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改进科技报道是当务之急科技报道是新闻报道中按题材分类的科技分支,有广义和狭义两种解释。广义的科技报道包括:党和政府有关科技政策的报道,科技领域的新发现、新发明、新创造、新成果的报道,科技工作的新经验、新问题的介绍,科技战线杰出人物的报道,读者感兴趣的科技新知识、新技术及科技趣味、珍闻的传播。狭义的科技新闻,仅指科技领域的新发现、新发明、新创造、新成果、新技术、新理论的报道,有人称之为“纯科技新闻”。  相似文献   

新闻幽默ABC   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
幽默既是一个语言学范畴,也是一个美学范畴。幽默是英语humour的音译双语成语词典归纳为:“有趣或可笑而意味深长的意思”。一般幽默的形式是笑话或漫画。当然,幽默并不是笑话和漫画的“专利”,如果巧妙地应用到新闻写作中,犹如麻油拌小菜──人人都喜爱。 几年前,笔者采得这样一则素材:某镇村民彭某,花2700元“买”得一外地姑娘欲做妻子,次日带至集市筹办结婚用品,姑娘便“神秘”失踪。笔者以《花钱买媳妇,人财两空》为题写了一条消息发至《湖南日报》社,经编辑“大斧”一“劈”,成了《男大当婚何太急,看女一眼二…  相似文献   

激烈的市场竞争使企业的利润空间越来越小,在企业采用多种经营策略的同时,加强资金管理,降低资金成本也成为实现利润的必然选择,为此,企业尤需在资金预测、资金融通使用、资金信息交流等方面下大功夫,挖掘财务管理的潜在价值。  相似文献   

在网上开店做生意正在时髦起来。这是崭新的业务,人们的经验不多。有鉴于此,本刊将陆续介绍各方的成熟经验,供业界参考。网上商店(e-零售商)已经很多我。人们要购买,譬如说一些生活用品,也可以自己出云,也可在家点击鼠标买回来。最大的问题在于:顾客要买谁的。  相似文献   

ABC理论与图书馆成本管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄琦 《晋图学刊》2014,(3):9-12
作业成本法符合图书馆成本管理的特点,在图书馆具有可适用性,国外图书馆在这方面已经作了大量的研究与实践。分析了作业成本法在图书馆的应用程序,从开展应用试验、评估和调整业务流程、构建信息管理系统、加强成本核算人才的培养等方面提出了建议。  相似文献   


文章介绍了网格理论及其核心技术特点,并将其方法应用于构建网络条件下的信息个性化检索系统。在剖析网络信息检索需求特点及数据描述问题的基础上,讨论了实现网络个性化检索的几个必要条件。  相似文献   

网络、游戏和网络游戏   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴小玲 《当代传播》2006,(1):54-55,58
一边是快速的增长,一边是众多的指责。网络游戏到底是一种什么形态的传媒文化?它的吸引力究竟何在?从网络和游戏这两个关键词入手来探讨网络游戏的传播优势和文化特点可以寻找到答案:网络游戏有效地嫁接了网络这一新锐媒介的优势和游戏这一重要文化的特质,从而形成了自身独特的吸引力。  相似文献   

Internet Filters     

As technology continues to influence the way we do business, change has been and will continue to be inevitable. All around us, we see the Internet playing a major role in our lives from the way we pay bills and do banking to the way we buy stock, shop as consumers, and obtain an education. You can't escape it, and librarians long ago realized this truth. To wit library services have evolved to accommodate the informational needs demanded by this ever-expanding industry. This evolution of library services can be seen, for example, in the way we promote and provide reference, circulation, and reserves services with inroads even into technical or resource services. With distance education libraries are positioning themselves to be major players in this phenomenon at all levels: local, national, and international. One library service that is beginning to proceed into the distance-learning arena is interlibrary loan/document delivery. Interlibrary Loan, a traditional library service for local users, whether provided by an academic, public, or special library is finding itself in the distance education movement. To explore this, the focus of this article is to examine the ways in which interlibrary loan impacts and supports distance education through technology and services.  相似文献   

网络机器人   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
本文介绍了网络机器人的定义和功能, 设置及运行。并以Harvest 为实例讨论了建立网络机器人的过程。最后阐述了几个需要注意的问题。  相似文献   

不同元数据集之间信息交换的桥梁——ABC逻辑模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
不同元数据集之间信息的可交换性是网络信息系统的基本要求。“协调国际数字图书馆工程”开发的ABC逻辑模型为元数据集之间的信息交换提供桥梁,也为元数据的未来发展指出方向。介绍ABC逻辑模型并给出从ABC模型到Dublin Core及ID3的转换示例,通过示例分析不同元数据集之间的映射规则。  相似文献   

刘小军 《津图学刊》2000,(1):133-148
本文主要介绍因特网的过去、现在和未来的发展趋势 ,并就如何接入因特网 ,以及图书馆与因特网的关系作了简要的叙述 ,意在让大家对因特网有一个基本的认识。  相似文献   

浅析网络与出版   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、网络使人们以新的视角来观察和利用各种媒介 人们往往通过比较的方法来了解新事物,通过将网络环境下我们比较熟悉的媒介与传统媒介加以比较,就能从中得到许多有用的网络文化信息:  相似文献   

信息时代的到来,网络技术的广泛应用与飞速发展为档案信息资源的开发利用提供了难得的发展机遇.新乡市档案馆顺应时代要求,努力使档案事业跟上经济和社会发展的步伐,本着"学会跟踪新的经济增长点,不断培育档案工作新的服务点"的指导方针,在档案信息与网络技术结合上走出了探索性的一步.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(41-42):127-137
This article is aimed at the practical applications of information available on the Internet and how it creates a new role f a reference librarians as information facilitators. It focuses on the Info.umd.edu database developed by the University of Maryland and how it makes the transfer of files very easy. There are examples of how his database can be used to facilitate librarian and faculty interaction and collegiality, and how it is a resource for answers to specific questions. It contains specific examples of how the database was used in the above situations. One such example is how the author introduced the Women's Studies sections of the database to the Women's Studies faculty. They saw it as a wonderhrl resource for information as to what other faculty are doing across the country. The database has been used to enhance the image of the library on campus. Within minutes of downloading the text of the Democratic National Platform from Info, the college president's office called thanking the library for making it available to the campus. It presents the idea that the information available on the Internet is still essentially an untapped resource by many faculty and students. Librarians have the skills to become guides and mentors in the exploitation of that resource. Databases like Info.umd.edu and knowledge of them make us a valuable commodity on campus.  相似文献   


The author discusses the practical nature of Internet legal research by providing examples of actual research problems solved on the Internet and by providing a selective listing of Internet legal resources for judicial materials, federal legislative and administrative materials, and state materials.  相似文献   

图书馆与互联网   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文讨论了网络资源的社会价值及其对图书馆的影响。提出图书馆应该将网络资源纳入本馆知识信息资源的整体之中,并利用这些资源改善服务质量,成为知识经济的促进派。  相似文献   

Describes some of the historical problems and technological advances that make electronic publishing so attractive as an alternative to print. But while the future may be now, it is not without complication. Indexes and the texts to which they point have traditionally been print products; many of the same problems plague both as electronic products. While many of the issues are still unclear, and many of the solutions only tentative, the pattern is unavoidable: electronic publishing is a growth industry and an expanding market; indexers need to adapt their practices to survive.  相似文献   

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