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Catalogs, application packages, and program materials from 106 business schools were analyzed to determine the degree of international coverage in business schools' curricula. The study found that 49% of the accredited schools and 33% of the non-accredited schools had international programs. In the accredited schools, 63% of the international programs were at the graduate level, whereas in the non-accredited schools, 92% were at the undergraduate level. Moreover, 92% of the AACSB accredited schools and 89% of the non-accredited schools offered international courses. The trend is to require international functional courses, such as international finance, in the traditional MBA programs and offer international functional courses as electives in the traditional BBA programs. In the BBA programs, there is an increasing tendency to offer foreign culture and foreign history courses. Several traditional MBA programs offer courses, such as global management or a general global business environment.  相似文献   

The need for rehabilitation and school counselors to develop more productive relationships is discussed. It is suggested that such relationships might be facilitated by the two disciplines sharing mutual courses in graduate school. It is further suggested that the following subject material be considered in developing these mutual courses: (a) educational-occupational information, (b) personality theory, (c) history of counseling, (d) counseling as a generic base, and (e) practicum training. Other benefits of such a curriculum are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper suggests the basis for a successful staff development programme in universities using a “concerns‐based” model. It argues for a deliberative approach to staff development where the concerns of academic staff determine the strategies adopted. Such an approach is multi‐dimensional and dynamic. By incorporating a continuous arid deliberate reflective process it can accommodate a wide range of strategies and adaptations as needs change and develop. In these terms the traditional staff development programme based on a narrow “objectives” model is rejected because it fails to take contextual factors adequately into account and is unable to adapt continuously to changing circumstances. The argument is illustrated by reference to a programme based on this model at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand.  相似文献   

天津市普通高中校本课程开发活动在多方面的努力下取得了一些成效和经验。课程政策整体谋划和规范了学校的课程开发行为,强调了科研先导和特色学校的示范引领作用。在实施过程中,学校课程领导在组织和管理方面进行了不懈的努力和创新,以教师为主体开展了创造性探索,专家通过课题研究带动、专题讲座和实践审议与指导等多种途径发挥了专业支撑作用。  相似文献   

This article presents an analysis of the way art is conceptualised in the British primary school curriculum and provides an historical framework that maps an evolution of ideas that have shaped the way art is presented in the modern day primary curriculum. In order to achieve this a Foucauldian style genealogical analysis is utilised to trace the discourses (systems of meaning) surrounding the nature of children's artistic development and how these discourses are used in the present day British primary curriculum to construe art in different ways. The analysis in this article is threefold. It explores the presentation of art in the curriculum as (1) an expressive subject, (2) a skills based subject, (3) a subject which focuses on art history and art appreciation. Second, the teaching positions associated with each approach are identified as follows (a) the facilitator, (b) the expert and (c) the philosopher; as well as the issues teachers face when adopting these positions. Third, attention is given to how these theoretical principles might be linked to practice. In so doing this article contributes to the debate surrounding the value of art in the primary curriculum and the way in which the curriculum serves to shape teaching practice.  相似文献   

课程评价:从学业成就评价走向学业评价   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在新课程的背景下,传统课程评价以学生学业成就评价为依据具有不合理性,因此对学生的评价应从学生学业成就评价走向学生学业评价,强调学业过程、学生发展和活动表现,让学生学业真正满足社会和个人未来发展的需要。  相似文献   

课程改革与发展呼唤新型的课程评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘志军 《天中学刊》2006,21(4):15-17
课程改革活动促进了人们对课程评价问题的关注和研究,但从课程评价的现状看,课程评价却被过于泛化,而泛化的结果使课程评价被淹没在其他一般性的课程评价之中,从而削弱了对课程评价的研究。因此,还原课程评价的本来面目,并在我国课程改革的大背景下,形成具有自己特色的课程评价研究领域,这对于建构课程理论与教育评价以及我国的课程改革都将具有重要意义。  相似文献   

This article addresses preschool education as an integral part of the general education system in the Republic of Kazakhstan. This article describes problems related to preschool and certain areas of school development, such as early childhood development, communication, socialisation, creative thinking and leadership. The three studies described below illustrate efforts to increase the early literacy of low-income pre-schoolers: Training child care providers to implement early literacy curriculum, comparing materials and coaching to support early literacy, and assessing the impact of a statewide multipronged teacher support strategy to improve early literacy. Consequently, high school has a powerful potential for developing the leadership potential of students. Because further development of society depends on people with innovative thinking, imagination, and different ideas, there is a need for an ability as well as opportunity to develop leadership within school in order to allow students to see life prospects, to achieve specific goals, and to learn independently.  相似文献   

促进课程发展的学校评价指标体系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学校评价改革是新一轮基础教育课程改革的重要突破口之一,建立符合新课程发展需要的发展性学校评价体系,正逐渐成为我国当前教育改革亟需解决的重要问题。促进课程发展的学校评价指标体系是在发展性教育评价理论基础上进行构建的。其主要内容包括学校目标体系、学校保障体系、学校发展能力体系、学校成效。对这一体系的研究可以深入地推进我国基础教育课程改革的顺利发展,进而提高我国基础教育的质量。  相似文献   

美国、英国、新加坡等国的研究和实践主导着学校评估发展的国际趋势:学校评估模式的改善/绩效问责取向、学校评估标准的效能/品质取向、学校评估机制建设的专业取向.这些经验和趋势启示我们:选择改善/绩效问责模式、遵循输入-过程-输出框架、加强结果使用与评估支援、逐步完善学校督导评估机制,以解决我国学校督导评估中存在的问题,提高评估质量,并进一步加强国家教育评估能力建设.  相似文献   

英国学校道德教育中的一些成熟做法值得我们借鉴。分析英国学校德育的几个基本内容,介绍英国学校道德教育中值得借鉴的经验,论述英国学校德育对我国的启示。  相似文献   

学习体验调查是评价课程质量的重要方式。发达国家历经40多年发展,已形成了比较成熟的课程学习体验调查工具,为我国高校课程评价改革提供了可资借鉴的经验。我国高校开展课程学习体验调查,应借鉴国际典型量表的有益经验,结合我国高校课程教学的实际与时代要求,以质量改进为目的,以学生良好学习体验形成的内在机理为主线,从课程目标、学习过程、资源平台、效果反馈等维度设计评价指标及其选题。  相似文献   

课程建设是促进学校内涵发展的重要策略之一。上海市进华中学在上海“二期课改”精神指导下,坚持为学生一生发展奠基的理念,以课程建设为抓手,逐渐形成了数学学科的“龙头效应”,陶艺教育的互通教学,特长教育彰显创新意识,社会综合实践课程注重学生全面发展的新模式,并建设形成了以“成熟的校本课程体系,指引学生全面成长,促进教师队伍深度发展”为特征的课程良性发展系统。  相似文献   

校本课程开发:校长的职责与素质   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
“三级课程”的实施意味着原来属于国家的课程开发的权力部分地下放给了学校。学校拥有了部分的课程开发的权力,使得课程开发不再是学科专家和课程专家的专利,也使专家与学校共同开发课程的态势得以形成。但问题仍然存在,学校该如何利用这部分权力?这是一个庞大的课题,这里只是从比较微观的角度探讨作为一个校长,在校本课程开发中应承担那些职责、该拥有怎样的素质这两个问题。  相似文献   

近年来,英国政府推出多项措施,逐步对幼儿园课程内容进行了详细的规定,其幼儿园课程内容包括六大领域,即个性、社会性和情感发展,交流、语言和读写,解决问题、理解和算数,认识和了解周围的世界,身体发展,创造性发展。幼儿园课程设置的主要特点是课程内容注重生活化,课程实施突出现代化,课程评价力求客观性。同时,幼儿园课程设置呈现出以下趋势,即改进课程理念,强调"保教一体化";完善课程内容,综合性与基础性并重;重视多元文化,提倡全纳性的幼儿园课程。  相似文献   

教育技术知识在教师知识中经历了从无到有,从辅助性知识要素到核心知识要素的过程。在信息技术与课程整合理念的影响下,整合教育技术的学科教学知识(TPACK)已逐渐成为教育技术知识研究的基本取向。为充分发挥现代信息技术在课堂教学中的优势,应寻求教师的教育技术知识与学科具体目标及内容的深度整合,并于该过程中坚持以教师为主导关涉教学情境针对学科特征及持续建构生成的原则。  相似文献   

面对滚滚而来的信息化浪潮,世界上发达国家和地区都非常重视信息科学与技术对社会、教育的影响和作用,制定了以培养学生信息素养为目标的信息素养课程,以迎接挑战。国外中小学信息素养课程的设置呈现出发展性、工具性、层次性、灵活性以及整合性的特点。要提高我国中小学生的信息素养,就必须从课程目标、课程内容、课程实施以及课程评价等方面加以改进。  相似文献   

课程规划是课程实施的的本质要求,对国家课程、地方课程和校本课程进行规划与实施是学校的责任和权力.如何规范制订学校课程规划,给学校以理论上的指导和实践中的参考,是亟待研究的现实课题.本文构建了学校课程规划的基本框架,并对框架中的各部分予以具体阐述.  相似文献   

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