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祝兴平 《新闻界》2007,(6):66-67
本文对国内不同类型财经报纸的市场定位作了比较分析,并对财经报纸发展至为关键的营销策略作了探讨.  相似文献   

忻志伟 《传媒》2009,(3):38-40
报纸营销是报业经营活动的重要组成部分,也是报业经济链中关乎全局的一环。处在竞争日趋激烈的媒介生态环境中,无论是党报还是都市报都在营销方面谋新思远。本期报业观察聚焦于此,与您一道探索适合当前报业市场化现状的报纸营销方式。  相似文献   

我国真正意义上的财经媒体的出现不过是最近十数年的事,财经媒体格局与受众的变化对财经新闻人才提出了更高的要求。《中国经营报》总编李佩钰把财经媒体受众的变化概括为三点,一是整体数量的变化,随着国家的经济社会的发展,关注经济活动的人群的增多,财经类报纸的受众总量在快速增长。现在读财经类报纸不仅仅是经济活动的参与者,还有一些关注经济活动的人群,比如读这些报纸有企业界的人士,有做经营的人士,  相似文献   

正近年来,随着社会经济改革进程的加快,我国新财经报纸逐渐蓬勃发展,受到了社会公众越来越多的关注,同时舆论监督作为现代化新闻媒体市场的重要组成部分之一,对于市场正常运行的维护有着实质性的积极影响。因此,本文对新财经报纸舆论监督的发展状况进行了探讨。新财经报纸的舆论监督随着社会经济的飞速发展,我国财经报刊应运而生,在某种程度上直接影响着我国整体经济的发展状况。目前我国新财经报纸对市场经济的影  相似文献   

目前我国报纸营销的总体水平仍然不高,营销活动常常缺乏整体规划和科学的营销手段。同时,以互联网为代表的新媒体迅速发展,使媒体环境发生巨大变化,对报纸营销构成新的冲击,迫使报纸更新营销理念,精确化营销、关系营销等成为大势所趋。  相似文献   

尹涛 《传媒》2015,(2):29-31
活动营销在报纸经营中占有越来越重要的地位,据统计,2013年在报纸广告的主要业务中,增长的只有3个类别,其中活动类占到了第二位,增长12.3%,可见活动营销在报纸广告经营中的作用.好的活动对于报业来说,不仅能够完善创收模式,丰富媒体内容,而且能够实现跨媒体融合.如何做好活动营销,充分发挥媒体整合资源和信息传播的优势?在实际操作中,有哪些行之有效的方法?笔者结合《天津日报》的实践,就如何做好报纸活动营销,作一些经验分享.  相似文献   

胡广梅 《新闻界》2008,(6):28-30
本文从导致这种现象的根本性症结——市场定位入手,试以我国几家主流的新财经报纸为例,首先强调了市场定位决定内容提供.剖析其精英化定位的深层原因及弊端,同时也借鉴世界主流财经媒体《华尔街日报》的定位思路.对我国新财经报纸“平民化”的可能性和必要性进行分析,提出了向“成长人群”扩展的现实出路。  相似文献   

连娜  叶东坡 《新闻界》2014,(2):55-58
随着"终端制胜"观念的流行,社区作为人们生活的重要空间和商品的销售终端,也成为报社活动营销的重要场所。本文认为报纸社区活动营销可以实现:零距离推广,实现报纸品牌增值;开发新闻源,改进报纸内容;掌控读者群,促进发行与资源整合;增值、开发广告客户。报纸社区活动营销可以通过休闲娱乐活动、服务活动以及展览活动等形式展开。在进行报纸社区营销活动时要注意以下几点:选择社区;精心策划;整合资源;高效执行。  相似文献   

正几年前,全国地市报纸经营形式比较单一,报纸的收入来源主要靠版面广告。然而,现在随着全媒体时代的到来,各种媒体形式以极快的速度进入人们的视野,广告经营的竞争也日趋激烈,广告客户对广告形式及效果要求越来越高。如何开辟主流行业之外新的广告经营增长点,成为地市级报社广告经营者越来越重视的问题。地市报人通过几年的摸索达成了一个共识:只有多种形式的活动营销,能为报业带来新的盈利模式。活动营销的概念及类型  相似文献   

作为专业化、市场化的报纸,新兴财经报纸非常重视自身的品牌建设,品牌正逐渐成为新兴财经报纸的重要文化标志,成为新兴财经报纸个性和实力的集中体现。为了获得读者对报纸品牌的认知度、忠诚度和美誉度,新兴财经报纸在品牌构建中越来越重视公共关系的运作和公共关系策略的实施。  相似文献   

徐萍 《新闻界》2008,(4):76-77
本文对数字报纸和报业升级转型的战略选择进行了分析。  相似文献   

晚清时期报人、读者借助于报刊小说建构起了以社会批判话语为核心的公共领域,报刊小说成为晚清时期聚集主流社会文化的载体,对于推动社会变革起到了重要作用。  相似文献   


The impact of financial markets on media management practices is apparent in Canada, where public trading in newspaper company shares has contributed significantly to concentrated press ownership. Fluctuations in newspaper share values have often shaped firm strategies as a result. This paper presents the Southam newspaper chain as a case study of the impact of financial markets on newspaper management practices. Historical analysis is used to show how Canada's oldest and largest newspaper chain, which was known for its commitment to quality journalism and for allowing its local publishers editorial independence, made a fateful decision when it went “public”; with a share issue in 1945. The increasingly widespread ownership of its stock led to Southam's gradual takeover in 1996 by Hollinger Inc., which cut costs and reduced staff chain‐wide. Sale of the Southam newspapers in 2000 to CanWest Global Communications has seen editorial control centralized at company headquarters and partisan support shown for the ruling federal Liberal party, contrary to Southam's founding principles. As a result, the Canadian Senate began hearings into the media in 2003, bringing the possibility of government regulation to reverse the impact of financial markets on the management of media firms there.  相似文献   

Newspapers that seek first-mover advantage too often have expended financial capital and personnel resources on new media initiatives without fully appreciating the obstacles or the potential outcomes, an approach that may be understandable in an increasingly competitive marketplace fueled by the explosive growth of the Internet. Newspaper editors still question whether and how to integrate their Internet editions into existing newsrooms in hopes of leveraging the strengths of each. A survey of 63 major metropolitan U.S. newspaper editors showed that these managers have a high level of commitment to integration. In addition, a statistically significant relationship was found between multiple procedural or policy factors and management perception that integration had met management objectives. If integration between the newspaper and its online service is the desired outcome, the most important factors appear to include having a partnership with other media, instituting a converged news desk that handles stories regardless of medium or distribution method, having management commitment to integration, equalizing perceptions of status between newspaper workers and online workers, empowering online staff to actively participate in planning meetings, utilizing the online service for breaking news that occurs off-publication cycle, and encouraging print-side staff members to generate content for exclusive use online.  相似文献   

Riot reporting is one aspect of newspaper coverage that can drive people into the streets in acts of collective protest or violence. Media observers and scholars have proposed that the language of Indian newspapers, be it English or vernacular, partially dictates the kinds of riot events reported and the quality of those reports. I tested whether this conventional wisdom holds by investigating the content of Indian riot coverage in the English Times of India and Hindu Hindustan. While Hindustan emphasized official statements and interviews with political parties, neither newspaper accurately represented the actual number of riots in their reporting. In fact, coverage in both papers followed predictable patterns likely driven by a new focus on selling newspapers at any cost in order to increase advertising revenue. This study contributes to a growing literature highlighting the similarities between media outlets and the degree to which their reporting is removed from actual events.  相似文献   

This study investigates effects of market competition on newspaper diversity in Taiwan. Using Simpson's D, this study found that overall newspaper market diversity increased after a new daily newspaper entered the market. Although overall diversity increased, the traditional newspapers decreased their content diversity. The new newspaper offered a higher level of content diversity than traditional newspapers, which differentiated themselves by becoming more specialized.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of ownership structure on the financial performance of publicly traded newspaper companies. The results showed that the level of institutional ownership in a year was negatively associated with the subsequent year's profitability, as measured by return on equity and return on assets. Increased insider ownership in a given year was followed by decreased debt-to-equity ratio in the next year. Agency theory and financial control theory were discussed.  相似文献   

报网融合的现实瓶颈与模式建构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对报网融合多重困惑与艰难突围的解剖,探析制约报网融合的现实瓶颈,并在理性分析的基础上提出和建构了报网融合的三三模式。  相似文献   

触摸屏读报系统的引入是图书馆数字化建设的有机组成,它不仅实现了数字报纸资源的集成服务,也营造了舒适高效、时尚环保的阅读体验,在操作技术上表现出发行便捷、保存完整、检索精准的优势。图书馆应推进报纸资源的集成与共享,实现纸本与数字资源的合理配置与优化整合,加强与产品研发商与报业集团的沟通合作,推介与普及数字阅读理念,从而赋予图书馆报纸服务以新的内涵。  相似文献   

报刊的复合式典藏结构已经成为地方高校图书馆资源建设的潮流,随之兴起的对读者服务新模式的探索也逐渐引起图书馆界研究者的重视。泛信息化背景下,地方高校图书馆报刊工作应建立与读者需求相匹配的、高效率的服务机制,变革或者舍弃传统服务模式中低效率的流程,创新服务模式。然而调研发现,泛信息化背景下报刊读者身份与信息需求都发生了变化,而地方高校图书馆报刊资源并没有充分满足读者的信息需求。地方高校图书馆需要重新界定报刊阅览部的职能,重新制定电子资源与纸本资源典藏结构比例,以提升报刊信息的有效供给率。  相似文献   

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