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In research on stress and strain within the teaching profession teachers appear not only as informants on the causes, effects and consequences of occupational stress and strain, but in the dominant personality-psychological analyses they are also viewed and treated empirically as central influence factors. However, as research only systematically collates person-related characteristics a primacy of these factors over person-independent, framework-related and relationship-based aspects cannot be empirically founded in this one-sided research. Therefore, it is argued here that organization-psychological approaches to research are required, which look at both the structural and profession-specific characteristics of schools as a workplace and of the professional work of teachers. These approaches would facilitate a situational analysis, including framework conditions, of stress and strain within the teaching profession. This would lead to a more balanced empirical basis for a differentiated analysis and an integration of personal characteristics – on the one hand – and work and situational conditions – on the other – and eventually enable attempts at integrating both approaches.  相似文献   

Die kürzlich kundgemachte UG-Novelle, BGBl I 2011/13, sieht ein Anmeldesystem, die Verpflichtung zur Inanspruchnahme einer Studienberatung sowie eine „Straffung“ der Vorgaben der Studieneingangs- und Orientierungsphase vor. Diese Vorgaben sind nicht frei von Widersprüchen und dürften in der Umsetzung einige Schwierigkeiten bereiten, vor allem aber auch enormen administrativen Mehraufwand bewirken.  相似文献   

Efforts to break the link between the school type attended and the qualification awarded are seen an important step in the modernization of Germany??s tracked secondary school system. However, it remains disputed whether these efforts have reduced social disparities or in fact increased them. This study examined the transition from lower secondary education in academic- and intermediate-track schools to upper secondary education in general and vocational gymnasium schools in the state of Baden-Württemberg. When indicators of parental social background and school-leaving qualifications were controlled, the opening of upper secondary education was found to be associated with a decrease in the social selectivity of upper secondary education for intermediate-track students. At the same time, for those intermediate-track students who were entitled to enter upper secondary education, social background had predictive effects on the transition decision; however, the overall size of these effects was low.  相似文献   

This contribution has the objective of analyzing the school success of pupils, whose parents chose a school with a higher academic profile than recommended by their teachers. On the basis of longitudinal data for a complete transition cohort of 81,811 pupils in Lower Saxony, Germany, we will investigate the link between teachers’ recommendations for school-type at the end of year 4, the parents’ choice of school-type and pupils’ ultimate success. The criterion used here for measuring success is reaching year 7 without repeating a year. 15% of the parents chose a school-type with a higher academic profile than had been recommended. All groups of pupils with conflicting recommendations and eventual choice—whether for the academically-oriented Gymnasium or the more vocationally-oriented Realschule—were generally successful. Overall 12% of the total sample is successfully studying at a school-type of higher academic profile than recommended. These results mean that educational resources are not being fully exploited and educational chances restricted.  相似文献   

The assumption of specific functions and expectation of specific effects, which are prevalent in discussions concerning teachers’ sabbatical years, have only been looked at in a small number of qualitative German-language studies. This contribution will add to such research efforts by investigating this special career-model empirically on the basis of a sample of 241 teachers, who took a sabbatical year in 2009/2010. We will show which motives lead to teachers taking a year out of their profession. Links between different motivations and job-related stress, staff resources, job satisfaction and having particular job-related styles of behavior will be investigated. In this way, the article will analyze whether in view of the fact that teachers tend to be exposed to continuous high demands the programmatic characterization of a sabbatical year as a preventative, intervention measure concurs with the motives of sabbatical-taking teachers or whether instead a more complex picture emerges after consideration of different job-related settings and personal situations. In the end, the analysis shows that the decision for a sabbatical can only be seen as a reaction to professional strain in a limited number of cases.  相似文献   

In reviews of university teacher training, the parts of the curriculum based on educational science are often criticized as missing practical relevance and being non-cumulative. At the same time, uncertainty exists regarding which educational science based content is important for teacher candidates. The objective of the Delphi study presented here was the identification of core educational science content in university training. To this aim, a survey was carried out amongst 49 experts from different subject areas and phases of teacher training in three rounds using a standardized questionnaire. In the first round, 213 topics were specified, which were then assessed by experts regarding their importance for various aspects of the teaching profession. In the second and third rounds, which had the objective of reducing the number of topics, the experts chose a limited number of topics based on their relevance for university teacher training and for the practical success of teaching itself. The results show that the original list was comprehensive and that there is a consensus among most of the experts on their respective importance for teaching training.  相似文献   

In Germany, different types of university-level institutions are available for tertiary education: traditional universities (Universit?ten) and??since the 1970s??universities of applied science (Fachhochschulen) as well as universities of cooperative education (Berufsakademien). The present study investigates differences in key areas related to students?? academic choices and success: do students at different types of university differ significantly in terms of cognitive performance, personality or social background? We compared N?=?1.230 students at traditional universities, universities of applied science, and universities of cooperative education (Baden-W??rttemberg Cooperative State University) on the basis of a large scale longitudinal study in the German federal state of Baden-W??rttemberg. Students of the different university types differed significantly in all three key areas (cognitive performance, personality, and social background) within the fields of technical sciences and economics. We determine the relative importance of these key areas for differences between university types and we discuss the implications of our findings.  相似文献   

一、so…that…意思是“如此……以致于……,”当其句型为肯定式,并且主从句主语一致时,能用enough to do sth.进行改写,其意义不变。如:  相似文献   

What If Life…?     
What护l诉onlx loted ad叮,Do”u think勿e’d即preei曲it beuer尸What护l诉、。liko hell,DO you thinkwe叨ould dreanz尸About al诉like weh创e now尸What护l诉、。hnd。。丫hi赐Do you‘hink it叨ould岁t boring尸平勺、ant~therl诉夕Yourl诉15 Pe价et alre吐吟.What If L  相似文献   

This paper further explores some interesting properties of the infinite exponential series, or called tower of powers, with a rigorous proof of its convergence in a positive interval.  相似文献   

The increasing use of competence models for modelling domain specific knowledge in school raises the question to what extent such models can represent cognitive processes. The article analyses the recent development of models for competence scales, competence stages, competence structures and so-called cognitive diagnostic models and taxes their value in the context of subject specific educational sciences and developmental psychology.  相似文献   

0 .9<1还是 0 .9=1 ?这是一个早有定论的老问题了。但不少教师对这个问题还是模棱两可 ,因此 ,笔者认为有必要介绍几种推算 0 .9·的值的方法 ,供广大教师参考。   1 性质推算法   0 .9·=0 .99… =9×0 .1 1… =(1 0 -1 )× 0 .1 1…=1 .1 1… -0 .1 1… =1 .   2 简单推理法   19=0 .1 1… =0 .1 ·   29=0 .2 2… =0 .2·  ……   89=0 .88… =0 .8·  由上可看出 ,当分子是 9时 ,则 99=0 .9·,亦即 0 .9·=99=1 .   3 扩倍计算法  ∵  19=0 .1 1… ,  ∴  19× 9=0 .1 1…× 9=0 .9·.  即  0 .9·=19× …  相似文献   

This article provides historical and legal context for recent U.S. Supreme Court school desegregation decisions. The Supreme Court's race-based and race-neutral arguments from Brown (1954) to Parents Involved (2007) are examined within their broader context. Policy implications and potential support for diversity goal arguments given the Obama administration's appointments of Sonia Sotomayor and Elana Kagan as the 111th and 112th Supreme Court Justices are considered in light of enduring issues and guiding ideals delineated over half a century ago in Gunnar Myrdal's landmark study of race in the United States, An American Dilemma.  相似文献   

Youth with no or only a lower secondary school degree (Hauptschulabschluss) are increasingly disadvantaged in terms of access to vocational education and training (VET). Their lower chances of obtaining a trainee are explained by the claim that an increasing number of them are ??not mature enough for VET??. These young people would not (yet) meet the training requirements??so the criticism. So far there are no empirical studies that have shown whether such immaturity can indeed serve as an appropriate explanation for differences in training chances of less-educated youth. This paper answers this question by analyses using a panel survey of school leavers after grade 9 from the Hauptschule in Lower Saxony. Central results are: About 45?% of the school leavers had successfully entered into an apprenticeship within three months. School grades in German and mathematics were less important than grades for work attitudes and firm-internships while still at school. In general, our analyses reveal that social behaviour and a firm??s opportunities to discover the strengths of low-achieving youths and not only their weaknesses are important factors for the chances of successful transitions into training.  相似文献   

Education policy and educational practitioners have increased their demand for evidence-based knowledge. In 2003, the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs (KMK) decided to establish a core dataset for individual-level administrative school statistics, the ?Kerndatensatz für schulstatistische Individualdaten“, to close the gaps in education statistics and to support evidence-based policy. In the federal state of Bremen, individual-level student data has been collected since 1997/98. These data are of great value for educational planning and policy, educational reporting, as well as educational research, as the analysis of individual educational trajectories depends on the availability of individual-level longitudinal data. Using the Bremen data, this paper demonstrates that highly relevant issues regarding the education system can indeed be analyzed with individual-level student data. Examples include: the effects of age at school entry, educational trajectories and graduation certificates. The results show that demographic information and critical events during early years of education are good predictors for educational success. These findings highlight the potential for student-level data in establishing education policy.  相似文献   

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