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隐喻能力作为二语习得过程中对学习者更高的要求,是语言能力和交际能力的有益补充。文章采纳现代隐喻认知理论观点,从应用语言学的角度,结合隐喻与文化及隐喻与二语习得的关系,指出隐喻影响着我们的思维,是语言与文化联系最紧密的部分,二语教学要注意文化的导入,提高学生对隐喻的领悟能力。隐喻能力能够促进二语学习者的学习,用现代隐喻理论指导二语语言与文化习得是十分重要的,以达到用现代隐喻理论指导二语语言与文化习得的目的。  相似文献   

从114名学习者的隐喻能力及其2篇二语作文词汇使用丰富性的调查研究来看,可以得出以下3个结论:1、他们的莫、汉隐喻能力总体偏低;2、二语作文词汇变化性和复杂性总体上都不理想;3、英语隐喻能力与其两篇二语作文词汇变化性和复杂性都呈正相关,但其汉语隐喻能力仅与两篇二语作文词汇变化性呈正相关。积累常规隐喻词汇表达、引入解释隐喻的理论以及将拓展隐喻能力与读、译、写结合是改善二语词汇的教学思路。  相似文献   

隐喻和二语习得研究同属语言认知领域。把隐喻理论应用到二语习得中去,既是隐喻研究发展的必然,也是二语习得研究的需要。二语习得教学中,外语教师应树立教学新思维,重视隐喻的作用,培养学生的隐喻思维能力,将二语习得者引入目标语的隐喻系统,开辟提高诸如外语词汇教学、篇章阅读和文化教学等外语教学质量的新途径。  相似文献   

隐喻不仅仅是一种修辞现象,更是人类普遍的一种思维方式、一种认知手段。隐喻能力对于二语词汇习得的速度和效率以及语言能力的提高,都具有很大的影响。利用隐喻提高二语词汇习得能力既是隐喻理论发展的必然,也是二语词汇习得研究的需要。  相似文献   

徐萍 《文教资料》2010,(4):45-47
目前隐喻认知理论认为隐喻不仅是语言修辞表达方法,还是人类认识世界的基本方法。概念隐喻(CMT)这一全新理论为认知研究开辟了新的领域,同时也为二语教学提供了新启示和新方法.但迄今为止,隐喻和二语教学的关系的研究基本处于起始阶段。本文根据CMT“思维的隐喻性”这一认知观提出.隐喻具有重要教育价值.隐喻不仅可以丰富语言表达。还可以提供词汇隐喻意义的指导性原则.更与创新思维密切相关。因此,语言教学除了注重语言能力、交际能力之外,还应把培养“隐喻能力”应作为一项语言教学内容.使其成为培养创新思维的一种重要途径。并提出具体教学策略。  相似文献   

唐勇 《英语辅导》2010,(3):46-49
将隐喻能力与二语习得研究相结合是隐喻发展的一个趋势,也是二语教学的需要和目标之一。本文阐述了隐喻能力与交际能力、阅读教学、词汇习得的相互关系和影响,并以此为基础提出了培养隐喻能力的策略。  相似文献   

程慧 《海外英语》2012,(20):112-113,138
随着对于隐喻研究的不断发展,隐喻作为可以用来构建新意义和隐喻能力的示范,越来越受到学者的重视。隐喻能力被视为对交际能力的补充,也对语言学习者提出了更高的要求。结合二语习得中的输入假设,该文论述了概念隐喻对二语习得的促进作用,并证明了隐喻和二语习得都可以从认知的角度来研究,这种结合型的研究对两者都有益。此探索旨在发掘在二语写作中培养学生隐喻能力的新途径。  相似文献   

随着对于隐喻研究的不断发展,隐喻作为可以用来构建新意义和隐喻能力的示范,越来越受到学者的重视.隐喻能力被视为对交际能力的补充,也对语言学习者提出了更高的要求.结合二语习得中的输入假设,该文论述了概念隐喻对二语习得的促进作用,并证明了隐喻和二语习得都可以从认知的角度来研究,这种结合型的研究对两者都有益.此探索旨在发掘在二语写作中培养学生隐喻能力的新途径.  相似文献   

隐喻作为极普遍的语言现象,与人类的认知、思维关系密切。隐喻研究从最初的修辞学、语言学,拓展到如今认知科学领域,被认为是人们认知活动不可或缺的重要手段。作为同样是认知活动的二语习得和外语教学,隐喻理论研究也为这一认知活动提供了新的思维方式。隐喻在外语教学中的应用成为众多学者和教师探寻的热点问题。本文以隐喻的认知理论为依据,从词汇扩充、语篇理解以及文化的渗透三个方面,探讨隐喻理论在精读课教学中的应用,寻找专业英语精读课教学新的方式方法,以解决枯燥乏味的现状。  相似文献   

本文综述了专业认同研究的理论发展,提出了对二语习得领域中语言学习者认同问题的认识,指出对学习者,特别是语言学习者的专业认同问题研究的匮乏。阐述从共同体角度出发,使用隐喻研究方法,在二语习得领域进行专业认同问题研究的可行性。  相似文献   

通过回顾国内外二语词汇知识的研究现状,认为应将词汇知识广度纳入一个总体理论框架中,从而构建相对完整的二语词汇知识理论框架,为二语词汇的教与学提供了较完整的理论依据。  相似文献   

Instructors can use both “multiple‐choice” (MC) and “constructed response” (CR) questions (such as short answer, essay, or problem‐solving questions) to evaluate student understanding of course materials and principles. This article begins by discussing the advantages and concerns of using these alternate test formats and reviews the studies conducted to test the hypothesis (or perhaps better described as the hope) that MC tests, by themselves, perform an adequate job of evaluating student understanding of course materials. Despite research from educational psychology demonstrating the potential for MC tests to measure the same levels of student mastery as CR tests, recent studies in specific educational domains find imperfect relationships between these two performance measures. We suggest that a significant confound in prior experiments has been the treatment of MC questions as homogeneous entities when in fact MC questions may test widely varying levels of student understanding. The primary contribution of the article is a modified research model for CR/MC research based on knowledge‐level analyses of MC test banks and CR question sets from basic computer language programming. The analyses are based on an operationalization of Bloom's Taxonomy of Learning Goals for the domain, which is used to develop a skills‐focused taxonomy of MC questions. However, we propose that their analyses readily generalize to similar teaching domains of interest to decision sciences educators such as modeling and simulation programming.  相似文献   

本文首先介绍了二语习得关键期假说及其理论背景,之后通过前人的各项研究探讨关键期假说是否具有合理性,希望对教学有启示作用。  相似文献   

MC/MP供应链是指同时实施大规模定制(MC)与大规模标准生产(MP)两种生产模式的企业(MC/MP企业)所特有的供应链系统。MC/MP供应链是供应链发展过程中MP供应链与MC供应链中间不可忽视的阶段。针对MC/MP企业存在的现实,基于装配型企业,提出MC/MP供应链的概念,对MC/MP供应链的模型结构、分类及特性进行分析,并在此基础上给出MC/MP供应链的管理措施。  相似文献   

Multiple‐choice (MC) examinations are becoming increasingly popular in higher education because they can be used effectively to assess breadth of knowledge in large cohorts of students. This present research investigated psychology students’ performance on, and experiences of, MC examinations with and without correction for guessing. In Study 1, data were collected from two cohorts of students across three psychology MC examinations. The results revealed that students scored higher, and left fewer questions unanswered, when there was no correction for guessing. Furthermore, when the correction for guessing was removed from the theory MC examination, students who were told there was no correction for guessing did better than those told there was a correction. In addition, there was limited evidence of gender differences, with female students performing significantly better on one MC examination than males. In Study 2, a further set of first‐year psychology students reported their experiences of correction for guessing on open‐book and closed‐book MC examinations. Students reported feeling less anxious and more confident on the open‐book MC examination. The findings of both of these studies have implications for instructors deciding whether or not correction for guessing is appropriate, and for the advice to be given to students preparing for MC examinations.  相似文献   

语法能力对外语学习者语言习得、语言发展起着重要作用,在二语语法教学和研究中占有重要地位。为此,本研究采取内容分析和主题分析相结合的研究方法,借助质性分析软件NVivo 11,探究40年来国外二语语法能力研究状况。研究发现,国外二语语法能力研究一直保持上升趋势,研究对象以大学生为主, 研究主题聚焦于中介语和学习者,理论框架多采取语言形式和认知心理视角,实证研究以定量和混合为主。文章最后对未来二语语法能力研究提出建议。  相似文献   

翻译学科建设是当前我国翻译研究领域中的热门话题。国内一些学者从不同的角度出发,提出建立翻译学的尝试。吕俊提出的建构主义翻译学在国内翻译研究领域独树一帜。文章拟从翻译研究范式的嬗变来探讨建构主义翻译学建立的必然性,并从建构主义翻译学的知识准备来探讨其合理性和可行性。文章指出,建构的翻译学符合中国当前翻译研究的发展趋势,对中国的译学发展有很大的理论指导意义。  相似文献   

Regulatory focus is a strong predictor for a person’s behaviour in signal detection tasks. While a promotion focus is related to a risky response strategy (hits, false alarms), a prevention focus is associated with a conservative strategy (correct rejections, misses). The present research is based on the assumption that multiple-choice (MC) examinations represent typical signal-detection situations. It includes six studies that examined the effect of students’ regulatory focus on their test-taking response bias in MC items with a multiple true–false format. Altogether, the results support the hypothesized association between promotion focus and the tendency to make errors of commissions (rather than omissions), and conditioned evidence for the hypothesized association between promotion focus and the tendency to confirm (rather than negate) test items. Findings concerning prevention focus were heterogeneous. In sum, this research extends the generalizability of the predictions from regulatory focus theory to the context of MC examinations.  相似文献   

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