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For European officials and architects, it may sound like an unbelievable story that an art museum complex project only needs four months for designing and eight months for construction. But it happened in China as a reality. China Contemporary Art Museum Complex, well underway in Mt. Qingcheng Resort in Dujiangyan, southwest Sichuan Province, is a paragon that fully demonstrates the incredible speed and passion of contemporary China. Like a surrealistic movie, this ambitious construction project faces both opportunities and challenges.  相似文献   

Xue Song's works have great visual strength, triggering spontaneous pondering on the underlying meanings. The scenes in his works combine elements in western paintings with images from traditional Chinese painting and do so with utmost delicacy. When observed closely, images and characters on the background offer more information: black ashes stand out of the picture, forming shadows of the times.  相似文献   

Apiece of Tangka painting is usually created with ten procedures, including cloth grinding, point positioning, outlining the contour with char pen, rough line drawing,color application, line drawing with fine brushworks, fine line drawing, gold line drawing, face drawing and consecration.  相似文献   

Tie-dye is a traditional and ancient dyeing method in China. Cloth is tied with cotton or linen ropes and then dyed with different colors. Thanks to different ways of tying, finished fabrics show various beautiful patterns.  相似文献   

邸永君 《寻根》2004,(6):85-88
所谓篆刻艺术,是在金属、象牙、犀角、玉、石等材质上雕刻篆体文字的艺术。因以制作印章为主,故而又称印章艺术。作为国粹之一,它经历了漫长的发展过程,形成了一以贯之、无比厚重的悠久传统。其融万千气象于方寸之间,向为历代文人墨客所钟爱,或自篆自用,或馈赠文友,钤记落款,观  相似文献   

Before the reform and open up policy was launched in the late 1970s, there was virtually no art trade in Mainland China.Since the 1980s, China's art market began to develop gradually. Since the early 1990s when art auction was allowed, private collection and art trade have continued to thrive. In China, trade of private curios and art objects is conducted primarily in shops, street stands or indoor markets. Buyers and sellers bargain with each other and the deal is made when the two reach an agreement. Art auction was introduced into China from Western countries. In an open and fair environment, art objects are traded in the auction house and the buyer who bids the highest price obtains the object,  相似文献   

<正>Thangka, a Tibetan expression of religious painting, had yet to get known to the rest of the world until two or three decades ago. However, its history can d...  相似文献   


This essay examines contemporary art as a tool of political resistance against existing and emerging ideologies as well as controversial and discriminatory cultural norms. On the example of the 2017 Venice Biennale, this research project analyses art, and more specifically, selected nation-specific exhibits, as pieces of critical pedagogy, representative of ideological and cultural resistance. Concentrating on the comparative analysis of art exhibits from US-American, Russian, and German national pavilions, this research project explains what their respective art communicates, what the main messages are, and elaborates on the impact, the salience, and the affect the exhibits have on their numerous audiences today, when the sphere of international and intercultural relations is challenged like never before. This essay further demonstrates that the exhibits challenge and critique the past and the present of their respective national cultures and attempt to refocus and humanize the future in the globalized world.  相似文献   

狄马 《寻根》2009,(2):135-141
陕北说书,是一种流传在陕北地区的说唱艺术。关于这门说唱艺术的历史,没有人能说清楚。清代的《榆林府志.艺文志》里记载说“康熙九年,文fJ第说传奇,颇靡靡可听”。这大概是目前能找到的唯一一条直接资料,证明陕北说书至少在康熙年间就已经很兴盛了。但在康熙年间兴盛,不能说在康熙年间才出现,按常理推断,至少在这以前就已经历了一个不短的孕育和发展过程了。  相似文献   

A bookplate is usually a small print or decorative label pasted to a book to indicate its owner. As a form of higher art, bookplates are praised as "gems on paper" or "pearls in print". First appearing in the 1 5th century, bookplates are collected as timehonored artworks. In Europe, collecting and appreciating bookplates is recognized as one of qualifications for intellectuals. In China, bookplates have gained increasing popularity among collectors thanks to the upgraded aesthetic level of Chinese people.  相似文献   

敦煌书法艺术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
石坤 《寻根》2005,(4):23-29
敦煌藏经洞发现的敦煌古代遗书总数超过5万件,从内容上讲,它是研究我国古代政治、经济、军事、文化等的最直接、最珍贵的材料,而从这些遗留下来的文字本身来讲,它同样是我国文字书写艺术史上难得的珍品。因此,作为敦煌艺术的一个组成部分,理应为世人所瞩目。  相似文献   

Guantian Village, located in Fenggang County, Guizhou Province, is a farming village with a tong history. All its villagers are surnamed "Qian". It is so named because inimperial periods, some local villagers were appointed imperial officials who owned many official farmlands (in Chinese, guantian literally means official farmland).  相似文献   

<正>Wood, brick and stone carving are three outstanding styles of folk art of Huizhou, a historic area in central China’s Anhui province. Huizhou-style carving i...  相似文献   

尤岩 《寻根》2007,(5):70-73
最近,德国的考古学家发现了三个精雕细刻的象牙微雕:一只小鸟、一个马头和一个狮人,都是用远古时代的猛犸象牙雕刻而成的,每个微雕的高度都不超过2.5厘米,雕刻技艺高超、手法精湛,水鸟身上的羽毛以及马头上的嘴、鼻和眼睛都雕刻得非常精细,令人拍案叫绝。其年代可以追溯到三万年到三万三千年前的智人活动时期,  相似文献   

The history of Chinese painting and calligraphy mounting can date back to the Warring States period [475-221 BC]. This unique craftsmanship saw its heydays in theSong Dynasty [960-1279AD], thanks to the prosperous silk industry of the time. Moreover, Emperor Huizong, a great painter and calligrapher, was particularly fond of mounting, which gave rise to the development of the craftsmanship. Many master artists, like Mi Fu, Su Shi and Wang Shen, mounted artworks by themselves, brining prosperity to this traditional skill.  相似文献   

The art of color ink is an emerging artistic expression originated from Taiwan in the 1990s.With 16 years of development,this new art form has been recognized by contemporary artists from over 40 countries.The International Color Ink Exhibition is held annually and color ink works have been on display in countries such as USA,Canada,Spain and Mexico.Academic workshops,exchange events and thematic exhibitions have been launched with an aim to facilitate in-depth studies on application of ink and color to soft cloth material.Today,soft cloth material has been widely used by artists of both East and West to  相似文献   

孙发成 《寻根》2010,(3):137-141
梳篦,即梳子和篦箕的合称,古称"栉"。梳子齿疏,用以梳理须发;篦箕齿密,用以篦除发垢及蚤、虱等寄生虫。常州梳篦历史悠久,工艺精良,造型优美,属于传统的民族民间艺术范畴,是名副其实的"乡土奇葩"。一般认为,常州梳篦始自晋代,迄今已有1600余年历史。  相似文献   

女书装饰艺术的文化色彩   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
何红一 《寻根》2001,(4):30-38
女书是字,也是艺术。女书字符号本身的装饰性、女书作品中插图图案的装饰性、女书装帧上的装饰性以及其他带有女书符号纹样的女红用品上的装饰性,共同构成了女书特有的装饰艺术。(图1)本拟从民间艺术角度探讨女书装饰艺术中透露出来的化倾向,以进一步认识女书产生和发展的化背景。  相似文献   

牛达生  牛志文 《寻根》2004,(6):51-57
火铳,是金属管形射击火器的通称。初见于宋元之交,是明代大量使用的重要火器。现代的枪炮就是在它的基础上发展演变而来的,是现代枪炮的“祖先”。  相似文献   

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