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20世纪西方德育出现了以培养学生道德认知能力为根本目标的主知型模式。由于该模式以自由主义理论为背景,强调个人在道德上理性自主的哲学理念,造成了在实际道德教育中学生缺乏道德实践力量和个体与美好生活相疏离等问题。根据埃蒙.凯伦博士对道德上理性自主哲学理念的限制性修正,相应地调整、深化和改进主知型德育模式的目标、内容和具体实践方法,可以实现主知型德育模式的自我完善。西方完善德育主知型模式的经验对我国德育在道德情操的养成、道德自主和道德认知能力的培养、生活实践的德育方式等方面的改革具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

One consequence of western aid to Romanian academic life has been the opportunity for young Romanian scholars, schoocco1led in their early university years under the aegis of the communist system, to study with western European and North American visiting scholars in Romania, and/or to attend higher education institutions in both western Europe and North America, and generally to participate in worldwide academic life. Such vital inter‐cultural, inter‐social, and inter‐political life experiences provide the expressed raison d'être of western academic aid.  相似文献   

Within the field of social studies education, disciplinary models of teaching, such as approximating a historian in asking students to ‘think historically,’ have been the emphasis of countless professional development and teacher education programs. This movement, however, has focused largely on the use of traditional primary documents and generally does not include training for teachers or students on how other forms of media construct history. This collective case study examines how two US history teachers’ epistemological beliefs about historical media and ideology and overall goals for students as citizens impacts their pedagogy with different historical media, particularly film. Data were collected on a daily basis over the course of six months, and included observations, teacher interviews, and the media used as historical sources. Findings show that teachers’ beliefs about how sources represent history affect their pedagogy with the particular media, and that epistemic development and current notions of historical thinking may be limited when it comes to media that commonly serve as historical sources for the public at large (e.g., film, television, WWW, videogames). This limitation is caused in large part by the teachers’ larger goals for students that are informed by their ideology, and difficulty in identifying bias in media that aligned with their own beliefs. Therefore, a shift in teachers’ epistemic beliefs about how different forms of media serve as sources of history, essentially a form of critical media literacy, and coinciding recognition of ideological goals needs to occur in order to better instill students with skills in historical and media literacy for the twenty‐first century.  相似文献   

The educational inadequacy of conceptions of self in educational psychology   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Jack Martin 《Interchange》2004,35(2):185-208
Disciplinary and professional psychology have exercised considerable influence over the ways in which Western individuals and societies understand what it is to be a person. During the last half of the 20th century, educational psychologists advanced scientific and humanistic conceptions of the self that removed personhood from the historical, socio-cultural traditions and related moral and political practices within which the self develops. In consequence, the theoretical and practical models of self-enhancement and self-management offered by educational psychologists are inadequate with respect to the education of persons who, if they are to function as effective citizens, must participate in complex, contested socio-cultural, moral, and political contexts with others.  相似文献   

This article presents an overall exploratory comparison of two specific pre-service teacher preparation programmes at two research-intensive institutions of higher education in the USA and Romania. The main conclusions suggest that US and Romanian teacher candidates differ very little in their ratings of their respective programmes in terms of learning in the programme, preparation for general teaching and twenty-first century skills. The largest differences were recorded for the university supervisor and cooperating teacher constructs, which the US teacher candidates rated considerably higher than their Romanian peers, namely in the quality and extent of applied field and clinical experiences, which merit further exploration.  相似文献   

Modern industrial society liberated the sources of livelihood, gave birth to salaried labour and began to cater for social mobility, i.e. broke the foundations of traditional estate society. Traditional trades and socialization mechanisms attached to families were replaced by mass production and education. Education played a crucial role in the project of modern industrialized society. Its task was, besides production of a productive labour force, i.e. good workers, also the production of good citizens and decent personalities. Education always works, however, in the other direction, too. By opening up life‐paths and chances for some, it simultaneously closes them off from others. It also plays the key role as the producer of social exclusion and indigence and eventually as the producer of normality and deviance permeating through the entire society. This paper is based on a comprehensive, long‐term research project funded by the Academy of Finland. Its goal is to locate the historically changing meaning of scarce education and no education at all as the denominator, producer and outcome of social exclusion and indigence. The authors are also interested in the change in the whole way of life or ‘habitus’ or moral citizenship demanded of the modern educated man and as its reverse side the habitus of the non‐educated man. The analysis of exclusion is extended from as early as the time of ‘absolute poverty’ of the nineteenth‐century European modern society to the time of ‘relative deprivation’ of postindustrial welfare societies in the late twentieth century. The research seeks answers to how education and indigence have been linked at various points in time and especially how the so‐called modern Nordic welfare model defines the interrelations of education, citizenship, labour market citizenship and exclusion, i.e. the borderlines classifying the population. The criteria of social exclusion have to be defined in the context of historical time and nation and it is not possible to use the same criteria in a historically comparative analysis. ‘Educational lower class’ is used as the tool referring to the excluded. The aim is to define its criteria, composition, outcomes and birth mechanisms at a certain point in time by means of concrete sociohistorical research. Theoretical interest is focused on clarification of the concept ‘educational lower class’ as a ‘zero‐line’ concept of the theory of marginal utility, although we are well aware that the explication of that line is as ‘relative’ as the frequently presented efforts to draw the line between relative poverty and relative deprivation. The concrete part of this research is concentrated on the formation of the modern Finnish educational system in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. It is based on comprehensive and versatile historical data. The educational ‘zero‐line’ is located both from above, i.e. from the direction of official educational discourse, and also from the middle and below, i.e. from the viewpoints of public discourse and the users of education. Committee reports, legislation, public documents, clarifications and statistics are used as sources for outlining the official discourse. The intermediary level of discourse is analysed with the help of historical data from the press and periodicals. The ‘citizen's viewpoints’ of the objects of education are searched for in written biographies, interviews and archives of enterprises.  相似文献   

20世纪西方国家德育理论流派纷呈,德育模式和方法也丰富多彩。其中,人本主义德育理论对当代西方国家的德育理论、德育内容、德育方法等产生的影响尤为深刻。由于受人本主义德育理论的影响,当代西方国家的德育模式、德育方法呈现出明显的人本化趋势。  相似文献   

Based on the British choralism movement of the nineteenth century, the historical legacy of music education in Canada and the US is one of social control. By the twentieth century, North American music educators used choral singing and music listening to teach music literacy skills to groups assumed to be in need of ‘improvement’: the working class, immigrants, and school-age children. Deploying so-called good music to improve moral character and instill national pride, their goal was to create docile citizens content with their place in society and committed to hard work. Exclusions, stereotyping, and arbitrary standards in music education still construct acceptable musics and musical behaviours along lines of race, gender, class, and sexuality that support the status quo and maintain social order. Uprooting music education practices from these manifestations of the Deleuzian refrain that constrains the profession opens spaces for transformative musical and educational potentialities.  相似文献   

论高等学校科学研究的教育性原则   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
高等学校科学研究的教育性原则,意指高校中的科研活动都应有利于教育目标,尤其是德育目标的实现。本原则为高校科学研究行为设定了一条道德底线,它所规范的主要是教师的科研行为,所调节的主要是科研活动中的师生关系。本原则是一个历史的范畴,是科研活动发展到“大科学”时代的产物。为贯彻这一原则,当前在我国高校特别需要做的是:重新定义高校的科学研究;引导研究者更自觉地恪守科研道德和学术操守;将科研引入教学过程;摒弃科研的庸俗数量化指标,试行同行公开评议。  相似文献   

本文论证了将生命教育观应用到高职院校德育中的必要性和可行性,在此基础上将生命教育观追求的教育目标的生长性、教育内容的生活性、教育方法的主体性和教育评价的生成性应用到促进高校德育目标的反思与重构、内容的整合与选择、德育方法的优化和创新、德育评价的有效和激励中去。  相似文献   

本拟从社会的、历史的视角对当代美国高校道德教育的发展历程作一番梳理,以期对20世纪美国高校德育的历史沿革有一较清晰、系统的了解。  相似文献   

The article reconstructs the image of Turkey and the Turks that German education portrayed between 1820 and 1930. The analysis is based on educational periodicals and reference works from the historical eras of the German Confederation, the German Empire and the First World War, tracing the way old stereotypes persisted and new stereotypes arose. The study especially focuses on the opinions of German educationalists about schools in Turkey, Turkish women, Islam, the question of whether Turkey was part of Europe, and last not least on whether Ottoman educational policies were appropriate. Closely following the historical sources, the article shows how the opinions of German educationists changed according to the shift of Germany’s geopolitical interests, how their outlook went hand in hand with the views of the general press, and how they gradually came to a professional self-concept that contrasted ‘their’ educational system with what they believed was a ‘backward’ system in Turkey. At the same time they began to develop an interest in doing professional work in Turkey. The article can also be regarded as a contribution to the history of educational thinking in Germany in the course of the nineteenth century.  相似文献   

This article considers the usefulness of current models of leadership in change situations for an analysis of a historical case study of educational leadership. It uses the life of Sir George White (1842–1912) and his leadership in the field of education in Norwich and at the national level in the UK to examine the nature of effective leadership in a context of social change. The leadership traits of cultivating relationships, leading with a clear moral purpose, creating coherence through the communication of a strong vision, sharing knowledge and understanding the possibilities offered by change in a specific context, are used to frame the analysis of George White’s leadership style.  相似文献   

家国情怀是历史学科对"立德树人"根本任务的学科表达,也是"立德树人"对历史学科的具体诉求。以家国情怀为主题的研学实践活动,以学生的自我教育为导向,沿着历史学科史料实证的途径,在多层面、多层次、持续渐进的活动实践中认知家国情怀、内聚家国情怀,彰显活动的价值意义。  相似文献   

在全新的时代条件下,中国的高等教育在具有了更多发展机遇的同时,又面临着巨大的挑战。为了实现21世纪的教育目标,高等教育必须进行教育改革。高等教育的领导者们应通过系统化途径来提高教育质量和办学能力,通过系统化的思维和管理,提高整个系统的办学质量,从而实现预期的教育目标。  相似文献   

The author, a well-known Romanian academic and politician, reflects upon the nearly three years, beginning in December 1997, that he served as Minister of National Education. A member of the Democratic Coalition government, he was granted a mandate to undertake a massive and comprehensive reform of the whole Romanian education system. His aim was to remove the last vestiges of the communist heritage from it, to adapt it to European Union norms, and thus to enable Romania to meet the educational criteria for accession to the European Union. He set in motion a reform process that was even more profound than the earlier communist reform of Romanian education in 1948.  相似文献   

德育是高等教育的一个非常重要的方面。中美两国由于社会制度、文化历史状况的不同,在高校德育目标的设置及其实现途径的选择上有相异之处。但由于德育是人类最基本的教育活动,再加之中美两国今天所处的时代背景比较相似,这促使中美两国德育途径又具有一定的相似性。考察中美两国德育途径的异同,有助于我国以“美”为鉴,更好地开展高校德育工作。  相似文献   

冥思教育在中小学里的实践已经探索出多种有效形式,取得了很多宝贵的经验。一些国际实证研究发现,持续的冥思实践,既有助于学生调节注意力,改善学业成绩,也有助于提升学生的移情能力和社交能力,促进道德发展,提高个体幸福感,还有助于将自我的洞察和新感受扩展应用于社会服务和公共事务之中。这其中的效果可以从认知领域和非认知领域两方面加以机理性阐释。要准确理解冥思教育的性质和定位,有必要结合中华优秀传统文化来充分挖掘其蕴含的教育哲学价值,并且在充分准备的前提下,开展适合我国国情的冥思教育研究和实践。  相似文献   

Financial literacy education (FLE) typically focuses on teaching skills and capabilities that promote individual wealth accumulation—for example, the importance of working, budgeting and saving. In this article, we argue the need to move from an individual wealth accumulation focus in FLE to a praxis approach to FLE. We outline the shortcomings of the conventional approach to FLE and develop a conceptual framework for a praxis approach to FLE. We view praxis as the moral, ethical and caring aspect of teaching. Using the conceptual framework, we argue that a praxis approach to FLE includes full attention to: how financial decision-making affects others and self; acknowledging that some life decisions are not financially rewarding; understanding that improving financial mathematics skills and capabilities may not equate to an increase in income; how SES affects an individual’s ability to save and maintain long-term saving; and the ways in which gender, culture, values, psychological state, socioeconomic class and ethics shape identity and their impact on financial decision-making.  相似文献   

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