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王雯 《海外英语》2012,(12):172-173
Tourism literature is a window for foreigners to know China and a medium for publicizing Chinese culture.Increasing the quality of translation of tourism literature is of great significance in promoting Chinese tourisms’ further development.This paper explores the strategies to deal with the translation of tourism literature,taking Skopos Theory as the theoretical base.  相似文献   

本文从德国功能论的译文目的论出发,针对儿童文学的基本特征,对《爱丽斯奇境历险记》的译本进行分析、比对,探讨在翻译过程中为实现译文的目的,译者所要采取的翻译策略。充分体现了目的论在翻译过程中的应用。  相似文献   

In translation, hybridity often poses a big challenge to the translator, especially when the hybrid text is a novel. The au?thor of this paper hopes to contribute to the study of the translation of hyb...  相似文献   

徐希 《海外英语》2012,(10):159-160,162
The Relevance Theory put forward by Sperber and Wilson not only gives rise to a new research on pragmatics, but also provides a new theoretic foundation for other disciplines. Gutt applies the theory to translation and gives a relevance-theoretic account of translation. The relevance-theoretic communicative model provides rational explanation for existence of the implicit information. The appropri ate treatment of the implicit information is consistent with readers’ cognitive environment and expectation. Human communication de pends on not only the text, but also the inferential context. The adequate contextual effect is derived from the correct judgment and infer ence of the implicit information in communication. Therefore, the translator should match the original author’ s intention with target text readers’ expectation to make sure that they yield adequate contextual effects with appropriate processing efforts. Implicitness is one of the features of Shakespeare’ s works. It is more demanding for the translators to catch and transfer to the target readers the implicit information. Zhu Shenghao and Liang Shiqiu, the two famous translators adopt different translation strategies to deal with the implicit information in the works.  相似文献   

刘国聪  姜智慧 《海外英语》2013,(19):140-141
Poetry is a precious part of traditional Chinese civilization.In the times of globalization,an increasing number of for eigners become interested in Chinese poetry.Hence,translating Chinese poetry into English and other languages is an arduous task for translators.Cultural image is a special cultural phenomenon in ancient Chinese poetry.Its proper translation will have a direct impact on the transmission of the artistic conception of poem,affecting the target-language readers’appreciation of the po em.In poetry,the images"gold"and"jade"whose cultural connotations have covered many areas such as politics,etiquette,reli gion,belief,custom,esthetical consciousness and so on,are indispensable parts of poetry translation.Therefore,this essay will anal yse the translation of images"gold"and"jade"in poetry under the cross-cultural perspective.  相似文献   

The subtitle translation is very different from other forms of translation.We translators should meet the particular needs of the subtitle.This study is going to analyze the subtitle translation in "The Big Bang Theory" from Newmark's Communicative Translation Theory in three main perspectives:the information transmission,the aesthetics effect and the emotional transmission.In the information transmission the study will put emphasis on the limited circumstance.In the aesthetics effect the study will explore the expression of the sense of beauty.In the emotional transmission this study will study the use of rhetoric to express different emotions.  相似文献   

赵振宇 《海外英语》2013,(23):182-185
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland is a world-famous masterpiece in children’s literature.The adventure stories in the novel deeply attract the child readers in different countries in the world.The use of puns in the work adds to its aesthetic value.In China,many scholars have translated it.The research topic is the application of Nida’s theory of functional equivalence in the pun translation in children’s literature work Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and the degree of equivalence in Wu Juntao’s translation.The person who does the research has read the original work and the translator Wu Juntao’s translation of this book,analyzed the translation of puns in the book,read the relevant journal articles on the theory of functional equivalence and thought about the academic views in them.On the basis of text reading,translation analysis and reference analysis,the following conclusion has been made:According to the basic points in the theory,in the work,Wu Juntao’s translation of the puns has basically achieved the equivalence between the original text and the target text in readers’responses,language style and language meaning.  相似文献   

Idioms, which contain abundant cultural contents and profound truths, are known as one of the features of Chinese. And schemata refer to the knowledge and experience in human brain. The differences of cultural schemata will bring about difficulties and challenges to translation. Through an analysis of the translation strategies in Jenner's Journey to the West, this paper is aimed to find out in different cultural schemata what translation strategies the translator will adopt to activate or adjust the cultural schemata in readers' brain so as to help them solve the problems of cultural factors during their reading.  相似文献   

卜天怡 《海外英语》2012,(23):152-155,173
Image is not only an essential part,but also a major means to convey the implications in English poems.It is a literal and concrete representation of a sensory experience of an object.The rendering of images in English poems into Chinese can be guided by the dynamic equivalent translation theory put forward by Dr.Eugene A Nida.The theory emphasizes the roughly equivalent response of the target language receptors to the TL text to that of the source language receptors to the SL text.To achieve a Dynamic Equivalence,methods like Direct Translation,Addition,and Substitution can be employed in the translation of images in English poems.  相似文献   

饮食文化在国际交流中起着重要作用,“肉”是我国餐桌上重要的食物之一.在汉语“肉”的语义系统基础上,通过自建语料库检索关键词“肉”,对获得的检索结果进行频数统计、分类,探讨各种“肉”类的具体翻译方法与技巧.  相似文献   

In recent years, more and more western films have been introduced into China. With its coming, quite a few people have tried translating the subtitles to help those unfamiliar with foreign languages better understand the films. Some of their works are good. At the same time, some people have done research concerning FST to successfully put forward some strategies and methods to help those film subtitle translators. They see into FST from different perspectives such as the Skopostheory, the Functional Equivalence theory and the Relevance Theory. However, few people tried researching FST from a cultural perspective.The author decides to probe into FST from an entirely new perspective. In this paper, the author introduces Hall's High and Low Context theory and puts forward four tendencies in FST.  相似文献   

蹇佳 《海外英语》2016,(4):123-124
The English writings of many translators are not accepted by the readers. The reason is that there is no correct translation idea, the literal translation is the main reason, and the thinking of the text is not suitable for the original text. This paper takes "the green crisis" as an example, discusses the problems in the translation of Contemporary English, and puts forward the skills of translating English books to these questions.  相似文献   

黄帆 《海外英语》2012,(21):116-117,133
More and more foreign movies and TV series has been translated into Chinese,but there is still no mature theory to guide the subtitle translation.The subtitle of Twilight Saga has been selected as examples to discuss how to apply Eugene A.Ni da’s"Functional Equivalence Theory"into the movie translation to achieve expected effect.  相似文献   

The Kite Runner was the first English novel created by an Afghan-American writer Khaled Hosseini.This novel has received widespread popularity since its publication in 2003,and it was translated into 42 languages.This novel tells a story of an Afghan boy Amir's betrayal on friendship and his selfredemption.It not only expresses accusation against the war,but also reflects the racial and religious issues in Afghanistan.From the perspective of diaspora,this dissertation briefly introduces diasporic theory of Homi Bhabha and Said.As a post colonial writer,Khaled Hosseini has a dual identity.Therefore,this thesis studies The Kite Runner from the angle of cultural identity in order to put forward more research methods and deepen the understanding of post colonial writers and works.  相似文献   

张宜飞 《海外英语》2013,(13):214-215
The Horse Dealer’s Daughter gradually acquires her love in a tough and unbearable situation after a long dialogue with Doctor Fergusson.By analyzing the linguistic features between Doctor Fergusson and Mabel’dialogues from the perspective of politeness principle,one conception of which is that politeness is a social behavior in the contact of human beings,the strategies of Mabel’s love pursuing and acquiring are gradually revealed.  相似文献   

· The Horse Dealer’s Daughter gradually acquires her love in a tough and unbearable situation after a long dialogue with Doctor Fergusson. By analyzing the linguistic features between Doctor Fergusso...  相似文献   

OntheEstrangementinTheMetamorphosisAnApproachfromthePerspectiveofAestheticsofReceptionYangxiangKafkasmasterpiece,TheMetamo...  相似文献   

Based on the translation of E. B. White's essay ‘Death of a Pig', the essay attempts to analyze the strategies employed to achieve cohesion and conjunction in the target text and emphasizes that in order to reflect the language style of the source text, the translator should use corresponding strategies to ensure the translation is cohesive.  相似文献   

The paper makes an analysis of the C-E tourism translation of Wudang Mountains from the perspective of the principle of"read,translate and write"and puts forward suggestions.  相似文献   

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