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对高职院校学生进行艺术素质综合教育已提到具体日程,艺术教育的实施可以有效激发学生的创新精神,拓展学生的个性发展空间,培养良好精神情操。在高职院校中开展艺术教育要列入教学计划,组建高素质教师队伍,并因材施教,灵活教学,注重实效。  相似文献   

Professionals working in a range of contexts are increasingly expected to engage in ongoing professional learning to maintain their skills and develop their practices. In this paper, I focus on professional learning in Higher Education and challenge the standardisation of professional learning that is becoming prevalent in a number of countries. I argue that professional learning must challenge accepted wisdom, and that this is possible while still adhering to the standards required for professional legitimacy. Developing praxis is suggested as a way of producing relevant and active professional learners while still addressing the professional standards required for quality assurance.  相似文献   

Exploring students' learning challenges in environmental education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There is growing recognition of the significance of learning within debates about sustainable development. Within the field of environmental education research, however, there has been insufficient attention given to questions of learners and learning. In the light of this situation, this paper reports findings from two studies (one in England, the other in Sweden) that focused specifically on learners' experiences of and responses to environmental curricula in secondary school and higher education. Three kinds of learning challenges that can be experienced by students on environmental education courses are outlined and discussed. The main purpose of the paper is to highlight the complexity of the learning experience within environmental education and to draw attention to the need for improved research‐based understandings of environmental learning processes.  相似文献   

Character and citizenship education are part of the vision of many countries, including Singapore. Ensuring they are implemented in academic environments, service learning has been shown to be a natural bridge between the two. Research has shown that service learning, when done well, produces outcomes related to character development and citizenship education. As a modern educational movement, its early founders described it as a pedagogy to engage individuals in service activities dictated by the community, whereby the learning applies academic subject matter to the service. It is also a philosophy where the service is developed in collaboration with the community, where the goal is empowering those most affected by social and economic challenges. It is often delivered through academic course connections, but is effectively developed through constructivist approaches to curriculum, where the community prescribed needs define the subjects required for study and service. Service learning and character education are mutually connected constructs where service learning becomes the vehicle for delivery of character development. Individuals learn good character by applying those character traits in social settings through service. Good learning is assured when the nature of the service and character are intertwined, and the knowledge and skills gained connect directly to the actions of the people involved.  相似文献   

This mixed-method, longitudinal study investigated the benefits of project-based learning (PBL) on secondary-mathematics students' academic skill development and motivated strategies for learning (i.e., cognitive, social, and motivational). The focus of this study was academic skill development (algebra- and geometry-assessment scores) and other factors related to secondary mathematics learning, with comparable traditional high schoolers serving as the control group. In addition, the relationship between PBL and racially/ethnically and economically diverse secondary students was investigated. Results showed that at-risk and minority students benefited greatly from PBL in learning mathematics. The academic performance gap was present, but its width diminished significantly. Compared to their public school counterparts, PBL students were more intrinsically motivated, showed significantly higher critical thinking skills, and appreciated peer learning. Impact of socioeconomic status on the PBL approach needs further investigation.  相似文献   

The field of management education has been the focus of much debate in recent times. Issues relating to the real world and a lack of relevancy in business schools have caused much of this debate. In particular, questions have been raised regarding why business schools should endeavour to bridge this relevancy gap? However, it is important to define what is meant by relevance. How we define relevance has implications for all stakeholders of management education. As a result, this raises questions about the content and process of management education. For example, how applicable are the alternative approaches to management education such as action learning. How does such an approach translate into the professional practice of educators? What are the benefits and challenges of engaging in such an approach? In particular, what impact does it have for both management educators and their students? When we question what and how we teach it has the potential to open up new questions to be explored and insights to be revealed. This paper reveals a side of management education that is ever present in the philosophy and practice of action-learning practitioners. By exploring the impact of their practice it can inform our understanding and shape future practice. Management education like all education should be open to such exploration. Such an exploration is both timely and relevant for today's educators, students, managers and ultimately society.  相似文献   


One of the main drivers of internationalisation in higher education (HE) is the intention to facilitate the development of intercultural competence (IC) among students and staff. However, previous research shows that higher levels of IC are not automatically achieved by participating in internationalised educational settings. Drawing on the results from a bi- and trilateral collaborative project, we combine cultures of learning and small culture approaches to analyse how participants’ previous educational experience may have influenced the learning process in internationalised HE classrooms. This article argues the necessity of a non-essentialist view of teaching and learning practices in internationalised classrooms. Our analysis demonstrates how academic practices and classroom norms are (re)negotiated in these new contexts, forming new evolving ‘small’ cultures of learning. The role reciprocity plays in working towards cultural synergy in internationalised HE is also addressed. Striving towards equality in power distribution proves to be significant in achieving cultural synergy.  相似文献   

良好的学习习惯对于全面发展高中学生的英语素质以及将来的发展和适应社会都十分重要。培养学生良好的学习习惯的关键是教给学生科学合理的学习方法 ,提高学习效率。本文着重从课前预习、做课堂笔记、课后复习、课外阅读等方面探讨学生的良好学习习惯的培养  相似文献   

International Review of Education - In today’s complex and knowledge-driven world, the quest to pursue and acquire information and skills to enable one to be useful in society is not limited...  相似文献   

In a case study of an undergraduate course in art education, modes of mastery learning and propositions of intellectual emancipation were explored as interventions in curriculum design. By adopting Rancière’s framework of a ‘will to will’ relationship between instructor and students, the core assignment—a visual journal—became a site of student positionality through mastery methods, rather than information gathering. The visual journal provided a record of the event of knowledge and served as a forum to verify that acts of student thinking were done with attention, congruent with Rancière’s perspective that learning generates greater consciousness, feeling and action. Requiring both qualitative and quantitative criteria within the parameters of the visual journal functioned as a means to experiment with the potential convergences of mastery and emancipatory approaches. The visual journal then operated as a third space where ongoing, consistent engagement demonstrated the capacity of students to encounter more equitable relations with the instructor and with the content in ways that have implications for knowledge creation in teaching and learning.  相似文献   

随着网络时代的发展,大学生与网络越来越"亲近",网络改变了现代大学生的生活、学习甚至阅读的习惯,使大学生的阅读呈现出轻阅读、快阅读、浅阅读等现象。这些现象造成了大学生知识文化的沉淀不足、阅读观的扭曲和"单向度"人群的扩散。我们可以通过引导经典阅读的氛围、培养课堂拓展阅读习惯、增强网络阅读能力等方面入手进行阅读习惯的养成教育,让大学生学会思考、学会学习、学会自我发展,从而达到提升学习素养的目标。  相似文献   

Instructional Science - There is a lack of research and practice focused on how to foster higher-order processing, such as creative performance, within higher education settings. To address this...  相似文献   


This paper investigates what it may mean to re-imagine learning through aesthetic experience with reference to John Dewey’s Art as Experience (1934). The discussion asks what learning might look like when aesthetic experience takes centre stage in the learning process. It investigates what Dewey meant by art as experience and aesthetic experience. Working with Dewey as a philosopher of reconstruction of experience, the discussion examines responses to poetic writings and communication in learning situations. In seeking to discover what poetic writing (as art) does within the experience of a reader and writer it considers three specific learning situations. Firstly there is an examination of a five-year old child’s experience of shared communication through the story of Horton the Elephant. Secondly there is an account of the responses of an 11-year-old child to poetry in a 1950s classroom setting, and later reconstructions of those experiences by the child as adult. Thirdly, the paper extends to intensive writing with 12 to 13-year-old children. The focus is on the process of learning via acts of expression as aesthetic experiences. Through art as experience the child develops perceptions that recover a coherence and continuity of aesthetic experience in art as in everyday life.  相似文献   

“Blogging”是“web logging”(网络日志,也叫“博客”)的缩写,我们可以把它描述为一种微型出版的形式.网络日志最初是一种简单出版的个人网络日记,逐渐演变为一种推动网络应用发展的技术,已经成为最常见的网络交流工具之一.由于在Blogging中,人们能参与到合作性的活动中,共享知识,交流思想和相互辩论,所以它很有可能成为有力的教学工具.以美国的三所大学为例,探讨在高等教育领域里,网络日志作为学生学习阵地的潜在作用.  相似文献   

Learning Environments Research - The desire to support student learning and professional development, in combination with accreditation requirements, necessitates the need to evaluate the learning...  相似文献   

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