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“新生专业入门教育”是酒店管理专业的专业基础课程,本文通过阐述专业入门教育课程改革的理论基础,提出课程改革需结合学生职业生涯发展、职业需求、学生需要等观点,并以柳州职业技术学院酒店管理专业“新生专业入门教育”的课程改革实践为例,提出了入门教育课程在课程设置、整体设计、考核评价等方面的一些思路.  相似文献   

职业素养教育是高职院校素质教育的核心,实训教学是高职教学的特色,也是职业素养教育的重要平台。本文根据教学实践经验,针对实训教学"组织教学、入门指导、巡回指导、总结评价"的四个阶段,总结出了"查、导、纠、评"的职业素养教育四字策略,可以较好地实现职业素养教育和技能训练的并重和融合。  相似文献   

职业素养课程归属公共课程范畴,在中高职衔接教育中审视职业素养课程建设,是构建延续递进、纵横衔接职业素养课程的前提和依据。当前学校对学生职业素养的培养教育呈碎片状,不利于毕业生职业生涯的发展,也不能满足社会不断发展对人才的需求。中高职衔接教育中的职业素养课程建设,要体现中等职业学校的教育基础,突出高等职业院校人才培养水平的系统化提升。  相似文献   

高职教育是为培养和塑造全面发展的应用型人才服务的,不仅要培养学生的职业技能,还要培养学生的职业素养.高职教育培养学生的职业素养,关键在教学,研究在人文课程教学训练中渗透职业素养教育十分重要.文章对高职院校符合高职实际的职业素养培育课程体系构建、人文课程培育学生职业素养的课程实施进行了探讨.  相似文献   

职业素养是直接与高职学生今后的职业环境和岗位需求相对接的必备品格和关键能力。无论从高职的人才培养目标,还是从企业对人才的需求而言,通识教育对于高职学生的职业素养培育具有重要作用。以常州工程职业技术学院为例,从通识必修课程、选修课程、特色课程、活动课程、实践课程、竞赛课程、环境课程,论述以提升学生的职业素养为基点,开发高职通识课程的实践。同时,提出对保障高职通识课程顺利实施的初步建议,即全员化的职业素养培育理念,全方位的通识教育保障制度。  相似文献   

陈鑫 《文教资料》2012,(24):164-165
本文基于高职教育培养"高端技能型"人才目标,阐述开设职业素养课程的必要性,分析职业素养课程教育的教学策略,提出了要加强教师的职业素养与建立职业素养考核评价机制以保障学生职业素养的养成。  相似文献   

职业素养是职业生涯成败的关键因素。会计职业要求从业者具有较高的职业素养,包括良好的职业道德、职业行为、职业态度等。通过构建人文素养课程、职业能力课程、职业拓展课程,采取有效方式与方法,将职业素养教育融入会计专业教学之中,培养学生就业竞争力和发展潜力。  相似文献   

高等职业教育培养目标是高端技能型人才,职业素养是其中的重要内涵。课程作为教育活动存在的方式,是人才培养的基础和关键。因此,基于职业素养教育的角度来审视高职课程建设就是一种应然之举。从职业素养视角来观照,需要对高职课程进行反思与重构,以解决高职课程存在的学生职业素养缺失的根本问题。  相似文献   

职业核心素养培育至关重要,高职教育不能以单独开设几门课程的形式将职业核心素养培养强行"塞进"课程体系,而应该寻求职业核心素养培养有机"融入"课程体系的新思路、新方法.文章以湖南铁路科技职业技术学院为例,对基于职业核心素养的高职课程体系构建及课程教学组织进行实践研究,以期为促进高职学生职业核心素养的提升及高职课程构建的合...  相似文献   

教师作为职业学校职业素养教育的实施者,其对职业素养教育的理解和实践操作直接制约学生的职业素养水平。调查显示中等职业学校教师对职业素养教育有一定了解且认识到其对学生职业生涯可持续发展具有重要意义,但对职业素养基本内涵和形成机制的把握、职业素养教育的实施操作和效果评价、自身素质和基本功提升方面还需进一步改进。针对调查结果提出应引导教师正确认识职业素养教育的基本内涵和价值意义,整体提升教师的综合素质和职业素养;中等职业学校应围绕学生职业素养培养推进人才培养模式和课程的整体改革,重视文化环境的熏陶和职业精神引领,建立科学的评价机制和加大资源支持力度等建议。  相似文献   

美国医学教育中的职业化问题:从证据到责任   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
职业化是维护公众对医学职业信任的核心要素,也是医患关系的本质所在.但有证据表明,公众对医学职业的信任日渐消失,医生也在维护医学职业价值观念时面临着各种挑战.本文在医学教育背景下界定"职业化"的定义和框架,描述了职业化面临的各种挑战,也详细论述了医学院校和教学医院在维护医学职业化过程中的角色和作用.此外,还评述了现行和试行中的评价职业化的工具、方法.最后,作者还提出一些建议供医学院校和教学医院参考.  相似文献   

Professionalism and ethics have gained widespread recognition as competencies to be fulfilled, taught, and assessed within medical education. The role of the anatomy course in developed nations has evolved over time and now encompasses multiple domains, including knowledge, skills, and the inculcation of professionalism and ethics. The Medical Council of India recently recommended the integration of professionalism teaching in undergraduate medical curricula. The authors investigated whether the initial orientation lectures and instructions given by faculty at the outset of undergraduate medical anatomy courses throughout India served a “hidden curriculum” regarding professionalism practices, and whether these orientation messages could serve as an early exposure to medical professionalism and ethics for medical students. An online survey was carried out among 102 anatomy faculty members across India requesting details about specific professionalism protocols and instructions regarding behavior in the dissection hall that are routinely given to preclinical students, as well as the importance that they placed on professional behavior. It was found that most faculty members regularly instruct students regarding expected behavior during the anatomy course, including dissection practices. These instructions stress attributes of professionalism like humanism, accountability, and honesty. However, there needs to be a more concentrated effort by educators to prohibit such unprofessional practices like dissection hall photography, and better information is required regarding biomedical waste disposal. Despite the absence of clear guidelines for professionalism teaching in medical education in India, the existing framework of anatomy education provides an opportunity to introduce the concept of professionalism to the first‐year medical student. This opportunity may provide an early foundation for designing a professionalism‐integrated curriculum. Anat Sci Educ 10: 433–443. © 2017 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

我国八年制与美国4+4医学博士招生与培养的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国已经建成了成功的现代医学教育体系,其4+4医学博士教育和完善的毕业后教育培养了许多优秀的医学人才。我国八年制医学博士教育是医学教育国际化的重要改革举措,类似于美国的医学博士教育。笔者对我国八年制医学博士与美国(4+4)医学博士的招生和培养过程进行比较分析,为改进我国八年制医学教育模式提供参考。  相似文献   

This paper presents an argument for the development of an Irish Chartered Teacher initiative which would acknowledge and accredit the professionalism of experienced and accomplished teachers. It begins by examining the current position of teaching as a profession based on findings from Irish and international research studies. Issues surrounding the accreditation of accomplished teachers are considered through the examination of a range of Chartered Teacher initiatives. Finally, the potential opportunities and challenges of accrediting teacher professionalism in Ireland are discussed with reference to the continuum of teacher education and recent developments introduced by the Teaching Council of Ireland.  相似文献   

医德医风建设是医院日常管理工作的重要方面,也是社会普遍关注的热点问题。医德档案是医务人员进行医德实践活动的结晶,能够促进医德医风建设。医德档案可以弥补人事档案的不足、增强医务人员的自律意识,对医德医风建设具有重要的导向作用。  相似文献   

当前,倡导教育资源共享的开放教育资源运动发展迅速,并已成为一种世界性的潮流。开放课件(Open CourseWare,简称OCW)是高校开放教育资源的一大组成部分,是指高校遵从某种开放协议所提供的开放的、可供全世界人免费共享的课程资源。在这场轰轰烈烈的开放教育资源运动中,全球很多高校参与其中,结合其具体背景进行创新。上期,美国麻省理工学院开放课件对外关系部主任史蒂芬.卡尔森在国际开放教育资源运动的大背景下深入剖析了该校开放课件过去十年的发展历程,并展望其未来十年的发展动向。本期访谈嘉宾多尔顿.康利教授则向我们介绍了纽约大学文理学院开放教育试点项目,并讨论了纽约大学在开放课件方面的独特性和优势,以及开放教育试点项目给教师、海外校园的学生和本校学生带来的好处。另外,康利教授还深入地探讨了开放教育试点项目对教师角色、师生关系和课程本身等方面带来的影响。康利教授是纽约大学高级副教务长,社会学教授,同时也是纽约大学文理学院开放教育试点项目的负责人。康利曾于2005年荣获美国国家科学基金会艾伦.沃特曼奖,是第一位获得该奖的社会学家。纽约大学(NewYork University)是一所位于美国纽约市曼哈顿的研究型私立大学...  相似文献   

The core values in medical practice which are essential for the humane outlook of a physician are clubbed within the domain of medical professionalism. Professionalism along with other discipline-independent skills (human skills) is propagated implicitly in medical schools as components of a “hidden curriculum.” Evidence suggests a strong association between “hidden curriculum” delivery and development of professionalism in the human dissection room. In this review article, the authors have tried to highlight a few exclusive practices adopted by medical schools which enhance the implementation of the “hidden curriculum” within the practice of human dissection and successfully inculcate the key components of professionalism such as integrity, respect, and compassion among students. These distinctive concepts are aimed at humanizing the experience of anatomical dissection by revealing the identity of the donors along with their personal details either through display of video clips of donor interviews, interactions with the family members of the donor over a meal or recognition of the donor as a mentor and organizing memorial services in honor of donors after conclusion of the dissection in the presence of their family members. The resounding success of these good practices in building professionalism among medical students from the onset of the academic curriculum has signaled a new chapter in anatomical sciences education. It has become imperative to recognize the visionary efforts of a select few medical educators and begin incorporating these recent trends into the delivery of the “hidden curriculum” within the evolving gross anatomy education model.  相似文献   

Medical professionalism is a multifaceted paradigm and is an essential component of medical education. Gross anatomy is a laboratory to teach professionalism, and promoting critical reflection in medical students is a prerequisite to furthering professionalism. The aim of this study was to determine if professionalism case discussions during a Gross Anatomy course improve students' reflections using a validated reflection instrument (12 items; five‐point Likert scale where 1 = Disagree, 2 = Disagree with reservation, 3 = Neutral, 4 = Agree with reservation, 5 = Agree). Four facilitated reflection sessions were aimed at fostering reflective capacity through reflection on elements of professionalism. Results did not show a significant change between pre‐and postintervention reflection scores (3.45 ± 0.61 vs. 3.48 ± 0.51; P = 0.82). Historical control students were found to have significantly higher reflection scores when compared with postintervention students (3.91 ± 0.53 vs. 3.48 ± 0.51; P < 0.001). However, the historical control students were found to have significantly higher professionalism scores (P = 0.001) as compared with the intervention students. Student satisfaction was high, with 25 of 28 (89.2%) students reporting that the sessions should be included as a component of future anatomy courses. While reflection scores were not significantly increased as a result of the intervention, students expressed appreciation for the opportunity to discuss professionalism issues related to the dissection of cadavers. Additionally, the intervention students had both lower professionalism scores and lower reflection scores, which supports the idea that highly professional students are more capable of reflecting on professionalism. Future studies should determine whether this case discussion intervention improves objective measures of professionalism. Anat Sci Educ 7: 191–198. © 2013 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

This article explores the assessment of professionalism within a cohort of medical students during a sequential 13-week medical school histology and anatomy course. Across seven data points, students were asked to identify a professionalism role model from amongst their peers and to score Likert-structured rationales for their decision. Based on density scores, an initial social network analysis identified six peer-nomination “stars.” However, analysis of these stars revealed considerable variability and random-like “noise” in both the nomination and explanation data sets. Subsequent analyses of both data sets explored the possibility of underlying patterns in this noise using tests of reliability, principal components factor analysis, and fixed-effects regression analysis. These explorations revealed the presence of two dimensions (professional vs. supportive) in how students sought to explain their nomination decisions. Although data variability remained quite high, significantly less variability was present in the professional than in the supportive dimension, suggesting that academic helpfulness rationales are both empirically distinct and more mutable than rationales grounded in professionalism-related factors. In addition, data showed that the greater the stability in one's choice of a professionalism role model nomination over the T1–T7 data periods, the more stable one's reasons for that nomination—both for professionalism and supportive dimensions. Results indicate that while peer assessment of professionalism by first-year medical students may not be very reliable, students can differentiate between more personal and professional factors, even at this early stage in their professional development. Formal instruction within the pre-clinical curriculum should recognize and address this distinction. Anat Sci Educ. © 2018 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

Recent reform initiatives calling for ‘civic’ (‘public-good’ or ‘democratic’) professionalism can be seen as a response to the widely reported decline in public trust in the professions and an attempt to partially remedy this problem through a more publically engaged professionalism. The author draws on the political philosophy of Hannah Arendt, identifying the strong, albeit in the professionalism literature rarely acknowledged, affinities between civic professionalism and her concept of action as (collective) freedom through public deliberation. Using the three modalities of the active life that Arendt discusses in The Human Condition (labour, work and action) as analytical tools, the author suggests that changing conditions in the public sector have led to professional life increasingly taking on the forms of labour and work, at the expense of action. The implications of these developments are highlighted before the author proceeds to show that a professional life oriented strongly towards action is consistent with ‘civic’ professionalism based on community engagement. Some of the main approaches traditionally taken to promote a civic orientation among university students are noted; the article concludes with a discussion of how the specific concepts underlying Arendtian action can be put to work in university pedagogies to intentionally promote the public ‘civic-minded professional’.  相似文献   

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