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Introduction Our most developed and established system of communication is, of course, language. But what we mean by language is a widely recognized problem and the term 'language' has been applied figuratively to all forms of human behaviour. What is clear is that what- ever language may be, it is communicative, and it is not the only system of communication, nor is it the on- ly instrument of human communication, just the most subtle and powerful. Since the last half century, the notion of '…  相似文献   

Today more and mere young men say that their parents don’t understand them well. They think their parents are very striet with them and don‘t give them enough space to do their own things which they like to. They even think their parents are out of touch with modern life. So,generally speaking, they don‘ t want to talk with their parents, they don‘ t tell everything, especially their secret to their parents. It seems there is a gap between the parents and their children.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONThetermpolypoidgallbladder(PLG)isusedgenericallytodescribeanymucosalprojectionintothelumen .Itmaybeclassifiedaseithernon neoplasticlesions,whichcomprise 95 %ofallgallbladderpolyps,orneoplasticlesions,ofwhichadenomascomprisethevastmajority .Anu…  相似文献   

崔玮崧 《海外英语》2014,(7):167-168
The sublime,which is designated by"aesthetics",arouses various studies and discussions on literature and ethical fields within philosophy.  相似文献   

Interpretation is an important type of translation, and it has several similarities with translation. Howev- er, it also has its own characteristics and principles. This article is to do a brief comparison between inter- pretation and translation. In A Practical Handbook of Interpretation, Mr. Zhong Shukong gave a definition to interpretation: " (Interpretation) means an extempore oral reproduction, in one language, of what is said in another language."! To this extent, interpretation cann…  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Real option involves application of finance op-tion in material deal. “When evaluating the value ofinvestment opportunities and optimizing strategies,rational investors will be wiser to find a method toobtain the maximal value of projects based on marketinformation than those who simply utilize subjectivepossibility or the function of utility” (Everstinefc,1981; Dixit and Pindyck, 1995; Cox and Rubinstein,1979; Amram and Kulatilaka, 2001; Galitz, 1998;Meng et al., …  相似文献   

科普英语开始互动了!!在我们的科普英语开展的几期中,不断有同学把自己的翻译寄给我们,其中有不少相当精彩的翻译。于是编辑部决定在这一期的科普英语不提供译文,希望同学们踊跃地把自己翻译的译文寄给我们。我们将挑选出最优秀的,刊登在下一期的同学杂志上!最重要的是原创译文,一定要出自自己的真实翻译哦。说不定下一期的科普英语就有你的名字了,还等什么啊,大家加油吧!  相似文献   

Central in this study is the degree to which the pedagogical‐didactical approach in undergraduate programmes aligns with the pedagogical‐didactical approach in secondary schools, and how this is related to first‐year achievement. Approaches to teaching at secondary schools and in first‐year university programmes were examined by interviewing school management, school teachers and university lecturers. The teaching approaches found within the schools were contrasted against the academic teaching approaches, resulting in four types of fit. With multiple regression analysis the relationships between these four types of fit, gender, prior achievement and first‐year achievement were examined. The results showed that prior performance is positively related to first‐year achievement, as well as a fit characterised by more student‐centred teaching in the first year compared to the approach to teaching at secondary school.  相似文献   

Digital technologies have been used for measurement purposes and whether the test medium influences the user is an important issue. The aim of this study is to investigate students?? performances and duration differences between online and paper?Cpencil tests. An online testing tool was developed and administered in order to determine the differences between the traditional paper?Cpencil tests and online tests concerning students?? performances and the duration on tests. This tool enables to add questions that utilize an online database and which are in the form of multiple choice (with 5 or 4 options), true?Cfalse, matching, filling in the blanks, with multiple answers, with short answers, with long answers, and it also enables to prepare tests and to turn them into paper?Cpencil test mode. Performance test was applied with both online and paper?Cpencil modes on junior students at one of the universities in Turkey. Besides, the online testing tool developed within the context of the study was evaluated by instructors with respect to usability, relevance to the purpose and design. Instructor and student questionnaires are developed to determine the opinions on the online testing tool and online tests. Results showed that there was no significant differences between the performances on online and paper?Cpencil tests. On the other hand, the time they spent on the online test has been longer than the time they spent on paper?Cpencil test. Students found the online testing tool easy to use and stated that online test medium is more comfortable than paper?Cpencil tests. However, they complained about external noises, tiredness, and focusing problems regarding the online examination mediums. Generally, instructors have also appreciated the online testing tool??s design and they agree on the fact that it serves for its purposes.  相似文献   

There is a known association between LEGO® construction ability and mathematics achievement, yet the mechanisms which drive this association are largely unknown. This study investigated the spatial mechanisms underlying this association, and whether this differs for concrete versus digital construction. Between January 2020 and July 2021, children aged 7–9 years (N = 358, 189 female, ethnicity not recorded) completed spatial and mathematics tasks, and either a concrete or digital Lego construction task. Mediation analyses examining direct and indirect pathways (through spatial skills) between Lego construction ability and mathematics explained 8.4% to 26.6% of variance in mathematics scores. Exploratory moderated mediation analyses revealed that only the indirect path through mental rotation differed between Lego conditions. Findings are discussed in relation to theories of spatial-numerical associations and the potential of Lego training for mathematics improvement.  相似文献   

On the Correlation between Self-concept and Educational Success   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ⅰ. Introduction “If the school is sensitive to the problems of less successful learners, if it takes steps within its organization, methodology and curriculum to meet their needs, and if individual progress is emphasized rather than achievement of norms and examination successes, the number of individuals whose learning difficulties become special educational needs may be minimized”(Fish, 1985,p26). As is suggested in this quotation, the 1980s witnessed signifi  相似文献   

Owing to the development of new technology and information systems, the earth has become into a "global village" and the contacts among people become more frequent and significant. When different people from different races, nationalities, or backgrounds meet together, because of culture diversity, they often behave in different ways that are not understood by the others. Hence the study of intercultural communication is very important. Traditionally the study is based upon cultures that are shared by larger cultural groups, such as Orientation-culture, Western culture, European culture, African culture, Chinese culture, American culture, or even high-context culture and low-context culture. Since this kind of division easily leads to stereotyping and exaggeration of the positive or negative values of a certain cultural group, in recent years, the study has been focused on discourses, which are sub-grouping cultures such as corporate discourse, professional discourse, generational discourse and gender discourse. Discourse systems are smaller than whole cultures and tend to take on somewhat more homogeneous characteristics, if not ideological unity. In this paper, we give definitions of culture and discourse, and mainly focus on how diverse cultural issues influence communicators' perception and behaviors in different social or professional discourses. All our efforts on this study aim at successful communication.  相似文献   

1 Introduction a The existence of gravitational wave (GW) has become a scientific focus since the establishment of the general theory of relativity and its first deduction by Einstein [1,2]. After several decades of dispute, physicists have reached a bett…  相似文献   

①The world today is characterized by a growing number of contacts which results in communication between people with different cultural background .This communication takes place because of contacts within the areas of business, military cooperation, science, education, massmedia, entertainment, tourism and etc. ②In all these contacts, communication needs to be as constructive as possible, without misunderstandings and breakdowns. It is our belief that research on'the nature of cultural differences here can play a positive and constrcitve role.③I wanted to convey a deeper message: "No culture is inferior to another and human civilization is the combination of all cultures,Thus,communication, mutual understanding and tolerance are conducive to the development of peace and harmony."  相似文献   

众所周知,一个人对第一语言的习得并不需要特别的努力,他只需要在一个自然的环境下就能够自然而然地学会使用自己的母语。然而,对第二语言的习得却是另外一回事。本文旨在从习得环境,语言习得者,教师几个方面来探讨第一语言和第二门语言的区别。  相似文献   

Translating methods are undoubtedly the core problems we are confronted with in translation. Because of the difference of geography, history, religious belief, life custom, the phrase of English and Chinese have different national cultural characteristics and the cultural information, they are connected with the cultural tradition closely ,and inalienable. Therefore, in the phrase translation, the translator must understand culture manifests of the different national society in the language, correctly understand the cultural semantics in the phrase, use the suitable translation method. If the original translation language element is consistent with the culture in the translation, we may use the coordinated literal translation, an image usage, similar method and so on.  相似文献   

This paper,by some example,approaches the question from the perspectives of cognition and philosophy through a discussion on some distinctive features in English and Chinese business letters,aiming at offering some suggestions for business trades,avoiding mistakes and embarrassment,benefiting to communication in trading activity.  相似文献   

A decade has passed since participants in the World Education Forum committed themselves to achieve, by 2015, the six Education for All (EFA) goals under the Dakar Framework for Action. Despite significant progress, some of the goals are likely to be missed by a large margin. Besides the absence of a well co‐ordinated multi‐donor approach in education, another major problem is the lack of funds: the EFA financing gap in low‐income countries is now estimated at around $16 billion annually. This article zooms in on debt swaps as one particular instrument of innovative financing. More specifically it assesses the macro‐economic impacts of debt‐for‐education swaps and their relation to the aid approach now advocated by the donor community. It does so on the basis of theoretical insights from debt relief and case studies on recent swap initiatives between Germany and Indonesia and between Spain and El Salvador. Our conclusions are mixed. On the one hand, typical debt swaps suffer from macro‐economic flaws and, in view of competition amongst sectors, have limited potential in narrowing the EFA deficit. On the other hand, our case studies suggest that debt‐for‐education swaps can be engineered to better comply with the needs of recipient ownership and could in the future address deserving niche problems.  相似文献   

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