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丁霄霖  檀亦兵 《科技通报》1996,12(6):329-332
适于脱水的白蘑菇属于热敏性物料,而目前的脱水工艺中热变性的确定主要由来源于感官的试验所确定。本文对白蘑菇这种加热易变性的物料采用差热扫描分析进行研究,以期在包含上述三类物质的复合体内,找到控制热变性温度的依据。本研究对适于脱水的白蘑菇进行了差热扫描变性分析,得出了五种含水率及五种加热速率下的热变性温度变化规律,并讨论了短期贮藏及瞬时高温对热变性温度区的影响,得出了白蘑菇的含水率、升温速率和瞬时高温  相似文献   

中国传统医学认为,"肾为先天之本","肾藏精,主生长、发育、生殖","肾主骨,生髓、通脑","肾主纳气,肾主水液","肾开窍于耳","肾司二便","腰为肾之府"……总之,肾脏的健康说明了人体生长、发育、生殖系统的活力。如果肾虚了,就会出现一系列衰老的现象,并引发身体诸多疾  相似文献   

牛梭菌性疾病是由梭状芽孢杆菌属细菌所引起的一类急性传染病。病牛表现为突然发病,无临床症状突然死亡,一般为一种或几种病菌混合感染,生前很难确诊。本试验采用常规的病理学诊断方法,对来我动物医院的一例疑似犊牛梭菌病病例进行了病理学观察,为以后相关疾病的诊断和治疗提供参考资料。结果表明,眼观犊牛死后呈全身僵直,后腹部皮下水肿,腹腔内积有多量透明、红色的渗出液,肠系膜出血,肠系膜淋巴结淤血、水肿、出血,皱胃及小肠粘膜出血;镜下可见心、肝、脾、肺、肾均有不同程度病理变化,尤其肺、肾呈现弥漫性血管内凝血现象。  相似文献   

采用病理解剖、HE染色法对2例确诊为患鞭虫病的猪的小肠、大肠、肠系膜淋巴结、心、肝、肺等进行组织学观察,结果表明:该病主要发病部位为结肠和盲肠,病猪结肠和盲肠粘膜上皮完全脱落,粘膜表面和深层可见寄生虫断面,虫体周围包囊形成。肝脏和肾脏出现不同程度的淤血和变性。肠系膜淋巴结充血、出血,淋巴小结发达。其它脏器未见异常病变。  相似文献   

在祖国医学对溃疡性结肠炎的认识的基础上,以"肾主二便"为理论根据,认为肾与脾及大小肠关系密切和"脾肾阳虚"为溃疡性结肠炎发病之本,从"肾主二便"的角度探析中医药对溃疡性结肠炎的诊治.以"肾主二便"理论中"温肾健脾""利小便以实大便"的方法治疗溃疡性结肠炎恢复人体整体平衡,从而起到治疗溃结的作用,为溃疡性结肠炎的诊疗及研究提供有效的参考价值.  相似文献   

睡眠和觉醒是人和高等动物维持生命活动所必需的普遍生理现象,二者随昼夜的节律而交替出现。祖国医学认为,睡眠和觉醒是生理活动,是人体阴阳消长出入变化所产生的,《灵枢问篇》说:“阳气尽,阴气盛,则目瞑;阴气盛,而阳气尽,则寤矣”;是人体气血运行和人体适应自然界变化而产生的必然结果《,灵枢营卫会篇》说:“卫气行于阴二十五度,行于阳二十五度,分为昼与夜,……。”《灵枢卫气篇》说:“阳气尽于阴,阴受气矣。其始入于阴,常从足少阴注于肾,肾注于心,心注于肺,肺注于肝,肝注于脾,脾复注于肾为一周。”是说夜间卫气以肾、心、肺、肝、脾、五行…  相似文献   

1997年12月收到召开第三届国际耳穴诊治学术研讨会的通知,征文内容有“耳穴国际标准化方案的设想和研讨”,引起作者1985年对“耳穴国际标准化方案”(草案)关于耳背“上心、下肾、内肺、中脾、外肝”的不同见解的思考,当年作者认为耳背:心、肾、肺、脾、肝与耳廓正面的五脏是对称的,但未被采纳,在1987年6月在韩国  相似文献   

<正>中医对肾的生理病理认识并不局限于肾脏局部,其范围、含义要广得多。中医所指的肾,涉及现代医学的泌尿、生殖、内分泌、中枢神经及血液系统等方面。肾除了主持人体水液代谢外,还主藏精、主骨生髓、司二便、开窍于耳、主管人体生长发育、生殖繁衍等生理功能。由于肾所主的器官大多在腰以下,所以又有腰为肾之府之说。护肾记住6个八字箴言1.适量饮水,不要憋尿每天喝足够的水并及时排尿,可以预防尿路感染,还可以减少尿路结石的  相似文献   

王国玮 《金秋科苑》2011,(24):123-124
冬季养生的基本原则是敛阴护阳为本。人体能量和热量的总来源在于肾,“火力”旺,说明肾脏机能强,生命力也强;反之,生命力弱。冬天,肾脏机能正常,则可调节机体适应严冬的变化。 肾的功能 传统中医理论认为肾为“先天之本”、“生命之源”。其生理功能是藏精、主水、主纳气、主骨、生髓,跟人的骨骼、血液乃至牙齿、耳朵都有很大的关系。  相似文献   

小儿咳嗽变异型哮喘是一种以咳嗽为主症的特殊类型哮喘,是小儿呼吸系统重要的疾病之一。因为小儿特殊的生理、病理特点,当各脏腑功能失调,津液代谢功能紊乱,容易导致病理性产物的产生,造成该病各种临床症状的出现。虽然咳嗽变异性哮喘病位在肺,但与肝脾肾心密切相关。文章总结各个医家的观点,从肺、脾、肝、肾几个方面辨证论治小儿咳嗽变异性哮喘,为临床诊治提供有效的参考。  相似文献   

Induction of diabetes by Streptozotocin in rats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The objective of this study is to induce experimental diabetes mellitus by Streptozotocin in normal adult Wistar rats via comparison of changes in body weight, consumption of food and water, volume of urine and levels of glucose, insulin and C-peptide in serum, between normal and diabetic rats. Intra-venous injection of 60mg/kg dose of Streptozotocin in adult wistar rats, makes pancreas swell and at last causes degeneration in Langerhans islet beta cells and induces experimental diabetes mellitus in the 2–4 days. Induction of experimental diabetes mellitus is indeed the first step in the plan of purification of pancreatic Langerhans islet cells of normal rats for transplanting under the testis subcutaneous of experimentally induced diabetic rats. Streptozotocin induces one type of diabetes which is similar to diabetes mellitus with non-ketosis hyperglycemia in some animal species. For induction of experimental diabetes in male adult rats weighted 250–300 grams (75–90 days), 60mg/kg of Streptozotocin was injected intravenously. Three days after degeneration of beta cells, diabetes was induced in all animals. The diabetic and normal animals were kept in the metabolic cages separately and their body weight, consumption of food and water, urine volume, the levels of serum glucose, insulin and C-peptide quantities in all animals were measured and then these quantities were compared. For a microscopic study of degeneration of Langerhans islet beta cells of diabetic rats, sampling from pancreas tissue of diabetic and normal rats, staining and comparison between them, were done. Induction of diabetes with Streptozotocin decreases Nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide (NAD) in pancreas islet beta cells and causes histopathological effects in beta cells which probably intermediates induction of diabetes. In this study, we used Streptozotocin for our experiments in induction of experimental diabetes mellitus. After Induction of diabetes, consumption of food and water, volume of urine and glucose increased in the diabetic animals in comparison with normal animals, but the weight of body and the volume of insulin and C-peptide decreased in the diabetic animals. Sampling and staining of pancreas tissue of diabetic and normal rats showed that the Langerhans islet beta cells of diabetic rats have been clearly degenerated. In three days, Streptozotocin makes pancreas swell and at last causes degeneration in Langerhans islet beta cells and induces experimental diabetes. It also changes normal metabolism in diabetic rats in comparison with normal rats. Consumption of water and food, volume of urine, serum glucose increases in diabetic animals in comparison with normal rats but the levels of serum insulin, C-peptide and body weight decreases.  相似文献   

Loss-of-function mutations in sorting nexin 14 (SNX14) cause autosomal recessive spinocerebellar ataxia 20, which is a form of early-onset cerebellar ataxia that lacks molecular mechanisms and mouse models. We generated Snx14-deficient mouse models and observed severe motor deficits and cell-autonomous Purkinje cell degeneration. SNX14 deficiency disrupted microtubule organization and mitochondrial transport in axons by destabilizing the microtubule-severing enzyme spastin, which is implicated in dominant hereditary spastic paraplegia with cerebellar ataxia, and compromised axonal integrity and mitochondrial function. Axonal transport disruption and mitochondrial dysfunction further led to degeneration of high-energy-demanding Purkinje cells, which resulted in the pathogenesis of cerebellar ataxia. The antiepileptic drug valproate ameliorated motor deficits and cerebellar degeneration in Snx14-deficient mice via the restoration of mitochondrial transport and function in Purkinje cells. Our study revealed an unprecedented role for SNX14-dependent axonal transport in cerebellar ataxia, demonstrated the convergence of SNX14 and spastin in mitochondrial dysfunction, and suggested valproate as a potential therapeutic agent.  相似文献   

目的观察新西兰兔全植床深板层角膜移植术后不同时期的角膜神经重建过程。方法新西兰兔麻醉后行冰冻保存角膜全植床深板层角膜移植术。术后分别于第7、21天,第1、2、3、4、6个月摘取术眼角膜,行乙酰胆碱酯酶神经染色,光学显微镜下观察。结果术后7天,植片内神经溃变,同时植床远端未损伤神经发出分支,穿过创缘进入植片。术后21天,神经溃变完成。术后1个月,植片内较多细、长、直的神经纤维,创缘外侧植床基质神经发出较多分支平行于创缘,但未进入植片。术后3个月,植床近端基质神经同一部位同时发出2 ̄4个分支进入植片,植片内细、长、直的神经纤维达到最多。术后4 ̄6个月,植片内神经重新塑型。少数植床近端基质神经形态基本接近正常。结论全植床深板层角膜移植术后神经再生恢复较慢。  相似文献   

中国科幻小说自新时期以来得到迅速发展,既有老作家的努力,也有新作家的接力,涌现出许多优秀的作品。在发展过程中,既呈现出"从硬科学到软科学"、"从憧憬到反思"、"从现代到后现代"、"从少儿到成人"的趋势,也仍然存在许多值得我们思考的问题。  相似文献   

为了研究北温带湿地不同退水时间条件下土壤种质资源的特征,在3个不同的水位条件下,通过幼苗萌发法对野鸭湖湿地近10年来退水湿地面积中土壤种子资源的分布格局进行了分析.结果表明,土壤中的种子在不同的退水时间条件下,变化明显:种子的密度在退水5~7年时达到最大值2.389×104ind./m2,在退水7~10年时最小,为1.352×104ind./m2;萌发植物的物种数量与之相一致,其中广泛分布类型植物与水生植物的萌发在退水5~7年时同样达到最大值,但萌发的湿生植物的数量在退水1~3年时,达到最大值;湿地中土壤种子在0~5cm和5~10cm分层上,萌发的物种数差异不显著,但在萌发数量上有明显分层现象.本文还结合以上研究结果,分析了在不同退水时间条件下,土壤种质资源产生差异的原因,进而讨论了土壤种子资源在湿地恢复和湿地保护过程中的重要作用.  相似文献   

基于MSS和TM影像借助人机交互解译方法结合1∶10万地形图获得1978年、1987年、2001年三期土地利用/覆被变化矢量数据,利用土地利用动态度模型、土地类型退化指数、质心模型分析资源型城镇特有的土地退化时空分布特征,进一步利用欧几里德最短路径函数分析工矿用地与土地退化之间的空间关系。研究表明,研究区的土地退化类型主要为草地退化、次生盐碱化、沼泽湿地萎缩。在不同研究时期其土地退化的速度和强度差异显著,1978年~1987年土地类型退化综合指数约为3.18,而1987年~2001年土地类型退化指数约为27.96。1978年~1987年土地退化类型的质心主要向西北方向偏移,1987年~2001年土地退化类型的质心波动较大,不同类型具有自身特点,但整体土地退化严重。根据GRID的欧几里德最短路径函数的分析,辨析出资源型城镇沼泽萎缩、次生盐碱化与工矿用地呈指数衰减的规律,草地的退化也与工矿用地具有一定函数相关性。  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to induce experimental diabetes mellitus by streptozotocin in normal adult Wistar rats via comparison of changes in body weight, consumption of food, volume of water, urine and levels of glucose, insulin and C-peptide in serum, between normal and diabetic rats. Intra-venous injection of 60 mg/kg dose of streptozotocin in 250–300 g (75–90 days) adult Wistar rats makes pancreas swell and causes degeneration in Langerhans islet β-cells and induces experimental diabetes mellitus in 2–4 days. For a microscopic study of degeneration of Langerhans islet β-cells of diabetic rats, biopsy from pancreas tissue of diabetic and normal rats, staining and comparison between them, were done. In this process, after collagenase digestion of pancreas, islets were isolated, dissociated and identified by dithizone method and then with enzymatic procedure by DNase and trypsin, the islet cells changed into single cells and β-cells were identified by immune fluorescence method and then assayed by flow-cytometer. Donor tissue in each step of work was prepared from 38 adult male Wistar rats weighted 250–300 g (75–90 days). Transplantation was performed in rats after 2–4 weeks of diabetes induction. In this study, the levels of insulin, C-peptide and glucose in diabetic rats reached to normal range as compared to un-diabetic rats in 20 days after transplantation of islet cells. Transplantation was performed under the cortex of testis as immunoisolated place for islet cells transplantation.  相似文献   

党丽霞  洪剑明 《资源科学》2009,31(7):1244-1249
为了研究北温带湿地不同退水时间条件下土壤种质资源的特征,在3个不同的水位条件下,通过幼苗萌发法对野鸭湖湿地近10年来退水湿地面积中土壤种子资源的分布格局进行了分析。结果表明,土壤中的种子在不同的退水时间条件下,变化明显:种子的密度在退水5~7年时达到最大值2.389×104ind./m2,在退水7~10年时最小,为1.352×104ind./m2;萌发植物的物种数量与之相一致,其中广泛分布类型植物与水生植物的萌发在退水5~7年时同样达到最大值,但萌发的湿生植物的数量在退水1~3年时,达到最大值;湿地中土壤种子在0~5cm和5~10cm分层上,萌发的物种数差异不显著,但在萌发数量上有明显分层现象。本文还结合以上研究结果,分析了在不同退水时间条件下,土壤种质资源产生差异的原因,进而讨论了土壤种子资源在湿地恢复和湿地保护过程中的重要作用。  相似文献   

组织管理面临的现实挑战及对理论研究的启示   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文对新的时代特征下传统的组织形式所表现出来的缺陷进行了分析,并在探索归纳组织管理理论最新进展的基础上,认识到当西方崇尚科学和理性的管理模式在面对“有人参与”的复杂系统而出现合成谬误和控制困难时,组织管理研究呈现出了东西方管理“整合”及软化趋势。进而提出,在这场由计算机并行处理等技术引发的有关“协调的变革”中,对于协调问题的关注势必激发对组织中所普遍存在的和谐机理研究的关注。  相似文献   

Microparticulate silicon (Si), normally shelled with carbons, features higher tap density and less interfacial side reactions compared to its nanosized counterpart, showing great potential to be applied as high-energy lithium-ion battery anodes. However, localized high stress generated during fabrication and particularly, under operating, could induce cracking of carbon shells and release pulverized nanoparticles, significantly deteriorating its electrochemical performance. Here we design a strong yet ductile carbon cage from an easily processing capillary shrinkage of graphene hydrogel followed by precise tailoring of inner voids. Such a structure, analog to the stable structure of plant cells, presents ‘imperfection-tolerance’ to volume variation of irregular Si microparticles, maintaining the electrode integrity over 1000 cycles with Coulombic efficiency over 99.5%. This design enables the use of a dense and thick (3 mAh cm–2) microparticulate Si anode with an ultra-high volumetric energy density of 1048 Wh L–1 achieved at pouch full-cell level coupled with a LiNi0.8Co0.1Mn0.1O2 cathode.  相似文献   

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