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面子论是礼貌的语用研究之一。人们在交际活动中的言语行为具备固有的威胁面子的性质。广告语言作为一种交际中的言语行为,对广告受众是否具有面子威胁?以中英文广告为例,探讨了广告语言威胁广告受众正面面子、负面面子的情况。  相似文献   

英国学者布朗(Brown)和莱文森(Levinson)沿用了美国学者戈夫曼(Erving Goffman)的"面子"概念,于1978年提出了"面子保全论"(Face-saving Theory).探究其形成的原因,并找出与之相应的语用策略,在跨文化交际中具有重要意义.  相似文献   

本文重审了语用方面模糊的概念,然后在Brown和Levinson面子保全论的基础上,注重探讨人们在交际中是如何运用言语幽默的模糊特征来维护和保全交际双方的积极面子和消极面子的。  相似文献   

面子不仅是语用学研究的热门话题,而且与以言语交际为基准的修辞学紧密相关。在面子的言语形式修辞策略中,话语建构和话语理解的关键是对话语中社会角色的认知和把握;在面子的逻辑形式修辞策略中,积极和消极两类面子分别与传统的演绎和归纳模式相对应。东西方在上述两点既有共性,又有个性,在言语交际中予以重视是十分必要和有益的。  相似文献   

中西方由于历史发展和思想价值观的不同,因而有着不同的面子观。在西方,Brown和Levinson提出了以面子观为中心的礼貌理论,包括面子、威胁面子的行为以及面子保全论三个概念。而在中国,面子是个体社会地位、社会价值和处世要求等的总和。本文以电影《面子》为例,从影片所表现的双重文化特征和强弱文化语境对"面子"意义的不同理解的角度来阐述中美文化的差异,将更有利于解释我们当今社会中的跨文化交际中的差异。  相似文献   

面子理论一直是语用学研究的重要内容,目前学界对面子体系的探讨多从社会文化的层面出发,而忽视了交际的心理建构层面。本文运用关联理论,以《红楼梦》为语料,旨在从语用和认知双重层面来解释汉文化面子的特性。研究发现,前人对汉语言文化背景下的面子属性归纳符合人们的认知规律;并从认知层面提出汉文化背景下个体的身份认知属性,进一步完善了汉语言的面子属性理论。这一研究证实了关联理论对汉语言文化背景下面子属性的解释力,并通过文本分析进一步考究了认知语言学和语用学交叉学科分析下的面子属性理论在实际交际中的可行性。  相似文献   

言语交际中的礼貌理论要析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关于言语交际中礼貌问题的理论,以Brown和Levinson(简称B&L)的"面子保全理论"和kech的"礼貌原则"影响最大,但其听者中心(Hearer-Oriented,简称HO,下同)模式尚需改进.Spenber和Wilson(简称S&w,下同)的"关联理论"从认知新视角对此作了有益补充.它视言语交际为同是主体的说听双方积极参与明示、语境关联、推理、互明等的认知活动过程,视礼貌或非礼貌是语言形式和认知语境相互作用的认知一语用效果.运用关联理论框架,对身边纷繁的交际话语作例析:特别要从言语交际认知主体的说者(Speaker,简称S,下同)和听者(Hearer,简称H,下同)对"面子""礼貌"的认知期待出发,争取"双赢",建构和实践认知视角下言语交际礼貌理论的说听平等(Speaker-HeareP-Equal)模式,简称SHE模式(下同).  相似文献   

在言语交际的应用中有Leech的“礼貌原则”和Brown和Levinson的面子论,二者均有一定的局限性:很多情况下无法解释现实言语交际中复杂的礼貌现象。言语交际中的礼貌有其双重性,即维护交际者的面子和遮盖谎言的面具,由此可见提出区分真假礼貌有其必要性。  相似文献   

在言语交际的应用中有Leech的“礼貌原则”和Brown和Levinson的面子论,二者均有一定的局限性:很多情况下无法解释现实言语交际中复杂的礼貌现象。言语交际中的礼貌有其双重性,即维护交际者的面子和遮盖谎言的面具,由此可见提出区分真假礼貌有其必要性。  相似文献   

"捂脸哭笑"作为当前流行的表情符号,表达出高度弱化的负面评价,其意义建构机制是双重套叠的概念整合。该表情具有维护面子和调适心理距离的交际功能。  相似文献   

This article adds to Lim and Bowers’ (1991) framework featuring two types of positive face: competence and fellowship face. We propose the addition of three types of positive face: character, social, and status face. We differentiate between each new type of face by examining: (a) protective strategies adopted, (b) types of face threats, (c) corrective strategies, and (d) pejorative labels threatening/attacking each type of face. The heuristic value for the positive face terms proposed is also explored through re-visiting a scholarly article in which positive face is analyzed. Data presented in that article are examined through the lens of the three proposed positive face terms. Finally, broader implications of theorizing are discussed, particularly with respect to politeness.  相似文献   

A conceptual framework of positions on women in science, engineering, and technology (SET) was developed, showing a chronological progression of the main approaches to women's underrepresentation in SET during the past 20 years. Numerous initiatives have been advocated to address women's underrepresentation in SET in higher education. This article arose out of one such initiative, Winning Women, which was intended to help higher education in Scotland move toward good practice in this field. Two members of the project team describe their key findings and experiences. They illustrate how the underrepresentation of women in SET continues to be both progressive and persistent (using an SET parity index). The conceptual framework was conceived and developed from a metaanalysis of feminist theories of the gendered politics of science and technology. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 36: 637–661, 1999  相似文献   

Some of the challenges that test publishers face in constructing educational assessments that meet high technical quality as prescribed in the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing ( AERA, APA, NCME, 1999 ) are examined. Federal educational initiatives are used to illustrate demands on technical quality that challenge the efforts of test publishers to adhere to the Standards . Possible pitfalls to avoid when updating the Standards are also discussed.  相似文献   

This article concerns the social and cultural aspects which affect teachers’, parents’ and children’s communication in situations where multilingual children are struggling to cope with learning literacy in a language which is not the main one they use at home. In particular, the article explores some issues associated with multilingualism and dyslexia. It makes reference to research reported at the British Dyslexia Association’s first international conference on this topic which took place in June 1999 (Schwartz 1999; BDA/Peer in press). It also draws upon some of the early pioneering research on teaching principles for children with specific learning difficulties (Strauss, Werner and Lehtinen, 1947; Cruickshank, 1961) in order to synthesise broad guidelines and provide a framework of questions for today’s teachers of multilingual children who are struggling with literacy learning. The questions are designed to facilitate a collaborative approach between teachers, parents and children through raising awareness of multilingual issues and exchanging information. In this way the broad framework may assist in preparing the ground for closer diagnostic assessment and supportive teaching.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Automatic face recognition has become a very active research area in the last decade due to the new interest in, and need for, surveillance and security, telecommunication and digital libraries, hu-man-computer intelligent interaction, and smart en-vironments. The small sample size (SSS) problem is often encountered because the number of the samples is much smaller than the dimension of the sample space in face recognition. It results in the singularity of the within-class …  相似文献   

The authors of the present methodological review investigated the patterns of statistical usage and reporting practices in 756 articles published in the American Educational Research Journal (AERJ) and in the Journal of Counseling Psychology (JCP) over a 10-year period. First, some findings from other similar reviews are summarized. Second, the authors present a framework for characterizing selected research practices that emphasizes, in part, elements of the recent report of the American Psychological Association (APA) Task Force on Statistical Inference (Wilkinson & APA Task Force on Statistical Inference, 1999). Third, characterizations of 10 years of analytic practices in 2 journals are presented and evaluated within that framework. The article concludes with a discussion of the changes that may be necessary to improve the statistical state of affairs in behavioral research.  相似文献   

《Support for Learning》2005,20(4):176-180
The following discussion by Pat Petrie draws on a body of research conducted at the Thomas Coram Research Unit, the Institute of Education, University of London. These studies include: a survey of out‐of‐school services in the European Union (Meijvogel and Petrie, 1996); work on children's services in Sweden (Moss and Petrie, 2002); the changing role of the school internationally (Moss, Petrie and Poland, 1999); social pedagogy and work with looked‐after children in six European countries (Petrie, Boddy, Cameron and Wigfall, forthcoming 2006); and the incorporation of childcare into education in Sweden, Scotland and England (Cohen, Moss, Petrie and Wallace, 2004). Methods used in these studies have included commissioning reports from national experts, and local fieldwork involving interviews with policy makers and practitioners at all levels, in national and local governments and in a wide variety of services where pedagogues work face to face with children.  相似文献   

This study explores phenomenology of religion as a potential guide for the implementation of a multifaith religious education curriculum in Zimbabwe. The study relies on document analysis, in particular the 1999 Presidential Commission of Inquiry into Education and Training report, the Curriculum Framework for Primary and Secondary Education (2015–2022), and literature on multifaith religious education and phenomenology of religion. While these documents recommend the adoption of a multifaith approach in religious education, they are silent on the methodological framework. As such, I posit that principles of phenomenology of religion are a potential guiding framework for teachers to effectively engage multifaith syllabi.  相似文献   

Within 15 months of New Labour being elected to Government in May 1997, a new framework for the organisation of schools in England and Wales was on the statute books. In September 1999 the legislation was implemented and three new categories of schools: foundation, voluntary and community, replaced all previous classifications. Thus, the opportunity for state schools to 'opt out' and become self-governing, grant maintained (GM) schools was abolished. Indeed, all schools, regardless of their category, are now required to have local education authority representatives on their governing bodies. This article reports on empirical research carried out between September 1997 and the end of 1998-the period when the new framework was being shaped. The research is concerned with GM schools' headteachers' and chairs of governors' views and interpretations about the future governance of their schools.  相似文献   

《实话实说》节目中模糊限制语的维护面子功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
模糊限制语概念自提出以米,吸引了不少学者的注意。本文借助于Brown&Levin-son的"面子理论",选用央视一套的《实话实说》节目为语料,从维护"自我面子"、"对方面子"以及"听众面子"这三个维度探讨模糊限制语作为一种维护面子的有效策略在交际中的作用  相似文献   

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