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老张和老王是大学同学,关系甚好。毕业后俩人分别到了两家不同的单位,俩人境遇基本相同,工作平常,无甚起色。一日喝酒,老张老王咳声叹气,同病相怜。俩人说,如此下去,怎么是好?得想点法子。二人灵机一动,主意有了。  相似文献   

If you drive along the Chang'an Avenue eastward in Beijing and pass through skyscrapers in CBD, you will soon encounter a complex of ancient buildings of Ming and Qing styles - China Red Sandalwood Museum. Behind the immense door lies an ancient art palace. This is the world's largest museum of red sandalwood architectures and carvings and also the only private museum in China that has "China" in its name, which receives the most heads of states and foreign government officials.  相似文献   

I was born in the countryside. I had a colorful and joyful childhood although my peasant parents couldn't give me an affluent life at that time, My toys were all handmade by myself such as catapults and powder guns. Like many kids of the time, I also liked to dissemble and re-assemble clocks and radios as a means of entertainment. Once I noticed a small bottle of ink with a brush pen in it at the window and showed strong interest in them. Since then, my poor handwriting left over everywhere in my house. My father was tolerant and never scolded at my unrestrained scrawling. That was my first experience in Chinese calligraphy which led me to a life destined for this magic art.  相似文献   

伍守阳是明末著名的内丹家。伍守阳的生命观集中体现了道教内丹学的生命观,对我们今日生命哲学和生命科学的研究提供了重要启示。本文从四个方面:道化性命的生命本源观、神炁相依的性命观、性命双修的生命修持观和重五伦之德的生命伦理价值观对伍守阳的生命观作了解析。  相似文献   

今年是先祖父湯炳正(1910.1.13-1998.4.4)先生誕辰一百周年,追思其學術生涯,感觸良多,似有千語萬言涌上心頭,但本文只准備集中談談他的為學經歷及治學成就.  相似文献   

郭嵩焘:先驱者的悲剧人生   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
雷颐 《寻根》2001,(1):13-19
近代中国面临着社会和化的全方位转型,社会和化的震荡必然格外强烈,重重矛盾必然格外尖锐。在这跌宕起伏令人惊心动魄的历史大潮中,郭嵩焘时时作为弄潮儿处于风口浪尖之上,又不时被大浪抛开,无可奈何地成为观潮。他从最初的理想抱负到最终的失望潦落大起大落的戏剧性一生,当然与他个人落拓不羁的人性情紧密相关,但更与时代的震荡和矛盾紧紧相连。因此,他的一生又鲜明地反映出时代特征,反映出方生与未死之际先行的历史命运。  相似文献   

Bian Qing has developed a painting method of his own.He first paints on a canvas with ink so that it is filled with unique black images.These images feature distinctive characteristics.They can be perceived as concrete objects,vague landscapes or simply color blocks with no significant meanings.Then he paints on the canvas with light pigments repeatedly until the original ink images become almost invisible,or in other words,to an extent that he is satisfied with.The original ink images are so blurred and  相似文献   

West Street is the oldest in Yangshuo, a small town in Guilin, with towering karst peaks and surrounded by Li River. In this less- than-one-kilometer street, there are more than 100 cafes, bars, restaurants and hotels, all with both Chinese and English or French ads. Called "a foreigner street", West Street attracts tens of thousands of foreign tourists every year. Le De (happy), a French-styled restaurant, and Hong Fu (Big Fortune), a Chinese-styled hotel, are the most splendid  相似文献   

沈建中 《寻根》2001,(4):54-57
施蛰存先生,这位坛学界耆宿,已雷97岁高龄了。  相似文献   

自然,自在已然的大存在,這是本人對自然的一個簡賅而確切的定義.它是不藉外力的"自在的"存在."自在"極言其無處不適宜,無處不合理,無處不恰到好處.  相似文献   

翻开记录中古中国民间社会样态的走马楼三国吴简或是敦煌北朝隋唐五代写卷,就会发现民众在起名字上的不拘一格。走马楼吴简《嘉禾吏民田家莂》记载了不少以动物或“奴”“黑”等带有贱名性质的名字,比如邓狗、朱狗、谢狗、邓鼠、李鼠、谢牛、谢羊、胡秃、邓黑、潘黑、文黑、谢奴、田奴、王奴等。  相似文献   

Under the direction of Hugh Hefner, Playboy magazine’s early success was predicated upon the unique marketing strategies of forging the persona of an idealized, imaginary reader called the playboy, with particular lifestyles and taste preferences. At the same time, it sold the value of men’s participation in the hedonistic pleasures of accessible connoisseurship of the postwar marketplace by aligning consumer desires with sexual desires as innate components of modern masculinity. The purpose of this article is to illustrate how this persona is visually and discursively articulated throughout the entire Playboy empire, from the content of the magazines including the dewy centerfolds and the What Sort of Man Reads Playboy? campaigns to the brand’s clubs and television shows. The persona undertook the dual tasks of attracting a lucrative male readership and its corresponding advertisers, while simultaneously redefining male consumer culture.  相似文献   

韩振华  赵娟 《寻根》2009,(2):72-81
在闽粤赣交界的闽西山区,有着让世界为之震撼的“独一无二的神话般的山区建筑”,它们便是客家土楼。这是一种集体聚居的生土夯筑的大型建筑,形式多样,且因地制宜,与周围山水和谐相处。2008年7月7日,第32届世界遗产大会正式将“福建土楼”列入《世界遗产名录》,成为中国第36个世界遗产地!  相似文献   

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