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Web deployable anatomical simulations or “virtual reality learning objects” can easily be produced with QuickTime VR software, but their use for online and mobile learning is being limited by the declining support for web browser plug‐ins for personal computers and unavailability on popular mobile devices like Apple iPad and Android tablets. This article describes complementary methods for creating comparable, multiplatform VR learning objects in the new HTML5 standard format, circumventing platform‐specific limitations imposed by the QuickTime VR multimedia file format. Multiple types or “dimensions” of anatomical information can be embedded in such learning objects, supporting different kinds of online learning applications, including interactive atlases, examination questions, and complex, multi‐structure presentations. Such HTML5 VR learning objects are usable on new mobile devices that do not support QuickTime VR, as well as on personal computers. Furthermore, HTML5 VR learning objects can be embedded in “ebook” document files, supporting the development of new types of electronic textbooks on mobile devices that are increasingly popular and self‐adopted for mobile learning. Anat Sci Educ 6: 263–270. © 2012 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

Facebook is the most popular social media site visited by university students on a daily basis. Consequently, Facebook is the logical place to start with for integrating social media technologies into education. This study explores how a faculty‐administered Facebook Page can be used to supplement anatomy education beyond the traditional classroom. Observations were made on students' perceptions and effectiveness of using the Page, potential benefits and challenges of such use, and which Insights metrics best reflect user's engagement. The Human Anatomy Education Page was launched on Facebook and incorporated into anatomy resources for 157 medical students during two academic years. Students' use of Facebook and their perceptions of the Page were surveyed. Facebook's “Insights” tool was also used to evaluate Page performance during a period of 600 days. The majority of in‐class students had a Facebook account which they adopted in education. Most students perceived Human Anatomy Education Page as effective in contributing to learning and favored “self‐assessment” posts. The majority of students agreed that Facebook could be a suitable learning environment. The “Insights” tool revealed globally distributed fans with considerable Page interactions. The use of a faculty‐administered Facebook Page provided a venue to enhance classroom teaching without intruding into students' social life. A wider educational use of Facebook should be adopted not only because students are embracing its use, but for its inherent potentials in boosting learning. The “Insights” metrics analyzed in this study might be helpful when establishing and evaluating the performance of education‐oriented Facebook Pages. Anat Sci Educ 7: 199–208. © 2013 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

游戏玩家通过“再中心化”及主体间性,于武侠角色扮演中获得虚拟的快感。在人与媒介的“内部互动”中,角色扮演为玩家提供人物“视点”,使玩家从所处的现实世界,“再中心化”入由语词、形象和观念所构筑的属于所扮演角色的虚构世界“江湖”。与此同时,玩家沉浸于对另一主体的陌生体认,不断积累建构他我主体来理解“江湖”,并将其当作“有生命”世界逐步体验与认同,进行从现实世界撤退、摒弃,以及对现实矛盾的想象性解决。  相似文献   

Advocates of ubiquitous computing have long been documenting classroom benefits of one-to-one ratios of students to handheld or laptop computers. The recent sophisticated capabilities of the iPod Touch, iPhone, and iPad have encouraged further speculation on exactly how K–12 teaching and learning might be energized by such devices. This paper summarizes the research-to-date on mobile learning for K–12 students, and then delineates specific features and applications available on the iPod Touch that might impact student learning across the curricula. Finally, caveats are offered regarding the introduction and assimilation of these handheld computers into K–12 schools.  相似文献   

As one examines governance in the community college, it becomes apparent that the traditional bureaucratic, political, and collegial paradigms are not entirely satisfactory. Recent authors have suggested a different vantage point from which to view the educational enterprise. A common denominator in all such works is the professional self‐esteem of the faculty. In this article, the author uses a nine‐level “web” to depict the mind‐set and practices which characterize this new governance model.  相似文献   

Throughout history, word‐art has been valued as a source of magic, wisdom, and delight. The author argues that genre fiction, advertising, popular song lyrics, and greeting card verse all fulfill these traditional social roles, and that current definitions of “serious literature”; are far too narrow. The true importance of word‐art in daily life cannot be assessed without including such “genre”; work along with “speculative”; writing. The future significance of literature for society, though dependent to some degree on developments in computers and telecommunications, would be enhanced if critics, publishers, and writers adopted a more “user‐friendly”; attitude—helping genre readers to find satisfying material more easily, and respecting speculative readers for the additional time and effort they expend in seeking out the unpredictable and unfamiliar in word‐art.  相似文献   

New Zealander Sylvia Ashton‐Warner, a teacher in remote rural Māori schools in the 1940s–1950s, became internationally renowned as a novelist and educational theorist. Earlier commentators portrayed her educational theory as in conflict with those of her time and place, but recent studies conceptualise them as enabled by it. While space/place has often been considered the preserve of the geographer and time that of the historian, Henri Lefebvre and others suggest that: “these issues need to be thought together rather than separately” and that macro‐, meso‐ and micro‐levels of analysis be engaged simultaneously. The author traces how conceptual, linguistic, sensory and intellectual resources of the global “New Education” movement extended into the tiny bush‐encircled Māori communities in which Sylvia taught and wrote in the 1940s–1950s and surfaced in her writing. The article zooms in and out between the “the immensity of the global” (the New Education, the Second World War) and “the intimately tiny” (her classroom and home). The “data” include Sylvia’s non‐fiction education texts and official documents of her time: school curricula, education policy documents, Ministerial and Inspectors’ reports. What Lefebvre terms a “Rhythm analysis” of Ashton‐Warner’s educational writing shows intermingled pulses of domestic life, routines of educational bureaucracy, cycles of nature, and cataclysms of world events. It is important for historians to study “the where rather than just the when with location and landscape central parts of the analysis”.  相似文献   

Teaching and Learning with iPads, Ready or Not?   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Within weeks of becoming available, the iPad reportedly sold over 3 million units, a brisker pace than other tablets in the personal computer realm. Much of the early success might be attributed to the almost 250,000 applications that could run on the device and a similar interface to the popular iPod Touch and iPhone. This article considers whether the sales spark that has ignited a hardware revolution (numerous device manufacturers have launched–e.g., HP, RIM, Samsung, Motorola, and HTC–or have plans to launch tablet devices over the next year) is being matched on the software front, with a particular focus on K-12 teaching and learning. Authors consider the potential affect both the iPad and its applications might have on teaching and learning in K-12 settings and whether these technologies allow educators and students to accomplish what they otherwise could not, from a teaching and learning perspective.  相似文献   

The media play a major role in the construction of popular cultural “texts,” such as films and television programs. These media forms are conceptualized as “public pedagogies”—i.e., as texts that have great potential to teach the public about a wide range of educational issues. This article focuses attention on the representation of teachers and principals in the popular television series Boston Public. Specifically, the authors provide two complimentary accounts of how the representations of teachers and principals can be engaged through critical analyses or “readings.” One account develops a deconstructive reading of how Boston Public treats teacher preparation, teacher competence, and principal leadership. The second account examines how preservice teachers were engaged in multiple readings of the program. The article concludes by suggesting that analyzing popular representations of teachers and educational leaders in film and television can become one important strategy, among others, for developing critically reflective educational leaders and teachers.  相似文献   

本文总结了俄克拉荷马基督教大学移动学习项目试点一学期后学生的反馈问卷.该学校在美国是最早给学生配发笔记本电脑和智能手机或iPod Touch双重移动设备的学校之一,全校覆盖无线网络.该问卷调查试图了解在如此泛在的网络使用环境下,学生使用移动学习工具和环境的使用习惯及期待.问卷结果显示:整体来说,学生认为这种泛在学习环境对其学习有利;学生使用移动设备主要用于辅助学习、效率改进、信息获取、沟通和娱乐,这些都是学生在校整体学习体验中值得关注的地方.移动设备的更多用途还有待澄清、宣传、演示、培训、支持.此问卷还显示学校和研究者应考虑移动学习项目可支持的多种学习方式和因学习者而异的多种教育用途.  相似文献   

Galatzer‐Levy and Cohler's (1993) definition of “ self” allows for the possibility of a “ plural self,” that is, moments when an individual locates the center of initiative for action, feeling, and awareness among a group of people. Using observations and interviews, this investigation explores the ways four basketball teams used players’ bodies to create such a plural self, transforming autonomous individuals into interconnected, deindividualized members. One set of somatic practices made the team perceptible as a whole: huddles, team movements, hand slapping, and certain passing drills. A complementary set of practices encouraged the players to incorporate the team into their bodies. Examples presented of such incorporation are communal relaxation of bodily tension, the rhythms of shared ritual music, and a “sixth sense” of the location of teammates. Acute pain interferes with the emergence of this plural self in both injured and healthy players. The possibility is raised that for many athletes this temporarily realized plural self continues as a possible self and invites the development of certain virtues and failings.  相似文献   

为顺应“互联网+”发展趋势,职业院校联合建设专业教学资源库以实现教育资源共享是当今教育改革的方向。广东轻工职业技术学院牵头建设了高分子材料加工技术国家级专业教学资源库,“塑料挤出成型”是专业资源库中的核心课程之一,采用“线上线下”相结合的教学模式,取得了良好的教学效果,同时也提出了教学中遇到的问题以及解决办法。  相似文献   

The impetus for this argumentative paper is anecdotal evidence overheard in West Australian educational settings indicating that there continues to be “othering” of learners from Asian backgrounds. Exploring prevailing Western social, theoretical and educational discourses associated with Asia, the author argues that teacher education in Western Australia be reconceptualized in three main ways. Firstly, levels of meta-cultural sensitivity in pre-service and in-service educators should be ascertained. Secondly, there needs to be a more rigorous theoretical and conceptual framework for pre-service/in-service teacher education informed by cross-cultural, historical knowledge and awareness of the social and personal constructions of reality – views of the “other” and “self”. Thirdly, teacher education courses must offer opportunities to examine current developments in educational research which encourage reconceptualization and replacement of traditional East/West dichotomies. The paper aims to review literature related to theoretical Thirdness as an ontological, educational principle and to contribute to Thirdness discourse by situating the argument in a particular context in Western Australia. It is hoped that papers such as this may lead to more informed and symmetrical dialogue between educators in the Asia Pacific region.  相似文献   

Educational decision‐making is a complex process where individual factors such as how adolescents think about and evaluate themselves could play an important role. In this study, (N = 84), we combined behavioral and neural correlates of self‐concept and self‐esteem to examine what characterizes adolescents who struggle with educational decision‐making. We included 38 adolescents (16–24 years, M = 18.7 years) from “the Gap‐Year program.” This program focuses on personal development for adolescents who have dropped out of higher education or stay undecided after high school. We compared these adolescents prior to the start of the training with 46 peers (17–21 years, M = 19.4 years) who reported to have successfully chosen a major. The results showed that adolescents struggling with educational decision‐making reported lower levels of self‐esteem and self‐concept clarity. Neurally, higher self‐esteem was associated with more self‐related activity in the medial prefrontal cortex. Together, these results suggest that healthy self‐esteem levels are an important condition for the ability to make a well‐suited educational choice.  相似文献   

将音频文件下载到你的MP3播放器上,然后收听,这是播客的一种简单传播方式。它们出现在我们最喜欢的网站上,改变着收音机的面貌。简而言之,播客随时随地为我们提供任何想收呒的节目。什么是播客?大致来说,播客是一种数字音频文件(通常是MP3格式)。我们可以将这种文件从网络上下载到电脑中.然后传到我们的MP3播放器上。“播客”(Podcast)一词南苹果产品“iPod”和“广播”(broadcast)这两个单词结合而成,尽管这项技术并不是由苹果iPod音乐播放器所带来的发明(只是灵感来源)。  相似文献   

Postmodern media scholarship suggests that mass media are best described as naturalized aspects of our cultural environment, raw materials we use in shaping our identities, our relationships, and our communities. Rather than being reliably produced and predictably consumed, mass‐media “texts” provide space for creative negotiation and even resistance between the author of a given media “text,” the receiver of that text, and the context in which the text is produced and consumed. In this landscape the role of religious educator is one of giving people access to the symbolic, narrative, and sacramental resources of our faith communities.  相似文献   

It is essential for medical students to learn and comprehend human anatomy in three dimensions (3D). With this in mind, a new system was designed in order to integrate anatomical dissections with diagnostic computed tomography (CT) radiology. Cadavers were scanned by CT scanners, and students then consulted the postmortem CT images during cadaver dissection to gain a better understanding of 3D human anatomy and diagnostic radiology. Students used handheld digital imaging and communications in medicine viewers at the bench‐side (OsiriX on iPod touch or iPad), which enabled “pixel‐to‐tissue” direct comparisons of CT images and cadavers. Students had lectures and workshops on diagnostic radiology, and they completed study assignments where they discussed findings in the anatomy laboratory compared with CT radiology findings. This teaching method for gross and radiological anatomy was used beginning in 2009, and it yielded strongly positive student perspectives and significant improvements in radiology skills in later clinical courses. Anat Sci Educ 7: 438–449. © 2014 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   


This paper studies university students’ job‐selection criteria as an indicator of how socio‐economic forces have deconstructed the state‐supported value system in China in the course of reformatting a society in which money‐power has risen to combat not only political control but moral forces. The analysis is based on the surveys conducted by Chinese researchers in various institutes and different regions between 1990 and 1995. The study suggests the increasing importance of “a good income” in graduate job selection, which is a reflection of a set of new concepts competing with the official ideology. Growing market forces, translated into educational reform as “economic efficiency”, have undermined the effectiveness of political‐moral education. Because of the collapse of traditional values and the lack of new ethical standards of conduct, “money talks” has become a norm guiding social behaviours and personal relationships, and has helped form a force to resist the power of political‐moral education.  相似文献   

"当鞋合脚时,脚就被忘记了",也就是说真正的教育是一种潜教育。虽然这种潜教育对教师提出了很高的要求,但是当今的教师却生活在这样一种困境中,即教师需要对教育内部相冲突的一些价值进行排序并取舍,还要协调自己个人生活与教育生活之间的价值冲突,同时在现实的教育生活中,社会公众也包括教师自身总是将教师看作功能性的存在,忽视了教师生命性的存在,导致了教师"个体自我"的迷失,因此教师应该通过自身的自我发展、更多的幸福投入、情感体验来进行"个体自我"的建构。  相似文献   

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