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Although there is an increased interest in overseas training for educational leaders in China, little is known about the value of such programs. This qualitative case study explores Chinese school principals’ perceptions of leadership practices and professional development after undertaking a Finnish training program. The article also explores difficulties related to different educational contexts when an attempt is made at applying the Finnish education experience to China. Famed for its excellent education, Finland is currently actively involved in exporting its education by providing such training programs to the whole world. Data was collected by semi-structured interviews with six Shanghai principals. The results showed a certain level of satisfaction but also needs for improvement. It thus appears that such an overseas training program can play a positive but limited role in expanding Chinese principals’ leadership practices and professional development.  相似文献   

新中国成立70年来,我国民族高等教育的规模迅速扩大,教育质量和水平显著提升。本研究在梳理民族高等教育发展历程及相关文献的基础上,将70年来民族高等教育的成就总结为五个方面:民族高等教育的人才培养成效显著、族际受教育水平差距逐渐缩小、学科建设取得重大进展、科研工作稳步推进以及保障机制逐步建立健全。与此同时,民族高等教育的发展中仍存在一些亟待解决的问题,集中表现为一流民族特色学科发展滞后、高层次人才难以满足民族地区发展需要、民族高校科研的前瞻性不足、服务国家"一带一路"倡议的能力亟须提升等。民族高校需以民族文化为根基,加快一流民族特色学科建设;以"两个服务"为原则,注重高层次人才培养与就业引导;以科研创新为导向,开展民族社会各领域的前瞻性研究;以复合型区域合作人才培养为依托,增强服务国家发展战略的能力。  相似文献   

关于高职院校人才培养模式的理论研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国高职教育发展的概况,人才培养的现状和人才培养的特征,需要从理论上研究高职教育人才培养模式的内涵以及与一般人才培养模式的区别,在此基础上对国内外的高等职业教育人才培养模式进行比较分析,同时,探索了我国职业教育人才培养模式的创新,提出要解决职业教育经费投入不足的问题、高职教育人才培养模式单一化问题、移植国外人才培养模式要本土化问题、要加强高职院校师资队伍建设的问题。  相似文献   

当前我国STEM教育快速发展,对教师核心能力的要求逐步提高,如何设计系统化的培训项目以支持STEM教师的能力发展,成为了亟待解决的问题。美国MSUrbanSTEM项目重点关注STEM教师创新能力、教学实践能力和跨学科交流与协作能力的培养,对我国STEM教育的发展具有借鉴意义。基于此,文章在介绍MSUrbanSTEM项目背景和理念的基础上,从设计逻辑和运行逻辑两个方面剖析了项目活动设计与实施的特色,并提出我国的STEM教师专业发展项目应树立能力本位的价值导向、融入行之有效的STEM教学方法、建立专业标准的评价体系。  相似文献   

Leadership in education, particularly special education, implies both knowledge and application of professional behaviors, decisions, and ethics within the field. University students look for best practices in education to be modeled by faculty; this, in turn, underscores a fundamental belief in inclusionary principles. Such modeling is important on every level in teacher education programs, particularly special education programs. The higher a student's level (i.e., undergraduate vs. doctoral), the more notice that student will take of disparities between rhetoric and actions. While reflective practices are explicitly taught in teacher preparation programs to enable professionals to reflect on their own personal and professional practices, teacher education faculty need to employ the same strategy to ensure that they are indeed modeling the practices they teach. This position paper documents the impressions of a doctoral cohort in special education in terms of inclusionary practices demonstrated in a real-life context.  相似文献   

教育硕士学位的设立与教育硕士的培养是全面增强教育行业人才素质的重要途径,是我国发展基础教育、促进教师专业化进程的重要举措。河北师范大学招收教育硕士已近十年,我们在语文学科教育硕士的培养取得了可喜的成绩。总结实践经验,有助于学生培养的深入优化,有助于同行人士的有效交流,有助于教育工作的和谐进步。  相似文献   

进一步办好民族预科教育,培养更多的少数民族人才   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
民族预科教育是我国高等教育的一种特殊层次,是我国民族高等教育不可缺少的重要组成部分.为适应21世纪中国少数民族和民族地区对高等教育发展的需要,民族预科教育必须立足于西部大开发、突出自身特点、加快教育改革、全力提高其教育质量,为推动科技成果转化和人才培养提供服务.  相似文献   

经过三十多年的发展,法国在国民教育部和国家电影中心的主导规划下,建立起从幼儿园到高中,从课堂到课外的电影教育体制。法国中小学电影教育的主要特点是课程体系整体统一、循序渐进,关注特殊青少年群体,国家和地方协作管理,多部门、多行业广泛参与;但该体制也存在中央与地方沟通不畅,资源配置和地区发展不平衡、专业人员缺少培训等问题。近年来,我国大力推进中小学美育工作,普及中小学影视教育,可以从教育理念、课程设置和实践推广等方面参考借鉴法国经验。我国中小学电影教育的发展需要开阔的视野、完善的体制和丰富的资源,以培养青少年的文化基础,提升其核心素养。  相似文献   

结合本校的培训实践,分析当前外语院校教师教育技术培训的现状与问题,通过加强组织管理、务实和细化培训内容、构建和创新培训的模式等,进一步推进外语院校教育技术培训和谐持续发展。  相似文献   

Childcare in the United States (US) has become a necessary part of life for most working parents with the increased use of center-based childcare over the past three decades. Approximately 13 million preschoolers attend some form of childcare. Literature indicates the main predictors of quality childcare programs are adequate experience and specialized training of childcare staff. A growing concern among researchers, however, is the limited training among childcare professionals in the area of food safety. Children have minimal control of food safety risks because other people prepare their meals. A questionnaire was developed and mailed to childcare center directors in Texas and Iowa to identify the demographic, food safety and other practices that influence the training and decisions made by childcare center directors. Results indicate the need of continual management and food safety training for both directors and staff in order to provide a safe environment for young children.  相似文献   

随着融合教育理念的深入,中国和澳大利亚高等教育中的融合教育思想和实践也得到一定的发展。但不同文化和政策背景为两国高等融合教育的发展提供了不同的土壤,进而造成了差异。从高等融合教育的准入与安置、专业和课程设置以及资源支持三个方面入手,分析澳大利亚高等融合教育的实践发展路径和策略后发现,中澳两国的高等融合教育实践存在一定差异。为推进我国融合教育发展,应从转变残疾观念、构建本土化政策保障体系、建立残障大学生服务中心、调整课程设置、加强职前和职后师资培养以及搭建高校支持体系六个方面予以改进。  相似文献   

以“高等教育内涵式发展”为指导思想,在深入研究新形势下研究生教育规律及借鉴国内外先进的研究生教育理念和经验基础上,制定我校化学一级学科硕士研究生培养目标、培养方案及学位授予标准。在课程设置、教学内容及方法、培养方式、科研训练、导师指导、学位论文、培养过程管理等方面探索符合我校特点的化学一级学科硕士研究生培养新模式。  相似文献   

当前受国际社会金融危机的影响,中国的培训行业面临机遇与挑战并存的局面。文章通过对美、德、日、韩等8个国家培训情况的分析,从失业保险培训、稳定的培训制度、建立学徒制、社区教育、校企合作等几个方面做出总结,并对建立有中国特色的培训体系从立法、建立学习性社会及一些具体的培训内容提出简要建议。  相似文献   

目前,网络教育的专业培养方案并未真正体现网络教育的功能和特点,无论是从培养方案所应涵盖的内容项目,还是从培养方案的制定原则和具体思路方面,均需要科学的方法和指导。本文通过访谈,对网络教育专业培养方案及制定进行了充分的实地调研,分析了目前网络教育专业培养方案及制定中存在的突出问题,并针对这些问题,结合作者的相关研究及文献调研的结果,提出制定网络教育专业培养方案的主要内容、原则、关键环节及主要方法,以期为我国高校网络教育专业培养方案的制定提供参考。  相似文献   

The proliferation of early childhood programs for children with and without disabilities has occurred without clear indicators or standards of program quality. Evaluations of these programs often consist of compliance monitoring or outcome assessment. Little attention is given to program context or the quality of individual components of the program. In this paper, an alternative evaluation model, a connoisseurship or professional review model using on-site observations, interviews, and document review, was used to identify exemplary practices in early childhood education in one large midwestern state. The results indicated that with proper training and support, early childhood professionals without experience in qualitative methods can become proficient in interviewing techniques, observation, and document review. The resulting case study reports were useful for identifying and describing exemplary practices across the state, demonstrating the potential for this alternative approach to evaluation in early childhood education.  相似文献   

应用型大学旅游管理专业人才培养模式改革研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
旅游业的可持续发展离不开旅游人才的培养,旅游人才的培养质量则主要取决于高校旅游管理专业的人才培养模式。面对旅游业快速发展对旅游人才素质提出的新要求,应用型大学旅游管理专业须应对挑战,创新应用型人才培养模式,不断提高人才培养质量,进而推动我国旅游业持续快速健康地发展。  相似文献   

The proliferation of early childhood programs for children with and without disabilities has occurred without clear indicators or standards of program quality. Evaluations of these programs often consist of compliance monitoring or outcome assessment. Little attention is given to program context or the quality of individual components of the program. In this paper, an alternative evaluation model, a connoisseurship or professional review model using on-site observations, interviews, and document review, was used to identify exemplary practices in early childhood education in one large midwestern state. The results indicated that with proper training and support, early childhood professionals without experience in qualitative methods can become proficient in interviewing techniques, observation, and document review. The resulting case study reports were useful for identifying and describing exemplary practices across the state, demonstrating the potential for this alternative approach to evaluation in early childhood education.  相似文献   

我国农业大学的学科发展很不均衡,人文社会科学发展滞后,不能满足现代社会对复合型人才的要求,也不利于学生社会适应能力和就业竞争力的提高.因此,农业大学学科发展应朝着通识教育与专业教育相结合的方向发展.  相似文献   

国家理科基地班的开设已有20年的历史,其作为我国高等教育体系中人才创新的培养模式对我国高等教育的发展起着重要的影响。笔者以CNKI中收录关于理科基地班的论文为数据库,借助可视化分析软件Citespace 3.4.R3和Ucinet 6.0,对1994—2012年发表的178篇高水平文献进行科学计量学分析,通过对发表文章作者及网络关系、单位、高频关键词方面进行词频分析和共词分析,为我国理科基地班理论建设的科学信息管理研究提供参考依据。  相似文献   

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