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INTRODUCTION An artificial dielectric medium that exhibits si- multaneously negative electric permittivity and magnetic permeability, also known as a left-handed (LH) material, was first envisaged by Veselago, who theoretically predicted that such a medium would exhibit a negative refractive index (NRI) (Veselago, 1968). An artificial NRI medium exhibiting back- ward-wave propagation characteristics (and therefore a negative refractive index) was first realized ex- perimentally in (She…  相似文献   

Novel resonator based on composite right/left-handed transmission lines   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
INTRODUCTION Left-handed materials (LHMs) are characterized by simultaneously negative permittivity and perme- ability. It was first investigated theoretically by Ve- selago (1968). The experimental realization of LHM with resonance structures was demonstrated by Smith et al.(2000). Since then, LHM has gained significant interest and started to be integrated into novel mi- crowave and optical applications. The transmis- sion-line (TL) approach was recently proposed to realize LHMs …  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Wave propagation in a material with negative magnetic permeability and negative electric permit- tivity was first theoretically analyzed by Veselago (1968). In such a left-handed material (LHM), the electric field E, the magnetic field H and the wave vector k of electromagnetic wave propagation obey the left-hand rule (instead of the right-hand rule for usual materials). After Smith et al.(2000) demon- strated simultaneously negative permeability and permittivity, using cop…  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Veselago (1968) theoretically analyzed the wave propagation in a left-handed (LH) material which has simultaneously a negative magnetic permeability and a negative electric permittivity. The electric field, the magnetic field, and the wave vector of an electro-magnetic wave propagating in such a material obey the left-hand rule (instead of the right-hand rule for usual materials). Such an LH material was first real-ized in 2001 in microwave region with an array of metallic …  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION In recent years metamaterials, more commonly referred to as left-handed materials, have stimulated great interests in the scientific and engineering field. These artificial materials, which were first theorized by Veselago (1968) and experimentally realized by Shelby et al.(2001), can exhibit specific electromag- netic properties not commonly found in nature. The approach of using transmission line theory was veri- fied to be an efficient design tool for metamaterials applica…  相似文献   

We propose a new class of negative refractive index transmission line in which ideal operational amplifiers are applied to form the periodically loaded negative-impedance-converted inductors and capacitors. The phase response of the new trans-mission line is opposite to that of a positive refractive index conventional transmission line. Unlike the existing negative refractive index transmission line,the new negative refractive index transmission line is non-dispersive and thus can lead to many novel applications such as designing new broadband devices.  相似文献   

Broadband phase shifters are mostly proposed and fabricated based on the scheme proposed by Shiffman, which uses a coupled line with far ends connected together and a uniform transmission line to give a differential phase shift. Based on the unique dispersion property of the composite right/left-handed (CRLH) metamaterial structure, a new configuration is presented in this paper for fabricating the broadband differential phase shifter, which employs a novel CRLH metamaterial structure as one of the differential phase-shift arms, instead of the conventional coupled line. The new circuit can achieve a phase shift of 90° in an operational bandwidth as broad as one octave and its phase deviations are quite small. An original design of the novel broadband phase shifter is presented, in which the artificial CRLH structure was implemented by microstrip quasi-lumped elements. Both the simulated and measured results of the 90° broadband differential phase shifter are presented.  相似文献   

In this letter, we introduce a novel passive transmission line of negative refractive index (i.e., left-handedness) based on identical symmetrical lattice type structures [thus called "lattice type transmission line" (LT-TL)]. The dispersion characteristic and the transmission response of the proposed LT-TL are analyzed. While all the other left-handed passive transmission lines are of high pass, the present passive left-handed transmission line is of low pass. Compared with a conventional transmission line, the LT-TL has a phase shift of 180° in the entire wide pass-band.  相似文献   

In this letter, we introduce a novel passive transmission line of negative refractive index (i.e., left-handedness) based on identical symmetrical lattice type structures [thus called "lattice type transmission line" (LT-TL)]. The dispersion characteristic and the transmission response of the proposed LT-TL are analyzed. While all the other left-handed passive transmission lines are of high pass, the present passive left-handed transmission line is of low pass. Compared with a conventional transmission line, the LT-TL has a phase shift of 180° in the entire wide pass-band.  相似文献   

Using composite field arithmetic in Galois field can result in the compact Rijndael S-Box. However, the power con- sumption of this solution is too large to be used in resource-limited embedded systems. A full-custom hardware implementation of composite field S-Box is proposed for these targeted domains in this paper. The minimization of power consumption is implemented by optimizing the architecture of the composite field S-Box and using the pass transmission gate (PTG) to realize the logic functions of S-Box. Power simulations were performed using the netlist extracted from the layout. HSPICE simulation results indicated that the proposed S-Box achieves low power consumption of about 130 μW at 10 MHz using 0.25 μm/2.5 V technology, while the consumptions of the positive polarity reed-muller (PPRM) based S-Box and composite field S-Box based on the conventional CMOS logic style are about 240 μW and 420 μW, respectively. The simulations also showed that the presented S-Box obtains better low-voltage operating property, which is clearly relevant for applications like sensor nodes, smart cards and radio frequency identification (RFID) tags.  相似文献   

在综合分析了微带平面天线阵列馈电网络的两种传统馈电方式的基础上,提出了一种在微波工程应用中实际使用的一种新型馈电网络,提高学生理论知识与实践相结合的能力,更好的掌握最新技术发展。其新型馈电网络由一种左-右手混合微带传输线构成,可以获得高于传统并联馈电网络的天线阵列增益;同时,可以修正传统串联馈电网络的天线阵列辐射方向图的波束偏移,给出了一个工作频率为35GHz的2×2微带面阵的馈电网络设计案例,验证了其理论的正确性。  相似文献   

通过对总体方案设计、系统模块设计和系统特点的描述,提出了基于C/S和B/S结构相结合的教学管理信息系统的设计方案,该方案打破了原先教务系统使用地域的局限性,为促进学校教学管理的科学化、规范化、信息化提供了有力的支持。  相似文献   

传统的大学英语四级考试存在投入较多、保密困难、作弊方便等弊端.考试改革势在必行.基于B/S模式的大学英语四级考试系统,按照英语四级考试的基本流程和遵循的原则,将考试、阅卷、登统、证书打印等全过程分为若干功能模块,为了使考试系统科学、严谨,设计了总体结构,提出了建立题库方案,叙述了实现的技术、方法和算法,特别提出了客观题阅卷方案.  相似文献   

The valence band offsets of the strained and longitudinally relaxed diamond/cubic boron-nitride (c-BN) (110) superlattice are investigated by the plane wave density functional theory approach and using the on-site core electron as a reference energy level. For the strained diamond/c-BN superlattice, the valence band offset of around 1.50 eV is in good agreement with those using all the electrons methods. As for the longitudinally relaxed superlattice, the valence band offset of around 1.28 eV is smaller tha...  相似文献   

为了提高柱的承载力、抗震性能和性价比,采用工程水泥基复合材料(ECC)材料替代钢筋混凝土(RC)柱柱根区域的混凝土形成 ECC /RC 组合柱.基于已有的材料性能试验数据,采用 ATENA 有限元软件对 ECC 柱、ECC /RC 组合柱及 RC 柱的压弯性能进行数值分析.研究了 ECC 柱和 ECC /RC 组合柱的破坏机理,并与 RC 柱进行对比,进而探究 ECC 高度、轴压比和体积配箍率3个参数对 ECC /RC 组合柱或 ECC 柱压弯性能的影响.结果表明:ECC 柱和 ECC /RC 组合柱较 RC 柱具有更高的承载力、延性和抗裂能力;ECC高度在1.2h(h 为截面高度)左右的组合柱即可达到全 ECC 柱的性能效果;ECC 具有较高的抗剪强度,能显著减小箍筋的配置,便于施工和促进实际工程应用.  相似文献   

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