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研究媒体折射出的残疾人身份对于当前我国构建和谐社会和传播正能量都有着重要的意义。文章从系统功能语法角度,考察情态和评价资源等语言项目,试图揭示新闻语篇中残疾人身份的建构。语料来自China Daily中有关残疾人报道,采用定性分析的方法。研究发现媒体折射出的残疾人具有弱势身份、患者身份和自强身份;媒体在构建残疾人身份时,运用的话语策略,不利于残疾人主体身份的构建,媒体有义务采用有利于话语和谐的策略推动和谐社会的建设。  相似文献   

新建地方性本科高校发展问题在高等教育理论界和实践界都受到了广泛关注,因为这类学校承载着我国高等教育大众化后的质量保障。大学是一种文化组织,不能离开文化而存在,因此,高校要成为一所真正的大学必须从大学文化认同开始。从逻辑上分析,文化认同首先表现为身份认同和行为认同。但是,由于新建地方性本科高校文化与历史的特殊性,在大学文化认同过程中表现出了文化传统的双重矛盾性、身份认同的身心相异性以及制度建设的模糊性,应针对性提出具体路径,实现新建地方性本科高校文化认同,提升内涵。  相似文献   

Based on interviews with eight adult immigrants to Montreal, this article explores how discourses from their cultures of origin interact with discourses in the host culture to influence the process of identity construction during their acculturation to the host society. Drawing on sociocultural theory and psychological concepts of identity development, the roles of the often conflicting discourses from two different societies are analyzed in terms of their influences on the identity construction of these adult immigrants. The most prevalent recurring theme from the interview data concerned what participants referred to as shyness. The meanings of this theme and its political, economic, and sociocultural implications are discussed. Interview data from this study indicate the importance of sociocultural, political, and economic elements of the discourses of one's society of origin which could be taken into consideration in order to create a more inclusive host society.  相似文献   

As people develop a meaningful understanding of racism, they also experience shifts in their appraisals of self and others as members of an unfairly stratified society. Consistent with the premises of Helms' (1995) racial identity theory, these shifts can be explained as transformational processes that have relevance to matters of morality and peace advancement. Individuals who operate at advanced levels of racial identity development overcome the confinements inherent in a racism Zeitgeist and in so doing, learn to accept themselves and others more authentically. This theory can prove crucial to peace promotion in children because it espouses to nurture the integration of self within the broader spectrum of humanity. Educators who transform their selves can also transform their educational practices by disrupting cycles of socialization that adversely influence children's identity formation. They can also contribute to the creation of new structures of socialization. In this paper, I describe this theory and how it applies to peace education.  相似文献   

探究文化本质视角下高校新手教师身份认同的影响因素,既能为社会深入理解高校新手教师身份认同提供一定理论支持,也能为教师身份认同研究提供文化本质视角的参考和借鉴。通过半结构化深度访谈采集3位高校新手教师身份认同的相关数据,借助NVivo11软件对原始数据进行编码与分析,归纳出影响高校新手教师身份认同的6个基本范畴并聚焦为3个主范畴,在此基础上建构高校新手教师身份认同理论模型。研究发现,教师主体因素为内部驱动因素,直接影响高师新手教师的身份认同感;人际关系与文化社群因素是外部情境因素,间接影响高师新手教师的身份认同感。教师主体的文化理解是身份认同的根源,社群关系的建设是新手教师身份认同的表现形式,社群文化的建设是新手教师身份认同的软尺。  相似文献   

We live in a society where concepts of self, community, and "what is right and wrong" are constantly changing. This makes it particularly challenging for young people to construct a sense of self and to identify their most cherished values. Therefore, there is an amounting pressure in schools and society to create learning environments to explore these issues. Two research questions are at the heart of the work presented in this article: What kind of learning environment will afford opportunities for young people to naturally engage in reflection and discussion about issues of identity, in particular personal and moral values? and How can technologies have an impact on character and moral education? I propose identity construction environments (ICEs) as technological tools purposefully designed with the goal of supporting young people in the exploration of these issues.

I first describe the design principles that distinguish these environments from other learning technologies. I also specify the learning experiences they do afford-namely the understanding of identity as a complex construction composed by different elements, including personal and moral values. Then I present the conceptual foundations and implementation of the Zora ICE. Zora is a three dimensional multi-user virtual environment that engages learners in the design of a graphical virtual city and its social organization. I describe a summer workshop conducted with a multicultural group of teenagers using Zora. They designed a virtual city populated with objects and characters representing aspects of themselves and their values. In this participatory microcommunity those values were put to test. Finally I conclude with reflections and future work that points toward a new research agenda in the area of the learning sciences.  相似文献   

英国移民作家维.苏.奈保尔的作品反映了后殖民社会中像他一样的边缘人和无根人的生活状态以及他们寻找家园和文化身份时所处的困境,对帝国强加给殖民地的意识形态及价值观念进行了成功的颠覆和解构。《米格尔大街》主要描写了处于社会边缘的形形色色的小人物在寻找文化身份及自身价值时所表现的无奈与无助,为了得到主流社会认同,他们不得不去模仿宗主国的语言﹑生活方式及习俗。本文从后殖民视角出发,运用后殖民理论家霍米.巴巴的模仿理论对小说人物的文化身份进行分析。  相似文献   

通过对先秦至今支配阶级、普通社会民众、教育思想家和教师眼中教师身份认同流变的系统历史考察表明,我国中小学教师身份认同历史流变在因素维度上,大致呈现出如下特征:支配阶级眼中的教师身份认同流变经历了一个由尊宠依赖到控制依赖再到协商依赖、由单一取向到两极取向再到多维取向的演变过程;普通社会民众眼中的教师身份认同经历了一个由支配阶级到支配阶级中的被支配阶级再到普通民众、由自决生成到官方派生再到自我确证的演变过程;教育思想家眼中的教师身份认同经历了一个由自负任我到自主利他再到自由为我、由普世观照至系统关注再到局关爱的演变过程;教师自身眼中的教师身份认同经历了一个由社会代表者到职业工作者再到日常生活者、由文化符号到文化中介再到文化交换的演变过程.  相似文献   

Faith, feeling and identity look to be essential ingredients in personal growth, but what do they mean 'on the ground'? Drawing on the results of a survey of teachers and school chaplains, and on her own experiences as a student, teacher and chaplain in Catholic education, Maureen Glackin explores some of the questions which face schools seeking to promote spiritual development and personal identity. Contrasting a model which emphasizes received doctrine and traditional authority with one which sees the spiritual journey as an open-ended, shared encounter, she argues that teachers must be spiritually aware and open to possibilities for their own spiritual growth if they are to be able to help their students develop in these ways.  相似文献   

身份和不礼貌研究已成为语用学研究的热点问题,从语用学的角度对有意不礼貌和身份构建做出界定,探讨人际互动中不礼貌环境下强势身份、权益身份和情感身份的建构,旨在分析交际互动语境对身份选择的制约和影响。  相似文献   

福克纳的《八月之光》有深刻的思想内涵,表现了多方面的主题,如种族问题,清教主义思想对人的毒害,人与自我、人与社会的矛盾冲突等等,最重要的主题则是表现现代人自我身份的模糊不清,小说中的乔·克里斯默斯、海托华、乔安娜·伯顿的人生悲剧都缘于此。福克纳通过这几个人物的命运揭示了现代人的精神困境。  相似文献   

Author Reply     
The purpose of this article is to examine factors that influence how Black female athletic administrators negotiate their personal identity. Negotiation of identities is not only about what people say and do, but where and when they do it, as well as with whom they do it. Thus, it is important to identify social, personal, and organizational factors that influence identity negotiation outcomes. In doing so, this article integrates Thomas and Ely's (1996) diversity perspectives with behavioral confirmation theory and Swann's (1987) theory of self-verification to gain an understanding of the mechanisms and processes that influence Black female athletic administrators' and coaches' identity negotiation outcomes. Six propositions are advanced concerning how personal factors, social status, organizational status, and three diversity perspectives (integration and learning, discrimination and fairness, and access and legitimacy), can support Black females in verifying their self views or conforming their identity to others' expectations.  相似文献   

多民族大学生的民族认同、文化适应与心理健康的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选取768名不同民族的大学生,采用问卷法,分析了大学生民族认同和文化适应的特点,以自尊和幸福感为心理健康的两个指标,探讨了大学生的民族认同、文化适应与心理健康的关系,结果表明:(1)民族认同能正向预测大学生的自尊水平,民族认同以自尊为中介变量,对抑郁幸福感产生影响。(2)民族认同和中华民族认同呈正相关,少数民族大学生的民族认同显著高于汉族大学生;(3)少数民族大学生的民族认同与对主流群体态度呈负相关;(4)民族认同具有情景性,随着不同民族成员之间的接触和交流,民族认同逐渐减弱;(5)民族认同影响着少数民族大学生在主流文化社会中采取的文化适应策略,采取不同文化适应策略的少数民族大学生的自尊和幸福感存在显著差异。  相似文献   

Teacher identity has been recognised as critical to the practice and development of teachers. However, there remains a paucity of scholarship capturing the voice of pre-service teachers’ meaning making of their own development as teachers during initial teacher education. This paper sets out to explore seven pre-service teachers’ meaning making of becoming a teacher. Reflections gathered using autobiographical narratives and teaching metaphors, were prompted by video clips of practice during School Placement. Results suggest that pre-service teachers’ were initially drawn to the physical depiction of what a teacher looks like. Their meaning making then turned towards instances of dissonance between their prior meanings of what it is to be a teacher and their lived experiences of School Placement. These sources of dissonance challenged the pre-service teachers’ ongoing construction of their teacher identity. The findings of this paper are discussed in terms of relevant literature.  相似文献   

This qualitative study explored the identity construction of seven adolescents who attended special classes for hard-of-hearing (HH) students for part or all of their elementary school years. Results of open-ended group interviews and written questionnaires indicated that the students strongly identified as HH people. School experiences and interactions with teachers and HH peers appeared to be major influences on this choice. The findings support the position that a HH identity may exist separate from the culturally Deaf identity. The findings also suggest that HH students need to connect with other HH individuals whether or not they assimilate into the hearing world or decide to participate in both the hearing and Deaf worlds.  相似文献   

同一性是哲学讨论中的一个基本问题。在同一性的不同认识中,共相的同一易于导致含混,而观念的同一陷于主观,因此同一指个体的同一。莱布尼茨将个体的同一与性质联系起来讨论,对弗雷格、罗素、蒯因、克里普克等人的同一性理论具有深刻影响。同一性既涉及所指,又涉及涵义,与指称理论密切相关,是关于个体自身同一的认识问题。  相似文献   

失地农民的身份认同是其市民化过程中一个非常重要的问题。以C市为研究地点,发现获得城市户口的失地农民中只有四分之一认同市民身份,四分之一认同农民身份,而有二分之一对其身份状态特别模糊。在所有影响失地农民身份认同的因素中,只有经济收入、文化程度和年龄具有特别重要的意义。要强化失地农民的市民身份认同,政府要对失地农民实现工作技能转换和财产形式转换,在居住空间增加失地农民与城市其他阶层接触机会,建立组织教育和提升失地农民的综合素质并且建立覆盖他们的社会保障体系。  相似文献   

人类是一种历史性的存在,因此人的认同问题必须从历史发展的角度去看。在经济全球化的现时代,人员、信息与货物的跨国流动,使人们的身份认同、文化认同和国家认同日益成为一个必须时刻思考和作出选择的问题,人们都会遇到文化认同、民族认同和国家认同的问题。在文化认同与民族(族群)认同、国家认同的关系,在全球化背景下如何强化国家认同的维度上,从发展的角度看,我们必须把国家认同放在高于民族(族群)认同的地位,这就是说,族群的认同不能超越或凌驾于国家认同之上,国家的文化认同必须大于族群的文化认同;应该通过构造中华民族文化共同的文化基础和文化象征符号的重建,增加民族认同与国家认同的重叠内容,以形成统一的中华民族共同体。必须把经济社会的区域均衡发展置于今后工作的重心位置,并且通过人口的流动促进人民之间的交流与文化融合;强化国家认同还必须有政策和法规的支撑,譬如,共同的语言、政治仪式、文化符号等等的规定。总之,在历史进程之中,我们必须把国家认同置于文化认同之上,用公民的国家认同促进文化认同。  相似文献   

讲故事有利于认同的建构,那些世代流传的故事就是人们拥有同一认同的核心所在。故事用一种连续的方式与世界、与历史连接。通过故事,人们感受或体会着以故事的内容为参照的世界。故事的叙述者把自己排除在经验之外,从而向世界寻求材料,目的是证实一种与世界相对的认同。故事把人类经验体现出来,建构属于个体或集体的认同。  相似文献   

新媒体时代,人们越来越重视身份认同理论与档案信息资源的研究。档案信息资源是身份认同的重要依据之一。身份认同对高校档案信息资源建设提出几点诉求。应对身份认同的诉求,文章对当下高校档案信息资源建设提出几点意见。  相似文献   

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