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生态文明是中国共产党执政兴国理念的新发展,是生态建设的新目标。其路径选择可以有:从自然资源的不合理利用转向知识资源的科学增值;从粗放型生产方式转向集约型生产方式;从“单向索取”转向人与自然合理的“物质交换”;从环境“修补”转向“生态善治”;从自然的“主人”转为自然的“朋友”。  相似文献   

学界几乎普遍认为 ,从方位观念产生之日起 ,人们就将日出方向称为东方 ,将日落方向称作西方。其实 ,这种看法是不正确的。从北方民族方位观念发生、发展和演变来看 ,最早将今天的东、西方称作日出、日落方向 ;后来 ,称为前、后方 ;再后来 ,称为南、北方 ;最后才将日出、日落方向称作东、西方  相似文献   

《清史稿》载增祺于先绪二十五年三月壬申任盛京将军,至先绪三十一年四月丙午忧免,方才去任。以后相继问世的四种有关著述却将增祺分为两任,其依据为《清实录》先绪二十六年八月戊子条之记载。然而,据《清实录》该条以后的一系列记载证明,命增祺与江宁将军互调的谕旨并未生效,增祺亦未离职,并始终以盛京将军名义办事上疏,直至先绪三十一年四月丙午忧免,期间并无增祺离职及复任之事。《清史稿》记载正确。  相似文献   

本文运用图论中无向图的割边及连通性的理论,阐述无向图的主割边与次连通的概念,推导出若干有关性质,并给出一种在无向图中寻求一条欧拉路的有效方法─—取非主割边法。  相似文献   

This paper arises out of an oral history research project involving West African women in Nigeria and Ghana. It begins to examine the manner in which the educational philosophy of the Society of the Holy Child Jesus provided a religious education enabling the alumnae of its schools in Nigeria and Ghana to attain a liberated means of self‐expression and leadership faithful to their cultural heritage as African women and their self‐understanding and formation as Christians. Attention is given to the spirit that informed the education and the sociocultural context into which the first Holy Child schools were introduced in “South‐East” [sic] Nigeria.  相似文献   

从《未选之路》透视弗罗斯特的人生抉择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
罗伯特·弗罗斯特是二十世纪美国伟大诗人.在事业上,他义无反顾地选择了诗歌创作.在创作中,他同样坚定不移地坚持了自己的行文风格.弗罗斯特对自己人生抉择的态度在他的代表作之一<未选之路>中表露无遗.  相似文献   

This article offers a brief theological biography of Sophia Lyon Fahs, a religious educator whose life and work unfolded during the first seven decades of the Religious Education Association and reflected many of the identity-bearing modalities that continue to give shape and continuity to the organization. In 1972, Boardman Kathan, the General Secretary of the Religious Education Association, described Fahs as “one of the truly great pioneers of religious education in the 20th century, in the company of Harrison Elliott, Frank McMurry and George Albert Coe.” 2 2 Boardman Kathan, “A Pioneer Religious Educator: Sophia Lyon Fahs at 95, an interview,” UU World (February 1, 1972). Fahs anticipated many theological challenges to religious education that were ahead of her time. 3 3 Within the text of this article all quotes appear as they were originally written. No attempt has been made by the author to alter the quotes for the purpose of rendering them gender inclusive. Radically inclusive in all aspects of her theology and philosophy, it is evident that Sophia Lyon Fahs was following the literary style of her time and in no way intended gender exclusivity.


The papers that comprise this symposium are adapted from remarks delivered on 31 May 2002 in Washington, DC, at the NAS's tenth national conference titled "Higher Education and Democracy in Peace and War."  相似文献   

随着计算机应用开发的快速发展,基于B/S模式开发的应用软件非常普遍。在编写代码过程中,若未对系统界面中的输入进行逻辑上合法性判断,则应用程序存在安全隐患,如留言本、BBS之类的程序,大部分管理后台都是要登录以后才能留言管理的。一般情况下,用户输入密码,单击"登录"后,登录页面将密码提交给WEB页面服务器,系统到数据库中查看密码是否匹配,若匹配则登录成功,否则就会提示输入错误。  相似文献   

The day-to-day business of being a science or mathematics teacher involves the continuous assessment of students. This, in turn, is an inherently discursive process. The aim of the present study is to examine some of the specific discursive practices through which science and mathematics knowing is jointly produced through classroom interaction. In particular, we examine the coproduced nature of two students’ not knowing—one in an outdoor elementary school science lesson and the other in an elementary school mathematics lesson. Our analysis is based on ideas in discursive psychology and challenges conventional interpretations of students’ academic performance in school science and mathematics.  相似文献   

学生给老师打分现已成为高校普遍的课程反馈方式,某高校改革教师教学质量评估方式,学生给老师打分列入学生成绩查询系统,没有按时提交评老师的分数,就看不到自己的分数。涉及每门课、也就是每位老师的打分科目近20项,每项满分10分。一学期七八个任课老师,因为想快点看到自己的成绩,很多学生一律给满分。  相似文献   

笔者试图透过后现代的视野 ,从 5个方面对科学主义心理学所信守的五大原则立场进行了批驳 ,旨在说明心理学有可能在后现代文化思潮的导引下 ,踏上迈向后现代的末班车  相似文献   

钱钟书先生的《宋诗选注》是一部专业性强而叉广受欢迎的诗歌选本,在序言中他鲜明地提出了自己关于诗歌选与不选的标准,对那些未能入选的诗歌名篇似乎尽到了说明之意。但对于《正气歌》这样在诗歌史上著名的爱国主义篇章,先生却坚持不肯选入,则显然是因其有着不可原谅的缺陷。本文从钱钟书先生给《宋诗选注》责任编辑弥松颐先生的信谈起,从诗歌的继承与创新上对《正气歌》未能入选的原因进行了探讨。  相似文献   

A bstract .  In this essay, Cris Mayo describes a tension between recognizing gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (lgbt) people by law and giving (or denying) them certain legal rights on the basis of identity, on the one hand, and enabling queer people, not always fully recognizable as inhabiting particular identity categories, to live their potentials, on the other. Laws and rights regulate particular kinds of people, and while lgbt people have pursued civil rights energetically for the last sixty years or so, their queerness continues to complicate their attempts to gain legitimacy. Beyond civil rights claims, queer liberationist claims push the limits of the understanding of identity, sexual practices, and political life, because they prompt us to consider not just abstract possibilities and freedoms but the freedoms and possibilities of people barely recognizable. Mayo shows how these queer claims are often hard to frame in terms of liberal theory and actual law.  相似文献   

《文苑英华》《全唐文》及《王子安集注》收录《四分律宗记序》一文,依据序文内容,此序乃为律师怀素撰成之《开四分律宗记》和《开四分律宗拾遗钞》而作.而据《宋高僧传》,怀素完成此二部共近百万言著作之时间实在王勃卒后若干年,故《四分律宗记序》不可能为王勃所作,《唐五代文学编年史》亦误.  相似文献   

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