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The money from oil which enjoyed a fourfold increase in late 1973, enabled Iran to import more and more sophisticated technology. This created a huge demand for engineers. However, supply never equalled demand, and the discrepancy caused shortages of engineers throughout the country. This article is an attempt to investigate the state of educational planning for engineers, a critical ingredient for the industrialization of Iran from 1962 to 1982. Some selected findings were: (1) In the Third Development Plan, 1962–1967, the demand for engineers was 5,600 while the supply reached 3,065. The shortage totalled 2,535. (2) In the Fourth Development Plan, 1968–1972, there was a shortage of 7,707 engineers. (3) In the Fifth Development Plan, 1973–1978, when demand reached 36,400, the supply of engineers was 20,300. This plan was short by 16,100 engineers. The study also takes up the issue of engineering education in the post-Revolution period of 1979–1982. From the study, it was concluded that for educational purposes in Iran, there was never an adequate survey of markets and industries. Therefore, in establishing new engineering schools or expanding existing ones, the needs of the market were never properly taken into account. In cases where a plan existed, implementation did not correctly follow. The recommendations for solving the problem under the present circumstances conclude the research.  相似文献   

研究了既包含商品随机选择又包含运输损失的供应链网络均衡模型.研究了商品存在产地、品牌差异(即商品随机选择)和运输损失情况下,具有多种商品流动的三层供应链网络.对生产市场和分销市场,考虑运输损失,建立了基于商品运输损失的优化模型.在上述研究基础上,对具有三个层次的供应链网络,得到了供应链网络各层次的均衡模型和整个供应链网络均衡模型以及与之对应的模型平衡条件、经济解释和变分不等式模型。  相似文献   

供应链中的最终产品价格影响市场需求,需求的变化进而影响订货批量.从供应链的集成和协调的角度出发,考虑了制造环节的设备调整因素和物流环节的订货及仓储因素,建立供应链价格均衡模型.文中给出了计算经济订货批量和产品市场价格的方法.指出传统的Stackelberg博弈模型是文中模型的一个特例.  相似文献   

社会总供给与总需求是宏观经济运行过程中两个最主要的变量,保持社会总供给与总需求平衡,是搞好宏观调控以及实现宏观调控目标的重要前提。当前,我国社会总供求的状况是供给有余,需求不足。总供给与总需求的失衡,已严重影响了我国经济的增长和发展。因此,需要综合运用各种宏观经济政策进行调整,以保证国民经济持续、快速、健康地发展。  相似文献   

1999年,我国高校开始扩招,高等教育逐步大众化,高校毕业生数量也呈迅速增加态势。在我国劳动力市场供大于求的总体人才需求环境下,高校毕业生就业难的问题成为一大社会热点。就高等教育大众化背景下大学生就业的现状进行分析,并从我国劳动力市场供需状况、高校扩招、大学生自身素质等方面对大学生就业难的问题进行原因剖析,并针对存在的问题提出理性的对策,以促进大学生培养与就业的和谐、双赢发展。  相似文献   

在国家开发丝绸之路经济带战略的推进下,新疆凭借地缘优势,其投资、消费和出口引致的内外需求产生了大量物流需求,物流供需的互动间接地促进经济增长。利用协整、VECM和基于VECM的Granger因果检验实证分析了新疆投资、消费和出口与物流供给之间的数量关系。结果表明新疆的物流供给、投资、消费和出口之间存在长期均衡关系,投资或消费每增加1%,将增加0.709%或0.257%的物流供给,1%的出口需求将减轻0.063%的物流供给压力。基于VECM的Granger因果检验表明短期和长期内物流供给是投资的原因,投资又是出口的原因,因此物流供给是出口的间接原因。  相似文献   

利率市场化改革是我国金融体制改革的重要内容。在对存贷款利率限制逐步放开的过程中,金融市场呈现出新的发展趋势。文章运用经济学供求均衡模型原理,分析存贷款利率市场化对国有企业融资的影响,并提出相应对策。  相似文献   

This article examines the determinants of the salaries that Spanish university graduates earn on the labor market. Different earnings equations are estimated that allow us to measure the economic returns to investment in human capital at the university level, demonstrating that: on the one hand, considering schooling to be an exogenous variable gives a downward bias to the estimations of the private rates of return to an university education; on the other hand, not taking into account the aspects of the demand-side of the labor market in the traditional Mincerian earnings function, even though schooling is considered as an endogenous variable, the rates of return estimated for an university education would be given an upward bias. The problem concerning the endogeneity of schooling has been corrected in this article by using the instrumental variables technique.  相似文献   

This study examines the higher education experience among Palestinian Arab females in two national spaces and seeks to determine whether studying at an Arab institution of higher learning in a nearby Arab country can alleviate the emotional and economic difficulties that affect Palestinian women at Israeli universities. What can institutions of higher learning in Israel learn or derive from the proposed model to relieve the alienation and exclusion that their female Palestinian students experience? The study will compare two geographically distinct groups of women students. The first is a group of Palestinian women who attend university in Jordan, while the second consists of Palestinian women of Bedouin origin from southern Israel who study in the Jewish Israeli cultural space. The study seeks to shed light on the experience of Muslim students in Western and Muslim universities.  相似文献   

学生资助的供求关系必然受到经济周期的影响:经济扩张则资助供求关系趋于平衡,经济紧缩则资助供求关系趋于失衡。为应对这一问题,可应用控制论原理,设计学生资助的自适应供给系统:一方面盯住学生就业率,调整风险补偿金比例上限,再辅之助学贷款保险机制,可建立入学资助的双重供给调节机制;另一方面盯住学生父母的社会就业率,使学生生活资助与社会就业率同比变动,可构建生活资助的供给调节机制。这一系统在政策和财政上均可行,还可以促进教育公平和经济发展,具有较高的应用价值。  相似文献   

This is an investigation of a series of issues pertaining to higher education in Egypt based on a sample of nearly 2,000 students and 1,700 university graduates in 1978. The main theme of the article is a comparison of student expectations and actual labour market performance. The results indicate that the relative structure of economic rewards is consistent with the operation of the forces of supply and demand. In particular, students' expectations of the labour market are in tune with the actual market conditions. The social demand for different fields of specialisation is closely linked to the expected economic rewards. A strong element of self-selection is in operation, many students follow highly undesirable subjects (such as agronomy) because of the availability of places. And as already documented in other studies, expected or actual unemployment following graduation is of extremely short duration.  相似文献   

总量均衡区间是现代市场经济条件下宏观经济运行中总供给与总需求对比波动所形成的一种特殊现象。总量均衡区间的长度是一个十分重要的问题,由总量均衡区间生发的诸多特殊现象与问题,几乎都与总量均衡区间的长度密切相关。可以说,其长度在很大程度上决定了总量均衡区间对宏观经济运行与调控影响的实际强度;同时,其长度也从一特定的角度反映出现实经济运行中的环境条件、管理水平等方面的基本面貌。深入分析总量均衡区间的长度问题,既对深化相关理性认识有所裨益,同时又为改进与完善实际经济管理提供若干新的思路。  相似文献   

Expanding school enrolment in Kenya was given the highest priority in the leverage of development. The number of pupils has grown from 2.9 to 5.56 million in the 20 years since 1975. There has been a similar expansion at the secondary level. And the expansion at the university level has been even faster, which is more than four times than that in 1984/85. But still the increase in enrolments was not enough to absorb pent‐up demand. The female enrolment has significantly improved, and female teachers constitute 39.5% of the total number of teachers. The imbalance is vast between the educational supply and economic demand (employment). The question is whether the growth can be maintained; whether it is enough.  相似文献   

在对银行信贷、企业投资借贷和居民消费等行为进行建模的基础上,就我国货币政策的效果进行一般均衡分析后发现,银行垄断的市场结构不利于信贷供给增加;预期通货膨胀(紧缩)也不利于信贷供给和信贷需求的收缩(扩张);由于降息的收入效应大于替代效应,跨期消费选择引起内需不足,消费下降.因此,要强化货币政策传导效果,必须完善金融体系,消除通货膨胀或紧缩环境.  相似文献   

水力模型已广泛应用于给水管网设计、分析与运行中。在所有水力模型中,需水量是导致模型输出最不确定的参数之一。因用水情况不确定,使得管网中的节点需水量变得异常复杂。在大多数实际管网中,用于校核节点需水量的监测设备数量有限,且小于未知量个数,使得节点需水量校核作为欠定问题,令节点需水量校准产生较大误差,并且传统遗传算法校核节点需水量的方法是假定所有节点的需求乘数因子一致,这也导致校核后的模型无法接近真实运行情况,因此提出在欠定条件下用遗传算法解决需求乘数因子的校核问题。通过对一个实际案例多次运行并取平均值作为结果进行验证,结果表明,遗传算法的校核结果不仅能够与被测位置的实际值相拟合,而且可以得到非测量位置的管道流量和节点水头,其中校核后的节点水头和管道流量误差较小,平均误差分别为1.78%、4.05%。该方法相比于传统校核方法具有更高精度,且更能反映出管网真实运行情况,同时还避免了传统校核方法中因遗传算法产生局部最优解而导致误差偏大的问题,对于大型管网模型校核也具有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

In the framework of the development of a model for ‘Systematic Curriculum Alignment and Watch’ (SCAW) in high-technology disciplines, the need for reliable mapping of the technologist's professional profile has arisen. This paper deals with the issue of sampling members from various establishments (industry, services, etc.) to be interviewed for determining the occupational requirements from engineering-technology manpower at work. The distribution of engineers (26,815) and engineering technicians (30,865) in the various economic branches in Israel is presented and analysed, and a sampling procedure from this population is presented.  相似文献   

入世已经成为现实,我们必须冷静思考和解决中国市场存在的问题,而这必须依赖对分析工具的正确把握。有效需求和有效供给作为最主要的分析工具,它们本身易于混淆且经济学界对它们的理解也相当混乱。有效需求和有效供给应这样界定:有效需求即实现单位效用最大化的需求;有效供给即实现单位效用最大化的供给。有效供给不足是中国市场最具深远影响和最应受到关注的问题。  相似文献   

近年来商业地产成为国内房地产领域的一个新的经济增长点,为正确把握商业地产在市场需求过程中受到哪些因素的影响,文章结合国内房地产的投资开发情况首先对商业地产的市场供需现状做了系统化的分析;进而以国内商业地产市场需求为导向,分别从经济和社会两个层面对影响商业地产市场需求的因素进行了讨论;最后以安徽省合肥市为例,将市场供需理论与动态计量经济学模型相结合,通过对相关数据的数学化处理,确立了商业地产市场需求与相关影响因素之间的均衡关系,最终以简明的形式给出了商业地产市场实际需求的变化趋势。  相似文献   

安徽省是一个劳动力供给小于需求的省份,根据劳动力的供需情况将安徽省各市分为四个等级。通过对安徽省流入人口数量、质量和结构分析发现安徽省流入人口的数量特征、质量特征和结构特征等。回归分析发现,影响流入人口迁移稳定性的因素主要是该地的经济总量和人口集聚效应,因此,提出加快自身经济发展和吸引本省外出人口回流,加大城市宣传力度,探索多种劳动力需求信息发布渠道的对策。  相似文献   

以IS-LM模型和蒙代尔-弗莱明模型(M-F模型)为主要分析工具,采用比较静态均衡分析方法研究了美国经济冲击对东亚经济的传导.研究表明,美国经济冲击会通过影响利率、汇率、净出口、投资等因素对东亚经济体产生传导作用.具体来说,美国正向供给冲击会引起美元实际汇率贬值,进而引起东亚产出减少;美国扩张性需求冲击与扩张性货币冲击对东亚经济的影响截然不同,多数情况下对经济变量的影响呈反向变动关系;FDI渠道的传导对美国三大经济冲击的影响都会产生一定的抑制作用.  相似文献   

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