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The paper describes the role of metacognitive control activity in self-regulated learning. Metacognitive components are seen as necessary but insufficient for self-regulated learning, and given special status in maintaining system efficiency. Students who can protect their intentions to learn in school from competing goals or interests, as well as distracting stimuli, are likely to accomplish school tasks adequately even if their grades fall short of perfect. Task accomplishment is important to continued motivation for schoolwork, and is also a gauge by which teachers evaluate students. A theory of the psychological processes that define volition provides a useful framework for interpreting data from various classroom investigations. Directions for future experimental research are discussed.  相似文献   

Metacognition's roles in self-regulation of cognitive tactics and strategies is explored in relation to five sites where individual difference factors are likely to be observed and affect performance: domain knowledge, knowledge of tactics and strategies, performance of tactics and strategies, regulation of tactics and strategies, and global dispositions. Though the current literature is sparse, tentative hypotheses about kinds of individual differences and their impact are proposed. Directions for future research are noted concerning the need for more sophisticated metacognitively-based models of SRL as a complex collection of individual differences, and some suggestions are made about methodologies for investigating complex, metacognitively regulated approaches to learning.  相似文献   

Educational researchers have recently begun to conceptualize theoretical constructs and mechanisms of metacognitive activities in terms of the features that are specific to particular academic domains and subject matter. In this paper, we propose a framework of domain-specific metacognition in relation to learning through historical inquiry. The framework postulates that students’ comprehension of historical events is mediated by a state of coherence in understanding the causes that explain why an event occurred. Comprehension breaks down when the causes that explain the occurrence of historical events are unknown, uncertain, or unreported. In order to reinstate coherence in understanding, students engage in cognitive and metacognitive activities in accordance with disciplinary-based practices. Drawing on the existing empirical evidence, we discuss how the study of self-regulatory processes contributes to our understanding of the challenges faced by students while learning about complex historical topics as well as the skills that are required to gain knowledge while investigating the past.  相似文献   

In order to self-regulate, students need to honestly reflect on their learning and to take appropriate corrective action. A simple procedure to cultivate student skills in self-regulated learning, known as the Task Evaluation and Reflection Instrument for Student Self-Assessment (TERISSA) is discussed in this paper. TERISSA guides students through two evaluations of the complexity of a task: the first is undertaken just before solving the task and the second straight after completing the task. This study involved 63 undergraduate students and observed a statistically significant difference (p = 0.007) in performance between the students who did (6.1/10) and did not (4.1/10) use TERISSA during tutorials leading up to an assessment task.  相似文献   

This study investigated mathematics teachers' professional knowledge among elementary school teachers exposed to a professional training program that either supported self-regulated learning (SRL) or offered no SRL support (no-SRL). The SRL support was based on the IMPROVE metacognitive self-questioning method that directs students' attention to understanding when, why, and how to solve problems (Kramarski and Mevarech, Am Educ Res J 40:281–310, 2003). Sixty-four Israeli elementary teachers participated in a month-long professional development program to enhance mathematical and pedagogical knowledge. The course was part of a 3-year professional development program sponsored by the Israeli Ministry of Education. This mixed-method study included quantitative assessments of teachers' professional knowledge in mathematical problem solving for an authentic task based on Program for International Student Assessment's framework (Program for International Student Assessment, 2003) and in lesson planning, as well as qualitative interviews and videotaped observations of two teachers. Results indicated that teachers in the SRL program outperformed those in the no-SRL program on various problem solving skills (e.g., reflection and conceptual mathematical explanations) and lesson planning (e.g., task demands and teaching approach). Videotaped observations of actual teaching indicated that the SRL-trained teacher demonstrated more teaching practices that aimed to promote students' understanding and better supported students' regulation of their own learning, compared to the no-SRL-trained teacher. We discuss educational and practical implications.  相似文献   

European Journal of Psychology of Education - Integrating the two dominant theories of self-regulated learning (SRL) and cognitive engagement could advance our understanding of what makes students...  相似文献   

For self-regulated learning to be effective, students need to be able to accurately assess their own performance on a learning task and use this assessment for the selection of a new learning task. Evidence suggests, however, that students have difficulties with accurate self-assessment and task selection, which may explain the poor learning outcomes often found with self-regulated learning. In experiment 1, the hypothesis was investigated and confirmed that observing a human model engaging in self-assessment, task selection, or both could be effective for secondary education students’ (N = 80) acquisition of self-assessment and task-selection skills. Experiment 2 investigated and confirmed the hypothesis that secondary education students’ (N = 90) acquisition of self-assessment and task-selection skills, either through examples or through practice, would enhance the effectiveness of self-regulated learning. It can be concluded that self-assessment and task-selection skills indeed play an important role in self-regulated learning and that training these skills can significantly increase the amount of knowledge students can gain from self-regulated learning in which they choose their own learning tasks.  相似文献   

Electronic performance support systems (EPSSs) are the software programs commonly used in commercial environments since the early 1990s. These software programs are generally called performance-based systems and focus on the complete job rather than providing individual development. For that reason, the usage of these systems in learning environments has not been sufficiently investigated. In this empirical study, availability of using EPSS software for learning processes was investigated in order to contribute to the literature. An EPSS software was developed for undergraduate students to use in programming language courses and the effects of the software on students' self-regulation based learning skills were investigated. During the treatment process, while the experimental group was supported with EPSS, traditional teaching continued in the control group. The results of the study showed that there was no statistically significant difference between the groups in terms of motivational beliefs; however, there were significant differences in terms of cognitive, metacognitive, and resource management strategies.  相似文献   

The study is aimed at investigating the effects of four learning methods on students’ scientific inquiry skills. The four learning methods are: (a) metacognitive‐guided inquiry within asynchronous learning networked technology (MINT); (b) an asynchronous learning network (ALN) with no metacognitive guidance; (c) metacognitive‐guided inquiry embedded within face‐to‐face (F2F) interaction; and (d) F2F interaction with no metacognitive guidance. The study examined general scientific ability and domain‐specific inquiry skills in microbiology. Participants were 407 10th‐grade students (15 years old). The MINT research group significantly outperformed all other research groups, and F2F (group d) acquired the lowest mean scores. No significant differences were found between research groups (b) and (c). MINT makes significant contributions to students’ achievements in designing experiments and drawing conclusions. The novel use of metacognitive training within an ALN environment demonstrates the advantage of enhancing the effects of ALN on students’ achievements in science.  相似文献   


Self-regulated learning (SRL) is associated with increased academic achievement and improved learning outcomes for students. Thus, it is import to find ways to improve SRL, such as through training. Face-to-face training, discipline-dependent training, and paper-and-pencil diaries are limited in the number of students they can reach. The current randomised control study implemented discipline-independent online training and novel mobile-app based diaries and tested SRL motivation and perceived strategy use in 73 University students from mixed disciplines and study mode. Results showed that participants in the combined condition (training with diaries) improved more than other conditions. Specifically, they improved on SRL knowledge, metacognitive strategies, cognitive strategies (elaboration, organisation and critical thinking), and resources management strategies (time-management and effort regulation). The present study extends previous findings, showing that positive effects can be found for SRL when a discipline-independent approach is used coupled with online training and a mobile-app based daily diary.


Self-regulated learning (SRL) actions of 30 Canadian and 30 Chinese university students were studied in a face-to-face problem-based learning environment. Participants were randomly assigned to work in dyads consisting of Chinese, Canadian, or mixed Chinese–Canadian pairs to learn Analysis of Variance collaboratively using a computer coach. Dialog segments were coded in terms of types of SRL actions, and whether an action was individually (IND) or socially (SOC) oriented. Canadian pairs produced significantly higher proportions of IND-SRL actions relative to SOC-SRL actions (higher odds ratios) than Chinese pairs, but the odds ratios for mixed pairs were similar to those for Canadian pairs. This effect of cultural composition of dyads for the Canadian and Chinese pairs was replicated in a comparison of Canadian and Chinese participants within the mixed pairs dyads. These results have implications for a socio-cultural account of SRL.  相似文献   

Children with general learning difficulties commonly show lower school success and have a slower rate of learning. They show limited and inefficient strategy use in all kinds of tasks. Efficient strategy use requires a certain degree of metacognitive knowledge and executive control. A sample of 16 children (ages 8 to 12) with learning difficulties participated in a 3-month metacognitive training intervention that alternated between curriculum-related and curriculum-unrelated tasks. The children were indirectly taught cognitive and metacognitive strategies by means of guided prompting. The application of the strategies and the children's metacognitive knowledge were evaluated through observation of their behavior and verbalizations. Children showed progress in strategy use and metacognitive knowledge in both types of tasks, but it was only in the more concrete strategies that a positive correlation was found between application and quality of reflection. It is hypothesized that children perceived these concrete strategies to be of most practical value and they were therefore able to reflect most accurately on their use.  相似文献   

Self-regulated learning (SRL) has become a pivotal construct in contemporary accounts of effective academic learning. I examine several areas of theory and empirical research, which are not prominently cited in educational psychology's research into SRL, that reveal new details of what SRL is and how students develop productive SRL. I interpret findings from these investigations to suggest that nondeliberative, knowledge-based elements are inherent in the processes of SRL, and in learning more generally. Several topics for future research are sketched based on an assumption that learning effectively by oneself will remain a goal of education and can be an especially revealing context in which to research SRL.  相似文献   

Students in the vocational schools in Taiwan largely care little about their grades and do not get involved adequately in their schoolwork. To respond effectively to this challenge of teaching, two cases were studied and compared; one is a class using a traditional method of teaching and the other a class deploying innovative teaching methods of blended learning (BL) with web-mediated self-regulated learning (SRL). The effects of combining BL with SRL on developing students' computing skills in applying database management system (DBMS) to solve authentic problems are encouraging. The students in the case of BL with SRL paid positive attention to this newer teaching method and had a statistically higher rate of passing a certification test than those in the traditional class.  相似文献   

The present study combines a standardized diary approach with time-series analysis methods to investigate the process of self-regulated learning. Based on a process-focused adaptation of Zimmerman’s (2000) learning model, an intervention (consisting of four weekly training sessions) to increase self-regulated learning was developed. The diaries were applied to evaluate this intervention. A sample of 40 civil engineering students participated and 21 of them answered questions in standardized diaries over a five-week period. The effectiveness of the intervention was demonstrated using trend analyses that evinced significant improvements in self-regulatory behavior. In addition, interrupted time-series analyses and control group comparisons confirmed essential treatment effects. The results demonstrate the advantages of using standardized diaries to obtain ecologically valid data on daily learning.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine the tendency for the development of self-regulated learning according to grade level. As a means to this end, competing causal models for each grade were set up, and through validity tests for the causal models the most fitting self-regulated learning model for South Korea students could be arrived at. Based on the conceptual model of self-regulated learning proposed by Pintrich (1989), Pintrich and De Groot (1990), and Zimmerman (1989, 1990), which focus on the relationship between motivation and cognition, three causal models were set up. According to the results of a structural analysis for 1,865 elementary, middle and high school students, model П which structures intrinsic value as an exogenous variable, was determined the best-fitting model. In addition, the 30% variance in the 5th grade elementary school students and 32% and 18% variance in middle school and high school students respectively are explained by the test model.  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(2):356-375

The aim of this article is to report on a study conducted to assess the effect of an intervention programme to improve SRL and the achievement of a group of poorly performing undergraduate students at the Tshwane University of Technology. SRL was used as theoretical framework. The case study reports on 20 Engineering students who attended learning skills intervention sessions and wrote a college version of the learning and study strategies inventory (LASSI) pre-test and post-test. The intervention consisted of 12 workshop sessions presented over a period of three months. The LASSI pre-test showed that the group scored below the 50th percentile on four scales (anxiety, attitude, selecting main ideas and test-taking strategies). Observed improvements in the post-test scores of the LASSI scales for seven out of ten scales were statistically significant. The students’ academic achievements also improved. The findings are important for improving student success and throughput in South African higher education.  相似文献   

The collection of papers in this special issue demonstrates the level of methodological sophistication that has become characteristic of contemporary research on self-regulated learning. In this commentary I develop the argument that these methods can lead us not only to improved theoretical models but also to a new type of theory for SRL. In particular, multimodal and temporal methods provide us with an extended epistemic space for SRL research, a move from theories we could describe as ‘event-oriented’ toward those we might want to call ‘structure-oriented’. First, however, I take stock of the range of methods employed in the contributions to this issue.  相似文献   

随着时代的发展,我国各行各业对应用型人才的需求与日俱增,应用人才俨然已成为新时期推动我国经济不断发展的最佳动力。近年来,我国化工行业获得突飞猛进的发展,化工专业应用型人才的培养,逐渐引起全社会的广泛重视。本文围绕化工专业应用型人才综合实验技能培养研究与实践作一综述,为培养更多优质的化工专业应用人才略尽绵力。  相似文献   

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