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Design of general multivariable process controllers is an attractive and practical alternative to optimizing design by evolutionary algorithms (EAs) since it can be formulated as an optimization problem. A closed-loop particle swarm optimization (CLPSO) algorithm is proposed by mapping PSO elements into the closed-loop system based on control theories. At each time step, a proportional integral (PI) controller is used to calculate an updated inertia weight for each particle in swarms from its last fitness. With this modification, limitations caused by a uniform inertia weight for the whole population are avoided, and the particles have enough diversity. After the effectiveness, efficiency and robustness are tested by benchmark functions, CLPSO is applied to design a multivariable proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller for a solvent dehydration tower in a chemical plant and has improved its performances.  相似文献   

结合buck变换器电路的内部关系,从基于电感电流和电容电压的滑模面推导出一种只基于电容电压的新型滑模面,从而省去了对电感电流的测量.从仿真对比结果来看,这种控制可以得到比常规滑模控制更好的动态品质,对负载变化具有更强的鲁棒性.  相似文献   

滑模变结构在非线性控制方面有着很好的优势,因此经常作为汽车ABS控制器的控制方法。在阐述滑模变结构基本原理的基础上,设计了该控制方法下的ABS控制器,并对实际出现的系统抖动问题提出了解决方法,最后进行了仿真。仿真结果表明,该控制方法可实现制动防抱死,采用饱和函数进行去抖后,轮速、滑移率、制动力矩的抖动消除。这些研究对工程应用具有一定的借鉴。  相似文献   

提出一种模糊控制规则可自适应调整的控制算法.该算法利用模糊逻辑系统构建模糊辨识器和模糊控制器,依据辨识器在线预估输出误差与模糊控制规则相关参数优化之间的内在联系及自适应优化模糊控制规则.仿真实验表明了该算法的有效性.  相似文献   

专家控制是目前智能控制研究中最为活跃的领域之一.智能控制与常规PID相结合,形成智能PID控制.本文从专家控制的基本原理、典型结构出发,介绍专家式智能PID控制器的研究与实现方法.  相似文献   

The operating temperature of a solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) stack is a very important parameter to be controlled, which impacts the performance of the SOFC due to thermal cycling. In this paper, an adaptive fuzzy control method based on an affine nonlinear temperature model is developed to control the temperature of the SOFC within a specified range. Fuzzy logic systems are used to approximate nonlinear functions in the SOFC system and an adaptive technique is employed to construct the controller. Compared with the traditional fuzzy and proportion-integral-derivative (PID) control, the simulation results show that the designed adaptive fuzzy control method performed much better. So it is feasible to build an adaptive fuzzy controller for temperature control of the SOFC.  相似文献   

A novel genetic algorithm (NGA) is proposed, which possesses micro-regulation and renascence operation. The optimized variable searching interval is regulated gradually according to the sub-group of excellent individuals. The NGA is used to optimize the parameters of the variable structure control (VSC), which satisfies the new reaching law and sliding mode. It is used in robot control systems. Simulation results are given.  相似文献   

基于模糊控制的硬质合金炉温度控制器的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
硬质合金烧结炉温度控制器要求精度高、动态性能好、抗干扰能力强、检测功能全。普通的温度控制器设计不能满足这些要求,文章介绍了硬质合金烧结炉温控系统硬件设计,探讨了自适应模糊PID控制在硬质合金炉温度控制系统中的应用问题,并在MATLAB模糊控制工具箱的仿真平台上对设计的模糊控制器进行仿真,取得了很好的控制效果。  相似文献   

利用自适应控制的方法,给出了一个新混沌系统的同步控制器和参数自适应律,使两个恒等系统达到了自适应同步同时识别未知参数.该控制器设计简单,易于实现,数值仿真表明所提方法具有效性.  相似文献   

通过对半导体制冷/加热控制原理和LED结温与正向电压VF和发光波长λD的关系的讨论,论述了大功率LED温度控制器的设计方法;并且利用该系统测量了1 W绿光LED结温对LED的VF和λD的影响,测得电压温度系数为-2 mV/℃,波长温度系数为-0.05 nm/℃。  相似文献   

针对患者在术中或术后体温骤降造成手术成功率降低的问题,设计了一种以ATmega128处理器为主控核心、以人体表面各部位温度为控制对象的保温毯控制系统。该系统由过零检测模块、人体表面温度检测模块、气体温度检测模块、气体加热及流量检测模块、显示模块等构成,通过跟踪病人实时的体温变化趋势,采用自适应模糊PID精确控制吹拂在人体表面各部位气体的流量和温度。实验结果表明:智能医用充气保温毯能快速调节人体表面温度,并将其稳定在要求的范围之内。  相似文献   

电力系统采样频率自适应预测算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对电力系统中频率变化导致的数据采集和测量误差,文章提出一种对电力系统进行交流采样的一种自适应频率预测算法,为采用DSP技术准确估计交流信号的采样频率提供了可行的计算方法。  相似文献   

对于时延的非线性系统,将其等价为含有纯滞后的时变线性系统,利用三次样条函数逼近时变参数,利用渐消记忆递推最小二乘法在线辨识多项式的参数以实现时变参数估计,将基于Hammerstein模型的非线性系统线性化.最后运用广义预测控制策略实现对该系统的仿真,结果表明被控对象在广义预测控制算法的控制下系统闭环稳定性好、稳态误差小.  相似文献   

新型物理教师的知识结构和特点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐月  李春密 《物理教师》2004,25(12):1-3,7
新课程已进入全面实施阶段,教师要适应新的教育改革与发展,其知识结构有待进一步优化和建构.本文结合中学物理教师的职业特点和教育改革的需要,初步探讨了新形式下物理教师的知识结构组成及其特点。  相似文献   

模糊变结构时延控制算法及在AQM中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了带有延迟时间补偿的模糊变结构控制算法,分析了模糊变结构控制中积分因子对于时延因子的补偿机理,并基于网络拥塞路由器中TCP连接的线性化模型设计了适用于主动队列管理的时延控制算法.最后讨论了该控制算法的实现问题和参数整定,进行了仿真实验.对于TCP主动队列管理的性能分析和比较试验表明,本算法在RTT和TCP会话数量变动时保持了良好性能和鲁棒性,在丢包率、吞吐量和缓冲波动方面相比其他类似方案有明显的性能优势.  相似文献   

Implementation of a new PC based controller for a PUMA robot   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper describes the replacement of a controller for a programmable universal machine for assembly (PUMA) 512 robot with a newly designed PC based (open architecture) controller employing a real-time direct control of six joints. The original structure of the PUMA robot is retained. The hardware of the new controller includes such in-house designed parts as pulse width modulation (PWM) amplifiers, digital and analog controllers, I/O cards, signal conditioner cards, and 16-bit A/D and D/A boards. An Intel Pentium IV industrial computer is used as the central controller. The control software is implemented using VC programming language. The trajectory tracking performance of all six joints is tested at varying velocities. Experimental results show that it is feasible to implement the suggested open architecture platform for PUMA 500 series robots through the software routines running on a PC. By assembling controller from off-the-shell hardware and software components, the benefits of reduced and improved robustness have been realized.  相似文献   

1 Introduction ? Since the cutting plane method [1] and branch-and- bound principle [2] were developed as two types of efficient approaches for integer linear programming problems, how to improve them or to find new algorithms more efficient has become an…  相似文献   

Based on division of the three-dimensional space from data samples, the method proposed in this paper can rapidly extract fuzzy rules by using the fuzzy information of the samples. The principle of this approach is proved theoretically. Due to its simplicity this method can be used to extract fuzzy rules in real-time for an adaptive control system. Simulation results showed that this approach is effective and practical. Project (69775013) supoorted by Natural Science Foundation of China.  相似文献   

~~under the sliding mode controller. It shows that the sliding mode controller yield almost perfect tracking to the reference model. It can be seen in Fig.6 that the acceleration of sprung mass under sliding mode controller is controlled within ?.7 m/s2. Fig.7 shows the robustness and stability of the sliding mode controller to the parameter variations of the system to be controlled, in this case, a relative decrease of 10 % in the sprung mass and a relative increase of 15 % in the stiffness o…  相似文献   

通过在空调上使用模糊控制技术,设计了模糊控制器并进行仿真,通过仿真结果表明,模糊控制器在空调上使用,使室内的温度变化幅度减小,从而使室内的温度更让人舒服,并且比PID控制时更节能。  相似文献   

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