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The Republic of Costa Rica is a country. situated in the southern part of Central America, bordered by Nicaragua to the north, Panama to the east-southeast, the Pacific Ocean to the west and the Caribbean Sea to the east. Costa Rica means a rich and fertile coast in the Spanish language. In fact, it is one of the leading economies in Central America.  相似文献   

My Chinese dream is to see the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, which is the common aspiration of generations of Chinese suffering from the humiliation of imperialism for centuries. What does rejuvenation mean? It means to rejuvenate the glorious times when the Chinese nation made major contribution to the progress of human civilizations. The great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation begins with cultural rejuvenation, the core of which is the rejuvenation of China's original culture and philosophy, the great spirit of perseverance and tenacity,  相似文献   

A Chinese steelyard is the measuring instrument used to measure weight. It uses a weight that moves on the scale stem and changes the ratio of the lever to measure, The steelyard consists of the following parts: an arm, a hook, lifting cords and a weight. The arm is graduated with the weight units. The hook, hanging from one end of the arm, is used to lift up the object to be weighed. Hanging from the other part of the arm is the free-moving weight, attached on a looped string. On the arm is fixed one, two or three lifting cords, placed much closer to the hook than to the other end. Anything to be weighed should be picked up by the hook, while the weigher lifts up the whole steelyard, holding one of the cords. He then slides the weight left or right until he finds a perfect balance of the beam. He then reads the weight from the graduation mark on which the weight-string rests.  相似文献   

LAST Autumn stage artists from the Republic of Korea,Aus-tralia and Russia visited Beijing and several other cities inChina to give dazzling performances and to enrich the culturallife of the Chinese people.At the invitation of the China’s CPAA Cultural EntertainmentCompany,the prestigious National Art Ensemble of the Republic ofKorea came to China for the first time.The Korean artists were inBeijing,Tianjin and Shanghai from September 7 to 18 to performsongs and dances,such as Corolla Dance,Long Drum Dance and FanDance.  相似文献   

Experimental art in China has unpergone a period of unprecedented development since the 1990s. Part of this is due to the rapid transformation of the country‘s economic system.Meanwhile, China‘s experimental art has integrated itself with the rest of the world, thanks to the swift pace of globalization.  相似文献   

September 9, 2009 marked the 100th anniversary of the National Library of China. 1 00 years ago, the Imperial Capital Library, the predecessor of the National Library of China, was founded. Over the past century, the library has adhered to its motto of "continuing the civilization and serving the society", making significant contribution to the evolution of human civilization and social progress.  相似文献   

After the release of the “China Seal”, the emblem of the Beijing 2008 Olympics, the choice of the Games‘ mascot has become the next excited focus of public attention. By December1, 2004, the collection of the mascot designs had concluded, and committees were evaluating submissions to select the winner. According to Jiang Xiaoyu,  相似文献   

Over the sweep of history, oceanic boats have been recognized as proof of the scientific evolution of mankind. During the Song-Yuan period, China had witnessed growing exchanges with other nations. A large number of Chinese emigrated abroad and brought advanced products of China to local people. At the same time, exotic treasures and produces continued to import into China, remarkably promoting the development of China. In the past two decades, sunken boats of ancient China continued to be discovered in Chinese seas, testifying to prosperous maritime trade of past dynasties. "South China Sea No. 1" and "Huaguang Corral", discovered in Taishan, Guangdong and Xisha Islands respectively, are the two sunken ships of the Song Dynasty that have attracted nationwide attention of both archeologists and general public alike.  相似文献   

The State Administration of Cultural Heritage of China launched the series program "diplomatic missions tour to cultural heritage sites in China" in 2006, with an aim to showcase the country's rich cultural heritage resources and achievements in heritage protection to the international community. From October 20 to 25, 2007, 17 diplomatic envoys from ten countries as well as international organizations joined the study tour to Sichuan hometown of giant panda. During the five-day visit, they visited several World Heritage sites and appreciated unique folk arts in Sichuan, from mysterious archeological sites in Jinsha to magnificent Leshan giant Buddha, from beautiful Mt. Emei to the ancient irrigation system in Dujiangyan, from years-old liquor workshops to the well-preserved old town in Langzhong, from exquisite Song- Dynasty porcelains to the state-of-art research base for giant panda, from the miraculous face-off stunt of Sichuan opera to the highly skilled art of shadow play. All these attractions have imprinted deep memories in these diplomats' minds.  相似文献   

On March 17, 2014, the Ministry of Culture, People's Bank of China and the Ministry of Finance jointly issued the Opinion Concerning the Deepening of Culture-Finance Cooperation (hereinafter referred to as "Opinion "). This landmark document has drawn nationwide attention, as it calls for the innovation of the financial system for cultural development and the design of financial products and services that meet needs of cultural industries. What actions have been taken by local banking institutions in response to this reJorm policy and what efforts have been made to seek innovative approaches to culture-finance cooperation? Here is the news story by China Culture Daily.  相似文献   

Magazine Review     
Art is at the top of spiritual dimension of human beings. Market is the necessary place and behavior that sustains human existence. Lawsuit is an important means to solve disputes and conflictions among humans. The three looks independent from each other but share the same nature - attracting attention. In 2014, Chinese art mar- ket began to take reform. The biggest obstacle from inside is the conventions and practices that hinder the sound development of the market. The rule of law is the strongest tool to refom the existing pattern and rule of operation for the art market of China.  相似文献   

Fans and collectors of Olympics-related souvenirs such as coins and stamps flocked to the 13th World Olympic Collectors' Fair which took place from June 22 to 28. Visitors from numerous countries attended the six-day fair which showcases more than a century of treasures representing the various stages of the Olympic movement.Collectors from across the world brought their collections to Beijing to exchange with Chinese collectors and to show to Chinese people the greatness of the Olympic collectors' family. Items shown at the fair include Olympic torches, trophies and athlete suits,as well as pins, coins, stamps and other items bearing the Olympic rings. It is the first time the fair has been held in China and it has opened free to public visitors.  相似文献   

Getting to Know China: Appreciation of 100 Chinese Characters is one of the book series "Meet China" produced by the Ministry of Culture of China in 2013. The book selects 100 Chinese characters that represent Chinese culture to some extent. Targeted at foreign readers most of whom are unfamiliar with Chinese characters, the book elaborates on the meanings of Chinese characters and their cultural connotation concisely and to the point.  相似文献   

Revival of Buddhism: from the second half of the 10th century to the 13,h century
After Langdarma was assassinated, the ruling group of Tibet was torn by internal strife. Tibet was again under the state of separation and Buddhism declined. In the late period of the 10th century, with the constant efforts by Buddhist monks and the support of Guge Kingdom, Buddhism began to revive in Tibet.  相似文献   

China and France have for centuries enjoyed friendly relations in the fields of politics, trade and culture. The China-France Culture Year, beginning this October, as the largest Sino-foreign event since the founding of New China, is expected to spark a new round of exchanges between the two cultures.After two years of planning, the China Culture Year is to be inaugurated in France soon this September. With the theme of "Ancient China, Colorful China, Modern China", the event aims to offer a comprehensive view of the  相似文献   

Chinese print can date back 1100 years. For example, carved bricks and stones in the Han Dynasty are actually ear, forms of woodprint. As a type of print art, wood board printing invented in the Tang Dynasty was closely related to life of ordinary people and helped to spread arts in ancient China. Buddhist sutra Vajracchedika printed in 868 AD is the important evidence testifying to the wood board printing of the Tang Dynasty and the world's earliest complete printed book still preserved today. Thus it is generally recognized as the peak of print art of the Tang Dynasty.  相似文献   

“Bund” derives from an Anglo-Indian word for an embankment along a muddy waterfront. In the late 19^th century after Shanghai was forced to open to Western colonists, the Bund became the site of some of the earliest foreign settlements and now is known as one of the most recognizable architectural symbols of Shanghai. But the Bund is not a feature exclusive to Shanghai. Similar styles of architecture also appear in other coastal or river cities in China, such as Wuhan,Guangzhou, Chengdu and Fuzhou.  相似文献   

Suzhou-style embroidery is known as the most famous of the four major embroidery styles of China. Over the sweep of history, thisembroidery genre has been nurtured in the context of cultural richness in waterside towns of southeast China and continued to evolve thanks to sldll perfection by generations of female embroiderers. Time-honored cultural traditions developed by scholars, poets and painters have enriched aesthetics, craftsmanship and coloring of the embroidery genre, endowing it with unique characteristics and enduring artistic appeals and helping to bring it with worldwide reputation.  相似文献   

In February 1996, an expert delegation from UNESCO visited Lijiang, southwest Yunnan Province of China for the assessment of the city's application for the World Cultural Heritage entry. Old architectures, historical streets and crisscross streams winding through them shape the old town of Lijiang and are the most important elements that the expert board planned to evaluate. Unfortunately, the visit coincided with a great earthquake of the region, Many new buildings fell down and roads were badly broken. But to their surprise, experts found that the old town was not destroyed as seriously as they expected. Wails of old houses and shops collapsed or damaged to some extents, but their structures stood still and maintained original forms. Ironically, some new, modern buildings that were at odds with the overall appearance of the old town collapsed. In the old town, roads remained intact and streams continued to flow as usual. Experts therefore asserted that with adequate restoration, historic, artistic and scientific values of the old town of Lijiang would not disappear and the application was still valid. In the end of 1997, Lijiang was approved to enter the list of World Cultural Heritage by UNESCO.  相似文献   

PEKING appliqu(?),one of the many handicrafts of China,is an old art-form going backmany centuries.Different materialsare cut out and attached to oneanother to create a single-piece de-coration,much like embroidery.Itshistory can be traced back 2,000years to the Han Dynasty,whenartists would use thin scraps andpatches of silk to piece together aportrait or a depiction of the land-scape.During the Song Dynastyappliqu(?) enjoyed a resurgence andbecame very similar to traditionalembroidery.After the Qing Dynas-ty,appliqu(?) became very popularoutside the emperor's court and res-pectable women everywhere tookit up as a pastime,embroidering  相似文献   

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