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工程问题是初中代数教学的重要内容 ,在传统教学中 ,几乎采取了同一种模式 ,即甲完成的工作量与乙完成的工作量之和等于全部工作量。这无疑限制了学生的思维 ,不利其数学素质的提高 ,现提出一类工程问题的另一种统一解法 ,供参考。在教学及训练过程中经常遇到这样的问题 :例 1 一件工作甲单独做比预定工期提前 2天完成 ,乙单独做比预定工期推迟 3天完成。若甲乙合做2天 ,余下工程由乙去做则刚好在预定工期内完成。求预定工期。分析 该问题是初中分式方程的应用 ,常规解法为 : 设预定工期为x天 ,得出方程2 (1x -2 1x 3 ) x -2x 3…  相似文献   

针对社会对高素质电子信息类人才的需求,在教学框架、教学平台、教学机制和教学模式上进行了整体设计;构建了以提高学生解决复杂工程问题能力为目标导向的教学实践、工程实践、创新实践和企业实践协同互补的实践育人模式,打破了学校与企业之间的地理界限,加强了知识融合与自我构建,提高了学生的动手实践能力、工程设计能力、科研创新能力和企业实践能力,为培养高层次、多样化、创造性的电子信息类人才进行了有益尝试。  相似文献   

会计电算化主要是指利用电子计算机技术代替手工记账、算账及报账等各种形式,最终使会计信息能够进行快速的收集、整理、输出以及进行相应的分析、预测和决策等。对于企业的内部控制来说,其主要是指在单位中不断提高会计的信息质量,更好的保证资产的安全性和完整性。  相似文献   

高校网站管理问题分析及解决方案   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文通过对高校网站建设与管理中存在的问题进行分析和研究,针对目前管理的现状及暴露出的种种弊端,提出一种利用统一的建站与维护平台对网站进行分级管理的解决方案,该方案在我校网站建设中已进入实施阶段。  相似文献   

陈庆军 《物理教师》2004,25(2):8-9,11
[问题]静止在水平地面上的汽车突然加速运行,运行距离s后获得动能Ek,设汽车运行中各种阻力恒为f,问在此过程中汽车做了多少功?  相似文献   

著名数学教育家波利亚在他的<怎样解题>一书中,谈到怎样拟定解题计划时写道:你若不能解这道题,那么试着去解决一个更容易着手的问题 ,一个更特殊的问题 ,一个类似的问题 .的确如此,对于一个聪明的解题者来说,先考虑问题的情形,从最容易解决的情况入手,然后再推广到一般的情形,往往能事半功倍.因此,在教学过程中,除了使学生学会用通法解题目外,还要有意识地引导学会探索,分析题目特有的内在关系,获得对这种关系的深刻认识,提出特殊的解法或发现新的规律.  相似文献   

We derive necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence and an expression of the (anti)reflexive solution with respect to the nontrivial generalized reflection matrix P to the system of complex matrix equations AX = B and XC = D. The explicit solutions of the approximation problem min x∈Ф ||X - E||F was given, where E is a given complex matrix and Ф is the set of all reflexive (or antireflexive) solutions of the system mentioned above, and ||·|| is the Frobenius norm. Furthermore, it was pointed that some results in a recent paper are special cases of this paper.  相似文献   

考察了非线性三阶三点特征值问题 {u^m(t)+λf(t,u(t),u′(t),u″(t))=0,0〈t〈1, u(0)=a,u′(η)=βu″(1)=γ, 其中非线性项f(t,u0,u1,u2)是一个强Caratheodory函数.证明了当a^2+β^2+γ^2〉0或者∫1 0|f(t,0,0,0)|dt〉0时存在λ^*〉0使得对于任何0〈λ≤λ^*,此问题至少有一个非平凡解。  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to analyze the early manifestations of gender identity. Authors speculate that 24-month-old children do not know their gender identity and sex roles. However, most of the time, the methods used are not really suited to the cognitive capacities of young children. Other studies have shown that, in fact, children at this age seem to adjust their behavior according to the gender characteristics of the situation and the sex of the partner. We therefore hypothesized that if children are able to exhibit such behaviors, then an internal gender system exists, even if at 24 months the cognitive capacities are not well established. In order to establish the existence of such a system at 24 months, we designed an experimental situation which did not involve complicated representational systems. Mixed-peer dyads and unmixed peer dyads (24 months old) were videotaped while playing in a room with gender-stereotyped toys. The children’s attitudes towards the objects and the partners were observed. The results indicate that gender directs children attitudes at 24 months.  相似文献   

To examine how visual attentional resources are allocated when learning from a complex animation about the cardiovascular system, eye movements were registered in the absence and presence of visual cues. Cognitive processing was assessed using cued retrospective reporting, whereas comprehension and transfer tests measured the quality of the constructed representation. Within the framework of Cognitive Load Theory, visual cues highlighting the subsystems of the heart were hypothesized to guide attention, reduce visual search and extraneous cognitive load, and enhance learning. As predicted, learners looked more often and longer at cued parts. However, we found no effects of cueing on visual search and cognitive load. With respect to cognitive processing, performance differences were found on the number of statements in the learners’ verbal reports. These findings suggest that visual cueing can guide attention in an animation, but other factors are also important in determining the effectiveness of visual cues on learning.  相似文献   

解决“三农”问题的长远出路在于城市化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
解决“三农”问题的长远出路在于城市化。城市化不断地扩大城市对农产品的需求,促进农业的商品化和市场化,推动农产品优质化和农业结构高级化。城市化为农村剩余劳动力不断创造新的就业机会,推动农地的相对集中和规模经营,不断提高农业生产率和农民人均收入水平。城市化有利于生态环境改善和可持续发展。推进城市化的关键在于农村剩余劳动力转移到城市并实现稳定就业,而在城市实现稳定就业的关键又在于加快城镇第二产业和第三产业的发展。  相似文献   

The study challenged the current practices in cognitive load measurement involving complex problem solving by manipulating the presence of pictures in multiple rule‐based problem‐solving situations and examining the cognitive load resulting from both off‐line and online measures associated with complex problem solving. Forty‐eight participants were recruited from a subject pool in the Educational Psychology department in a large research university in western USA. Results showed that the presence of pictures had no effect on learners' complex problem solving as measured by the response time and accuracy. However, the online measure (eg, pupillometric measures) revealed a change in cognitive load associated with the presence of pictures in complex problem solving. The authors concluded that different measures of cognitive load may actually be measuring separate aspects of cognitive load. Discussions were made on how research on multimedia learning and cognitive load could be advanced by carefully considering multiple aspects of cognitive load and by including the use of convergent measurement techniques to capture the variations of cognitive load involved in learning.  相似文献   

学分制是社会进步和发展对教育的要求,也是化解成人学习难题的有效途径。成人高等教育在高等教育中所占比重和所起作用越来越大,已成为高等教育中一个不能忽视的重要成分。成人高等教育实行学分制,是教育对社会主动适应的更全面的表现,同样是教育促进社会发展的重要因素。分析成人学习的特点及难题,促进成人高等教育学分制的实行,是当前以及今后较长时期的重要任务之一。对于社会、教育以及社会成员的发展都具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

本文针对作文教学中存在的现实性问题,提出了“构建开放的、活泼的、动态的学生全程自主作文训练体式”、“进行听说读写一体化训练”、“凸出思维训练”、“关注发展等级”、“把评改权还给学生”等解决方案,对提高作文教学效率有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

The development of a lifelong guidance system in Hungary Systematic work is currently being undertaken in Hungary to develop a lifelong guidance system, in line with principles outlined by leading international organisations. The origins of career guidance in Hungary, and the nature of the current career guidance system, are outlined. The main features of the current development programme, supported by the European Social Fund, are presented, alongside the strategic work of the National Lifelong Guidance Council. Key issues relating to these developments are discussed.  相似文献   

自西亚德政权被推翻后,索马里一直处于国家分裂、族群纷争、军阀混战的混乱状态,民族国家建构与发展出现严重倒退.索马里长期的无政府混乱状态是其民族国家重构面临的主要困境,索马里人的民族国家认同感模糊是造成困境的内因,而国际干预的失效与不足、周边国家力量的卷入等因素是出现困境的外因.索马里长期无政府混乱状态给索马里、非洲和世界带来了十分消极的影响,结束长期的无政府混乱状态、恢复国内和平与稳定、重构统一的索马里民族国家成为解决索马里问题的必由之路.索马里民族国家的重构是一项需要多边参与的"系统工程",国内各派政治力量实现民族和解、恢复国内和平是索马里民族国家重构的基本前提,国际社会的合理干预是索马里民族国家重构的必要条件.索马里过渡政府是索马里恢复和平、实现民族国家重构的国内中坚力量,但要在索马里民族国家重构中发挥主导作用仍受到很大掣肘,国际社会应继续进行必要的干预,帮助索马里实现民族和解和国家的和平稳定.只有在国际社会和索马里过渡政府的共同努力下启动国内和平进程,才能逐步实现索马里民族国家的重构.  相似文献   

提出了一个新思路求解一类偏微分方程在空间W1,2 0(Ω)上的解。先在空间W1,2 0(Ω)上的规范正交系{φk}m k=1 构成的有限维子空间中构造出方程的近似解,并通过能量估计定理将近似解取极限得到弱解,最后证明弱解的存在唯一性,从而得出弱解即是方程在W1,2 0(Ω)上的通解。  相似文献   

谈妥善解决弱势群体问题的对策及意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
弱势群体的产生和存在,有经济、社会文化、政策等诸多原因。这是构建和谐社会不可忽略的问题,必须引起党和政府的高度重视,只有妥善解决弱势群体问题,才能体现中国共产党立党为公、执政为民的先进性,才能体现社会主义制度的优越性,才能保证国家的长治久安和国民经济的健康发展。  相似文献   

帅娅玲 《海外英语》2016,(4):236-237
Nowadays, English has been an international language. In order to keep pace with the world, more and more Chinese people are learning English. However, a lot of Chinglish has been created because of the influence of Chinese culture and Chinese way of thinking. Although a lot of researches about Chinglish have been made, problems such as unclear definition of Chinglish, unclear reasons for Chinglish still exist. This thesis focuses on the definition, reasons,solutions of Chinglish.  相似文献   

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