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There is an active strand of research on how affect and self-regulatory activities influence performance and learning outcomes, but the mechanisms through which they interact during learning remain poorly understood. Additionally, these constructs have been under-researched in medical education. Using multimodal data in the context of a clinical reasoning task for medical students learning case diagnosis, we explored the temporal nature of cognition, affect, motivation, and self-regulation. With a sample of n = 10 medical students, we collected data on self-regulated learning (SRL) processes through think-aloud analyses; emotion data through facial expressions; and achievement goal orientations and habitual emotion regulation strategies through self-report questionnaires. Results from our sequential data mining techniques and quantitative analyses suggested that high-performing medical students (who arrived at an accurate diagnosis) differed from low-performing students (who did not arrive at correct diagnosis): Low performers reported higher performance goal orientation, and expressed more emotions overall, than high performers. High performers exhibited marginally more monitoring SRL behaviours, while low performers tended to orient and reorient throughout the task. High and low performers also differed on the co-occurrences of, and sequential transitions between, emotions and SRL behaviours. The implications of these findings with respect to research and medical education are discussed.  相似文献   

We examined the components of first (L1) and second language (L2) phonological processing that are related to L2 word reading and vocabulary. Spanish‐speaking English learners (EL) were classified as average or low readers in grades 1 and 2. A large number of children who started out as poor readers in first grade became average readers in second grade while vocabulary scores were more stable. Binary logistic regressions examined variables related to classifications of consistently average, consistently low, or improving on reading or vocabulary across grades. Good L2 phonological short‐term memory and phonological awareness scores predicted good reading and vocabulary scores. L1 and L2 measures differentiated consistently good performers from consistently low performers, while only L2 measures differentiated children who improved from children who remained low performers. Children who are EL should be screened on measures of pseudoword repetition and phonological awareness with low scorers being good candidates for receiving extra assistance in acquiring L2 vocabulary and reading. This study suggests measures that can be used to select children who have a greater likelihood of experiencing difficulties in reading and vocabulary.  相似文献   

Background: Professionals who use measures of adaptive behaviour when working with special populations may assume that adaptive behaviour is a consistent and linear construct at various ability levels and thus believe the construct of adaptive behaviour is the same for high and low performers. That is, highly adaptive people simply are assumed to have a higher level of adaptive behaviour than their less adaptive peers (i.e. individuals with special need, including intellectual disability). This study examines the viability of this assumption and poses an alternative hypothesis: adaptive behaviour is qualitatively different for high and low performers. Methods: Portions of the Adaptive Behaviour Assessment System-II’s standardisation sample were used to examine the structure of adaptive behaviour in high and low performers. Results. Results of factor analysis indicated that the amount of variance attributable to a general factor of adaptive behaviour declines at lower levels of adaptive ability, indicating that adaptive behaviours are not organised in the same manner across the spectrum of adaptive ability. Conclusions: Additionally, knowledge of an individual’s adaptive skills, not merely their general adaptive composite, seemingly is especially important when working with special needs children and youth who display deficits in adaptive behaviour.  相似文献   

视听表演者权利保护制度在中国现行法中没有明确规定.视听表演者权在影视演出合同蜕变为署名权和劳务报酬请求权.在表演者权侵权判决书中一部分体现为对录像制品的表演者权,一部分体现为对影视作品的署名权和劳务报酬请求权.著作权法第三次修改草案取消了录像制品,规定了对视听作品的后续使用获酬权,取消了“约定”规定,但非主要表演者权利的剥夺,似有不公平之嫌.  相似文献   

昆曲对演员的综合素养有极高的要求,这不仅是昆曲艺术自身发展的需要,更是表演者完美演绎昆曲的必备条件。在大力保护、继承和弘扬昆曲艺术的今天,深入探讨昆曲艺术所要求的演员的综合素养,对昆曲演员更好地学戏演戏、培养更多的昆曲表演人才,无疑具有积极的意义。  相似文献   

凌力在《梦断关河》中塑造了一批优伶形象。优伶是中国古代社会的一个弱势群体。作家通过对于优伶群体心态史与梦想史的书写,展现了下层优伶同统治阶层之间对立而又依附的复杂关系,揭示了优伶主体性匮乏的生存状态。这体现出凌力在历史小说创作中关注弱者的现实情怀。  相似文献   

Current phonological awareness assessment procedures consider only the total score a child achieves. Such an approach may result in children who achieve the same total score receiving the same instruction even though the configuration of their errors represent fundamental knowledge differences. The purpose of this study was to develop a tool for phonological awareness error classification and explore the types of errors made by 215 grade one children from low socioeconomic backgrounds on a phonological awareness test. Twenty-one distinct errors were identified and classified into eight categories. The most frequently occurring error category was Additions followed by Segmentations, Substitutions, Insertions, Repetitions, Omissions, Reversals, and Multiple Errors. Examination of a subsample of study participants who were classified as high and low reading performers revealed differences in the both the degree and type of errors exhibited. Low reading performers exhibited significantly more Insertion, Omission, Segmentation, and Substitution errors. Knowledge of child errors has the potential to enhance understanding and interpretation of child test performance and subsequent instructional recommendations.  相似文献   

Aarnoutse  Cor  van Leeuwe  Jan  Voeten  Marinus  Oud  Han 《Reading and writing》2001,14(1-2):61-89
The goal of this study was (1) to investigate the development of decoding(efficiency), reading comprehension, vocabulary and spelling during theelementary school years and (2) to determine the differences between poor,average and good performers with regard to the development of theseskills. Twice each year two standardized tests for each skill wereadministered. For two successive periods, one of the tests for each skill wasthe same. To describe the development in terms of a latent variable evolvingacross grades, the structured-means version of the structural equationmodel was used. The growth was expressed in terms of effect size. Withrespect to the first question, clear seasonal effects were found for readingcomprehension, vocabulary and spelling, while the seasonal effect fordecoding efficiency was restricted to the early grades. Progress tended tobe greater from fall to spring than from spring to fall. For decodingefficiency, and to a lesser degree for vocabulary and spelling, growthshowed a declining trend across grades. For reading comprehension, theprogress in grade 2 was lower than the progress in grade 3, but progresswas declining across higher grades. With respect to the second question,it appeared that initially low performers on reading comprehension,vocabulary and spelling tended to show a greater progress, especially inperiods where the largest amount of instruction was given. Although it wasfound that the low, medium and high ability groups remain in the sameorder, as far as their means are concerned, these findings do not confirmthe existence of a Matthew effect for reading comprehension, vocabularyand spelling. For decoding efficiency no clear differential effect could befound: the gap between the poor and good performers did not widen overtime for this skill.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the perceptions, interactions and behaviours of different-ability college students when they worked on different types of assessments. Two classes of 145 Vietnamese college students participated in this three-month study. The students were assigned to mixed-ability groups, each of which consisted of five students. The results show that assessment designed as a group project helped close the gap in communication and interactions between different-ability students within groups. When the students engaged with assessment as a group project, all levels of performers increased productive learning behaviours and provided more relevant verbal help and assistance to each other. Importantly, this type of assessment created various opportunities for the low performers to participate in, and make a contribution to, group tasks. As a result, all group members became interested in working with others. They perceived cooperative learning groups as being enjoyable and fun.  相似文献   

This study explores how collaborative inquiry learning can be supported with multiple scaffolding agents in a real-life field trip context. In practice, a mobile peer-to-peer messaging tool provided meta-cognitive and procedural support, while tutors and a nature guide provided more dynamic scaffolding in order to support argumentative discussions between groups of students during the co-creation of knowledge claims. The aim of the analysis was to identify and compare top- and low-performing dyads/triads in order to reveal the differences regarding their co-construction of arguments while creating knowledge claims. Although the results revealed several shortcomings in the types of argumentation, it could be established that differences between the top performers and low performers were statistically significant in terms of social modes of argumentation, the use of warrants in the mobile tool and in overall participation. In general, the use of the mobile tool likely promoted important interaction during inquiry learning, but led to superficial epistemological quality in the knowledge claim messages.  相似文献   

This study focuses on third grade pupils' (9 to 10 years old) ability to predict their performance in a given task and on the correspondence between the accuracy and adequacy of the predictions on the one hand, and the academic achievement on the other. The study involved 713 pupils from 29 Estonian schools. The pupils' performance predictions about a short-term memory recognition task and their actual scores were used to specify differences in prediction errors and the correspondence of these errors with academic achievement. In line with earlier research, the results indicate that low performers often overestimated themselves and their predictions tended to be most inaccurate, whereas high performers were more accurate although they often underestimated their performance. Pupils with lower academic achievement often provided extensive overestimations of the memory task. Underestimations, together with better accuracy, characterised children with a higher achievement level. This can indicate a meaningful accord between specific prediction errors and broader achievement at school.  相似文献   

论述了二胡演奏者二度创作的重要性,分析了二胡音乐艺术二度创作的着手点,指出二胡演奏者只有认知乐谱的标题意义与蕴含的音乐风格特点;充分解析二胡音乐作品的曲式结构,合理安排音乐的处理手法;提高二胡演奏者综合艺术素质和情感的修养,才能完美地阐释二胡音乐作品的内涵,使二胡音乐作品的艺术价值得到最大化的体现,使观众分享演奏者的创作活动,即二度创作带来的感染力。  相似文献   

时代性和民族性是音乐作品重要的两种风格,对于音乐表演者来说,只有在深入细致地了解音乐作品风格的基础上,才有可能达到对作曲家创作个性及其作品风格的总体把握。这也是使音乐表演真正具有历史感并达到应有的美学水准的重要保证。  相似文献   

Learning vocabulary in a foreign language is a laborious task which people perform with varying levels of success. Here, we investigated the neural underpinning of high performance on this task. In a within-subjects paradigm, participants learned 92 vocabulary items under two multimodal conditions: one condition paired novel words with iconic gestures and the other with meaningless gestures. Memory performance was assessed through single-word translation tests. High performers consistently learned more items than low performers, regardless of the training condition, the time, and the difficulty of the task. Brain activity measured upon word recognition using functional magnetic resonance imaging was parametrically related to the behavioral data. High performance correlated with activity in the left angular gyrus (BA 39) and in the right extrastriate cortex (BA 19). These cortical areas mediate integration of information across different modalities as well as memory processes. Thus, high performance in vocabulary learning seems to depend on individual capacities to integrate and associate a word's semantics with sensorial stimuli. This may have important implications for education.  相似文献   

论高校在国家创新体系中的地位和作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
知识经济时代 ,高校是国家创新体系中主要的行为主体 ,具有知识生产和知识传播的双重责任 ,高校成为知识经济的核心。高校既要发挥基础理论研究的优势 ,又要搞好与国家创新体系中其他主体之间的关系  相似文献   

文人画家是有士大夫气息,高蹈于山林、胸中有气味的中国传统文人精英。文人画家历来鄙视专业画家与画工。戏剧票友视戏剧为修身养性的雅趣,是娱己娱人的享乐方式,其内心视那些专业戏剧演员为“戏子”、“贱业”。文人画家与戏剧票友利用自己话语霸权把他们的审美好恶强加给了绘画和戏剧,并影响了绘画与戏剧艺术的发展,从而造就了文人画家与戏剧票友的美学思想对中国传统美学取向的影响,并一直延续到现在。  相似文献   

Both sides of the debate on school choice point to the failure of schools in choice programs as evidence for their position. To opponents of choice, school failures point to the lack of accountability of the voucher sector, and the need for greater governmental control. To choice supporters, failures represent the marketplace working, as poor-performing schools are pushed out. Applying a survival analysis to newly available data on the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program, this study texts the extent to which market forces promote growth in high-performing schools, while culling low performers.  相似文献   

声乐表演艺术之所以可以打动人心,是因为演唱者能够用有情感的声音去感染观众。所以只一味地强调演唱技巧是不能达到这种效果的。为了做到声情并茂,演唱者必须理解所演唱的作品,体会歌词的含义和作者想表达的情感,结合自身的体验去演唱。  相似文献   

Prema Clarke 《Prospects》2011,41(4):479-490
This viewpoint examines girls’ performance in primary education in the countries that joined the Education for All Fast Track Initiative between 2002 and 2008. At the time they joined the initiative, a first group of countries (high performers) had already achieved high and equal enrollment of girls and boys. Significant progress is evident in a second group of countries (good performers) after joining the initiative. In contrast, a third group of countries (weak performers) continue to struggle to achieve any increase in girls’ enrollment. The article summarizes the various interventions that countries have adopted to encourage girls to attend school and then highlights the importance of developing strategic plans based on extensive collaboration between development partners and government. The viewpoint concludes by describing the three challenges that remain: increasing learning, reducing the number of out-of-school girls, and improving girls’ performance in fragile and post-conflict countries.  相似文献   

夏庭芝所著《青楼集》,是惟一传世的记载元代戏曲演员史料的专书,它为我们提供了有关元代戏曲演员的较为翔实、可靠的资料,是研究元代戏曲史的重要依据。根据史料对夏氏的生卒年代进行略考,可知夏庭芝出生约在1315年——1325年间,卒于1389年前后,《青楼集》的成书时间约在1362年。  相似文献   

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