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Summary and conclusions Suffering intensely from lack of funds for construction of trans mission facilities and under heavy criticism from commercial broadcasters, industry, some federal agencies, and other opponents of ETV expansion for their slow activation of educationally reserved channels, proponents of the ETV movement turned to Congress for help. In 1956, the idea of federal aid to ETV took specific shape with Leonard H. Marks, a Washington communications attorney, Senator Warren Magnuson, and those within the ranks of various educational institutions. Although under constant pressure from the U. S. Office of Education, the NAEB, the NEA, and other educational organizations and citizens who contributed long hours of testimony to show the need for federal assistance to ETV, Congress—especially the House of Representativeswas not altogether willing to enact legislation which would give the federal government even the slightest excuse for becoming involved in what was considered by many to be a state problem. Nevertheless, after considerable testimony and debate, including the addition of a strong “no Federal control” clause, Congress approved a modified version of Magnuson’s original bill; and what has proved to be the most significant development in educational television since the Sixth Report and Order of 1952, Public Law 87–447 provided $32 million for the construction of ETV facilities. Through the efforts of men like Marks, Magnuson, Roberts, and others of the Congress; of organizations such as the NAEB, the NEA, and the U. S. Office of Education; and because of the willingness of the American public to accept promising educational innovation at a time when it was most urgently needed—and via the controversial federal pursestrings, at that—ETV was probably snatched from the jaws of disaster. But now, for better or worse, it is with us to stay—a giant among the new educational technology of the twentieth century.  相似文献   

Conclusions Color television is so new that there is little concrete information on the subject. However, it seems logical to doubt that color will provide any general increased effectiveness to educational TV. In some areas, such as art and medicine, the impact may be great; but for the greater proportion of educational subjects, it will not contribute a great deal. In view of this, together with the present high cost of color TV, it would seem foolish for educational TV to delay development because color television is coming. The transition to color can always be made after the piomeering is done, when costs have gone down, when color receiver circulation is large enough to make color worth while, and when the numerous problems of color programming and production have been solved. What effect will color TV have upon educational TV programs? How expensive will color TV be for educational use? How will educational TV stations use color TV? What competition will commercial color TV offer to educational black and white TV stations? These questions are answered and an overview of the implications of color for educational TV is presented. E. G. Sherburne, Jr., was formerly Television Coordinator at the U. S. Navy Special Devices Center, Port Washington, Long Island, New York.  相似文献   

Conclusion Since studies on physiology have been extremely important in the field of reading, the potential importance of similar studies in instructional television cannot be overlooked. Overcrowded schools, the teacher shortage, and the rising cost of education make it imperative that schools consider every new device available to give children a better education. However, these devices must not be accepted at face value with no consideration of their possible improvement or potential. Educators must begin striving for improvement of these devices. A good beginning would be in the area of the physiology of television viewing. Note: ThisAVCR supplement also includes papers by Abraham S. Luchins, Howard H. Kendler, Robert Glaser, Frederick J. McDonald, and James Deese, who wrote the summary and called the issue “a mine of possible applications” for audiovisual specialists. Since its publication, the demand for additional copies has been brisk. A limited supply is still available at $1.50 per single copy from the Publications Sales Division, National Education Association, 1201 Sixteenth Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. The discount for more than ten copies is 20 percent; for two to ten copies, the discount is 10 percent.  相似文献   

Summary The WKAR-TV Program Analyzer,an electric rating summaration device,was used to test a inescope of a composite television program for farm men and homemakers entitledTown and Country. Additional phases of the experiment involved interviews with each group tested on the Analyzer and completion of a questionaire by each subject. The subjects consisted of 20 farm men, 20 rural homemakers and 20 urban homemakers. The WKAR-TV Program Analyzer tests included 10 subjects in each group. Testing the hypothesis that “like-dislike” ratings of a TV kinescope shown as a film correlate negatively with “I am learning” ratings, the author showed that the “liking” scale measured different attributes of the program than did the “learning” scale. Irving R. Merrill is Director of Research at TV Station WKAR-TV, Michigan State University.  相似文献   

This study investigated the nature of verbal interaction and interpersonal influence operating within middle‐class Midwestern families as they selected television programs for group viewing in their homes. A task‐specific Bales‐type coding scheme was used to analyze the talk generated by fathers, mothers, older and younger children. Interaction structure, ability to express a preference, preference consensus, and perceptions of influence reveal differential success in gaining access to favored programs. Younger children, who are known to control viewing under other circumstances, were the least successful participants in this verbal negotiation.  相似文献   

数字教育电视节目作为一种有效的现代教学手段,在现代教育和培训中发挥着重要的作用。首先对教育电视节目的类型作出了划分,接着借鉴韩国电视剧的成功经验,并将其与国内的教育电视节目作比较分析,提出教育电视节目的设计策略,最后提出传播策略,以期为国内数字教育电视的发展提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   

通过文献研究发现当前对数字教育电视节目的传播渠道及其在不同渠道的应用和创新推广问题研究比较缺乏,本研究就此问题对教育电视节目的专业制作人员开展调研。  相似文献   

The Duke University Precollege Program, Summer Residential Program for Verbally and Mathematically Precocious Youths, the By‐Mail and Commuter Programs are reviewed. These offerings allow brilliant young students to plan a multi‐summer program beginning in the summer prior to grade 8 and culminating in the senior year in high school. The residential life activities are reviewed. The relationship with the parochial, private, and public schools and teachers is explored.  相似文献   

The Japan Prize is probably the world's most prestigious international award for educational television programming. This article discusses how the contest is conducted, and reviews some of the criteria by which jurors determine prize winners, placing a particular emphasis upon the challenges involved in comparing productions from different cultures. The contest includes a number of professional activities for participants, including discussion sessions, seminars, visits to schools, and so on. Award‐winning programmes are distributed to a set of tape libraries located in different parts of the world, to serve as models for instructional television production. The Japan Prize serves to promote excellence in instructional television in a variety of ways.  相似文献   

The eye movements of 23 deaf subjects, ages 14 to 61 years, were recorded 30 times per second while the subjects watched four 2.5-minute captioned television programs. The eye movement data were analyzed to determine the percentage of time each subject actually looked at the captions on the screen. It was found that subjects gazed at the captions 84% of the time, at the video picture 14% of the time, and off the video 2% of the time. Age, sex, and educational level appeared to have little influence on time spent viewing captions. When caption speed increased from the slowest speed (100 words per minute, or wpm) to the fastest speed (180 wpm), mean percentage of time spent gazing at captions increased only from 82% to 86%. A distinctive characteristic of the data was the considerable variation from subject to subject and also within subjects (from video to video) in regard to percentage of time spent gazing at captions.  相似文献   

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