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Help-seeking stigma is considered a major obstacle to seeking professional psychological services in Asian American college women. Informed in part by objectification theory and the psychological flexibility model of behavior change, the present cross-sectional study examines the role of disordered eating cognition and psychological inflexibility in help-seeking stigma among a sample of Asian American college women (N = 257). More specifically, this study examined whether disordered eating cognitions and psychological inflexibility would mediate the association between psychological distress and stigma tolerance for seeking psychological services in this group. Results revealed that both greater disordered eating cognition and greater psychological inflexibility were associated with lower stigma tolerance, and each of them uniquely mediated the association between greater psychological distress and lower stigma tolerance. These findings suggest that disordered eating cognitions and avoidance-based coping and beliefs may contribute to help-seeking stigma and its association with psychological distress. Limitations of the study and the directions of future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Research on Asian Americans and their psychological adjustment is limited. Consisting of two cross-sectional studies, the present investigation examined the relationships among self-concealment, mindfulness, emotional distress in stressful interpersonal situations, and general psychological ill-health in Asian American college students, and in comparison with European American counterparts. In the Asian Americans, self-concealment was found to be positively related to general psychological ill-health and negatively related to mindfulness. In both ethnic groups, mindfulness was found to be negatively related to general psychological ill-health. Findings suggest that, as seen with European American counterparts, both self-concealment and mindfulness may be important concepts in understanding the psychological adjustments of Asian American college students.  相似文献   

The authors examined cultural adjustment and psychological distress issues in 190 Asian and Latin American international college students. Findings revealed that Latin American students reported higher levels of psychological distress than did their Asian peers. Moreover, length of residence in the U.S. was negatively associated with psychological distress symptoms, and acculturative distress and intercultural competence concerns were positively related to psychological distress in both groups. Implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

文章主要立足本科第三批次招生的高等教育机构——独立学校学生的心理特点与心理困扰,分析了独立学院学生心理困扰的几个主要方面,并根据心理困扰的主要表现提出了相应的应对措施与对策。  相似文献   

The authors investigated ethnicity, self‐construal, and distress among African American and Asian American college students. African American students expressed more salient independent self‐construals, whereas Asian American students expressed more salient interdependent self‐construals. As hypothesized, among African American participants, distress was positively related to interdependent self‐construal and negatively associated with independent self‐construal. Contrary to prediction, the same pattern was found for Asian American participants. Multicultural clinical practice implications are presented.  相似文献   

The study examined African American, Asian American, and European American college students’ previous direct and indirect experiences of seeking professional psychological services and related attitudes. Survey data were collected from 254 European American, 182 African American and 82 Asian American college students. Results revealed that fewer African American and Asian American college students had sought professional psychological services, knew someone who had sought psychological services, and knew a close person who was diagnosed with a psychological disorder, relative to European American students. Furthermore, African American and Asian American participants showed less favorable attitudes on a variety of help-seeking attitudes, compared to the European American group.  相似文献   

This study examined the role of social support in moderating the relationship between psychological distress and willingness to seek psychological help in 158 Black and Latino college students from a large, predominantly White university. The authors found that a social support network served as a significant moderator for Black college students but not for their Latino counterparts. Implications of the findings are presented.  相似文献   

Treatment‐seeking and non‐treatment‐seeking transgender college students were examined with regard to victimization and psychological distress. Findings showed that transgender college students had elevated rates of distress as compared with college students who identified as men or women. Results indicated that treatment‐seeking and non‐treatment‐seeking transgender college students did not significantly differ with regard to psychological distress or experiences of victimization, with the exception of rates of suicidal ideation.  相似文献   

This study examined Asian American and Asian international college students' attitudes toward seeking online professional psychological help as well as traditional face‐to‐face professional psychological help. Results suggest that students had less favorable attitudes toward seeking help online than toward seeking help by traditional face‐to‐face means. Implications for counseling center services for Asian American and Asian international college students are discussed.  相似文献   

美军院校经过两百多年的发展,形成了比较完善的心理服务工作体系。文章介绍了美军院校心理服务工作的主体、主要内容和特点,总结了美军院校的心理服务工作对我军院校开展心理服务工作的启示。  相似文献   

The role of higher education has changed in the United States. It has become a learning society where egalitarian pressures for equal opportunities led to the expansion of educational services to broader and more representative segments of society. Five propositions illustrate the current pressures for change. (1) Institutions of higher education no longer enjoy a monopoly on the provision of educational services. The learning society has given higher education new competition for the growing adult market. (2) The roles of education providers are increasingly blurred. (3) Higher education no longer has the full‐time commitment of students or of faculty. (4) Lifelong learning has become a lifelong necessity for almost everyone, which demands flexibility and responsiveness to change on the part of higher education. (5) A change is needed in the methods of teaching and learning to accommodate adult learners and to provide for the long‐ range needs of the learning society.  相似文献   

美国高校学生宿舍从早期承担的生活功能、管理功能,到近50年才开拓的教育功能,走过了漫长的历史。殖民时期,受英国牛津剑桥模式的影响,采用住宿学院制,宿舍主要作用是代替父母监督;内战结束后至19世纪后期,受德国大学影响,认为为学生提供宿舍没有意义;19世纪后期至20世纪中期,伴随赠地学院的发展,宿舍建设再次兴起,这个时期宿舍主要作用是为学生提供生活服务;20世纪60年代以后,宿舍教育功能被广泛认可,开始有目的地设计宿舍教育环境,宿舍成为学生课堂教育与非课堂教育的衔接,成为促进学生全面发展的教育资源。  相似文献   

美国是当代世界最为年轻的大国,也是发展速度最为迅速的国家。在美国的发展历程中,宪法所起的作用不容忽视。由于宪法完成了美国的政治统一,促进了领土开拓,保证了社会稳定,鼓励并推动了美国对外贸易的发展,重视并促进了科学技术的进步,才使美国迅速成为世界强国。  相似文献   

迫近的危机(4) 同样地,在有关扩张的辩论中,北方和南方都使用基本权利和自由这样的用语。但是“自由土地者”谈的是个人自由,南方人指的却是他们拥有一种特殊财产(奴隶)和对那种财产占有基础上保持一种生活方式的权利。捍卫自己的权利时,各方都根据对方对自己权利的侵害来评估对方。  相似文献   

最近,读了一些教师有关美国内战的文章,听过一些有关的课堂教学。有的教师提出;南北双方对政治权利的争夺才是内战爆发的根本原因,或日最深刻的原因。有的老师认为:美国内战爆发的根本原因,不是奴隶制的存废问题。而是维持国家统一的问题(这个问题的提法本身就有问题)。“美国内战爆发的终极原因到底是什么?这个问题似乎还在困扰着很多教师。我认为,通过认真研究分析内战爆发前10年间美国历史上的重要事件和现象,才能更准确地发掘出引发内战的核心问题。这里把20世纪90年代美国史学家在历史教科书中对此问题的叙述和分析加以展现。希望对理解这一问题能有所助益。  相似文献   

美国的教育体制决定了美国高校招生的多元化模式。标准化考试成绩只占美国大学录取要求25%的比重,其他75%的要求涉及学生高中学术课程的成绩和表现、能够体现出学生卓越综合素质的课外活动以及大学预科课程成绩等。能力档案取代标准化考试存在科学性和可靠性问题,在高校招生中不具有可操作性。借鉴美国高校招生的一些成熟经验,我国高校招生应充分科学地利用好学生高中三年的学术测评信息和非学业信息,建立国家综合素质评价标准,在高等教育中增设学校指导专业,为我国大规模实施综合素质评价和大学招生奠定专业人才基础。  相似文献   

Using national data, this study examined out-migration behavior of college graduates who attended in-state institutions in the United States. Unlike previous studies on the issue of student migration, in which researchers used a single equation approach, the present study employed a multi-level technique to assess the effects of factors from individual, institutional, and state levels on post-graduation migration. The study findings suggest that grant recipients, students who applied to multiple institutions, and college graduates from highly selective institutions are more likely to leave their native states, while Hispanics, college graduates from doctoral institutions, and students who reside in states with higher gross domestic product are more likely to remain in their native states.  相似文献   

对于大学生而言,体育锻炼是大学生活中必不可少的一部分,而克服心理障碍并养成持续性锻炼的习惯是重中之重。我们小组调查发现,心理效应对于大学生体育锻炼起着十分关键的作用。不同的心理因子对于大学生的体育锻产生不同的效果,且不同年级不同性别的同学由于心理状况不同,其对于自身体育锻炼状况以及体育认可程度也不同。  相似文献   

"督导见习"是培养与发展学校心理学者实践能力的一项有效的制度。本文在对该制度的产生及内涵进行概述的基础上,论述了"督导见习"在促进学校心理学者获得实践能力、提高理论与技术水平以及促进个人职业道德发展中的作用,并对该制度对我国当前学校心理教师专业化发展的启示意义进行深入的分析。  相似文献   

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