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我国科技论文的基本状况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
China has been conducting since 1987 an annual statistical and analytical work for scientific and technical articles. As a whole, the basic pattern of the distribution of the scientific and technical articles in China has already been formed. The seat arrangement of the Chinese scientific and technical work in the world went up from No.26 in 1985 to No.15 in 1990. In view of the age of the authors of 3983 articles in 1991, those who were under 35 made up 35.7%, while 47.1% were of the age from 36 to 559 and 17.2% were over 56. 8 tables.  相似文献   

As soon as the book, stuck with magnetic stripe, is brought out of the library, the monitor signals. But the stripe is very easily to be discovered and then destroyed and, as a result, the monitor will be unable to work. Thus the author puts forward a new method for book and periodical processing to use magnetic liquid, magnetic ink paste and magnetic particles instead of the former solid magnetic stripes. The author also brings forth two plans of the examination and,test methods of magnetic stagnation and saturation screen.  相似文献   

The author has put forward an mathematical formula for defining the basis of developing library work of town and township libraries. The formula shows that the cultural demand coefficient of towns and townships are determined by the annual social total output, the per capita, per annum income, the total number of population, the rate of non-illiteracy, the land area and the amendment value. In order to show an object scene of the cultural demand of various towns and townships and the conditions of library work coordination,the author brings forward the cultual demand coefficient and the distribution illustration of the sample variable probability of the library holdings,thus the cultural demand curve is comparable to that of the existing holdings.1 illus.  相似文献   

要尊重著作权人的权利──谈编辑出版与著作权法冯锦生Abstract:EditingandPublishingintegratescloselywiththecopyrightlaw.Theauthor'srightstopublish,toforth...  相似文献   

国际文化关系中的图书馆   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Libraries as a type of cultural institutions have sustained their role as bridges interrelating people of different nations and promoting mutual understanding of them. They also broaden the nation s influence in international affairs. The basic activities of them are of 2 ways: 1) The direct way of starting overseas library programs, and 2) Participation of libraries at home in projects of international cultural exchanges and co-operation. These activities are subject to various aspects of politics, technology and culture,especially the political one which serves directly the foreign policy of the government.This is also the library's main feature in international cultural realtions.International organizations play an important role in this field.  相似文献   

我国中文同类书排列书次号研究述评   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
In the last 40 years, more than 190 pieces of book-number research papers have been produced in China, and 25 types from 7 classes of schemes for working out book numbers were put forward. Since the August of 1990, the study of book number system has already brought into the limits of functions of the China National Technical Committee of Standardization for Information and Documentation (CNTCSID). The pressing matter of the moment is:strengthening the leadership, tackling this key problem with a collective effort,formulating as early as possible standards for appraising book numbers and finally,taking the Chinese phonetic alphabets of book number searching mixed with two or three-figure numbers of the author number as the way forward for book number system in China.  相似文献   

图书馆人与图书馆精神   总被引:62,自引:3,他引:59  
By analysing the zeal for studying characters of the library world during 1980s, the author puts forward a concept of "humanistic library science" i.e. taking the "librarians" as the centre of study to investigate the relationship between librarians and library undertaking and the relationship between library and the society, and to elaborate theories of library science. On the basis of analysing the characteristics of the four generations of Chinese librarian in the 20th century, the author puts forward the concept of library spirit,the content of which consists of the following four phases:love the motherland,love for one's library,fraternity among one's solleagues and taking good care of books.11 references.  相似文献   

引入市场机制 增强造血功能刘学芝Abstract:Todrawintomarketmechanismandbuildup″hemopoiesis″,fourkindsofconceptsshouldbechangeg:fromanenter-pris...  相似文献   

The author of this article had collected 678 research papers on resource sharing in library and in-formation published respectively in 52 journals between 1979-1989.Most of the papers were issued inthe"Researches in Library Science",the"Bulletin of the Ch  相似文献   

In view of risk analysis and forecast, the risk of book selection decision consists mainly of risks of value,lacuna,duplicates and funds. In order to lessen the book selection risk, first,purchase of duplicates should be done according to the lower limit in numbers, and secondly, archive for the purchase of books and periodicals should be established  相似文献   

"公共知识管理学"解构-兼与龚蛟腾等同志商榷   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
“图书馆学就是公共知识管理学”的“公共知识”含义殊多,在诸多含义中,这一命题都不能成立。图书馆学与知识管理学从研究对象和内容来说是个别与一般的关系,又是一个交叉相关的关系。图书馆学实质上是研究读者与图书馆资源互动关系及其规律的科学。  相似文献   

对"主义"的批判要适度   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对图书馆学而言,“主义研究”非常重要,缺乏“主义”,图书馆学的思考则丧失一种彻底精神和整体思考。图书馆学“主义研究”的实质是“学科研究”,除了受“定量研究”者批评外,还要受到同属于“定性研究”的“领域研究”者的批评。这是一种正常的学术现象,但如果对“主义”批判过度,则会出现学理研究的“浮躁”。所以,对“主义”的批判要适度,简单地否定“主义”,其结论必将失之偏颇,存在“主义”批评的悖论。  相似文献   

陈春雪  张小庆 《编辑学报》2012,24(3):245-246
对核科技期刊中有关"系数""因子""比"组合的量名称表达问题作了归纳,并举例分析了处理方法。对规范此类量名称的方法提出了建议。认为统一它们的表达形式对准确传播科技信息很有必要。  相似文献   

《中图法》与《国会法》关于图书馆学类目体系的比较杨岭雪Abstract:Thereisasharpdifferencebetweenthelibraryscienceclassesofferedbythe"ChineseLibraryClassifi...  相似文献   

对《中图法》G大类的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论文对《中图法》G大类有关“科学”、“情报学”等类目设置进行分析研究,并提出修改意见。  相似文献   

担任过郴州刺史的李吉甫,其刻意之作<元和郡县图志>,既是唐朝的地理名著,又提供了较好的史料,学术价值极大.参考文献14.  相似文献   

李建新 《编辑学报》2014,26(2):141-143
科技离不开"数",科技期刊编辑应树立很强的对"数"的敏感意识。本文从科技新闻以及其他新闻报道中妥帖、得当的用"数"中得到启发,提出了科技期刊编辑更要善于用"数"的观点。不仅重视对数字的认识和应用,而且要善于发现和纠正科技文稿中存在的与"数"相关的问题。  相似文献   

从以藏为本到以人为本--中国图书馆学思想的回顾与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国图书馆事业经历了古代封建社会的藏书楼、近现代图书馆以及未来的复合图书馆几个发展阶段。图书馆学思想的内涵也经历了从以藏为本、以用为本到以人为本的发展历程。文章简要考察了古代与近现代图书馆学思想,预测了未来图书馆学思想的发展趋向。  相似文献   

《中图法》第4版图书馆学与情报学类目设置浅议   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
《中图法》第4版图书馆学与情报学类目设置在实际分类标引工作中有不太适用的情况,主要是类目设置陈旧过时、类目划分过细、类目设置交叉重复太多。根据学科发展现状与趋势,设想将两类类目整合,并提出整合的思路。  相似文献   

图书馆学研究对象不宜"本土化"--兼与宋希香同志商榷   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
图书馆学及其研究对象都属于科学研究的问题,科学无国界,因而“图书馆学研究对象要本土化”的提法不妥。章阐述了图书馆学研究对象要反映图书馆学研究整体内容的观点,并认为图书馆学的研究对象是图书馆工作。  相似文献   

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