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青少年性别角色心理社会化发展及相关研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
青少年性别角色心理社会化的过程是一个影响个体身心全面发展的重要的心理过程,对它的研究主要从青少年性别角色认同中的焦虑、性别角色认同中的偏向、性别角色认同中的较严重偏差现象等三个方面进行,并应采取相应的教育对策。  相似文献   

李娟 《考试周刊》2012,(63):119-120
性别角色是由一定的文化所认定的适合于男性和女性的行为系统,同时还包括那些被看做是构成男性和女性的基本的态度和情感。为了了解青少年运动员这个特殊群体的性别角色双性化情况,青少年运动员的性别角色双性化在不同性别与训练年限之间具有显著的交互作用。  相似文献   

性别角色是后天形成的社会性别,不仅影响到个体的成长,也关系到民族人格特征和素质的发展。近十年来我国青少年性别角色发生了严重偏移,与性别一致的传统类型男性化和女性化大量减少,而男性正性特质和女性正性特质都弱的未分化类型则急剧增加。男性正性特质和女性正性特质都高的双性化是我国性别角色的理想类型,男性化特质则在双性化特质中起主导作用。在针对偏移现状及原因分析基础上,提出了针对性的引领对策:(1)在性别角色的认识和宣传上需大力纠偏;(2)大力进行未分化的预防教育和干预教育;(3)全面开展理想化类别的双性化特质塑造教育;(4)加强体育活动,增强男性特质。  相似文献   

地方高校女性辅导员受传统性别文化观念及现实环境的影响,她们表现出比男性辅导员更深层次的性别角色冲突。女性辅导员性别角色冲突带来身心健康危机,并引发职业倦怠,同时也给高校辅导员队伍建设及学生思想政治教育工作带来负面影响。女性辅导员自身及学校相关职能部门都应采取措施,积极调适性别角色冲突。  相似文献   

青少年时期是个体从幼稚到成熟、从依附到独立、从顺从到自主的发展过渡时期,也是人生的转折期。青少年希望摆脱父母的束缚、舍弃对父母的依赖,开始独立自主的生活,他们已不像儿童那样对父母顺从、听话,亲子冲突在这一时期变得前所未有地显著。国外有学者称少年期为亲子关系的“危机期”“疾风暴雨期”。本文从亲子冲突的概念特点、影响因素以及应对策略等方面进行综述,以期正确看待青春期的亲子冲突,使亲子关系得到良好发展。  相似文献   

姚昕 《考试周刊》2007,(7):19-21
为探讨青少年亲子冲突中归因、责任推断与策略选择、冲突影响的关系,采用回溯式问卷调查法对201名大一学生进行调查。结果发现起因的类型、稳定性、可控性、责任推断等与冲突的策略使用及后继影响有关;首先是“主动解决”,其次“回避冲突”的策略对青少年产生积极影响,而“反抗攻击”、“他人调节”则产生消极影响;青少年对冲突原因的可控性知觉直接导致“主动解决”策略;因学习或其他生活事件而产生的亲子冲突,其积极影响显著多于消极影响,而因青少年自身行为、交往等原因引起的冲突则有较多消极影响。结论:青少年对亲子冲突的归因影响冲突策略的选择;亲子冲突根据原因类型、冲突策略、冲突对象、性别差异而对青少年产生不同影响。  相似文献   

为了考查男性大学生性别角色冲突、心理求助污名与心理求助态度之间的关系,采用性别角色冲突量表简化版本(GRCS-SF)、寻求专业性心理帮助污名问卷(SSPPH)、心理求助态度量表(ASPPH),对武汉4所高校的360名男性大学生进行测量。结果发现,心理求助自我污名和心理求助公众污名在男性性别角色冲突和心理求助态度之间起着完全中介作用。男性性别角色冲突高的个体有更高的心理求助自我污名和公众污名,其心理求助态度也越消极。  相似文献   

性别角色与性别角色观的研究现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
庆海涛 《文教资料》2008,(31):202-203
本文引述了性别角色与性别角色观的概念及其研究的现状,最后论述了该研究的意义.  相似文献   

性别角色是以文化为背景的,社会认可或接纳男性或女性应表现的行为模式,它以生物因素为基础,包括个人心理与社会建构两个维度。生物理论、心理分析理论、社会学习理论、认知发展理论、性别图式理论及性别脚本理论都对性别角色的发展提供了解释和说明,但是每个理论都有其不足之处,目前有学者提出以整合的理论对性别角色的发展作出更准确的解释。  相似文献   

性别角色类型研究经历了男性化--女性化模式,双性化模式两种范式.研究认为双性化性别角色类型者具有最理想的人格特征和最好的心理健康水平,在此研究基础上提出了对儿童青少年进行性别角色双性化教育是理想的性别角色教育.  相似文献   

Marital Conflict and Adolescent Distress: The Role of Adolescent Awareness   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The present longitudinal study (1989–1991) of seventh-grade adolescents (173 boys, 197 girls; M age = 12.7 in 1989) living in the rural Midwest examined the influence of children's awareness of marital conflict and reported level of parental hostility on symptoms of adolescent distress. The theoretical model guiding the research indirectly linked marital conflict to adolescent perceptions of parents' hostility through the mediating effects of parents and observers' report of hostility toward the adolescent and through adolescent awareness of the frequency of interparental conflict. Controlling for earlier levels of psychological distress, we hypothesized a direct path between adolescent report of parent hostility and adolescent maladjustment. Maximum likelihood estimation of the proposed model showed that marital conflict was significantly related to parents' and observers' reports of parent hostility toward the adolescent and to adolescent awareness of conflict frequency. Both parent hostility and adolescent awareness of the frequency of marital conflicts were significantly related to adolescent perceptions of parent hostility. When controlled for earlier distress, adolescent report of parent hostility significantly predicted the later internalizing and externalizing symptoms of these teenagers. The model predicted externalizing problems for boys but not girls. Otherwise, there were no gender differences in the postulated causal processes.  相似文献   

A considerable amount of social identity research has focused on race and racial identity, while gender identity, particularly among Black adolescents, remains underexamined. The current study used survey data from 183 Black adolescent males (13–16 years old) to investigate the development and relation between racial and gender identity centrality and private regard, and how these identities impact adjustment over time. It was found that dimensions of racial and gender identity were strongly correlated. Levels of racial centrality increased over time while gender centrality, and racial and gender private regard declined. In addition, racial and gender identity uniquely contributed to higher levels of psychological well‐being and academic adjustment. These findings are discussed within the context of existing identity theories and intersectionality theory.  相似文献   

This study explores how adolescent males in secular boys’ schools perceive spirituality and how these perceptions relate to their emotional intelligence. I examined the relationship between spirituality and emotion by inviting the boys to reflect on how the two impact their lives, relationships, and behaviors. My study was designed to provide the participants with collaborative, individual, and written spaces for inquiry. The triangulation of these methods provides a meta-perspective on how boys experience their spirituality and how that affects their emotional intelligence. The results of this study help us understand how boys actualize the values of self-awareness, connection, and inquiry in their perceptions of spirituality. The boys want to know who they are, to connect with others, and to question their worlds. Furthermore, the data linking spirituality and emotion will provide new ways to think about how to foster mindful, empathetic, and emotionally aware boys. This article argues that developing spiritual awareness enhances emotional intelligence, and the capacity to understand this relationship influences behavior in meaningful ways.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the usefulness of the Korean version of the Gender Role Conflict Scale for Adolescents (GRCS-A; Blazina et al. 2005) in Korea. Korean high school students (N = 374) completed the K-GRCS-A. Results of confirmatory factor analysis supported the original 4-factor structures. Reliability was acceptable to satisfactory limits. Further evidence of construct validity was found in modest correlations with psychological well-being variables. Taken together, this study sustained the utility of the K-GRCS-A.  相似文献   

论校长的角色冲突与核心角色   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对校长的基本角色与相关角色冲突的主要类型和成因进行分析基础上,提出确立校长核心角色———学校专业领导者的必要性与价值,应具备的素质和主要职责。  相似文献   

没有理论的高度自觉很难有理想信念的坚定。在新疆特殊的地域,始终存在极为突出的矛盾,即我们与三股势力(民族分裂势力、极端宗教势力、暴力恐怖势力)的斗争将是长期的、复杂的和激烈的。尤其在争夺青少年这一群体的力量上,我们的青少年研究队伍还没有完全建构,专门的青少年理论研究刊物相对缺乏,这就如同我们没有能够及时为一线奋战的勇士们提供管用好使的“武器”和“子弹”,无疑不能坚决有效打击三股势力。同时,我们对青少年这一群体舆情第一时间没有给出“预测”和“诊断”,即没有完整的监测系统,因此导致我们的很多工作处于应急被动。从这个意义上,我们亟待需要对全疆乃至内地就新疆青少年研究文献进行必要的梳理。基于检索中国知网数据,对新疆青少年研究的现状、热点、不足和建议等四个方面进行概括评述。  相似文献   

Intersectional approaches for understanding identity have gained momentum in the social sciences. Black adolescent males are often perceived as threatening, underachieving, and hypermasculine, which is reinforced through media outlets and psychological research that portray them as a monolith rather than a heterogeneous group with multiple intersecting identities. This cross‐sectional study of 70 Black adolescent males between 14 and 18 years old simultaneously explores their race and gender identities and associations with self‐concept (global and school). Results demonstrated that participants reported a combination of feminine and masculine gender roles, rather than hypermasculine. A canonical correlation analysis found that Black racial identity attitudes (RIAS‐L) and gender roles simultaneously contributed to significant relationships with total and school self‐concept. Study limitations and future directions for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

由随着经济和社会的发展,工作特点和家庭结构发生了巨大的变化,工作和家庭这两个员工最重要的领域出现了冲突和不和谐。本文通过回顾国外工作家庭冲突研究文献,分析了工作—家庭冲突的定义和结构,探讨了工作—家庭冲突的相关变量,对该领域研究中取得的成果和存在的不足进行了归纳,并展望了未来研究的发展方向。  相似文献   

教育研究并不缺乏一般意义上的性别意识,缺乏的是女性主义意义上的性别意识,其表现就是理性主义成为话语霸权,研究者普遍忽视女性研究对象的感受,研究结果不能反映女性的声音,等等。本文认为,在教育公平和民主成为普遍诉求的今天,教育研究有必要借鉴女性主义的研究视角和方法,这将有助于我们重塑教育知识当中人的形象、反思教育学学科性质和传统教育观念并丰富教育研究的方法。最后,本文就如何体现教育研究的性别意识提出了具体的建议。  相似文献   

田伟宏 《天中学刊》2003,18(6):15-18
在近年国内“社会冲突”问题研究中,主要研究了社会冲突的功能、起源和社会冲突的调控,以及当前目内社会冲突、全球社会冲突等重点问题。这些研究在基础理论和指导思想方面为以后的社会冲突研究作出了积极的探索和储垫,但同时也暴露出明显的不足。对社会冲突的认识和理解以及研究方法等都有待提高。在以后的社会冲突研究中,我们应该确定马克思主义社会冲突思想和西方社会冲突理论在社会冲突研究中的作用和地位,要在方法和重点上有所变化,在方法上坚持质、量结合,在重点上要加强对社会冲突预警和应急机制的研究。  相似文献   

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