史主动是马克思主义的重要思想,是习近平同志反复强调的问题。在百余年的发展过程中,中国共产党把握历史主动主要体现在六个向度上,即主动把握历史发展规律、主动选择发展道路、主动抓住发展动力、主动总结经验教训、主动坚持理论自觉、主动增强历史担当。历史已经证明,只有把握住这六个向度的历史主动,中国共产党才能赢得人民群众的拥护,才能保证中国革命、建设和改革伟大事业不断取得胜利,才能带领中国人民实现中华民族伟大复兴。  相似文献   

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